160 research outputs found

    The Content Analysis of Preschool Children’s Bullying and Victimization Behaviors in Play

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    This qualitative study was conducted to explore kindergarten children’s bullying and victimization behaviors in play. Data were collected through The Early Childhood Play and Bullying Behavior Observation Form developed by the researcher. The study group consisted of 55 children attending a university’s kindergarten who were allowed to participate in the study. It was found out that a part of the children did not show aggressive behaviors in play. 30 of 55 children were observed to demonstrate at leat two physical aggressive behaviors while 32 of 55 childrenwere found to display at least two relational aggressive behaviors. As children showed at least two aggressive behaviors ongoingly, their behaviors were called as bullying. Bullying and play behaviors of children were separated into two different groups each of which earned high scores in terms of physical and relational aggressive behaviors. Results of the study indicated that children with high relational bullying scores bullied more physically and relationally and children with high physical bullying scores were bullied more physically. It was observed that children displayed physical bullying and victimization behaviors such as grabbing or taking away an object and pushing a friend. It was also found out that children showed relational bullying behaviors like threatening and excluding a child from a group or an activity and relational victimization behaviors like ignoring a friend and excluding a child from a group or an activityBu nitel araştırma; anaokuluna devam eden çocukların oyunları sırasında ortaya çıkan zorbalık ve mağdur olma davranışlarının içeriklerini ortaya koymayı amaçlayan bir içerik analizidir. Araştırmanın verileri; araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen Erken Çocukluk Dönemi Oyun ve Saldırganlık Gözlem Formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu; bir üniversitenin anaokuluna devam eden ve araştırmaya katılmalarına aileleri tarafından izin verilen toplam 55 çocuk oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma sürecinde; bu çocukların bir bölümünün oyun sırasında saldırganlık davranışı göstermediği ortaya çıkmıştır. Bunun üzerine sadece 55 çocuk arasından 2 ve 2’den fazla fiziksel saldırganlık davranışı gösteren 30 çocuk ve yine 55 çocuk arasında 2 ve 2’den fazla ilişkisel saldırganlık davranışı gösteren 32 çocuk incelenmiştir. Çalışma grubunu oluşturan ve oyun gözlemi sırasında 2 ve 2’den daha yüksek saldırganlık davranışı gösteren çocukların davranışları, süreklilik gösterdiğinden, zorbalık olarak adlandırılmıştır. Buna göre araştırmanın verileri fiziksel zorbalık puanı yüksek olan çocuklar ve ilişkisel zorbalık puanı yüksek olan çocuklar olmak üzere iki ayrı grupta incelenmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda ilişkisel zorbalık puanı yüksek olan çocukların oyunlarında daha fazla fiziksel ve ilişkisel zorbalık davranışı ortaya çıkmıştır. Diğer bir yönden; fiziksel zorbalık puanı yüksek olan çocukların daha fazla fiziksel zorbalık davranışına maruz kaldığı ortaya çıkmıştır. Fiziksel zorbalık ve mağdur olma davranışlarından en çok arkadaşının elinden oyuncağı veya eşyayı zorla alma ve arkadaşını itme davranışları ortaya çıkmıştır. İlişkisel zorbalık davranışlarından en çok arkadaşını tehdit etme ve oyundan/gruptan dışlama davranışlarının ortaya çıktığı tespit edilirken, ilişkisel mağdur olma davranışlarından ise en çok arkadaşını görmezden gelme/umursamama ve oyundan/gruptan dışlama davranışlarının ortaya çıktığı tespit edilmiştir

    Anaokuluna Devam Eden Çocukların Oyun Davranışları ve Oyunlarında Ortaya Çıkan Zorbalık Davranışlarının İncelenmesi

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı%253B anaokuluna devam eden ccedil%253Bocukların oyunları sırasında ortaya ccedil%253Bıkan zorbalık ve oyun davranışlarını gouml%253Bzlem youml%253Bntemi tekniği kullanarak%253B cinsiyet, kardeş durumu ve okul ouml%253Bncesi eğitimi alma suuml%253Bresine gouml%253Bre farklılık gouml%253Bsterip gouml%253Bstermediğini tespit etmektir. Zorbalık ve oyun davranışlarının tespiti iccedil%253Bin Erken Ccedil%253Bocukluk Douml%253Bnemi Oyun ve Saldırganlık Gouml%253Bzlem Youml%253Bntemi geliştirilmiştir. Bu gouml%253Bzlem youml%253Bnteminden elde edilen sonuccedil%253Blara gouml%253Bre%253B fiziksel zorbalık davranış puanı yuuml%253Bksek olan ccedil%253Bocukların fiziksel zorbalık davranışı, ilişkisel mağdur olma durumu, paralel oyun ve oyun dışı davranışlar cinsiyet değişkenine gouml%253Bre%253B sosyal yapı inşa oyun ise cinsiyet, kardeş durumu ve okul ouml%253Bncesi eğitimi alma suuml%253Bresinin ortak etkileşimine gouml%253Bre farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Diğer bir youml%253Bnden ise%253B ilişkisel zorbalık davranışı puanı yuuml%253Bksek olan ccedil%253Bocukların ise fiziksel zorbalık davranışı, sosyal yapı inşa oyunu ve oyun dışı davranışlar cinsiyet değişkenine gouml%253Bre farklılaştığı bulunmuştu

    First Report of Chryseobacterium sp. from Koi (Cyprinus carpio) in Turkey

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    In this study, we isolated Chryseobacterium sp. from koi in Turkey. The disease outbreak occurred in fish weighing 10-300g (water temperature 9-10°C) in November 2011- February 2012. The cumulative mortality rate was approximately 55% over 4 months. Infected koi exhibited anorexia, weakness, emaciation, damage to dorsal and caudal fins, grey-white skin discoloration (1-1.5cm) in the head area, large open wounds in skin with disease progression, necropsy findings, paleness of the liver, enlarged spleen and kidney, acidic fluid in the body cavity. Samples for bacteriological examinations were collected from the kidney, liver, and spleen using sterile swabs; these samples were streaked onto Anacker ordal Agar and incubated at 18°C for 48 h. Five bacterial isolates were obtained from diseased fish. Phenotypic characteristics of the isolates were determined by conventional methods and rapid identification kits, API 20NE, and API ZYM. Comparative 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis demonstrated that isolate Sin57 belonged to the genus Chryseobacterium, with highest sequence similarity (98.5 %) to C. aahli T68T and C. limigenitum SUR2

    Örgütsel Sinizmin İş Yükü, Algılanan Adalet ve Kontrol Açısından İncelenmesi The Determinants of Organizational Cynicism: An Exploration with Perceived Workload, Perceived Fairness and Control

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    Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, algılanan kontrolün örgütsel sinizm üzerindeki etkisinde çalışanların adalet ve iş yükü algılamalarının aracı rolü olup olmadığını ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmaya konu olan veriler toplam 201 akademik personelden elde edilmiştir. Katılımcılar, çalışma yaşam alanları ve örgütsel sinizm anketlerine yanıt vermişlerdir. Örtük değişkenlerle yapılan yol analizinde, algılanan iş yükü ve adaletin, kontrol ve örgütsel sinizm arasındaki ilişkide aracılık rolleri üstlendiği tespit edilmiştir. Şöyle ki, iş yerindeki karar ve uygulamalarda söz sahibi olan akademik personel, hem üniversitedeki uygulamaların adil olduğuna hem de iş yükünün yönetilebilir düzeyde olduğuna inanmakta ve bu da onların çalıştıkları kurumlarına yönelik olumsuz ve şüpheci tutumlarını azaltmaktadır. Elde edilen bu sonuç, algılanan kontrolün çalışanların işe ilişkin tutumlarını (özellikle örgütsel sinizmi) etkilemede kritik role sahip olduğunu göstermektedir. The main purpose of this study is to examine the mediating role of perceived fairness and workload on the relationship between perceived control and organizational cynicism. Data were gathered from 201 academicians. The respondents completed areas of worklife survey and organizational cynicism questionnnarie. The results of the latent variable path analysis showed that perceived fairness and workload act as mediators on perceived control-organizational cynicism relationship. Thus, academicians who perceive control over the decisions and practices in their workplace, believe that the fairness of those decisions and practices are fair and perceive their workload as more manageable. Subsequently, such beliefs mitigate the negative and cynic attitudes toward their organizations. This result reveals that perceived control plays a critical role in regulating the attitudes toward their work environment mainly organizational cynicis

    Okul Öncesi Dönemdeki Çocukların Okuldaki Oyun Olanaklarının İncelenmesi

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    DergiPark: 426421tredBu çalışma ile, okul öncesidönemdeki çocuklara sunulan oyun olanaklarının okul öncesi öğretmen görüşlerinegöre incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmanın evrenini Türkiye’de Millî EğitimBakanlığı’na bağlı özel ve resmi anaokullarında görev yapan okul öncesiöğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma verileri araştırmacılar tarafındanhazırlanan Okul Öncesi Öğretmenlerin Gözünden Türkiye Oyun Profili AraştırmasıAnket Formu kullanılarak elde edilmiştir. Anket formunda, okul öncesiöğretmenlerinin cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim düzeyi, mesleki deneyim süresi, çalıştığıkurumun bulunduğu coğrafi bölge, çalıştığı yaş grubu ve sınıf mevcudubilgilerine ilişkin yedi, okul öncesi dönemdeki çocuklara sunulan oyunolanaklarına ilişkin öğretmen görüşlerinin belirlenmesine ilişkin on (çocuklarınen sevdiği aktiviteler, serbest oyuna ayrılan süre, oyun sırasında öğretmeninrolü, açık oyun alanları imkânları, risk faktörleri, oyun sırasında gerçekleşenkazalar ve ailelerin çocukların okuldaki oyunları üzerine görüşleri gibi) soruyer almaktadır. Sorulardan elde edilen cevaplar yüzde ve frekansla ortayakoyulmuş ayrıca açık uçlu sorulardan elde edilen cevaplarla öğretmenleringörüşlerine yer verilmişti

    Methods for managing miscarriage:a network meta-analysis

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    This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows:The objectives of this review are:• to estimate the relative effectiveness and safety profiles for methods of management of miscarriage;• to provide a ranking of the available methods according to their effectiveness and safety profile

    Uterotonic agents for preventing postpartum haemorrhage:a network meta-analysis (Protocol)

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    Brathys e Trigynobrathys (88 e 59 representantes, respectivamente) são as duas maiores seções do gênero Hypericum que são distribuídos principalmente na América Central e América do Sul. Das mais de 100 espécies sul-americanas de Hypericum quase 65 são endêmicas dos Páramos, ecossistemas de alta altitude, caracterizados por uma vegetação composta principalmente de plantas de roseta gigantes, arbustos e gramíneas, nos quais Hypericum é um componente importante. Tendo em vista o escasso conhecimento da fitoquímica destas espécies de Hypericum, o presente estudo teve como objetivo estudar a composição fitoquímica e algumas bioatividades de seis espécies de Hypericum nativas do Peru (H. aciculare, H. andinum, H. brevistylum, H. decandrum, H. laricifolium e H. silenoides). O material vegetal, seco ao ar, das seis espécies (partes aéreas, caules, folhas e flores), e material vegetal subterrâneo de H. andinum (raízes e caules), foram moídas e extraídas por maceração à temperatura ambiente com n-hexano. Além disso, foram obtidos extrato etanólicos a partir de quatro espécies (H. andinum, H. brevistylum, H. laricifolium e H. silenoides). Os extratos n-hexano foram fracionados e as frações foram sometidas a processos cromatográficos obtendo-se cinco derivados de floroglucinol diméricos conhecidos, uliginosina A, uliginosina B, isouliginosina B, hiperbrasilol B e isohiperbrasilol B. Além disso, foram identificadas duas estruturas monoméricas e duas diméricas inéditas em H. andinum (raízes) e em H. laricifolium, andinina A, hiperlaricifolina A, laricifolina A e laricifolina B. Andinina A mostrou potencial atividade antidepressiva no teste de natação forçada. Do mesmo modo, a atividade antidepressiva dos extratos etanólicos foi avaliada. Estes quatro extratos apresentaram potencial atividade antidepressiva. As análises fitoquímicas por TLC, HPLC-DAD e UPLC-DAD/Q-TOF-MS revelaram que estes extratos são ricos em flavonoides, principalmente hiperosídeo. Os extratos n-hexano foram também analisados por um novo método de HPLC-DAD associado a LC-MS e UPLC-Q-TOF-MS . A presença de homólogos superiores M + 14 e regioisómeros foi determinada. A ocorrência natural destes cinco floroglucinois homólogos superiores M + 14 é descrita e a presença de outros compostos identificados pelo padrão de fragmentação MS é apresentada. Estes extratos e o seu principal componente foram capazes de inibir potencialmente a quimiotaxia induzida por LPS. Estes resultados sugerem que os extratos de espécies de Hypericum das seções Brathys e Trigynobrathys são fontes potenciais de novos anti-inflamatórios e antidepressivos.Brathys and Trigynobrathys (88 and 59 representatives, respectively) are the two largest sections of the genus Hypericum that are principally distributed in Central and South America. Of the more than 100 South American species of Hypericum almost 65 are endemic to the Páramos, high-altitude grassland ecosystems characterized by vegetation composed mainly of giant rosette plants, shrubs and grasses, in which Hypericum is a prominent component. In view of the scare knowledge on the phytochemistry of these Hypericum species, the present research aimed to study the phytochemical composition and some bioactivities of six Peruvian Hypericum species (H. aciculare, H. andinum, H. brevistylum, H. decandrum, H. laricifolium and H. silenoides). The air-dried aerial plant material of those six species (stems, leaves and flowers), and underground plant material of H. andinum (roots and stems), were ground and extracted by maceration at room temperature with n-hexane. Additionally crude ethanolic extracts were obtained from four species (H. andinum, H. brevistylum, H. laricifolium and H. silenoides). The n-hexane extracts were fractionated, and fractions were further processed by chromatographic procedures to yield five known dimeric acylphloroglucinol derivatives uliginosin A, uliginosin B, isouliginosin B, hyperbrasilol B and isohyperbrasilol B. In addition, two monomeric and two dimeric acylphloroglucinol structures were identified in H. andinum (roots extract) and H. laricifolium for the first time, andinin A, hyperlaricifolin A, laricifolin A and laricifolin B. Andinin A showed potential antidepressant-like activity in the forced swimming test. Similarly, the antidepressant-like activity of the crude ethanolic extracts was assessed. These four extracts possessed a potential antidepressant-like activity. The phytochemical analyses by TLC, HPLC-DAD and UPLCDAD/Q-TOF-MS revealed that the extracts were rich in flavonoids, principally hyperoside. The n-hexane extracts were also analyzed by a new HPLC-DAD fingerprint method associated with LC-MS and UPLC-Q-TOF-MS. The presence of M + 14 higher homologues and regioisomers could be distinguished. The natural occurrence of these five M + 14 higher homologues is described and the presence of other compounds identified by their MS fragmentation pattern is presented. These extracts and their main dimeric acylphloroglucinol component were able to potently inhibit the LPS-induced chemotaxis on rat PMN. These results suggest that extracts of Hypericum species from sections Brathys and Trigynobrathys are potential sources of new anti-inflammatory and antidepressant molecules

    Uterotonic agents for preventing postpartum haemorrhage:A network meta-analysis

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    BackgroundPostpartum haemorrhage (PPH) is the leading cause of maternal mortality worldwide. Prophylactic uterotonic drugs can prevent PPH, and are routinely recommended. There are several uterotonic drugs for preventing PPH but it is still debatable which drug is best.ObjectivesTo identify the most effective uterotonic drug(s) to prevent PPH, and generate a ranking according to their effectiveness and side-effect profile.Search methodsWe searched Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register (1 June 2015), ClinicalTrials.gov and the World Health Organization (WHO) International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) for unpublished trial reports (30 June 2015) and reference lists of retrieved studies.Selection criteriaAll randomised controlled comparisons or cluster trials of effectiveness or side-effects of uterotonic drugs for preventing PPH.Quasi-randomised trials and cross-over trials are not eligible for inclusion in this review.Data collection and analysisAt least three review authors independently assessed trials for inclusion and risk of bias, extracted data and checked them for accuracy. We estimated the relative effects and rankings for preventing PPH ≥ 500 mL and PPH ≥ 1000 mL as primary outcomes. We performed pairwise meta-analyses and network meta-analysis to determine the relative effects and rankings of all available drugs. We stratified our primary outcomes according to mode of birth, prior risk of PPH, healthcare setting, dosage, regimen and route of drug administration, to detect subgroup effects.The absolute risks in the oxytocin are based on meta-analyses of proportions from the studies included in this review and the risks in the intervention groups were based on the assumed risk in the oxytocin group and the relative effects of the interventions.Main resultsThis network meta-analysis included 140 randomised trials with data from 88,947 women. There are two large ongoing studies. The trials were mostly carried out in hospital settings and recruited women who were predominantly more than 37 weeks of gestation having a vaginal birth. The majority of trials were assessed to have uncertain risk of bias due to poor reporting of study design. This primarily impacted on our confidence in comparisons involving carbetocin trials more than other uterotonics.The three most effective drugs for prevention of PPH ≥ 500 mL were ergometrine plus oxytocin combination, carbetocin, and misoprostol plus oxytocin combination. These three options were more effective at preventing PPH ≥ 500 mL compared with oxytocin, the drug currently recommended by the WHO (ergometrine plus oxytocin risk ratio (RR) 0.69 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.57 to 0.83), moderate-quality evidence; carbetocin RR 0.72 (95% CI 0.52 to 1.00), very low-quality evidence; misoprostol plus oxytocin RR 0.73 (95% CI 0.60 to 0.90), moderate-quality evidence). Based on these results, about 10.5% women given oxytocin would experience a PPH of ≥ 500 mL compared with 7.2% given ergometrine plus oxytocin combination, 7.6% given carbetocin, and 7.7% given misoprostol plus oxytocin. Oxytocin was ranked fourth with close to 0% cumulative probability of being ranked in the top three for PPH ≥ 500 mL.The outcomes and rankings for the outcome of PPH ≥ 1000 mL were similar to those of PPH ≥ 500 mL. with the evidence for ergometrine plus oxytocin combination being more effective than oxytocin (RR 0.77 (95% CI 0.61 to 0.95), high-quality evidence) being more certain than that for carbetocin (RR 0.70 (95% CI 0.38 to 1.28), low-quality evidence), or misoprostol plus oxytocin combination (RR 0.90 (95% CI 0.72 to 1.14), moderate-quality evidence)There were no meaningful differences between all drugs for maternal deaths or severe morbidity as these outcomes were so rare in the included randomised trials.Two combination regimens had the poorest rankings for side-effects. Specifically, the ergometrine plus oxytocin combination had the higher risk for vomiting (RR 3.10 (95% CI 2.11 to 4.56), high-quality evidence; 1.9% versus 0.6%) and hypertension [RR 1.77 (95% CI 0.55 to 5.66), low-quality evidence; 1.2% versus 0.7%), while the misoprostol plus oxytocin combination had the higher risk for fever (RR 3.18 (95% CI 2.22 to 4.55), moderate-quality evidence; 11.4% versus 3.6%) when compared with oxytocin. Carbetocin had similar risk for side-effects compared with oxytocin although the quality evidence was very low for vomiting and for fever, and was low for hypertension.Authors' conclusionsErgometrine plus oxytocin combination, carbetocin, and misoprostol plus oxytocin combination were more effective for preventing PPH ≥ 500 mL than the current standard oxytocin. Ergometrine plus oxytocin combination was more effective for preventing PPH ≥ 1000 mL than oxytocin. Misoprostol plus oxytocin combination evidence is less consistent and may relate to different routes and doses of misoprostol used in the studies. Carbetocin had the most favourable side-effect profile amongst the top three options; however, most carbetocin trials were small and at high risk of bias.Amongst the 11 ongoing studies listed in this review there are two key studies that will inform a future update of this review. The first is a WHO-led multi-centre study comparing the effectiveness of a room temperature stable carbetocin versus oxytocin (administered intramuscularly) for preventing PPH in women having a vaginal birth. The trial includes around 30,000 women from 10 countries. The other is a UK-based trial recruiting more than 6000 women to a three-arm trial comparing carbetocin, oxytocin and ergometrine plus oxytocin combination. Both trials are expected to report in 2018.Consultation with our consumer group demonstrated the need for more research into PPH outcomes identified as priorities for women and their families, such as women's views regarding the drugs used, clinical signs of excessive blood loss, neonatal unit admissions and breastfeeding at discharge. To date, trials have rarely investigated these outcomes. Consumers also considered the side-effects of uterotonic drugs to be important but these were often not reported. A forthcoming set of core outcomes relating to PPH will identify outcomes to prioritise in trial reporting and will inform futures updates of this review. We urge all trialists to consider measuring these outcomes for each drug in all future randomised trials. Lastly, future evidence synthesis research could compare the effects of different dosages and routes of administration for the most effective drugs