14 research outputs found

    Insights into the illegal ivory trade and status of elephants in Togo, West Africa

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    © 2020 John Wiley & Sons Ltd In Togo, the illegal trade of African elephant (Loxodonta africana) ivory is widespread despite efforts made by the government to curtail these activities. By using data gathered from CITES institutions and natural resource management authorities in the country, we investigated the extent of ivory trafficking in Togo. We also conducted surveys in villages around protected areas, which still contain elephant populations to assess the species’ current status in the country. Our surveys indirectly corroborated that there are probably no more than 150 elephants collectively within the country's protected areas, most of them in the Fazao-Malfakassa National Park. We also estimated that a minimum of 41.65 tons of ivory (elephant tusks and carved objects) was intercepted in Togo between 2008 and 2018. Despite the fact that presently illegal elephant hunting is unlikely in Togo, we show that this country is the entry point for ivory from Central Africa (Cameroon and Gabon). We maintain that Togo's position as an intermediary country in the illegal ivory trade is a tangible threat to elephants throughout their range countries and is also likely to affect the dwindling population of these animals in the country if adequate enforcement is not implemented

    Teaching basic rowing techniques to rowing beginners

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    V diplomskem delu smo poskušali zajeti celoten koncept poučevanja znotraj procesa tehnične izgradnje in z njim povezanih področji, ki jih trener potrebuje, da športnika učinkovito in po pedagoško didaktičnih smernicah pripelje od prvega stika z veslaškim športom, do usvojenosti osnovne veslaške tehnike. Pri tem smo upoštevali starostno obdobje najpogosteje vpisanih otrok v veslaške klube, ki sovpada z obdobjem poznega otroštva in zgodnjega mladostništva. V uvodnem delu smo s pomočjo strokovne literature podali osnovne značilnosti biološkega razvoja, njegove posebnosti, priporočila za vadbo skupaj z metodičnimi temelji v procesu tehnične izgradnje ter osnovne značilnosti športne tehnike in njenega poučevanja. V nadaljevanju smo z različnimi slikovnimi prikazi opisali značilnosti veslaške tehnike in na osnovi teoretičnih izhodišč predstavili zakonitosti njenega poučevanja v trenažnem procesu. V zadnjem delu smo z metodičnimi koraki prikazali poučevanje začetnikov od prvega stika z veslaškim športom do prvih samostojnih zaveslajev. Na koncu smo poudarili pomen ustreznega čolna skupaj s postopkom potrebnih meritev in nastavitev, ki pogojujejo pravilno tehnično izvedbo, glede na posameznikove individualne karakteristike, raven tehnične usposobljenosti in stopnjo treniranosti.In the diploma thesis we tried to cover the whole concept of teaching and learning within the process of technical evolvement and related fields. The trainer also needs pedagogical didactic guidelines for an effective guiding of the athlete from the first contact with the rowing sport to the adoption of basic rowing techniques. We have considered the age of the most frequently enrolled children in rowing clubs, which coincides with the period of late childhood and early adolescence. The introductory part presents basic characteristics of biological development, its peculiarities, recommendations for exercise along with methodical foundations in the process of technical construction and basic characteristics of sports technique and its teaching. All of this through the help of professional literature. In addition, we described the characteristics of the rowing technique through various pictures and presented the implementation of its teaching in the training process based on theoretical starting points. In the last part, we have shown methodological teaching of beginners from the first contact with the rowing sport to the first independent strokes. Finally, we emphasized the importance of the right boat, along with the process of indispensable measurements and adjustments that are needed for a correct technical performance, concerning individual\u27s characteristics, the level of technical competence and the level of training


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    V današnjem svetu množicna proizvodnja zahteva množicno potrošnjo. Pogoj zanjo je tudi oglaševanje. V neusmiljenem boju za potrošnike prihaja do povecane kolicine oglaševalskih besedil, ki so vprašljiva glede vsebinske in oblikovne ustreznosti. Ena od osnovnih nalog oglasa je vzbujanje pozornosti, pri cemer so oglaševalci jezik in vizualne podobe razvili do skrajnosti. Jezikovni vidik v oglaševalskih besedilih ni zanemarljiv, saj takšna besedila zaradi opaznosti in množicnosti vplivajo na splošno rabo in tako sooblikujejo podobo sodobne knjižne slovenšcine. Osrednja pozornost v diplomskem delu je namenjena jeziku oglasov v dveh športnih katalogih in njuni pravopisni jezikovni podobi. Na pregleden nacin je opozorjeno in s konkretnimi primeri prikazano na lahko odpravljive jezikovne pomanjkljivosti. Jezikovna analiza je pokazala, da je knjižnojezikovna norma marsikdaj namerno zrahljana, velikokrat pa so odstopi od norme odraz nizke jezikovne kulture piscev oglaševalskih besedil. Veliko napak je tudi takšnih, ki so sicer odkloni glede na kodificirano jezikovno normo, za vecino govorcev pa je raba povsem nevtralna. V oglasih so tudi pozitivni primeri. Jezik v oglasih se namrec iz dneva v dan bolj in bolj kaže kot zapletena, prefinjena, zahtevna in zabavna stvaritev ter predstavlja vse vecji izziv ustvarjalcem (piscem oglasov), uporabnikom (kupcem) ter raziskovalcem jezika (jezikoslovcem).In today\u27s world, mass production requires mass consumptionthe latter also depends on advertising. The ruthless fight for consumers has increased the amount of advertisements, which are questionable from the point of view of content and design. One of the basic functions of the advertisement is attracting attention – considering the fact that the advertisers have developed the language and visual images to the extreme. The linguistic aspect of advertising is not negligible, since owing to its public presence and frequency of appearance it influences general language use and helps shape the image of contemporary standard Slovene. This diploma paper mainly focuses on language of advertisements in two sports catalogues and their grammatical and linguistic image. Language deficiencies are highlighted in a transparent manner and illustrated with concrete examples. Linguistic analysis has shown that the standard norm is often deliberately loose, and shifts from the norm are often the result of low language ability of advertisement authors. Many errors technically deviate from the codified norm, while they are accepted by the majority of speakers as neutral. Advertisements also contain positive examples. The language of advertisements, namely, turns gradually but constantly into a complex, sophisticated, challenging and pleasant creation, and it represents an ever growing challenge for its creators (writers of ads), users (customers) and language researchers (linguists)

    Assistive technology applied to education of students with visual impairment

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    Objectives. Verify the application of assistive technology, especially information technology in the education of blind and low-vision students from the perceptions of their teachers. Methods. Descriptive survey study in public schools in three municipalities of the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The sample comprised 134 teachers. Results. According to the teachers' opinions, there are differences in the specificities and applicability of assistive technology for blind and low-vision students, for whom specific computer programs are important. Information technology enhances reading and writing skills, as well as communication with the world on an equal basis, thereby improving quality of life and facilitating the learning process. The main reason for not using information technology is the lack of planning courses. The main requirements for the use of information technology in schools are enough computers for all students, advisers to help teachers, and pedagogical support. Conclusions. Assistive technology is applied to education of students with visual impairment; however, teachers indicate the need for infrastructure and pedagogical support. Information technology is an important tool in the inclusion process and can promote independence and autonomy of students with visual impairment.26214815