


V današnjem svetu množicna proizvodnja zahteva množicno potrošnjo. Pogoj zanjo je tudi oglaševanje. V neusmiljenem boju za potrošnike prihaja do povecane kolicine oglaševalskih besedil, ki so vprašljiva glede vsebinske in oblikovne ustreznosti. Ena od osnovnih nalog oglasa je vzbujanje pozornosti, pri cemer so oglaševalci jezik in vizualne podobe razvili do skrajnosti. Jezikovni vidik v oglaševalskih besedilih ni zanemarljiv, saj takšna besedila zaradi opaznosti in množicnosti vplivajo na splošno rabo in tako sooblikujejo podobo sodobne knjižne slovenšcine. Osrednja pozornost v diplomskem delu je namenjena jeziku oglasov v dveh športnih katalogih in njuni pravopisni jezikovni podobi. Na pregleden nacin je opozorjeno in s konkretnimi primeri prikazano na lahko odpravljive jezikovne pomanjkljivosti. Jezikovna analiza je pokazala, da je knjižnojezikovna norma marsikdaj namerno zrahljana, velikokrat pa so odstopi od norme odraz nizke jezikovne kulture piscev oglaševalskih besedil. Veliko napak je tudi takšnih, ki so sicer odkloni glede na kodificirano jezikovno normo, za vecino govorcev pa je raba povsem nevtralna. V oglasih so tudi pozitivni primeri. Jezik v oglasih se namrec iz dneva v dan bolj in bolj kaže kot zapletena, prefinjena, zahtevna in zabavna stvaritev ter predstavlja vse vecji izziv ustvarjalcem (piscem oglasov), uporabnikom (kupcem) ter raziskovalcem jezika (jezikoslovcem).In today\u27s world, mass production requires mass consumptionthe latter also depends on advertising. The ruthless fight for consumers has increased the amount of advertisements, which are questionable from the point of view of content and design. One of the basic functions of the advertisement is attracting attention – considering the fact that the advertisers have developed the language and visual images to the extreme. The linguistic aspect of advertising is not negligible, since owing to its public presence and frequency of appearance it influences general language use and helps shape the image of contemporary standard Slovene. This diploma paper mainly focuses on language of advertisements in two sports catalogues and their grammatical and linguistic image. Language deficiencies are highlighted in a transparent manner and illustrated with concrete examples. Linguistic analysis has shown that the standard norm is often deliberately loose, and shifts from the norm are often the result of low language ability of advertisement authors. Many errors technically deviate from the codified norm, while they are accepted by the majority of speakers as neutral. Advertisements also contain positive examples. The language of advertisements, namely, turns gradually but constantly into a complex, sophisticated, challenging and pleasant creation, and it represents an ever growing challenge for its creators (writers of ads), users (customers) and language researchers (linguists)

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