135 research outputs found

    Effects of a glycogenic additive on intake, daily gain, and blood metabolites in weaned horses

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    The objective of this experiment was to evaluate a glycogenic feed additive in terms of performance and response in blood metabolites in weaned horses. Twenty weaned horses of the Unidad de Policía Montada Metropolitana del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, México, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: control or an oral dose of the glycogenic additive (10 g/d). The additive was based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate and was supplied for 30 days. Data were tested for normality and initial weight was used as a covariate for analyzing the average daily gain (ADG). The ADG was negatively affected (P < 0.01) by the glycogenic compound (0.468 vs. 0.517 kg), while there were no significant differences (P > 0.10) in blood glucose, globulins, total glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine or urea in horses from either treatment group. It was concluded that the glucogenic additive, based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate, negatively affected the performance of the horses. Therefore, administration of the additive is not recommended in weaned horses. Highlights From: Use of glycogenic additive in weaned horses. In weaned horses they did not show changes in blood metabolites with the use of a glycogenic additive. Glycogenic additive, did not increase weight change in weaned horses. The supplementation of a glycogenic additive negatively affected the productive performance (ADG) in weaned horses.The objective of this experiment was to evaluate a glycogenic feed additive in terms of performance and response in blood metabolites in weaned horses. Twenty weaned horses of the Unidad de Policía Montada Metropolitana del Ministerio de Seguridad Pública del Gobierno de la Ciudad de México, México, were randomly assigned to two treatment groups: control or an oral dose of the glycogenic additive (10 g/d). The additive was based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate and was supplied for 30 days. Data were tested for normality and initial weight was used as a covariate for analyzing the average daily gain (ADG). The ADG was negatively affected (P < 0.01) by the glycogenic compound (0.468 vs. 0.517 kg), while there were no significant differences (P > 0.10) in blood glucose, globulins, total glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, creatinine or urea in horses from either treatment group. It was concluded that the glucogenic additive, based on propylene glycol and Na/Ca propionate, negatively affected the performance of the horses. Therefore, administration of the additive is not recommended in weaned horses. Highlights From: Use of glycogenic additive in weaned horses. In weaned horses they did not show changes in blood metabolites with the use of a glycogenic additive. Glycogenic additive, did not increase weight change in weaned horses. The supplementation of a glycogenic additive negatively affected the productive performance (ADG) in weaned horses

    Genetic diversity and genetic structure of an endemic Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake (Crotalus triseriatus) in a highly modified agricultural landscape: implications for conservation

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    ArtículoIt is necessary to determine genetic diversity of fragmented populations in highly modified landscapes to understand how populations respond to land-use change. This information will help guide future conservation and management strategies. We conducted a population genetic study on an endemic Mexican Dusky Rattlesnake (Crotalus triseriatus) in a highly modified landscape near the Toluca metropolitan area, in order to provide crucial information for the conservation of this species. There was medium levels of genetic diversity, with a few alleles and genotypes. We identified three genetically differentiated clusters, likely as a result of different habitat cover type. We also found evidence of an ancestral genetic bottleneck and medium values of effective population size. Inbreeding coefficients were low and there was a moderate gene flow. Our results can be used as a basis for future research and C. triseriatus conservation efforts, particularly considering that the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt is heavily impacted by destructive land-use practices


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    La evaluación de las relaciones entre depredadores, sus presas, el ambiente y los recursos usados es importante para entender los mecanismos que influyen en la estructura de la comunidad. Es común realizar éstos análisis congregando especies dentro de grupos que explotan el mismo tipo de recursos de forma similar, conocidos como gremios. De esta manera, los organismos sobreviven a través del tiempo tanto como puedan competir exitosamente por recursos y lleven a cabo estrategias de repartición. De acuerdo a la estrategia de repartición de recursos entre especies para coexistir y al tamaño corporal como un factor importante en el uso de recursos, en este estudio se prueba la hipótesis de que existirá una mayor sobreposición de los recursos utilizados, entre especies de tamaño y hábitos similares, manteniendo 3 subgrupos: depredadores tope (Puma concolor y Panthera onca), mesodepredadores carnívoros (Leopardus pardalis, Leopardus wiedii y Puma yagouaroundi) y mesodepredadores omnívoros (Nasua narica y Urocyon cinereoargenteus). En este estudio, se analizaron las tres dimensiones del nicho ecológico (trófica, espacial y temporal), para lo cual, se colectaron excrementos de manera oportuna a lo largo de diferentes trayectos (30 km), y fueron identificados a través de perfiles de ácidos biliares. Se ubicaron trampas cámara para registrar la actividad de las especies y determinar su asociación con diferentes eco-variables (vegetación, pendiente, distancia a ríos, caminos, poblados etc.) que explican el hábitat usado. Los resultados demuestran la existencia de tres grupos de depredadores. Lo cual indica una repartición estratégica de los recursos usados que disminuye la competencia y favorece la coexistencia de estos depredadores. El análisis en conjunto de las dimensiones del nicho permite obtener una evaluación más completa del nicho ecológico, más aún cuando se aborda a nivel de gremios

    Effect of the inclusion of herbal phosphatidylcholine on palatability, digestibility and metabolisable energy of the diet in dogs

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    This study aimed to evaluate the palatability, nutrient digestibility, metabolisable energy (ME) and faecal characteristics of diets in dogs fed increasing levels of herbal phosphatidylcholine (herbal mix) versus an unsupplemented diet (with only 377 mg choline provided by 1 kg food) or choline chloride1 (2000 mg choline/kg food) in 40 adult dogs. In experiment 1, a palatability test was conducted to make two pairwise comparisons: 0 versus 200; and 0 versus 400 mg/kg herbal mix. In experiment 2, a digestibility test was performed to evaluate herbal mix at 0, 200, 400 and 800 mg/kg and 2000 mg choline provided by choline chloride. Results from experiment 1 indicated that the dogs preferred diets containing herbal mix to the unsupplemented diet (P<0.05). In experiment 2, nutrient digestibility and faecal characteristics were not influenced by the treatment (P<0.059). The inclusion of 400 mg/kg of herbal mix increased the ME (quadratic effect, P<0.01). In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that the inclusion of a herbal mix rich in phosphatidylcholine (1.6%) and other methylated metabolites at 400 mg/kg can fully replace choline chloride in dog diets

    Ruminal ammonia concentration and fermentation kinetics of commercial herbal feed additives with amino acids

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    The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of rumen fermentation while estimating it’s in vitro protein degradation (from ruminal ammonia concentration) and kinetics regarding two herbal feed plant additives. The tested herbal mixtures were elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, providing lysine (Lys) and Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, providing Methionine (Met). They were compared to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and solvent extracted soybean meal (Glicine max), as standard sources of protein using the in vitro gas production technique modified to estimate N-NH3, recording fermentation kinetics and dry matter digestibility (72 h), in a completely randomized design followed by Tukey test. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower (P<0.05) than in the standard protein sources, indicating that protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation. Herbal additives with Lys or Met showed minimum N-NH3 concentration in the first 4 h of incubation. At 8 h, the concentration was 0.27 and 0.54 mg dL-1 for the herbal products with Lys and Met, significantly lower than solvent extracted soybean meal and alfalfa (1.15 and 2.24 mg dL-1 respectively, P<0.05). Highlights The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, provide bypass Lysine. The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, provide bypass Methionine. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower than in the standard protein sources. Protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation.The objective of this study was to characterize the chemical composition of rumen fermentation while estimating it’s in vitro protein degradation (from ruminal ammonia concentration) and kinetics regarding two herbal feed plant additives. The tested herbal mixtures were elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, providing lysine (Lys) and Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, providing Methionine (Met). They were compared to alfalfa (Medicago sativa) and solvent extracted soybean meal (Glicine max), as standard sources of protein using the in vitro gas production technique modified to estimate N-NH3, recording fermentation kinetics and dry matter digestibility (72 h), in a completely randomized design followed by Tukey test. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower (P<0.05) than in the standard protein sources, indicating that protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation. Herbal additives with Lys or Met showed minimum N-NH3 concentration in the first 4 h of incubation. At 8 h, the concentration was 0.27 and 0.54 mg dL-1 for the herbal products with Lys and Met, significantly lower than solvent extracted soybean meal and alfalfa (1.15 and 2.24 mg dL-1 respectively, P<0.05). Highlights The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Phaseolus mango and Linum usitatissimum, provide bypass Lysine. The tested herbal mixture elaborated with Trigonella foenum-graecum and Allium sativa, provide bypass Methionine. Ruminal ammonia concentration in the herbal mixtures was lower than in the standard protein sources. Protein from herbal mixtures could resist ruminal degradation

    Evaluation of herbal choline in productive performance and blood metabolites of ewes

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    Objective: Evaluate the effect of different levels of protected herbal choline (CHP) on productive performance, carcass characteristics and blood metabolites in female lambs. Design/methodology/approach: Fifty-two Hampshire x Suffolk (29.95 ± 3.90 kg initial live weight) were assigned to one of four treatments: 0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9 % choline kg-1 dry matter. The experimental design was completely randomized, and linear or quadratic tendencies were detected. Results: There were not treatment effects on productive variables, back fat and Longissimus dorsi muscle area with the addition of protected herbal choline in the diet (p>0.05). CHP linearly increased the concentration of cholesterol, glucose, albumins, globulins, total proteins (p<0.05) and phosphatidylcholine (p<0.10). The concentration of triglycerides had a quadratic response (p<0.05) to the addition of CHP. Study limitations/implications: The level of choline supplementation in sheep depends on whether the source is herbal or synthetic. Findings/conclusions: The addition CHP in female lamb diets increased the serum phosphatidylcholine concentration, changed the concentration of protein and lipid metabolites; however, productive performance was not improved. Key words: sheep, energetic metabolites, lambs, herbal choline.Objective: To evaluate the effect of different levels of protected herbal choline (CHP) on productive performance, carcass characteristics, and serum metabolites in ewes. Design/Methodology/Approach: Fifty-two Hampshire × Suffolk ewes (29.95 ± 3.90 kg of initial live weight, PV) were randomly assigned to one within four treatments: 0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9% choline kg-1 dry matter (MS). The experimental design was complete randomized, in order to detect linear or quadratic trends. Results: No treatment effects were detected in the production variables, GD and AML with the addition of protected herbal choline in the diet (p>0.05). CHP linearly increased the concentration of cholesterol, glucose, albumins, globulins, total proteins (p≤0.05) and phosphatidylcholine (p≤0.10). The triglyceride concentration had a quadratic response (p≤0.05) to the addition of CHP. Study limitations/Implications: The level of choline supplementation in sheep depends on whether the source is herbal or synthetic. Findings/Conclusions: The addition of CHP in ewe diets raised the concentration of phosphatidylcholine, modified the concentration of protein and lipid metabolites. However, no improvements in production were found

    Efecto del propionato de calcio en la fermentación in vitro de dietas a base de sorgo

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of calcium propionate (CaPr) on in vitro ruminal fermentation using a factorial arrangement 2 x 2 evaluating CaPr (0 vs. 1%) and grain level (55 vs. 65%). There was a CaPr x Grain interaction in the volume of gas produced (V; p = 0.04). Addition of CaPr prolonged Lag time (1.4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0.01), and increasing the grain level also prolonged Lag time (1.56 vs. 0.89 h; p < 0.03) and gas production rate (0.046 vs. 0.041 h-1; P<0.04). However, there were no differences in CH4, CO2, acetate, propionate and butyrate concentrations. Therefore, the addition of calcium propionate in a diet with 55 or 66% of grain increased Lag phase but it is not affected fermentation pattern or methane losses.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar in vitro el efecto de la adición de propionato de Ca (PrCa). El diseño experimental fue completamente al azar con un arreglo factorial 2x2; PrCa (0 o 1%) y grano (55 o 65%). Se encontró diferencias (p>0,05) entre tratamientos para volumen de gas, pero la tasa de producción de gas no fue diferente (p<0,05), se observó un efecto por parte del grano (p<0,04). La adición de PrCa prolongó el tiempo Lag (1,4 vs. 1.04 h; P<0,01) y aumentando el nivel de grano también prolongó la fase Lag (1,56 vs. 0,89 h; P<0,03) y la tasa de producción de gas (0,046 vs. 0,041 h-1; P <0,04). Sin embargo, no hubo diferencias en la concentración de CH4 y CO2, ni de propionato, acetato y butirato. La adición de propionato de calcio a una dieta con 55 o 65% de grano prolonga la fase Lag pero no afecta el patrón de fermentación o las pérdidas de metano.Fil: Miranda, Luis Alberto. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (México)Fil: Lee-Rangel, Héctor Aarón. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Mendoza-Martínez, Germán David.Fil: Crosby-Galván, María Magdalena. Colegio de Postgraduados. Campus Montecillo (México)Fil: Relling, Alejandro Enrique. Universidad Nacional de la Plata. Facultad de Ciencias VeterinariasFil: Pinos-Rodríguez, Juan Manuel. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de AgronomíaFil: Rojo Rubio, Rolando . Universidad Autónoma del Estado de MéxicoFil: González Hernandez, Milagros. Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí. Facultad de Agronomí

    Registro de águila solitaria (Harpyhaliaetus solitarius, TSCHUDI 1844) en la región Mixteca Poblana, México

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    En México, HOWELL y WEBB (1995) y la CONANP (2000) señalan que la distribución geográfica del águila solitaria (Harpyhaliaetus solitarius, TSCHUDI 1844), abarca la Sierra Madre Occidental, el occidente del eje Neovolcánico Transversal y las montañas de Chiapas. Por su parte, MORALES y URBINA (1996) marcan su distribución a lo largo de las sierras madre Oriental, Occidental y del Sur, hacia el Istmo de Tehuantepec y las sierras de Chiapas. Esta ave rapaz durante el vuelo, se distingue de otras especies similares, por sus alas muy anchas y su cola corta con una franja blanca, ancha y transversal, el resto del plumaje es negro obscuro (PETERSON y CHALIF, 1989; HOWELL y WEBB, 1995; FERGUSON-LEES y CHRISTIE, 2001). Cuando el ave está posada se aprecia su gran tamaño y robustez, entre 63 y 79 cm. de longitud, con peso aproximado de 3 kg, en ocasiones se percibe una pequeña cresta en la nuca (PETERSON y CHALIF, 1989; MORALES y URBINA, 1996; CAMACHO y MENA, 2001; FERGUSON-LEES y CHRISTIE, 2001).En México, HOWELL y WEBB (1995) y la CONANP (2000) señalan que la distribución geográfica del águila solitaria (Harpyhaliaetus solitarius, TSCHUDI 1844), abarca la Sierra Madre Occidental, el occidente del eje Neovolcánico Transversal y las montañas de Chiapas. Por su parte, MORALES y URBINA (1996) marcan su distribución a lo largo de las sierras madre Oriental, Occidental y del Sur, hacia el Istmo de Tehuantepec y las sierras de Chiapas. Esta ave rapaz durante el vuelo, se distingue de otras especies similares, por sus alas muy anchas y su cola corta con una franja blanca, ancha y transversal, el resto del plumaje es negro obscuro (PETERSON y CHALIF, 1989; HOWELL y WEBB, 1995; FERGUSON-LEES y CHRISTIE, 2001). Cuando el ave está posada se aprecia su gran tamaño y robustez, entre 63 y 79 cm. de longitud, con peso aproximado de 3 kg, en ocasiones se percibe una pequeña cresta en la nuca (PETERSON y CHALIF, 1989; MORALES y URBINA, 1996; CAMACHO y MENA, 2001; FERGUSON-LEES y CHRISTIE, 2001)

    Prevalence and Risk Factors Associated with Toxocara canis

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    The objective of this study was to determine seroprevalence and identify risk factors associated with Toxocara canis infection. A clinical and epidemiological questionnaire and body mass index were used to assess the risk factors associated with human toxocariasis in 108 children with an age range of 2–16 years. Antibodies against Toxocara canis were detected using an ELISA test kit. Chi-square analysis and odds ratio (OR) were used to identify risk factors associated with Toxocara canis seropositivity. The prevalence of antibodies against Toxocara canis was greater (P=0.02) in males than females (28.84% and 16.07%, resp.). Chi-square analysis and odds ratio revealed just one variable with P1.0 was associated with seropositivity: the possession of dogs under one year old (OR=1.78). Although not significant, the OR values suggest that other factors may be epidemiologically important for Toxocara presence such as not washing hands before meals, malnutrition, obesity, and use of public parks. Children in the age group >12 and 2 and <11 years old age group (4.62%). Toxocariosis infection needs to be prevented by pet deworming and hygienic measures after contact with dogs

    Efecto del nivel de proteína en el crecimiento de Goodea atripinnis (Pisces: Goodeidae)

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    Background. Goodea atripinnis is an omnivorous fish that is only found in the state of Aguascalientes. Its population is being drastically reduced and its survival is considered to be threatened. To avoid its extinction, ex situ breeding programs are being implemented. To implement these programs, however, it is necessary to have feeding plans that allow the nutritional needs of this species to be met. Goals. To evaluate the effects of different protein levels in the diet (25, 30, 35, 40 and 45 % PC) on the growth of G. atripinnis. Methods. A randomized complete-block design with five treatments (protein levels) and 3 aquariums per treatment was used, each aquarium containing 20 fish. The experiment lasted 150 days. Daily feed intake and changes in weight and length of each fish were recorded every 15 days. Results. We found differences in final weight and total weight gain (p &lt;0.05) depended on protein levels. Both the growth rate and the total food intake increased with higher levels of protein. As a result, the feed conversion rate, protein efficiency, and Fulton (K) body condition factor improved. The Gompertz model showed that high protein levels increased standard weight and that the inflection point occurred at the same weight. Conclusions. With higher protein levels, the standard weight is reached at an earlier age, leading to greater development of the fish. &nbsp;Antecedentes. Goodea atripinnis es un pez omnívoro que sólo se localiza en el estado de Aguascalientes y su población se encuentra en estatus de amenaza. Para evitar su extinción se están implementando programas de reproducción ex situ; sin embargo, para lograrlo es necesario contar con planes de alimentación que permitan satisfacer las necesidades nutricionales de la especie. Objetivos. Evaluar los efectos de 5 niveles de proteína (25, 30, 35, 40 y 45% PC) en la dieta, velocidad de crecimiento y parámetros productivos de G. atripinnis. Métodos. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques al azar con 5 tratamientos (niveles de proteína) y 3 acuarios por tratamiento, cada uno contenía 20 peces (peso medio: 0.47 ± 0.02 g). El experimento duró 150 días, durante los cuales se registraron el consumo de alimento diariamente y los cambios en peso y longitud de cada pez cada 15 días. Resultados. Se encontraron diferencias en peso final y ganancia de peso total (p &lt;0.05) entre los niveles de proteína. Tanto la tasa de crecimiento como la ingesta total de alimento aumentaron con el nivel alto de proteína. La tasa de conversión de alimento, la eficiencia proteínica y el factor de condición corporal de Fulton (K) mejoraron. El modelo de Gompertz mostró que los altos niveles de proteína aumentaron el peso estándar y que el punto de inflexión se produce en el mismo peso. Conclusiones. Con los niveles altos de proteína el peso estándar se alcanza a una edad más temprana y permite un mayor desarrollo de los peces