73 research outputs found

    Design and Modeling of an Integrated Micro-Transformer in a Flyback Converter

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    This paper presents the design and modeling of a square micro-transformer for its integration in a flyback converter. From the specifications of the switching power supply, we determined the geometric parameters of this micro-transformer. The Ļ€-electrical model of this micro-transformer highlights all parasitic effects generated by stacking of different material layers and permits to calculate the technological parameters by using the S-parameters. A good dimensioning of the geometrical parameters reduces efficiently the energy losses in the micro-transformer and permits to reach the desirable value of the converter output voltage. We have also simulated the electromagnetic effects with the help of the software FEMLAB3.1 in two cases. The first case, without ferromagnetic core, the second case with ferromagnetic core, in order to choose the micro-transformer that has better electromagnetic compatibility with the vicinity components. To validate dimensioning of the geometrical and technological parameters, we have simulated with the help of the software PSIM6.0, the equivalent electrical circuit of the converter containing the electrical circuit of the dimensioned planar micro-transformer

    Canon, sebuah Teori Musik sebagai Tema Objek Rancang Sekolah Tinggi Seni Pertunjukan

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    Meā€musikā€kan arsitektur, menjadi pemikiran pertama kali sebelum memulai perancangan. Mengutip perkataan Goethe, filosofi terkenal yang berbicara tentang arsitektur sebagai musik yang dibekukan. Sama halnya dengan musik, arsitektur juga dapat memiliki irama. Karena itu, dipilihlah Canon sebagai tema Sekolah Tinggi Seni pertunjukan. Mengingat Canon dalam musik ternyata dapat menciptakan melodi yang atraktif, sehingga sesuai sebagai tema sekolah yang bertajuk pertunjukan. Perancangan ini memakai teori Tangible Metaphore. Proses yang dibutuhkan adalah bagaimana menuangkan karakter dari Canon, agar dapat terlihat pada rancangan nantinya, melalui proses transformasi. Adapun karakter Canon adalah pengulangan melodi; terdapat melodi Leader dan Follower dengan durasi tertentu dan imitasi oleh melodi Follower berupa ritme/ interval yang sama atau transformasi dari ritme/ intervalnya. Sehingga kesan akhir yang didapatkan adalah tercipta melodi yang saling bersahutan membentuk keharmonisan. Berdasarkan karakter tersebut, akhirnya dihasilkan desain rancangan yang meliputi siteplan dengan sistem sirkulasi outer ring road dengan pola pengulangan garis, massa bangunan dengan pola layering dan pengulangan pola bentuk, dan interior dengan pola Canonicnya

    Perancangan Instruksi Kerja Dokumen dan Visual pada Mesin Electrical Discharge Machine

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    Dalam mengoprasikan sebuah mesin dibutuhkan instruksi kerja, agar tidak terjadi kesalahan dan kerusakan pada proses produksi. Penelitian ini memahas instruksi kerja dalam bentuk dokumen dan visual. Tahap yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah pembuatan urutan kerja, pembuatan instruksi kerja dokumen dan terakhir membuat instruksi kerja visual dalam bentuk animasi 3D

    Sistem Antrian Pada Pelayanan Customer Service PT. Bank X

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    Customer Service is one form of service facility at PT. Bank X which is directly related with the public as customers. It contains kind of transactions that often caused a queue. To increase public interest in the activities of banking transactions, the facility provider tries to gives satisfaction to the customers who come, so they do not have to wait too long but without make disadvantages to the existing service system. Queueing analysis have been done in order to determine how the service system of Customer Service. Based on the analysis of research data on June, 27th 2016 to July, 1st 2016, a queueing model on Customer Service PT. Bank X is (Poisson/Weibull/3):(FCFS/āˆž/āˆž) with the customer arrival rate does not exceed the service rate. In that queueing model, the number of arrivals is Poisson distribution, service time is Weibull distribution and there are three service counters. Queueing discipline that applied is customers will be served were the first comes to the bank, with the system capacity and the calling population of customers is infinite. To provide information as a reference or consideration to the PT. Bank X, then a simulation with the software called Arena has been done to determine the performance of the service system with the addition or subtraction of the number of Customer Service

    Pengaruh Motivasi dan Disiplin terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada Hotel Resty Menara Pekanbaru

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    The population and samples in this study is all employee about 75 people. The data recourses used were primary and secondary data. The data accumulation technique used were taken by doing interview and questionnaire. The method of analysis used were the method of quantitative descritive and multiple regression analysis (simultaneously and partially analysis) with the help of SPSS 17 version. Based on the results of multiple regression analysis, simultaneously test showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). The influence of each independent variables on dependent variable could be seen by doing partial test, the results showed that motivation (X1) and discipline (X2) had a significant effect on labor performance (Y). And for that, writer suggested for the company to watch another factors that can influence on labor performance, because the company and the labor are both work partner that needed each other for the welfare of the company.Keywords: motivation, discipline, and labor performance

    Pengaruh Model Starter Eksperimen terhadap Aktivitas dan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Materi Koloid

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    The aims of this research was to determine difference in activity and learning outcomes of students who are taught using a model of Starter Experiment with the students taught using the conventional methods and determine the influence of Starter Experiment model of the learning outcomes of students of class XI SMA Kemala Bhayangkari in the material colloid. The from of research was a quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design. The samples was determine on samping technique that selected class XI MIA 2 as an experiment class and Class XI MIA 1 as the control classes. Research instrument are a test of learning outcomes, observation sheet of student activity, and interview. The results of data analysis showed that there was difference in activity and learning outcomes between students who were taught using Starter experiment model with students who were taught using conventional methods. The use of Starter Experiment model to the material of colloid influence of 22.24% (ES = 0.59) toward the improving student learning outcomes

    Kompatibilitas Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular Dengan Tanaman Kedelai Pada Budi Daya Jenuh Air

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    The main constraint on soybean cultivation in acid sulfate tidal lands is the lack of P availability because it is bound by Fe. High rate of fertilizer applications often lead to high fertilizer residues that can be used for the following cropping using Arbuscular Mycorrhizae Fungi (AMF) inoculants. The research aimed to determine the effect of soybean culture techniques and AMF inoculants on growth and yield of soybean. The trial was arranged in a factorial randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor consisted of four AMF inoculants from different sources, namely from rhizospheres of kudzu (Pueraria javanica), sorghum (Sorghum bicolor), corn (Zea mays) and soybean (Glycine max). The second factor was soybean culture tehniques, namely water saturated culture and dry soil culture. Seeds of soybean variety Tanggamus were grown in pots containing 5 kg soil derived from tidal land of Simpang Village, Berbak District, Tanjung Jabung Timur, Jambi. The results showed that there was a positive and significant interaction between the saturated soil culture and AMF inoculant from maize on the variabilities of P uptake (0.13 g/plant), P content in the plant (0.39%), relative efficiency of inoculants (72.8%) and relative efficiency of P uptake (133.3%), biomass dry weight (35.4 g/plant), the number of filled pods (106 pod) and seed dry weight of soybeans (27.6 g/tanaman). Dry soil culture and AMF inoculant from maize produced greater soybean root colonization. In overall, however, the saturated soil culture with AMF inoculant from maize gave the best growth and yield of soybean variety Tanggamus

    Linking food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia: A perspective on sustainable food systems

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    This brief reviews the interlinkages between food, nutrition and the environment in Indonesia, and the role of national food policies in addressing the challenges in these sectors

    An introduction to InP-based generic integration technology

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    Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are considered as the way to make photonic systems or subsystems cheap and ubiquitous. PICs still are several orders of magnitude more expensive than their microelectronic counterparts, which has restricted their application to a few niche markets. Recently, a novel approach in photonic integration is emerging which will reduce the R&D and prototyping costs and the throughput time of PICs by more than an order of magnitude. It will bring the application of PICs that integrate complex and advanced photonic functionality on a single chip within reach for a large number of small and larger companies and initiate a breakthrough in the application of Photonic ICs. The paper explains the concept of generic photonic integration technology using the technology developed by the COBRA research institute of TU Eindhoven as an example, and it describes the current status and prospects of generic InP-based integration technology
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