168 research outputs found

    Educació Ambiental, desenvolupament sustentable i racionalitat ecològica

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    Outra lectura da historia da educación ambiental e algún apuntamento sobre a crise do presente

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    [Resumo] A finalidade deste artigo é “deconstruír” a traxectoria da educación ambiental (EA) para intentar ir alén da visión histórica lineal, descontextualizada, sen suxeitos e sen conflitos, que predomina na literatura deste campo. As versións institucionalizadas adoitan partir da Conferencia de Estocolmo (1972) e rematar coa última celebración consagrada polo sistema das Nacións Unidas, fito que lle corresponde, hoxe por hoxe, ao IV Congreso Internacional sobre Educación Ambiental Tbilisi + 30, celebrado en Ahmedabad (India), no ano 2007. Neste itinerario ocupa un lugar central, equivalente a un mito fundacional, a conferencia celebrada en Tbilisi no ano 1977 e as recomendacións que nela se propuxeron. Con esta aproximación histórico-crítica preténdese achegar algunha luz –ou, cando menos, unha luz distinta– á tarefa de desentrañar e comprender a suposta –ou real– crise que se está a vivir no campo da EA e o papel que xoga nesta conxuntura o mito de Tbilisi. Como recurso metodolóxico adóptase unha aproximación analítica a medio camiño entre a arqueoloxía do discurso foucaultiana e a socioanálise de Bourdieu.[Abstract] The purpose of this paper is to “deconstruct” the trajectory of Environmental Education (EE) in order to try to go beyond the lineal historical view, decontextualized, without subjects and without conflicts, that predominates in the literature on this field. The institutional versions usually begin with the Stockholm Conference (1972) and finish with the last celebration established by the United Nations system, a milestone that is nowadays held by the 4th International Conference on Environmental Education Tbilisi + 30, held in Ahmedabad (India) in the year 2007. In this itinerary, a central position, equivalent to a founding myth, is held by the conference that took place in Tbilisi in 1977 and the recommendations that came out of it. The goal of this historical and critical approach is to shed some light -or at least a different light- on the task of unraveling and understanding the alleged -or real- crisis that is being felt in the field of EE and the role the myth of Tbilisi plays in this situation. As a methodological resource, the analytical approach taken is halfway between Foucault’s archaeology of the discourse and Bourdieu’s social analysis

    Is there a hole in the ozone layer of your climate change? : from scientific culture to popular culture

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    Eight out of ten Spaniards think the hole in the ozone layer, caused by human actions, is the key physical cause of climate change. This belief, constructed from scientific elements (concepts, images, icons, discourse), is a product of popular culture. Science has never confirmed this relationship. It was the ability of popular culture to incorporate scientific «objects» according to its own epistemology that established and popularised the idea until it became a global cultural belief. The divergence between social and scientific representation invites us to reflect upon how contemporary societies embrace and remodel scientific culture to construct representations for interpreting reality and directing responses (or inaction) to threats identified by science

    FENIX project: weaving networks through a process of environmental education in Galicia

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    [Resumo] A Sociedade Galega de Educación Ambiental (SGEA) recolle nos seus estatutos, entre outros, a creación de foros para facilitar o intercambio de experiencias en Educación Ambiental e a concertación de liñas de actuación e colaboración con colectivos preocupadas polo medio ambiente. O Proxecto Fénix foi unha plataforma de diagnóstico da situación da Educación Ambiental en Galicia e a actualización da Estratexia Galega de Educación Ambiental, que durante catro anos, funcionou como un proceso de traballo en rede a través do intercambio de coñecementos e o contraste de opinións. Coa filosofía de traballo en rede buscábase á xeración de coñecemento e á súa socialización entre os actores e, tamén, un procesos de cambio e transformación na sociedade galega.[Abstract] The Galician Society for Environmental Education (SGEA) statutes declare, among other aspects, the need to create forums to facilitate the exchange of experiences in Environmental Education and the adoption of lines of activity and collaboration with other groups concerned about the environment. The Phoenix Project was a platform for diagnosing the status of Environmental Education in Galicia and the updating of the Galician Strategy for Environmental Education, which for four years worked as a networking process through the exchange of knowledge and comparing opinions. With the philosophy of networking the goal was to generate knowledge and its socialisation

    From Environmental Education to Social Education and vice versa

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    Aquesta reflexió parteix de la idea bàsica: els límits entre els diferents àmbits acadèmics i/o professionals els que regulen i distribueixen el coneixement i la pràctica educativa, es tracen de forma convencional pero no arbitrària. Així, els arguments per delimitar la singularitat de cada camp de l'acció educativa són el producte de conjuntures històriques i de tensions professionals o acadèmiques que s'activen per intentar donar resposta sistemàtica a noves demandes i necessitats educatives derivades de l'evolució de la societat.Esta refexión parte de una idea básica: los límites entre los distintos ámbitos académicos y/o profesionales, los que regulan y distribuyen el conocimiento y la práctica educativa, se trazan de forma convencional pero no arbitraria. Así, los argumentos para delimitar la singularidad de cada campo de la acción educativa son el producto de coyunturas históricas y de tensiones profesionales o académicas que se activan para intentar dar respuesta sistemática a nuevas demandas y necesidades educativas derivadas de la evolución de la sociedad.This reflection starts from the basic premise that the boundaries between the various academic and7or professional fields, those which regulate and disseminate knowledge and educational practice, follow conventional, but not arbitrary, lines the arguments for defining the unique aspect of each field of education are the product of historical circumstances and professional or academic rivalries arising from the attempt to provide a sistematic response to new demands and needs in education triggered by social evolution

    A sociedade española ante o cambio climático: coñecementos e valoración do potencial de ameaza

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    [Resumo] A urxencia de actuar para minimizar as consecuencias do cambio climático (CC) e para facilitar a adaptación das sociedades humanas ao seu impacto inevitable fai cada vez máis necesario considerar o “factor social” no deseño das políticas de resposta. Por “factor social” entendemos o conxunto de dimensións que definen a representación social que do CC está construindo a sociedade, desde a información científica que se integra e reelabora na cultura común, ata as valoracións sobre o seu potencial de ameaza e os hábitos asociados co problema. Este artigo explora os datos dun estudo demoscópico financiado pola Fundación Mapfre e realizado no ano 2008 sobre unha mostra representativa da poboación española de 18 e máis anos. Do conxunto de dimensións estudadas, este artigo céntrase máis en concreto na análise do balance de coñecementos e crenzas sobre o CC e na valoración do seu potencial de ameaza por parte da sociedade española.[Abstract] It is essential to consider the “social factor” in the design of response policies in order to minimise the consequences of climate change (CC) and help ease the adaptation of world population to its inevitable impact. The concept of “Social factor” comprises a group of social dimensions that society is building upon CC, such as scientific information formed within culture, the evaluation of potential threats and attitudes associated with the problem. This article examines data from an opinion poll carried out in 2008 and funded by Mapfre Foundation that took place with a representative sample of Spanish people of 18 and over. This study is mainly based on analysis of the Spanish society knowledge and beliefs about climate change and on the evaluation of the potential threats

    Regarding the Montreal Protocol communication after the Kigali Amendment

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    The Kigali Amendment introduced a new family of chemical compounds, which do not contribute to stratospheric ozone depletion but present a high global warming potential, under the watch of the Montreal Protocol in 2016. Earlier this year, a press note from the World Meteorological Organization entitled “Ozone layer recovery is on track, helping avoid global warming by 0.5°C” caught our attention because of the wrong conclusions that can be potentially drawn by laypersons due to an apparent linkage of ozone depletion and global warming problems. Public communication of the Montreal Protocol since the Kigali Amendment should be more careful than ever to avoid lessening the social perception of the threat of climate change, particularly considering that society already has a distorted representation of these problems, assuming causal relations between ozone depletion and climate change, that could lead to unfounded optimism towards the climate crisisThis research was supported by Resclim@tiempo project (PID2022-136933OB-C21), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future”S

    Educación ambiental y cultura de la sostenibilidad: construyendo la transición ecológica

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    Integra todas as sesións plenarias e comunicacións presentadas ao Congreso Internacional 2021 da Sociedad Iberoamericana de Pedagogía Social (tamén XXXIII Seminario Interuniversitario de Pedagogía Social) que, baixo o mesmo título que o do libro, foi desenvolvido na Facultade de Formación do Profesorado do Campus de Lugo.Axudas para Grupos de Referencia Competitiva da Xunta de Galicia