14 research outputs found

    Analysis of vulnerability in the surface water sources that caters the aqueducts versus to climate change in the river basin subia, in the municipalities of Fusagasuga, Granada and Silvania

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    El presente estudio determinó los indicadores hidroclimáticos que componen el índice de vulnerabilidad hídrica al desabastecimiento (IVH) que “denota el grado de fragilidad de la cuenca hidrográfica para mantener una oferta”, de acuerdo a esto y al Estudio Nacional de Agua (ENA), departamentos como Boyacá y Cundinamarca presentan un alto grado en la escala de vulnerabilidad, relacionando el índice de uso del agua (IUA) muy alto y una regulación muy baja (IRH). Una vez determinado el conjunto de indicadores para llegar el IVH se procedió a analizar el desabastecimiento en relación con los bajos caudales en las fuentes hídricas (estiaje), es importante resaltar que aún en los periodos de lluvia (torrencialidad) se presentan contextos de desabastecimientos debido a los daños que sufren las bocatomas y sistemas de tratamiento. Una correcta decisión frente al desabastecimiento de agua mejoraría la salud de la población, principalmente, en la disminución de enfermedades gastrointestinales causadas por el consumo de agua no tratada, a su vez, evitaría la fuga de recursos en soluciones poco efectivas y más duraderas, aclararía la prospectiva de los municipios a los cuales la gestión pública no se presta de manera constante. No se puede responsabilizar a la variabilidad climática como el precursor de un desabastecimiento en acueductos, teniendo en cuenta que los sistemas de aducción y conducción del preciado líquido tienen pérdidas superiores al 30% por falta de mantenimientos estructurales, inversión y conocimiento de la dinámica hídrica de la zonaThis study determined the hydroclimatic indicators making up the index of hydric vulnerability by shortage (IVH, acronym in Spanish) which "denotes the fragility level of the river basin to maintain a supply of water," according to this and the National Water Study (ENA, acronym in Spanish) departaments like Boyacá and Cundinamarca would have a high degree on the scale of vulnerability, which relates the rate of water use (IUA, acronym in Spanish) very high and a water regulation (IRH, acronym in Spanish) very low. Once determined the set of indicators to reach the IVH, proceeded to analyze the shortage in relation to the low flows in water sources (drought.), it is important to note that even in periods of rain (torrential) there is shortages, because damage in the treatment systems. A decision right versus against water shortages would improve the health of the population, mainly in the decrease of gastrointestinal diseases caused by drinking untreated water, in turn, would avoid leakage of resources in ineffective and more durable solutions, would clarify the prospect of the municipalities, where the public administration does not lend itself constantly. You can not to blame climate variability as precursor of a shortage in the water supply systems, taking into account that systems adduction and conduction of the precious liquid has losses greater than 30% due to lack of structural maintenance, investment and knowledge of hydric dynamics of are

    Design of a management control program for the surgical area of the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Clinic

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    Los cambios generados desde la Constitución Política de 1991, las leyes, resoluciones y decretos que se han dictado, no han sido ajenos a los servicios de salud; al contrario, la compleja organización hospitalaria no solo desde la perspectiva de sus propios objetivos, sino por los elementos que lo conforman: trabajo interdisciplinario, oportunidad, alta tecnología, diversidad de insumos y procesos y alto nivel de exigencia por parte de los usuarios, han hecho que las instituciones inicien un cambio donde el cliente externo, el talento humano, los procesos internos, el manejo de recursos y el aprendizaje sean el punto alrededor del cual se centre la gestión. El análisis sistemático considerado como una de las formas más completas de evaluación de una institución o servicio, fue el que se aplicó en el área quirúrgica de la Clínica Metropolitana de Bucaramanga. A partir de ahí, se identificaron los problemas en cada una de las fases: entradas, procesos y salidas. Posterior a este análisis se estudió la situación actual del área, producto de la cual se plantea a la institución el uso de indicadores como las herramientas que van a permitir visualizar el comportamiento de los atributos que se espera que cumplan los diferentes elementos del sistema, para evaluar y hacer seguimiento de cada uno de los procesos.INTRODUCCION 9 JUSTIFICACION 10 1. OBJETIVOS 11 1.1 GENERALES 11 1.2 ESPECIFICOS 11 2. MARCO DE REFERENCIA 12 2.1 SOPORTE LEGAL 12 2.2 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 14 2.2.1 El control de gestión y las organizaciones de salud 14 Generalidades 14 Fundamentos de control de gestión 16 La evaluación como componente del control de gestión 16 Los indicadores como instrumentos para el control de la gestión .17 2.3 MARCO INSTITUCIONAL 18 2.3.1 Reseña histórica 18 2.3.2 Filosofía institucional 19 Misión 19 Visión 19 Valores 19 2.3.3 Descripción del área quirúrgica de la Clínica Metropolitana de Bucaramanga 20 Planta física 20 Dependencia administrativa 21 Coordinación del personal 21 2.3.4 Situación actual del área de cirugía de la Clínica Metropolitana de 22 Bucaramanga 3. METODOLOGIA 24 4. ANALISIS DEL AREA QUIRURGICA DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 25 4.1 ANALISIS SISTEMATICO 25 4.2 ANALISIS DE LA SITUACION ACTUAL 26 4.3 IDENTIFICACION DE PROBLEMAS 28 4.3.1 Problemas administrativos relacionados con el paciente 28 4.3.2 Problemas médicos 28 4.3.3 Problemas de talento humano 29 4.3.4 Problemas de suministros 30 4.3.5 Problemas de información 30 5. MODELO DE CONTROL DE GESTION PARA EL AREA QUIRURGICA 31 DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 5.1 TABLERO INTEGRADO DE GESTION PARA EL AREA QUIRURGICA 31 DE LA CLINICA METROPOLITANA DE BUCARAMANGA 6. CONCLUSIONES 42 7. RECOMENDACIONES 43 7.1 STANDARIZACION DE PROCESOS 43 7.1.2 Administrativos 43 7.1.3 Asistenciales 44 7.2 INFORMES DE CONTROL INTERNO 44 7.3 ORGANIZACION DEL AREA 45 7.4 CULTURA DE AUTOCONTROL 45 7.5 GESTION DE TALENTO HUMANO 45 7.6 AUDITORIA DEL SERVICIO Y DE LA CALIDAD 46EspecializaciónThe changes generated since the Political Constitution of 1991, the laws, resolutions and decrees that have been issued, have not been alien to health services; On the contrary, the complex hospital organization, not only from the perspective of its own objectives, but also because of the elements that make it up: interdisciplinary work, opportunity, high technology, diversity of supplies and processes, and a high level of demand on the part of users, have made that the institutions initiate a change where the external client, human talent, internal processes, resource management and learning are the point around which management is centered. The systematic analysis considered as one of the most complete forms of evaluation of an institution or service, was the one that was applied in the surgical area of ​​the Bucaramanga Metropolitan Clinic. From there, we identified problems in each of the phases: inputs, processes and outputs. After this analysis, the current situation of the area was studied, as a result of which the use of indicators is proposed to the institution as tools that will allow visualizing the behavior of the attributes that the different elements of the system are expected to fulfill, in order to Evaluate and monitor each of the processes

    Introduction revisiting the Argentine crisis a decade on: changes and continuities

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    This introductory chapter to the book "Argentina Since the 2001 Crisis Recovering the Past, Reclaiming the Future" analyses crisis and its associated responses and subsequent recovery in the context of Argentina’s multiple implosion of 2001-02 whilst also assessing its legacies for the country’s social, cultural, economic and political realms during the last decade. It recognises that "crisis" is a term that is much used in the post-Lehman Brothers world and that the subsequent responses and associated recoveries (or lack of) have been the subject of a cascade of academic, government, media, and think-tank investigation ever since. The chapter instead seeks to understand the nature of how crisis and its impacts should be investigated and interrogated, by rejecting false dichotomies of ‘old’ and ‘new’ and synthesising understanding to form an analysis that draws both elements of continuity and elements of change. Secondly, it argues that crisis manifests itself in a number of realms, and that heuristic devices employed to investigate them must subsequently also be drawn from across a range of disciplinary perspectives. Thirdly, it examines how the 2001-02 crisis in Argentina led to a series of responses that both rejected the neoliberal model yet also recovered elements of it. Finally it outlines the structure of the rest of the book, briefly summarising the chapters in turn

    Simulationsgestuetzte Logistik und Produktionsstrategien im Schiffbau Abschlussbericht

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    Necessary and short-term changes of products or short terminated offers shall be examined by help of time-related dynamic simulation considering conditions closed to real ones. In case of suitable configuration such a simulation may serve as essential support for making decisions in marketing and planning. Another matter was the more efficient organisation of production processes under involvement of knowledge about possible and probable processes. Based on these essentials models were developed for rough planning, pipe production, part-group- and section making and also for module construction/final fitting. Additionally a data management and an acquisition system of the company's data with the respective inferfaces were developed and introduced. Difficulties arose from the time-parallel introduction of group-work and work with the simulation. Therefore some attempts for model development were necessary. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F99B302+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Maritimes Entsorgungs- und Recyclingzentrum in Hamburg Machbarkeitsstudie

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    Also rep.-no. 9032-1. In cooperation with: Blohm und Voss GmbH; Carl Robert Eckelmann AG; Gall und Seitz GmbH; Germanischer LLoyd; Norddeutsche Affinerie Aktiengesellschaft; Stadtreinigung Hamburg; STN ATLAS Marine Electronics GmbHAvailable from TIB Hannover: F02B1383 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDeutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, Osnabrueck (Germany)DEGerman

    Selbststeuernde Produktionsstrategie durch innovative Gestaltung der Produktionsprozesse Abschlussbericht

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    In German Shipbuilding not any experience in total organization of a compact shipyard and about its processes with involvement of group-teamwork, know-how of single staff members, respective performance stimulating system, relationship between run of events and co-operation was available. So in frame of a pilot-project the basic approach of the Peene-Werft consisted in starting the group-teamwork and the continuous improvement process (KVP) with self-controlling effect to the run of production process in selected fields having relatively clear interfaces. By way of the new task, to demand a group result from the staff members, the work became more comprehensive and at the same time lead to an increase of productivity and efficiency. In the field where the pilot-project was effective a reduction of production hours by 7 to 8% could be achieved, beside of economizing overhead costs. The speedy involvement of other fields into group-teamwork and KVP is foreseen. (orig.)SIGLEAvailable from TIB Hannover: F98B2018+a / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekBundesministerium fuer Bildung, Wissenschaft, Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Germany)DEGerman