64 research outputs found

    Plasma glucose regulation and insulin secretion in hypertriglyceridemic mice

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    In this study, we examined glucose homeostasis and insulin secretion in transgenic mice overexpressing the human apolipoprotein CIII gene (apo CIII tg). These mice have elevated plasma levels of triglycerides, FFA and cholesterol compared to control mice. The body weight, plasma glucose, and insulin levels, glucose disappearance rates, areas under the ipGTT curve for adult (4-8 mo. old) and aged (20-24 mo. old) apo CIII tg mice and the determination of insulin during the ipGTT were riot different from those of control mice. However, an additional elevation of plasma FFA by treatment with heparin for 2-4h impaired the ipGTT responses in apo CIII tg mice compared to saline-treated mice. The glucose disappearance rate in heparin-treated transgenic mice was slightly lower than in heparin-treated controls. Glucose (22.2 mmol/l) stimulated insulin secretion in isolated islets to the same extent in saline-treated control and apo CIII tg mice. in islets from heparin-treated apo CIII tg mice, the insulin secretion at 2.8 and 22.2 mmol glucose/l was lower than in heparin-treated control mice. In conclusion, hypertriglyceridemia per se or a mild elevation in FFA did not affect insulin secretion or insulin resistance in adult or aged apo CIII tg mice. Nonetheless, an additional elevation of FFA induced by heparin in hypertriglyceridemic mice impaired the ipGTT by reducing insulin secretion.341212

    Cross-correlation of gravitational lensing from DES Science Verification data with SPT and Planck lensing

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    We measure the cross-correlation between weak lensing of galaxy images and of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) on the same patch of sky. The effects of gravitational lensing on different sources will be correlated if the lensing is caused by the same mass fluctuations. We use galaxy shape measurements from 139 deg2 of the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Science Verification data and overlapping CMB lensing from the South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck. The DES source galaxies have a median redshift of zmed∼0.7, while the CMB lensing kernel is broad and peaks at z∼2. The resulting cross-correlation is maximally sensitive to mass fluctuations at z∼0.44. Assuming the Planck 2015 best-fit cosmology, the amplitude of the DES×SPT cross-power is found to be ASPT = 0.88 ± 0.30 and that from DES×Planck to be APlanck = 0.86±0.39, where A = 1 corresponds to the theoretical prediction and the errors are 68% confidence limits. These are consistent with the expected signal and correspond to significances of 2.9σ and 2.2σ respectively. We demonstrate that our results are robust to a number of important systematic effects including the shear measurement method, estimator choice, photometric redshift uncertainty and CMB lensing systematics. Significant intrinsic alignment of galaxy shapes would increase the cross-correlation signal inferred from the data; we calculate a value of A = 1.08±0.36 for DES×SPT when we correct the observations with a simple IA model. With three measurements of this cross-correlation now existing in the literature, there is not yet reliable evidence for any deviation from the expected LCDM level of cross-correlation, given the size of the statistical uncertainties and the significant impact of systematic errors, particularly IAs. Future data sets, including those from upcoming releases of DES and SPT, will cover more sky area and provide both greater depth and higher resolution, making this correlation a potentially very powerful cosmological tool. We provide forecasts for the expected signal-to-noise of the combination of the five-year DES survey and SPT-3G

    CMB lensing tomography with the DES science verification galaxies

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    We measure the cross-correlation between the galaxy density in the Dark Energy Survey (DES) Science Verification data and the lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) as reconstructed with the Planck satellite and the South Pole Telescope (SPT). When using the DES main galaxy sample over the full redshift range 0.2 2σ) detections in all bins. Comparing to the fiducial Planck cosmology, we find the redshift evolution of the signal matches expectations, although the amplitude is consistently lower than predicted across redshift bins. We test for possible systematics that could affect our result and find no evidence for significant contamination. Finally, we demonstrate how these measurements can be used to constrain the growth of structure across cosmic time. We find the data are fit by a model in which the amplitude of structure in the z < 1.2 universe is 0.73 ± 0.16 times as large as predicted in the Λ cold dark matter Planck cosmology, a 1.7σ deviation

    Cosmological lensing ratios with DES Y1, SPT and Planck

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    International audienceCorrelations between tracers of the matter density field and gravitational lensing are sensitive to the evolution of the matter power spectrum and the expansion rate across cosmic time. Appropriately defined ratios of such correlation functions, on the other hand, depend only on the angular diameter distances to the tracer objects and to the gravitational lensing source planes. Because of their simple cosmological dependence, such ratios can exploit available signal-to-noise ratio down to small angular scales, even where directly modelling the correlation functions is difficult. We present a measurement of lensing ratios using galaxy position and lensing data from the Dark Energy Survey, and CMB lensing data from the South Pole Telescope and Planck, obtaining the highest precision lensing ratio measurements to date. Relative to the concordance ΛCDM model, we find a best-fitting lensing ratio amplitude of A = 1.1 ± 0.1. We use the ratio measurements to generate cosmological constraints, focusing on the curvature parameter. We demonstrate that photometrically selected galaxies can be used to measure lensing ratios, and argue that future lensing ratio measurements with data from a combination of LSST and Stage-4 CMB experiments can be used to place interesting cosmological constraints, even after considering the systematic uncertainties associated with photometric redshift and galaxy shear estimation

    Dark Energy Survey Year 1 Results:tomographic cross-correlations between DES galaxies and CMB lensing from SPT+Planck

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    International audienceWe measure the cross-correlation between redMaGiC galaxies selected from the Dark Energy Survey (DES) year 1 data and gravitational lensing of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) reconstructed from South Pole Telescope (SPT) and Planck data over 1289  deg2. When combining measurements across multiple galaxy redshift bins spanning the redshift range of 0.15<z<0.90, we reject the hypothesis of no correlation at 19.9σ significance. When removing small-scale data points where thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich signal and nonlinear galaxy bias could potentially bias our results, the detection significance is reduced to 9.9σ. We perform a joint analysis of galaxy-CMB lensing cross-correlations and galaxy clustering to constrain cosmology, finding Ωm=0.276-0.030+0.029 and S8=σ8Ωm/0.3=0.800-0.094+0.090. We also perform two alternate analyses aimed at constraining only the growth rate of cosmic structure as a function of redshift, finding consistency with predictions from the concordance ΛCDM model. The measurements presented here are part of a joint cosmological analysis that combines galaxy clustering, galaxy lensing and CMB lensing using data from DES, SPT and Planck