32 research outputs found

    A reassessment of outer-rise seismicity and its implications for the mechanics of oceanic lithosphere

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    We use body-waveform modelling to constrain the source parameters of earthquakes occurring globally in oceanic lithosphere beneath the subduction zone outer rise and outer trench slope. These data are then used to map the stress state in the lithosphere of the downgoing plate as it bends into the subduction zone. Our results provide new constraints on the faulting of oceanic lithosphere at the outer rise, which is important for understanding the transmission of plate-driving forces through the subduction system. In all cases, shallow normal-faulting earthquakes are observed at the top of the plate, and are separated in depth from any deeper thrust-faulting earthquakes. No temporal variation associated with large thrust-faulting earthquakes on the subduction interface is seen in the depth extent of each type of faulting at the outer rise. The transition depth from trench-normal extension to compression is found to vary in agreement with models in which deformation is driven by the combination of in-plane stresses and bending stresses, resulting principally from slab pull. Combining the seismologically derived constraints on the thickness of the elastic core of the plate with estimates of the plate curvature, we place upper bounds on the strength of the lithosphere at the outer rise, which is required to be ≲300 MPa for a constant yield stress model, or governed by an effective coefficient of friction of ≲0.3

    Viscum album L. extracts in breast and gynaecological cancers: a systematic review of clinical and preclinical research

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Viscum album </it>L. extracts (VAE, European mistletoe) are a widely used medicinal plant extract in gynaecological and breast-cancer treatment.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Systematic review to evaluate clinical studies and preclinical research on the therapeutic effectiveness and biological effects of VAE on gynaecological and breast cancer. Search of databases, reference lists and expert consultations. Criteria-based assessment of methodological study quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>19 randomized (RCT), 16 non-randomized (non-RCT) controlled studies, and 11 single-arm cohort studies were identified that investigated VAE treatment of breast or gynaecological cancer. They included 2420, 6399 and 1130 patients respectively. 8 RCTs and 8 non-RCTs were embedded in the same large epidemiological cohort study. 9 RCTs and 13 non-RCTs assessed survival; 12 reported a statistically significant benefit, the others either a trend or no difference. 3 RCTs and 6 non-RCTs assessed tumour behaviour (remission or time to relapse); 3 reported statistically significant benefit, the others either a trend, no difference or mixed results. Quality of life (QoL) and tolerability of chemotherapy, radiotherapy or surgery was assessed in 15 RCTs and 9 non-RCTs. 21 reported a statistically significant positive result, the others either a trend, no difference, or mixed results. Methodological quality of the studies differed substantially; some had major limitations, especially RCTs on survival and tumour behaviour had very small sample sizes. Some recent studies, however, especially on QoL were reasonably well conducted. Single-arm cohort studies investigated tumour behaviour, QoL, pharmacokinetics and safety of VAE. Tumour remission was observed after high dosage and local application. VAE application was well tolerated. 34 animal experiments investigated VAE and isolated or recombinant compounds in various breast and gynaecological cancer models in mice and rats. VAE showed increase of survival and tumour remission especially in mice, while application in rats as well as application of VAE compounds had mixed results. <it>In vitro </it>VAE and its compounds have strong cytotoxic effects on cancer cells.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>VAE shows some positive effects in breast and gynaecological cancer. More research into clinical efficacy is warranted.</p

    Event related potentials during the visual discrimination of words and pseudowords by children Potenciais evocados cognitivos na discriminação visual entre palavras e pseudopalavras em crianças

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    Event related potentials (ERPs) in reading were studied in children in a word and pseudoword discriminating task. Seventy-nine children (9 to 11 year old), all with no elements suggesting brain injury and with school performance compatible with their age were studied. The ERP were registered as there were presented, visually, successively and in a random manner, 100 words and 100 pseudowords. For each stimulus the child pressed a key corresponding to the discrimination between word and pseudoword. The register was carried out for the electrodes of the 10-20 system and the mean amplitudes and latency peaks measured and also the amplitude from 200 to 550 milliseconds. The most significant differences between the ERPs occurred in Cz, with greater negativity for the mean of the amplitude between 425 and 550 milliseconds for pseudowords (N400). The N400 was more precocious in 11 year old. The influence of age was thus evident and also the differences in ERPs between words and pseudowords.<br>Foram estudadas 79 crianças (9 a 11 anos) sem elementos sugestivos de comprometimento cerebral e com desempenho escolar compatível com a idade. Os PCL foram registrados enquanto eram apresentados, visualmente, sucessivamente e de modo aleatório, 100 palavras e 100 pseudopalavras. Para cada estímulo a criança acionava uma tecla correspondente à discriminação entre palavra e pseudopalavra. O registro foi realizado para os eletrodos do sistema 10-20 e foram feitas medidas de médias de amplitude e de latências de pico e de amplitude de 200 a 550 milissegundos. Em Cz ocorreram as diferenças mais significativas entre os PCL, com maior negatividade da média de amplitude entre 425 e 550 milissegundos para pseudopalavras (N400). O N400 foi mais precoce nas crianças com 11 anos. Evidenciou-se assim a influência da idade e as diferenças no PCL entre palavras e pseudopalavras

    Proposed minimal diagnostic criteria for myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and potential pre-MDS conditions

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    Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) comprise a heterogeneous group of myeloid neoplasms characterized by peripheral cytopenia, dysplasia, and a variable clinical course with about 30% risk to transform to secondary acute myeloid leukemia (AML). In the past 15 years, diagnostic evaluations, prognostication, and treatment of MDS have improved substantially. However, with the discovery of molecular markers and advent of novel targeted therapies, new challenges have emerged in the complex field of MDS. For example, MDS-related molecular lesions may be detectable in healthy individuals and increase in prevalence with age. Other patients exhibit persistent cytopenia of unknown etiology without dysplasia. Although these conditions are potential pre-phases of MDS they may also transform into other bone marrow neoplasms. Recently identified molecular, cytogenetic, and flow-based parameters may add in the delineation and prognostication of these conditions. However, no generally accepted integrated classification and no related criteria are as yet available. In an attempt to address this challenge, an international consensus group discussed these issues in a working conference in July 2016. The outcomes of this conference are summarized in the present article which includes criteria and a proposal for the classification of pre-MDS conditions as well as updated minimal diagnostic criteria of MDS. Moreover, we propose diagnostic standards to delineate between ´normal´, pre-MDS, and MDS. These standards and criteria should facilitate diagnostic and prognostic evaluations in clinical studies as well as in clinical practice