207 research outputs found

    Anti-plasmodial polyvalent interactions in Artemisia annua L. aqueous extract – possible synergistic and resistance mechanisms

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    Artemisia annua hot water infusion (tea) has been used in in vitro experiments against P. falciparum malaria parasites to test potency relative to equivalent pure artemisinin. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and mass spectrometric analyses were employed to determine the metabolite profile of tea including the concentrations of artemisinin (47.5±0.8 mg L-1), dihydroartemisinic acid (70.0±0.3 mg L-1), arteannuin B (1.3±0.0 mg L-1), isovitexin (105.0±7.2 mg L-1) and a range of polyphenolic acids. The tea extract, purified compounds from the extract, and the combination of artemisinin with the purified compounds were tested against chloroquine sensitive and chloroquine resistant strains of P. falciparum using the DNA-intercalative SYBR Green I assay. The results of these in vitro tests and of isobologram analyses of combination effects showed mild to strong antagonistic interactions between artemisinin and the compounds (9-epi-artemisinin and artemisitene) extracted from A. annua with significant (IC50 <1 μM) anti-plasmodial activities for the combination range evaluated. Mono-caffeoylquinic acids, tri-caffeoylquinic acid, artemisinic acid and arteannuin B showed additive interaction while rosmarinic acid showed synergistic interaction with artemisinin in the chloroquine sensitive strain at a combination ratio of 1:3 (artemisinin to purified compound). In the chloroquine resistant parasite, using the same ratio, these compounds strongly antagonised artemisinin anti-plasmodial activity with the exception of arteannuin B, which was synergistic. This result would suggest a mechanism targeting parasite resistance defenses for arteannuin B’s potentiation of artemisinin

    Induction of JNK and c-Abl signalling by cisplatin and oxaliplatin in mismatch repair-proficient and -deficient cells

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    Loss of DNA mismatch repair has been observed in a variety of human cancers. Recent studies have shown that loss of DNA mismatch repair results in resistance to cisplatin but not oxaliplatin, suggesting that the mismatch repair proteins serve as a detector for cisplatin but not oxaliplatin adducts. To identify the signal transduction pathways with which the detector communicates, we investigated the effect of loss of DNA mismatch repair on activation of known damage-responsive pathways, and recently reported that cisplatin differentially activates c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK) and c-Abl in repair-proficient vs.-deficient cells. In the current study, we directly compared differential activation of these pathways by cisplatin vs. oxaliplatin. The results confirm that cisplatin activates JNK kinase 5.7 ± 1.5 (s.d.)-fold more efficiently in DNA mismatch repair-proficient than repair-deficient cells, and that the c-Abl response to cisplatin is completely absent in DNA mismatch repair-deficient cells. In contrast, there was no detectable activation of the JNK or c-Abl kinases in DNA mismatch repair-proficient or -deficient cells exposed to oxaliplatin. The present study demonstrates that, despite the similarity of the adducts produced by cisplatin and oxaliplatin, they appear to be recognized by different detectors. The DNA mismatch repair system plays an important part in the recognition of cisplatin adducts, and activation of both the JNK and c-Abl kinases in response to cisplatin damage is dependent on the detector function of the DNA mismatch repair proteins. In contrast, this detector does not respond to oxaliplatin adducts. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Non-PEGylated liposomes for convection-enhanced delivery of topotecan and gadodiamide in malignant glioma: initial experience

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    Convection-enhanced delivery (CED) of highly stable PEGylated liposomes encapsulating chemotherapeutic drugs has previously been effective against malignant glioma xenografts. We have developed a novel, convectable non-PEGylated liposomal formulation that can be used to encapsulate both the topoisomerase I inhibitor topotecan (topoCED™) and paramagnetic gadodiamide (gadoCED™), providing an ideal basis for real-time monitoring of drug distribution. Tissue retention of topoCED following single CED administration was significantly improved relative to free topotecan. At a dose of 10 μg (0.5 mg/ml), topoCED had a half-life in brain of approximately 1 day and increased the area under the concentration–time curve (AUC) by 28-fold over free topotecan (153.8 vs. 5.5 μg day/g). The combination of topoCED and gadoCED was found to co-convect well in both naïve rat brain and malignant glioma xenografts (correlation coefficients 0.97–0.99). In a U87MG cell assay, the 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) of topoCED was approximately 0.8 μM at 48 and 72 h; its concentration–time curves were similar to free topotecan and unaffected by gadoCED. In a U87MG intracranial rat xenograft model, a two-dose CED regimen of topoCED co-infused with gadoCED greatly increased median overall survival at dose levels of 0.5 mg/ml (29.5 days) and 1.0 mg/ml (33.0 days) vs. control (20.0 days; P < 0.0001 for both comparisons). TopoCED at higher concentrations (1.6 mg/ml) co-infused with gadoCED showed no evidence of histopathological changes attributable to either agent. The positive results of tissue pharmacokinetics, co-convection, cytotoxicity, efficacy, and lack of toxicity of topoCED in a clinically meaningful dose range, combined with an ideal matched-liposome paramagnetic agent, gadoCED, implicates further clinical applications of this therapy in the treatment of malignant glioma

    Emergence of Minor Drug-Resistant HIV-1 Variants after Triple Antiretroviral Prophylaxis for Prevention of Vertical HIV-1 Transmission

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    Background: WHO-guidelines for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV-1 in resource-limited settings recommend complex maternal antiretroviral prophylaxis comprising antenatal zidovudine (AZT), nevirapine single-dose (NVP-SD) at labor onset and AZT/lamivudine (3TC) during labor and one week postpartum. Data on resistance development selected by this regimen is not available. We therefore analyzed the emergence of minor drug-resistant HIV-1 variants in Tanzanian women following complex prophylaxis. Method: 1395 pregnant women were tested for HIV-1 at Kyela District Hospital, Tanzania. 87/202 HIV-positive women started complex prophylaxis. Blood samples were collected before start of prophylaxis, at birth and 1–2, 4–6 and 12–16 weeks postpartum. Allele-specific real-time PCR assays specific for HIV-1 subtypes A, C and D were developed and applied on samples of mothers and their vertically infected infants to quantify key resistance mutations of AZT (K70R/T215Y/T215F), NVP (K103N/Y181C) and 3TC (M184V) at detection limits of,1%. Results: 50/87 HIV-infected women having started complex prophylaxis were eligible for the study. All women took AZT with a median duration of 53 days (IQR 39–64); all women ingested NVP-SD, 86 % took 3TC. HIV-1 resistance mutations were detected in 20/50 (40%) women, of which 70 % displayed minority species. Variants with AZT-resistance mutations were found in 11/50 (22%), NVP-resistant variants in 9/50 (18%) and 3TC-resistant variants in 4/50 women (8%). Three wome

    Plasmodium falciparum Parasites Are Killed by a Transition State Analogue of Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase in a Primate Animal Model

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    Plasmodium falciparum causes most of the one million annual deaths from malaria. Drug resistance is widespread and novel agents against new targets are needed to support combination-therapy approaches promoted by the World Health Organization. Plasmodium species are purine auxotrophs. Blocking purine nucleoside phosphorylase (PNP) kills cultured parasites by purine starvation. DADMe-Immucillin-G (BCX4945) is a transition state analogue of human and Plasmodium PNPs, binding with picomolar affinity. Here, we test BCX4945 in Aotus primates, an animal model for Plasmodium falciparum infections. Oral administration of BCX4945 for seven days results in parasite clearance and recrudescence in otherwise lethal infections of P. falciparum in Aotus monkeys. The molecular action of BCX4945 is demonstrated in crystal structures of human and P. falciparum PNPs. Metabolite analysis demonstrates that PNP blockade inhibits purine salvage and polyamine synthesis in the parasites. The efficacy, oral availability, chemical stability, unique mechanism of action and low toxicity of BCX4945 demonstrate potential for combination therapies with this novel antimalarial agent