1,162 research outputs found

    Enhanced roughness of lipid membranes caused by external electric fields

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    The behavior of lipid membranes in the presence of an external electric field is studied and used to examine the influence of such fields on membrane parameters such as roughness and show that for a micro sized membrane, roughness grows as the field increases. The dependence of bending rigidity on the electric field is also studied and an estimation of thickness of the accumulated charges around lipid membranes in a free-salt solution is presented.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Computational Materials Scienc

    On the dynamical generation of the Maxwell term and scale invariance

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    Gauge theories with no Maxwell term are investigated in various setups. The dynamical generation of the Maxwell term is correlated to the scale invariance properties of the system. This is discussed mainly in the cases where the gauge coupling carries dimensions. The term is generated when the theory contains a scale explicitly, when it is asymptotically free and in particular also when the scale invariance is spontaneously broken. The terms are not generated when the scale invariance is maintained. Examples studied include the large NN limit of the CPN1CP^{N-1} model in (2+ϵ)(2+\epsilon) dimensions, a 3D gauged ϕ6\phi^6 vector model and its supersymmetric extension. In the latter case the generation of the Maxwell term at a fixed point is explored. The phase structure of the d=3d=3 case is investigated in the presence of a Chern-Simons term as well. In the supersymmetric ϕ6\phi^6 model the emergence of the Maxwell term is accompanied by the dynamical generation of the Chern-Simons term and its multiplet and dynamical breaking of the parity symmetry. In some of the phases long range forces emerge which may result in logarithmic confinement. These include a dilaton exchange which plays a role also in the case when the theory has no gauge symmetry. Gauged Lagrangian realizations of the 2D coset models do not lead to emergent Maxwell terms. We discuss a case where the gauge symmetry is anomalous.Comment: 38 pages, 4 figures; v2 slightly improved, typos fixed, references added, published versio

    Superconformal symmetry and maximal supergravity in various dimensions

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    In this paper we explore the relation between conformal superalgebras with 64 supercharges and maximal supergravity theories in three, four and six dimensions using twistorial oscillator techniques. The massless fields of N=8 supergravity in four dimensions were shown to fit into a CPT-self-conjugate doubleton supermultiplet of the conformal superalgebra SU(2,2|8) a long time ago. We show that the fields of maximal supergravity in three dimensions can similarly be fitted into the super singleton multiplet of the conformal superalgebra OSp(16|4,R), which is related to the doubleton supermultiplet of SU(2,2|8) by dimensional reduction. Moreover, we construct the ultra-short supermultiplet of the six-dimensional conformal superalgebra OSp(8*|8) and show that its component fields can be organized in an on-shell superfield. The ultra-short OSp(8*|8) multiplet reduces to the doubleton supermultiplet of SU(2,2|8) upon dimensional reduction. We discuss the possibility of a chiral maximal (4,0) six-dimensional supergravity theory with USp(8) R-symmetry that reduces to maximal supergravity in four dimensions and is different from six-dimensional (2,2) maximal supergravity, whose fields cannot be fitted into a unitary supermultiplet of a simple conformal superalgebra. Such an interacting theory would be the gravitational analog of the (2,0) theory.Comment: 54 pages, PDFLaTeX, Section 5 and several references added. Version accepted for publication in JHE

    New Constraints (and Motivations) for Abelian Gauge Bosons in the MeV-TeV Mass Range

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    We survey the phenomenological constraints on abelian gauge bosons having masses in the MeV to multi-GeV mass range (using precision electroweak measurements, neutrino-electron and neutrino-nucleon scattering, electron and muon anomalous magnetic moments, upsilon decay, beam dump experiments, atomic parity violation, low-energy neutron scattering and primordial nucleosynthesis). We compute their implications for the three parameters that in general describe the low-energy properties of such bosons: their mass and their two possible types of dimensionless couplings (direct couplings to ordinary fermions and kinetic mixing with Standard Model hypercharge). We argue that gauge bosons with very small couplings to ordinary fermions in this mass range are natural in string compactifications and are likely to be generic in theories for which the gravity scale is systematically smaller than the Planck mass - such as in extra-dimensional models - because of the necessity to suppress proton decay. Furthermore, because its couplings are weak, in the low-energy theory relevant to experiments at and below TeV scales the charge gauged by the new boson can appear to be broken, both by classical effects and by anomalies. In particular, if the new gauge charge appears to be anomalous, anomaly cancellation does not also require the introduction of new light fermions in the low-energy theory. Furthermore, the charge can appear to be conserved in the low-energy theory, despite the corresponding gauge boson having a mass. Our results reduce to those of other authors in the special cases where there is no kinetic mixing or there is no direct coupling to ordinary fermions, such as for recently proposed dark-matter scenarios.Comment: 49 pages + appendix, 21 figures. This is the final version which appears in JHE

    Minimal flavour violation extensions of the seesaw

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    We analyze the most natural formulations of the minimal lepton flavour violation hypothesis compatible with a type-I seesaw structure with three heavy singlet neutrinos N, and satisfying the requirement of being predictive, in the sense that all LFV effects can be expressed in terms of low energy observables. We find a new interesting realization based on the flavour group SU(3)e×SU(3)+NSU(3)_e\times SU(3)_{\ell+N} (being ee and \ell respectively the SU(2) singlet and doublet leptons). An intriguing feature of this realization is that, in the normal hierarchy scenario for neutrino masses, it allows for sizeable enhancements of μe\mu \to e transitions with respect to LFV processes involving the τ\tau lepton. We also discuss how the symmetries of the type-I seesaw allow for a strong suppression of the N mass scale with respect to the scale of lepton number breaking, without implying a similar suppression for possible mechanisms of N productionComment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    On Inflation with Non-minimal Coupling

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    A simple realization of inflation consists of adding the following operators to the Einstein-Hilbert action: (partial phi)^2, lambda phi^4, and xi phi^2 R, with xi a large non-minimal coupling. Recently there has been much discussion as to whether such theories make sense quantum mechanically and if the inflaton phi can also be the Standard Model Higgs. In this note we answer these questions. Firstly, for a single scalar phi, we show that the quantum field theory is well behaved in the pure gravity and kinetic sectors, since the quantum generated corrections are small. However, the theory likely breaks down at ~ m_pl / xi due to scattering provided by the self-interacting potential lambda phi^4. Secondly, we show that the theory changes for multiple scalars phi with non-minimal coupling xi phi dot phi R, since this introduces qualitatively new interactions which manifestly generate large quantum corrections even in the gravity and kinetic sectors, spoiling the theory for energies > m_pl / xi. Since the Higgs doublet of the Standard Model includes the Higgs boson and 3 Goldstone bosons, it falls into the latter category and therefore its validity is manifestly spoiled. We show that these conclusions hold in both the Jordan and Einstein frames and describe an intuitive analogy in the form of the pion Lagrangian. We also examine the recent claim that curvature-squared inflation models fail quantum mechanically. Our work appears to go beyond the recent discussions.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Version 2: Clarified findings and improved wording. Elaborated important sections and removed an unnecessary section. Added references. Version 3: Updated towards JHEP version. Version 4: Final JHEP versio

    The Overall Coefficient of the Two-loop Superstring Amplitude Using Pure Spinors

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    Using the results recently obtained for computing integrals over (non-minimal) pure spinor superspace, we compute the coefficient of the massless two-loop four-point amplitude from first principles. Contrasting with the mathematical difficulties in the RNS formalism where unknown normalizations of chiral determinant formulae force the two-loop coefficient to be determined only indirectly through factorization, the computation in the pure spinor formalism can be smoothly carried out.Comment: 29 pages, harvmac TeX. v2: add reference

    B-L Cosmic Strings in Heterotic Standard Models

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    E_{8} X E_{8} heterotic string and M-theory, when compactified on smooth Calabi-Yau manifolds with SU(4) vector bundles, can give rise to softly broken N=1 supersymmetric theories with the exact matter spectrum of the MSSM, including three right-handed neutrinos and one Higgs-Higgs conjugate pair of supermultiplets. These vacua have the SU(3)_{C} X SU(2)_{L} X U(1)_{Y} gauge group of the standard model augmented by an additional gauged U(1)_{B-L}. Their minimal content requires that the B-L symmetry be spontaneously broken by a vacuum expectation value of at least one right-handed sneutrino. The soft supersymmetry breaking operators can induce radiative breaking of the B-L gauge symmetry with an acceptable B-L/electroweak hierarchy. In this paper, it is shown that U(1)_{B-L} cosmic strings occur in this context, potentially with both bosonic and fermionic superconductivity. We present a numerical analysis that demonstrates that boson condensates can, in principle, form for theories of this type. However, the weak Yukawa and gauge couplings of the right-handed sneutrino suggests that bosonic superconductivity will not occur in the simplest vacua in this context. The electroweak phase transition also disallows fermion superconductivity, although substantial bound state fermion currents can exist.Comment: 41 pages, 5 figure

    String theoretic QCD axions in the light of PLANCK and BICEP2

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    The QCD axion solving the strong CP problem may originate from antisymmetric tensor gauge fields in compactified string theory, with a decay constant around the GUT scale. Such possibility appears to be ruled out now by the detection of tensor modes by BICEP2 and the PLANCK constraints on isocurvature density perturbations. A more interesting and still viable possibility is that the string theoretic QCD axion is charged under an anomalous U(1)_A gauge symmetry. In such case, the axion decay constant can be much lower than the GUT scale if moduli are stabilized near the point of vanishing Fayet-Illiopoulos term, and U(1)_A-charged matter fields get a vacuum value far below the GUT scale due to a tachyonic SUSY breaking scalar mass. We examine the symmetry breaking pattern of such models during the inflationary epoch with the Hubble expansion rate 10^{14} GeV, and identify the range of the QCD axion decay constant, as well as the corresponding relic axion abundance, consistent with known cosmological constraints. In addition to the case that the PQ symmetry is restored during inflation, there are other viable scenarios, including that the PQ symmetry is broken during inflation at high scales around 10^{16}-10^{17} GeV due to a large Hubble-induced tachyonic scalar mass from the U(1)_A D-term, while the present axion scale is in the range 10^{9}-5\times 10^{13} GeV, where the present value larger than 10^{12} GeV requires a fine-tuning of the axion misalignment angle. We also discuss the implications of our results for the size of SUSY breaking soft masses.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure; v3: analysis updated including the full anharmonic effects, references added, version accepted for publication in JHE