1,511 research outputs found

    The Molecular Basis of Radial Intercalation during Tissue Spreading in Early Development

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    Radial intercalation is a fundamental process responsible for the thinning of multilayered tissues during large-scale morphogenesis; however, its molecular mechanism has remained elusive. Using amphibian epiboly, the thinning and spreading of the animal hemisphere during gastrulation, here we provide evidence that radial intercalation is driven by chemotaxis of cells toward the external layer of the tissue. This role of chemotaxis in tissue spreading and thinning is unlike its typical role associated with large-distance directional movement of cells. We identify the chemoattractant as the complement component C3a, a factor normally linked with the immune system. The mechanism is explored by computational modeling and tested in vivo, ex vivo, and in vitro. This mechanism is robust against fluctuations of chemoattractant levels and expression patterns and explains expansion during epiboly. This study provides insight into the fundamental process of radial intercalation and could be applied to a wide range of morphogenetic events

    The spin glass transition of the three dimensional Heisenberg spin glass

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    It is shown, by means of Monte Carlo simulation and Finite Size Scaling analysis, that the Heisenberg spin glass undergoes a finite-temperature phase transition in three dimensions. There is a single critical temperature, at which both a spin glass and a chiral glass orderings develop. The Monte Carlo algorithm, adapted from lattice gauge theory simulations, makes possible to thermalize lattices of size L=32, larger than in any previous spin glass simulation in three dimensions. High accuracy is reached thanks to the use of the Marenostrum supercomputer. The large range of system sizes studied allow us to consider scaling corrections.Comment: 4 pages, 4 Postscript figures, version to be published in Physical Review Letter

    Exploring the alpha-enhancement of metal-poor planet-hosting stars. The Kepler and HARPS samples

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    Recent studies showed that at low metallicities Doppler-detected planet-hosting stars have preferably high alpha-content and belong to the thick disk. We used the reconnaissance spectra of 87 Kepler planet candidates and data available from the HARPS planet search survey to explore this phenomena. Using the traditional spectroscopic abundance analysis methods we derived Ti, Ca, and Cr abundances for the Kepler stars. In the metallicity region -0.65 < [Fe/H] < -0.3 dex the fraction of Ti-enhanced thick-disk HARPS planet harboring stars is 12.3 +/- 4.1 % and for their thin-disk counterparts this fraction is 2.2 +/- 1.3 %. The binomial statistics gives a probability of 0.008 that this could have occurred by chance. Combining the two samples (HARPS + Kepler) reinforces the significance of this result (P ~ 99.97 %). Since most of these stars are harboring small-mass/size planets we can assume that, although terrestrial planets can be found at low-iron regime, they are mostly enhanced by alpha-elements. This implies that early formation of rocky planets could get started in the Galactic thick disk, where the chemical conditions for their formation were more favorable.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Spin and chirality orderings of the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass with the long-range power-law interaction

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    The ordering of the one-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass interacting via the long-range power-law interaction is studied by Monte Carlo simulations. Particular attention is paid to the possible occurrence of the ``spin-chirality decoupling'' for appropriate values of the power-law exponent \sigma. Our result suggests that, for intermediate values of σ\sigma, the chiral-glass order occurs at finite temperatures while the standard spin-glass order occurs only at zero temperature.Comment: Proceedings of the Highly Frustrated Magnetism (HFM2006) conference. To appear in a special issue of J. Phys. Condens. Matte

    Li depletion in solar analogues with exoplanets: Extending the sample

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    We want to study the effects of the formation of planets and planetary systems on the atmospheric Li abundance of planet host stars. In this work we present new determinations of lithium abundances for 326 Main Sequence stars with and without planets in the Teff_\mathrm{eff} range 5600-5900 K. 277 stars come from the HARPS sample, the remaining targets have been observed with a variety of high resolution spectrographs. We confirm significant differences in the Li distribution of solar twins (Teff_\mathrm{eff} = T±_{\odot} \pm 80 K, log g = log g_{\odot} ±\pm 0.2 and [Fe/H] = [Fe/H]±_{\odot} \pm 0.2): the full sample of planet host stars (22) shows Li average values lower than "single" stars with no detected planets (60). If we focus in subsamples with narrower ranges in metallicity and age, we observe indications of a similar result though it is not so clear for some of the studied subsamples. Furthermore, we compare the observed spectra of several couples of stars with very similar parameters which show different Li abundances up to 1.6 dex. Therefore we show that neither age, nor mass nor metallicity of a parent star is the only responsible for enhanced Li depletion in solar analogues. We conclude that another variable must account for that difference and suggest that this could be the presence of planets which causes additional rotationally induced mixing in the external layers of planet host stars. Moreover, we find indications that the amount of depletion of Li in planet host solar-type stars is higher when the planets are more massive than Jupiter.Comment: 16 pages, accepted for publication in A&

    Comment on "Spin-glass transition of the three-dimensional Heisenberg spin glass" - Reply

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    © 2007 American Physical Society.Depto. de Física TeóricaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEpu

    Formation and structure of the three Neptune-mass planets system around HD69830

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    Since the discovery of the first giant planet outside the solar system in 1995 (Mayor & Queloz 1995), more than 180 extrasolar planets have been discovered. With improving detection capabilities, a new class of planets with masses 5-20 times larger than the Earth, at close distance from their parent star is rapidly emerging. Recently, the first system of three Neptune-mass planets has been discovered around the solar type star HD69830 (Lovis et al. 2006). Here, we present and discuss a possible formation scenario for this planetary system based on a consistent coupling between the extended core accretion model and evolutionary models (Alibert et al. 2005a, Baraffe et al. 2004,2006). We show that the innermost planet formed from an embryo having started inside the iceline is composed essentially of a rocky core surrounded by a tiny gaseous envelope. The two outermost planets started their formation beyond the iceline and, as a consequence, accrete a substantial amount of water ice during their formation. We calculate the present day thermodynamical conditions inside these two latter planets and show that they are made of a rocky core surrounded by a shell of fluid water and a gaseous envelope.Comment: Accepted in AA Letter

    Evidence for a spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from 51 Peg b

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    The detection of reflected light from an exoplanet is a difficult technical challenge at optical wavelengths. Even though this signal is expected to replicate the stellar signal, not only is it several orders of magnitude fainter, but it is also hidden among the stellar noise. We apply a variant of the cross-correlation technique to HARPS observations of 51 Peg to detect the reflected signal from planet 51 Peg b. Our method makes use of the cross-correlation function of a binary mask with high-resolution spectra to amplify the minute planetary signal that is present in the spectra by a factor proportional to the number of spectral lines when performing the cross correlation. The resulting cross-correlation functions are then normalized by a stellar template to remove the stellar signal. Carefully selected sections of the resulting normalized CCFs are stacked to increase the planetary signal further. The recovered signal allows probing several of the planetary properties, including its real mass and albedo. We detect evidence for the reflected signal from planet 51 Peg b at a significance of 3\sigma_noise. The detection of the signal permits us to infer a real mass of 0.46^+0.06_-0.01 M_Jup (assuming a stellar mass of 1.04\;M_Sun) for the planet and an orbital inclination of 80^+10_-19 degrees. The analysis of the data also allows us to infer a tentative value for the (radius-dependent) geometric albedo of the planet. The results suggest that 51Peg b may be an inflated hot Jupiter with a high albedo (e.g., an albedo of 0.5 yields a radius of 1.9 \pm 0.3 R_Jup for a signal amplitude of 6.0\pm0.4 x 10^-5). We confirm that the method we perfected can be used to retrieve an exoplanet's reflected signal, even with current observing facilities. The advent of next generation of observing facilities will yield new opportunities for this type of technique to probe deeper into exoplanets.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Nature of vibrational eigenmodes in topologically disordered solids

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    We use a local projectional analysis method to investigate the effect of topological disorder on the vibrational dynamics in a model glass simulated by molecular dynamics. Evidence is presented that the vibrational eigenmodes in the glass are generically related to the corresponding eigenmodes of its crystalline counterpart via disorder-induced level-repelling and hybridization effects. It is argued that the effect of topological disorder in the glass on the dynamical matrix can be simulated by introducing positional disorder in a crystalline counterpart.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, PRB, to be publishe

    The RoPES project with HARPS and HARPS-N. I. A system of super-Earths orbiting the moderately active K-dwarf HD 176986

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    We report the discovery of a system of two super-Earths orbiting the moderately active K-dwarf HD 176986. This work is part of the RoPES RV program of G- and K-type stars, which combines radial velocities (RVs) from the HARPS and HARPS-N spectrographs to search for short-period terrestrial planets. HD 176986 b and c are super-Earth planets with masses of 5.74 and 9.18 M_{\oplus}, orbital periods of 6.49 and 16.82 days, and distances of 0.063 and 0.119 AU in orbits that are consistent with circular. The host star is a K2.5 dwarf, and despite its modest level of chromospheric activity (log(R'hk) = - 4.90 +- 0.04), it shows a complex activity pattern. Along with the discovery of the planets, we study the magnetic cycle and rotation of the star. HD 176986 proves to be suitable for testing the available RV analysis technique and further our understanding of stellar activity.Comment: 21 pages, 24 figures, 7 table