15,663 research outputs found

    Economic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Results from Observation Work

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    1.1.1 The Institute for Transport Studies was invited by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory to submit a research proposal, with costs, aimed at establishing suitable "Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People". The project commenced on 1st July, 1986 and was split into two parts, with part one involving four months' work over the period to 31st December, 1986 and part two finishing on 30th April, 1988. 1.1.2 The -objectives of the study laid down in the design brief by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory were: a) To produce a guide to good practice for the design and maintenance of footways and pedestrianised areas; b) To provide, where possible, recommended standards for design and maintenance. The good practice guide and the recommended standards were to be primarily aimed at disabled people and the elderly, but the requirements of the able-bodied were also to be considered, as were conflicts between the needs of different groups of user. The economic implications of implementation and maintenance were also to be detailed. (Continues..

    Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People: Results from Observation Work

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    1.1.1 The Institute for Transport Studies was invited by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory to submit a research proposal, with costs, aimed at establishing suitable "Ergonomic Standards for Pedestrian Areas for Disabled People". The project commenced on 1st July, 1986 and was split into two parts, with part one involving four months' work over the period to 31st December, 1986 and part two finishing on 30th April, 1988. 1.1.2 The -objectives of the study laid down in the design brief by the Transport and Road Research Laboratory were: a) To produce a guide to good practice for the design and maintenance of footways and pedestrianised areas; b) To provide, where possible, recommended standards for design and maintenance. The good practice guide and the recommended standards were to be primarily aimed at disabled people and the elderly, but the requirements of the able-bodied were also to be considered, as were conflicts between the needs of different groups of user. The economic implications of implementation and maintenance were also to be detailed. (Continues..

    Opportunities for weed manipulation using GMHT row crops

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    The herbicides and cultivation systems available in most non-GM crops allow farmers little flexibility as to when they control weeds. However, glyphosate and glufosinate-ammonium, as used in GM herbicide tolerant crops, offer the opportunity to control large weeds and weed control can be timed according to the agronomic and environmental aims of the user. This paper will use sugar beet as a model crop and report results where different approaches to weed control have been used and discuss their relevance in the wider agricultural and environmental contextNon peer reviewe

    Overcoming the barriers to implementing urban road user charging schemes

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    Urban road user charging offers the potential to achieve significant improvements in urban transport, but is notoriously difficult to implement. Cities need guidance on the range of factors to be considered in planning and implementing such schemes. This paper summarises the results of a 3 year programme which has collated evidence on the issues of most concern to cities. A state of the art report has provided evidence on 14 themes, ranging from objectives and design to implementation and evaluation. A set of 16 case studies has reviewed experience in design and implementation across Europe. The paper summarises their findings, provides references to more detailed information, presents the resulting policy recommendations to European, national and local government, and outlines the areas in which further research is needed

    Exploiting deep neural networks and head movements for binaural localisation of multiple speakers in reverberant conditions

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    This paper presents a novel machine-hearing system that ex- ploits deep neural networks (DNNs) and head movements for binaural localisation of multiple speakers in reverberant conditions. DNNs are used to map binaural features, consisting of the complete cross-correlation function (CCF) and interaural level differences (ILDs), to the source azimuth. Our approach was evaluated using a localisation task in which sources were located in a full 360-degree azimuth range. As a result, front- back confusions often occurred due to the similarity of binaural features in the front and rear hemifields. To address this, a head movement strategy was incorporated in the DNN-based model to help reduce the front-back errors. Our experiments show that, compared to a system based on a Gaussian mixture model (GMM) classifier, the proposed DNN system substantially re- duces localisation errors under challenging acoustic scenarios in which multiple speakers and room reverberation are present

    Aerosol and thermodynamic effects on tropical cloud systems during TWPICE and ACTIVE

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    Regularly occurring storms over the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin, Australia are used as a laboratory for investigating the relative importance of thermodynamic parameters, shear and aerosols on the amount and intensity of convection over the islands during the pre-monsoon and monsoon break periods of the 2005–2006 summer wet season. Storm systems on individual days are characterised by simple metrics derived from polarimetric radar data. The analysis shows clear dependencies on thermodynamic and shear parameters. The shear dependence was unexpected, as high shear implied less activity, but this is likely an island effect. There are some indications of a dependence of storm intensity on aerosol, but mid-level moisture differences may also play a role

    Critical values of a kernel density-based mutual information estimator

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    Copyright © 2006 IEEERecently, mutual information (MI) has become widely recognized as a statistical measure of dependence that is suitable for applications where data are non-Gaussian, or where the dependency between variables is non-linear. However, a significant disadvantage of this measure is the inability to define an analytical expression for the distribution of MI estimators, which are based upon a finite dataset. This paper deals specifically with a popular kernel density based estimator, for which the distribution is determined empirically using Monte Carlo simulation. The application of the critical values of MI derived from this distribution to a test for independence is demonstrated within the context of a benchmark input variable selection problem.http://www.okstate.edu/elec-engr/faculty/yen/wcci/WCCI-Web_ProgramList_F.htm

    Analysis of V-G Records from the SNB-1 Airplane

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    Availability data obtained on SNB-1 trainer-class airplanes were analyzed and results presented as flight envelopes which predict occurrences of large values of air speed and acceleration. Comparison is made with SNJ-4 trainer-class airplane data analyzed by the same method. It is concluded that flight envelopes are satisfactory; that the two types show large differences in flight loads and speeds experience; and that SNB-1 will seldom, if ever, exceed design limit load factor and restricted speed, which SNJ-4 can be expected to exceed design-limit load factor and restricted speed in a very small number of flight hours

    Yeast m6 A methylated mRNAs are enriched on translating ribosomes during meiosis, and under rapamycin treatment

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    Interest in mRNA methylation has exploded in recent years. The sudden interest in a 40 year old discovery was due in part to the finding of FTO’s (Fat Mass Obesity) N6-methyladenosine (m6 A) deaminase activity, thus suggesting a link between obesity-associated diseases and the presence of m6 A in mRNA. Another catalyst of the sudden rise in mRNA methylation research was the release of mRNA methylomes for human, mouse and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, the molecular function, or functions of this mRNA ‘epimark’ remain to be discovered. There is supportive evidence that m6 A could be a mark for mRNA degradation due to its binding to YTH domain proteins, and consequently being chaperoned to P bodies. Nonetheless, only a subpopulation of the methylome was found binding to YTHDF2 in HeLa cells.The model organism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, has only one YTH domain protein (Pho92, Mrb1), which targets PHO4 transcripts for degradation under phosphate starvation. However, mRNA methylation is only found under meiosis inducing conditions, and PHO4 transcripts are apparently non-methylated. In this paper we set out to investigate if m6 A could function alternatively to being a degradation mark in S. cerevisiae; we also sought to test whether it can be induced under non-standard sporulation conditions. We find a positive association between the presence of m6 A and message translatability. We also find m6 A induction following prolonged rapamycin treatment

    Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion for absorption spectra of molecular aggregates

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    In many molecular systems one encounters the situation where electronic excitations couple to a quasi-continuum of phonon modes. That continuum may be highly structured e.g. due to some weakly damped high frequency modes. To handle such a situation, an approach combining the non-Markovian quantum state diffusion (NMQSD) description of open quantum systems with an efficient but abstract approximation was recently applied to calculate energy transfer and absorption spectra of molecular aggregates [Roden, Eisfeld, Wolff, Strunz, PRL 103 (2009) 058301]. To explore the validity of the used approximation for such complicated systems, in the present work we compare the calculated (approximative) absorption spectra with exact results. These are obtained from the method of pseudomodes, which we show to be capable of determining the exact spectra for small aggregates and a few pseudomodes. It turns out that in the cases considered, the results of the two approaches mostly agree quite well. The advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches are discussed
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