3,439 research outputs found

    The high schools in Colombia and the creation of a convenient environment for organizational change / As escolas secundárias na Colômbia e a criação de um ambiente conveniente para a mudança organizacional

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    Research on change management and its impact on organizational performance has become a significant factor for the preservation of organizations that operates in markets with high level of uncertainty.  However, change management cannot be considered as an attribute of the organizations by themselves; it is closely related to the management and leadership skills of the chancellor, principal or school directors. Being the high schools, those organizations that must be at the forefront of the training processes; this research aims to establish the perception of the schools’ directors regarding the creation of an environment conducive to organizational change. To do this, a research instrument was applied to 338 schools throughout the country, extracted from a ranking of the best high schools in Colombia, according to the results of the state tests that are performed on their graduates. The main results indicate the use of proactive language, transmit positive energy and demonstration of gratitude are the most frequent skills to lead positive change in Schools. Likewise, assertive communication becomes a skill to improve and develop change processes in those educational institutions

    Autenticación mediante DNA barcoding de especies de meros legalmente protegidas y en peligro de extinción, sometidas a explotación pesquera, incluyendo el mero Goliat Epinephelus itajara

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    Fishing strategies are constantly changing to meet the needs for new or alternative food sources. Consequently, management of fishing activities regarding rates of exploitation is essential, as a number of resources have reached situations of overexploitation. The aim of the present study was to use DNA barcoding from the goliath grouper and other exploited epinephelids in order to provide procedures for DNA authentication to be used as evidence for combating putative illegal fishing. The species studied were Epinephelus adscensionis, Mycteroperca bonaci, Mycteroperca interstitialis, Epinephelus itajara, Mycteroperca venenosa, Epinephelus mystacinus, Dermatolepis inermis, Alphestes afer, Cephalopholis fulva, Mycteroperca acutirostris, Rypticus saponaceus, Mycteroperca marginata and Epinephelus morio. Four of these species are the main epinephelids fished in the Atlantic Ocean. Differential patterns of polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism were obtained from the species and additional single nucleotide polymorphisms were also detected among the four main epinephelids studied. The procedures proved very efficient and we suggest their applicability to the other fish groups as a way to control illegal capture and retail around the world, especially in cases in which filleting and other forms of de-characterization cause a lack of morpho-anatomical key characters.Las estrategias de pesca cambian constantemente para satisfacer las necesidades de fuentes de alimento nuevas o alternativas. En consecuencia, a medida que los recursos alcanzan situaciones de sobreexplotación, resulta esencial establecer procedimientos de inspección de las actividades relacionadas con las tasas de explotación pesquera. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer el uso de la técnica de DNA barcoding para establecer la verificación de la identidad del mero Goliat y otros epinefélidos, a fin de utilizarlo como evidencia para combatir la pesca ilegal cuando se sospeche su ocurrencia. Las especies aquí estudiadas fueron Alphestes afer, Cephalopholis fulva, Dermatolepis inermis, Epinephelus adscensionis, E. itajara, E. morio, E. mystacinus, Mycteroperca acutirostris, M. bonaci, M. interstitialis, M. marginata, M. venenosa y Rypticus saponaceus de las cuales cuatro constituyen las más pescadas en el Océano Atlántico. Fueron encontrados patrones diferenciables de PCR-RFLPs para todas las especies y, además, fue posible detectar SNPs adicionales entre las cuatro especies más explotadas. Los procedimientos aquí empleados fueron muy eficaces por lo que sugerimos su aplicabilidad a otros grupos de peces como medida de control de la captura y comercialización ilegal a nivel mundial, particularmente en aquellos casos en los que el fileteado y otras formas de procesamiento que alteran las características anatómicas y morfológicas impiden su identificación

    Erosion of four Brazilian coastal deltas: how dam construction is changing the natural pattern of coastal sedimentary systems

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    Abstract Reservoir-building on rivers is still “the Brazilian energy culture”, such that many other dams are being constructed and planned, with many other rivers potentially suffering the same impact in their sediment flux. In this study, we evaluated the impacts of reservoir-building on the erosion of the São Francisco, Jequitinhonha, Doce, and Paraíba do Sul river deltas. A time series of Landsat images from 1973 to 2020 was analyzed, with three key highlighted moments (1973, 1997 and 2020) that summarize the erosion processes on these deltas. In addition to the images, continuous river water discharge, sediment discharge and basin rainfall data were analyzed between 1940 and 2020, providing river parameters over a period exceeding that of the satellite data. The findings suggest that coastal erosion has progressed in the four deltas, with higher estimated losses in the São Francisco and Paraíba do Sul over the 47 years of available satellite images. However, despite minimal overall estimated gains, the Jequitinhonha and Doce experienced high erosion at their river mouths, as in the other two rivers, compensated by accretion in distal coastal areas. These results can be explained by reductions in river flux and consequent sediment transport capacity due to reservoirs

    Edificios de concreto reforzado siguiendo la NSR-10 vs sismo de Quetame registrado en Bogotá D.C.

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    A three dimensional nonlinear dynamic analysis of 6 concrete reinforced buildings of 5, 12 and 20 stories, designed according to NSR-10 and seismic response zoning for Bogotá 2010 version is presented. These 6 buildings were subjected to 78 seismic signals of the Quetame earthquake (2008) registered in 26 stations of the Bogotá’s accelerometer array (RAB). “Piedmont-B” and“Lacustrine-500” absolute acceleration design response spectra from the seismic response zoning of Bogota (2010) were used to design buildings analyzed. Plastic hinges were defined and assigned to each of the structural elements of the 6 buildings, and for columns the interaction diagrams were established too. With these nonlinear parameters, the 6 structures were subject simultaneously to the time history registers North-South, East-West and vertical.For each building and for each seismic register the performance levels, the interstory drifts, roof displacements and base shear demanded were determined. With this information seismic demand maps were plotted for Bogota for each one of buildings. The results suggest that, buildings designed under the new rules to Bogotá and provisions of NSR-10, develop strong damage level, related to limit states, such as: “llife security” for low-magnitude quake, was the Quetame earthquake, so far, from the design scenario.Se presenta un análisis dinámico no lineal tridimensional de 6 edificios de hormigón armado de 5, 12 y 20 pisos, diseñado de acuerdo con NSR-10 y zonificación de respuesta sísmica para la versión Bogotá 2010. Estos 6 edificios fueron sometidos a 78 señales sísmicas del terremoto de Quetame (2008) registradas en 26 estaciones del conjunto de acelerómetros (RAB) de Bogotá. Los espectros de respuesta de diseño de aceleración absoluta "Piedmont-B" y "Lacustrine-500" de la zonificación de respuesta sísmica de Bogotá (2010) se utilizaron para diseñar edificios analizados. Se definieron bisagras de plástico y se asignaron a cada uno de los elementos estructurales de los 6 edificios, y para las columnas también se establecieron los diagramas de interacción. Con estos parámetros no lineales, las 6 estructuras estaban sujetas simultáneamente a los registros históricos de tiempo Norte-Sur, Este-Oeste y vertical. Para cada edificio y para cada registro sísmico se determinaron los niveles de rendimiento, las desviaciones intersticiales, los desplazamientos del techo y la cizalladura de la base demandada. . Con esta información se trazaron mapas de demanda sísmica para Bogotá para cada uno de los edificios. Los resultados sugieren que, los edificios diseñados bajo las nuevas reglas para Bogotá y las disposiciones de NSR-10, desarrollan un fuerte nivel de daños, relacionado con estados límite, tales como: "seguridad de la vida" por terremoto de baja magnitud, fue el terremoto de Quetame, hasta ahora , desde el escenario de diseño

    The Advertisement Calls and Distribution of Two Sympatric Species of Chiasmocleis (Méhely 1904) (Anura, Microhylidae, Gastrophryninae) from the Atlantic Forest

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    The advertisement calls of Chiasmocleis cordeiroi and C. crucis are described for populations from the municipalities of Igrapiúna and Camacan, respectively, state of Bahia, Brazil. Both calls consist of multipulsed notes produced in series. Differences between the two calls are: dominant frequency, higher in C. cordeiroi (range 4500–4898 Hz; C. crucis range 4069–4435 Hz); note rate, higher in C. cordeiroi (range 6.20–7.46 s/note; C. crucis range 5.17–5.59 s/note); pulse rate, higher in C. cordeiroi (151.82–194.83 s/note; C. crucis range 125.30– 142.12 s/note); and the structure of the modulation patterns of the notes. Moreover, the advertisement calls of C. crucis and C. cordeiroi are more similar than the calls of all syntopic congeners. Furthermore, the current distribution of both species was extended

    \u3cem\u3eTithonia diversifolia\u3c/em\u3e for Ruminant Nutrition

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    India and Brazil lead the world ranking of livestock enteric methane emissions (FAO 2006). According to FAO (2006), Brazil (9.6 Tg of CH4/year) is the highest emitter of methane from cattle, followed by India (8.6 Tg of CH4/year) and the USA (5.1 Tg of CH4/year). In livestock, methane (CH4) formed from enteric fermentation of carbohydrates is primarily responsible for the emissions in the sector. Regarding livestock methane emission, Delgado et al. (2012) evaluated 20 tree and shrub species using in vitro technique and demonstrated a reducing effect on the amount of methane when Tithonia diversifolia was compared with, for example, Cynodon nlemfuensis grass. Tithonia diversifolia belongs to the division - Sphermatophyta; class - Eudicotiledoneae; sub-class - Metaclamídeas; Order - Campanulate; Family - Asteraceae; Genre - Tithonia, and Species - Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.), Gray (Souza 2008). Tithonia diversifolia can be very useful in animal nutrition (Fig. 1) by increasing the protein content of animal diet at low cost (Murgueitio et al. 2010) as well as in the recovery of degraded soils for it grows in areas with low levels of fertility and has high ability to absorb phosphorus, even if it is unavailable to other forage species (Kwabiah et al. 2003). The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional qualities, including quantification of enteric methane generated during in vitro ruminal fermentation, of Tithonia diversifolia as an alternative forage for ruminant nutrition in the tropics

    Condrosarcoma del septum nasal: Reporte de un caso y revisión de la literatura

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