4,642 research outputs found

    Semiclassical approach to fidelity amplitude

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    The fidelity amplitude is a quantity of paramount importance in echo type experiments. We use semiclassical theory to study the average fidelity amplitude for quantum chaotic systems under external perturbation. We explain analytically two extreme cases: the random dynamics limit --attained approximately by strongly chaotic systems-- and the random perturbation limit, which shows a Lyapunov decay. Numerical simulations help us bridge the gap between both extreme cases.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures. Version closest to published versio

    Entanglement-screening by nonlinear resonances

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    We show that nonlinear resonances in a classically mixed phase space allow to define generic, strongly entangled multi-partite quantum states. The robustness of their multipartite entanglement increases with the particle number, i.e. in the semiclassical limit, for those classes of diffusive noise which assist the quantum-classical transition

    Age differences in risky choice: A meta-analysis

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    Does risk taking change as a function of age? We conducted a systematic literature search and found 29 comparisons between younger and older adults on behavioral tasks thought to measure risk taking (N= 4,093). The reports relied on various tasks differing in several respects, such as the amount of learning required or the choice framing (gains vs. losses). The results suggest that age-related differences vary considerably as a function of task characteristics, in particular the learning requirements of the task. In decisions from experience, age-related differences in risk taking were a function of decreased learning performance: older adults were more risk seeking compared to younger adults when learning led to risk-avoidant behavior, but were more risk averse when learning led to risk-seeking behavior. In decisions from description, younger adults and older adults showed similar risk-taking behavior for the majority of the tasks, and there were no clear age-related differences as a function of gain/loss framing. We discuss limitations and strengths of past research and provide suggestions for future work on age-related differences in risk taking

    Anomalía congénita del atlas asociada con fractura de la apófisis espinosa de C-7 : a propósito de 1 caso

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    Se presenta 1 paciente con un defecto congenita del arco posterior del atlas asociado con una fractura de la apólisis espinosa de C-7. La TAC, precedida de una correcta evaluación clínica, permiten diferenciar los traumatismos agudos de las anomalías congénitas en el atlas.A case of a congenital cleft of the posterior arch of the atlas associated with a fracture of the spinous process of C-7 is reported. Appropiate clinical evaluation and CT-scan study allow to differentiate acute trauma from a congenital abnormality in the atlas

    Numerical and experimental study of sandwich plates with metallic foam cores

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    World-wide vehicles safety experts agree that significant further reductions in fatalities and injuries can be achieved as a result of the use of new energy absorbing materials. In this field, passive safety systems still have great potential to reduce fatalities and injuries, as in the case of using new lightweight energy-absorbing materials. On this work, the authors present the development of a procedure able to perform reliable panels of sandwich sheets with metallic foam cores for industrial applications. The mathematical model used to describe the behavior of sandwich shells with metal cores form is presented and some numerical examples are included. The numerical results are validated using the experimental results obtained from the mechanical experiments. Using the crushable foam constitutive model, available on ABAQUS, a set of different mechanical tests were simulated

    Trapping and Characterization of a Reaction Intermediate in Carbapenem Hydrolysis by \u3cem\u3eB. cereus\u3c/em\u3e Metallo-β-lactamase

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    Metallo-β-lactamases hydrolyze most β-lactam antibiotics. The lack of a successful inhibitor for them is related to the previous failure to characterize a reaction intermediate with a clinically useful substrate. Stopped-flow experiments together with rapid freeze−quench EPR and Raman spectroscopies were used to characterize the reaction of Co(II)−BcII with imipenem. These studies show that Co(II)−BcII is able to hydrolyze imipenem in both the mono- and dinuclear forms. In contrast to the situation met for penicillin, the species that accumulates during turnover is an enzyme−intermediate adduct in which the β-lactam bond has already been cleaved. This intermediate is a metal-bound anionic species with a novel resonant structure that is stabilized by the metal ion at the DCH or Zn2 site. This species has been characterized based on its spectroscopic features. This represents a novel, previously unforeseen intermediate that is related to the chemical nature of carbapenems, as confirmed by the finding of a similar intermediate for meropenem. Since carbapenems are the only substrates cleaved by B1, B2, and B3 lactamases, identification of this intermediate could be exploited as a first step toward the design of transition-state-based inhibitors for all three classes of metallo-β-lactamases

    Efectos de muestras de tallas erróneas sobre los valores estimados del crecimiento individual y la condición de los stocks

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    Despite its importance in fisheries studies, there is insufficient understanding on the effect of sampling error or bias on individual growth and other stock indicators. We show the influence of sample length distributions on parameter estimates, illustrating with an example. For the brown swimming crab, we simulated length samples in five configurations and estimated parameters of von Bertalanffy (k, L∞L∞ , t0), asymptotic weight ( W∞W∞ ), weight-length relationship (a, b), growth performance (ϕ’) and condition factor (Kn). Parameter estimates were compared with baseline values using relative bias, standard error and root mean square error. The results show that the accuracy and bias of parameter estimates depend on the lengths sampled. For example, the bias and accuracy of L∞L∞ and W∞W∞ vary inversely with sampled length, whereas combining length segments yields smaller biases of k and t0 than those of L∞L∞ and W∞W∞ . In general, the accuracy of parameter estimates does not always depend on sampling the entire length range, and errors are not the same for all parameters. These results are useful to guide sampling when resources are scarce. We discuss potential reasons for incomplete length sample structure and offer recommendations to obtain best estimates for parameters of interest.A pesar de su importancia en los estudios de pesquerías, aún no se comprende lo suficiente el efecto del error o del sesgo del muestreo en los parámetros de crecimiento individual y otros indicadores poblacionales. Utilizando un ejemplo, aquí se muestra la influencia de las distribuciones muestrales de longitud en las estimaciones de parámetros poblacionales. Para la jaiba café, simulamos muestreo de longitud en cinco configuraciones y estimamos parámetros de von Bertalanffy (k, L∞L∞ , t0), peso asintótico ( W∞W∞ ), relación peso-longitud (a, b), eficiencia de crecimiento (ϕ’), y factor de condición (Kn). Las estimaciones de los parámetros se compararon con valores de referencia utilizando el sesgo relativo, el error estándar y el error cuadrático medio. Los resultados muestran cómo la precisión y el sesgo de las estimaciones de parámetros dependen de las longitudes muestreadas. Por ejemplo, el sesgo y la precisión de L∞L∞ y W∞W∞ , varían inversamente con la longitud muestreada, mientras que la combinación de segmentos de longitud produce sesgos de k y t0 más pequeños que los de L∞L∞ y W∞W∞ . En general, la precisión de las estimaciones de los parámetros no siempre depende del muestreo de todo el rango de tallas disponible, y los errores no son los mismos para todos los parámetros. Estos resultados son útiles para guiar el muestreo cuando los recursos son escasos. Discutimos las posibles razones de la estructura de la muestra de longitud incompleta y ofrecemos recomendaciones para obtener las mejores estimaciones para los parámetros de interés