562 research outputs found

    Simulation of rod ejection accident byPARCS code

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    This paper describes reactor core model used for simulating REA. The model was designed in PARCS utilizing graphical interface SNAP. The data for model were given from benchmark NEACPR L-335. The PARCS model used integrated thermal hydraulic block for calculation. The results and solution is shown in the paper. Thermal hydraulic calculation can also be provided by external system code TRACE. The PARCS model is prepared to couple with TRACE model for giving more accurate calculation

    Study of preparation of ceramic membranes

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    V bakalářské práci byla vypracována literární rešerše zabývající se přípravou keramických membrán vhodných pro energetické aplikace (membránové reaktory, palivové články) a materiálů vhodných pro jejich přípravu. Na základě literární rešerše byla provedena polymerační glycinová syntéza vybraných keramických materiálů. Jako výchozí materiál byly zvoleny zirkonáty (Ba-Zr-O), které byly dopovány cerem, železem, hliníkem a manganem. Výsledné připravené prášky byly dále zpracovány na tuhé membrány pomocí uniaxálního lisování a slinování (relativní hustota těles až 93% t. h.). Poté byl studován vliv dopantů na vlastnosti (jako fázové složení, morfologie prášků a mikrostruktura keramik) připravených prášků i keramických membrán. K vyhodnocení byla použita rentgenová analýza, rastrovací elektronová mikroskopie, analýza specifického měrného povrchu a simultánní termická analýza.In this bachelor thesis the literature retrieval concerning the preparation of ceramic membranes suitable for power applications (membrane reactors, fuel cells) and materials suitable for their preparation, was summarised. Based on that literature retrieval the glycine-nitrate syntheses of selected ceramic materials were performed. As starting material was chosen zirconate structure (Zr-Ba-O), which was doped by cerium, iron, aluminium and manganese ions. The resulting powders were further processed to solid membranes by unaxial pressing and sintering (density of sintered bodies about 93 % t. d.). Then the influence of dopants on the properties of the powders and ceramic membranes were studied. The evaluation of properties (as phase composition, powders morphology and microstructure of ceramic bodies) was performed by x-ray analysis, scanning electron microscopy, a specific surface analysis and simultaneous thermal analysis.

    Allocation of Computing and Communication Resources for Mobile Edge Computing with Parallel Processing

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    Mobilní sítě páté generace (5G) přináší množství nových užití a aplikací s přísnými požadavky na latence. "Mobile Edge Computing" (MEC) jakožto nový koncept, který podporuje přenos výpočetně náročných úloh na okraj mobilní sítě, je považován za řešení pro snížení latencí. Paralelní zpracování úloh v MEC systému má za úkol dále snížit celkový čas výpočtu. Přestože problému paralelního zpracování v MEC systémech se dostalo mezi vědci mnoho pozornosti, existující řešení se zaměřují na scénáře s jedním uživatelem, případně na dělení výpočetních prostředků na samotném okraji mobilní sítě. Tato diplomová práce předpokládá systém s více uživateli, kteří sekvenčně odesílají rozdělené úlohy přímo na klastr vybraných základnových stanic s výpočetními prostředky. Je navržen algoritmus pro optimální dělení úloh a alokaci prostředků. Efektivita navrženého algoritmu je pomocí simulací porována s existujícími řešeními. Navržený algoritmus snižuje celkový čas výpočtu až o 48% při porovnání s další metodou využívající paralelního zpracování a až o 78% ve srovnání s metodou bez paralelního zpracování.In the fifth generation (5G) mobile networks, new use cases and applications with strict requirements for latency emerge. Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) is a novel concept, which supports the offloading of computationally demanding tasks to the edge of the mobile network, and is considered a promising solution to reduce the latencies. The parallel processing of the task in the MEC system aims to further minimize the task's completion delay. Although the problem of parallel processing in the MEC has received attention among researchers, the existing works either assume a single-user scenarios, or focus on partitioning of the computation resources at the edge. In this thesis, a multi-user scenario is considered, with users offloading the partitioned tasks sequentially to the selected clusters of computing eNBs. An algorithm is proposed for the optimal task partitioning and resource allocation. The efficiency of the proposed algorithm is then simulated and compared to other existing approaches. The proposed algorithm decreases the task completion delay by up to 48% when compared to another method exploiting parallel processing and by up to 78% in comparison with a non-partitioning methods

    The Protective Purpose of the Contract and the Liability of an Expert Towards a Third Party in Czech, Austrian, and German Private Law

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    The aim of the paper is to describe the so-called protective purpose of the contract, by demonstrating the liability of experts for damage caused by an imperfect expert opinion, incorrect advice, or information. The comparative method will be used in conjunction with analyzing the Czech, Austrian, and German arrangements - their continuities and differences. Criteria for assessing whether this is a protective purpose of the contract and how these criteria vary in different legal frameworks are discussed in detail. The conceptual features of the expert as well as the assumptions of their responsibility for providing advice or information regulated in the individual jurisdictions are argued as well. The article concludes that the protective purpose of the contract is demonstrated accurately in the case of the liability of the expert for damage which has been established on the basis of a contract. These are in particular cases where an expert draws up an opinion on behalf of the parties on the basis of a contract which is, however, concluded with merely one party. In the event of a breach of the contract, the expert is also responsible for the damage caused to a party that has not concluded the contract with an expert.O

    Production of hydroxyapatite-titanium composite powders by high-energy ball milling suitable for spark plasma sintering processes

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    Hydroxyapatite-titanium (HA-Ti) composite powders were prepared by high-energy ball milling for subsequent production of samples by spark plasma sintering (SPS). Different milling times for the preparation of HA-Ti composite powders were used. The microstructural properties and phase composition of the composite powders were studied by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray analysis. The results showed no formations of new phases in the structure during high-energy ball milling and a gradual reduction of the particles size with increasing milling time. Sintered samples from HA-Ti composite powder were prepared. A cross section analyzed by SEM and phase composition obtained by X-ray diffraction was studied. The results showed changes of phase compositions in the structure.

    Use of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of bi-metallic powder mixtures as alternative to classic powder metallurgy route for producing intermetallic materials

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    The paper presents cold gas dynamic spraying (or Cold Spray) as a novel surface treatment technology capable not only of surface modifications but also being used as bulk creating technology. This is demonstrated on numerous samples where bi-metallic powder feedstock is deposited into bulk, self-standing pieces of material that does not need the support of substrate. Mixtures from the group of Fe, Al, Ti, Ni, Cu were used for the initial bi-metallic mixtures. The deposited samples were then subjected to annealing at temperatures ranging from 300 to 1100°C in protective atmosphere and resulting morphologies and microstructures were analysed. Generally materials with high proportion of intermetallic phase content were obtained. These are discussed as potential scaffolds for metal or polymer matrix composites or as hi temperature resistive supports for catalysts with filter functions.

    Use of Cold Gas Dynamic Spraying of bi-metallic powder mixtures as alternative to classic powder metallurgy route for producing intermetallic materials

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    The paper presents cold gas dynamic spraying (or Cold Spray) as a novel surface treatment technology capable not only of surface modifications but also being used as bulk creating technology. This is demonstrated on numerous samples where bi-metallic powder feedstock is deposited into bulk, self-standing pieces of material that does not need the support of substrate. Mixtures from the group of Fe, Al, Ti, Ni, Cu were used for the initial bi-metallic mixtures. The deposited samples were then subjected to annealing at temperatures ranging from 300 to 1100°C in protective atmosphere and resulting morphologies and microstructures were analysed. Generally materials with high proportion of intermetallic phase content were obtained. These are discussed as potential scaffolds for metal or polymer matrix composites or as hi temperature resistive supports for catalysts with filter functions.

    Employee Benefits in the Transport Business Company

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem diplomové práce „Zaměstnanecké benefity v dopravní obchodní společnosti“ je vymezení základních pojmů v oblasti poskytování zaměstnaneckých benefitů a analýza programu zaměstnaneckých výhod v dopravní společnosti ARRIVA MORAVA a.s. V první kapitole je pojednáno o stručné charakteristice zaměstnaneckých benefitů. Druhá kapitola je věnována charakteristice společnosti ARRIVA MORAVA a.s. V poslední kapitole je popsána aplikace zaměstnaneckých výhod na středisku Železnice Desná a navržení nového vnitřního předpisu zaměstnavatele.The aim of the thesis “Employee Benefits in the Transport Business Company” is to define basic concepts in the area of providing employee benefits and to analyse the employee benefits program in a transport business company. The first chapter deals with brief characteristics of employee benefits. The second chapter is devoted to the characterization of ARRIVA MORAVA a.s. In the last chapter, there is the application of employee benefits described in the unit Železnice Desná and new internal regulation of an employer is proposed.117 - Katedra účetnictvívýborn

    Study of possibilities protection against rural zone water

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá ve své první části povrchovým odtokem a opatření proti tomuto jevu, které umožňuje ovlivnit hydrologické podmínky v povodí. Jsou zde v krátkosti uvedené metody na ochranu půdy proti povrchovému odtoku a jsou zde také popsány suché nádrže v samostatné kapitole. V druhé části práce je návrh konkrétních opatření v obci Otaslavice před vnikem extravilánové vody do části obce. Tento problém se řešil komplexně pro celé povodí. Pro vyhodnocení odtoku je využita Směrnice pro výpočet odtoku z velmi malých povodí, hydrotechnické řešení je posouzeno a navrženo v programu HEC-RAS 4.1.0 a vyprojektováno v programu AutoCAD 2013.The first part of this thesis deals with the surface runoff and countermeasures. This allows us to control the hydrological conditions in the basin. Methods of protection against soil surface runoff are mentioned. A separate chapter is focused on dry retention tanks. Aim of the second part of the thesis is to design specific measures in the village of Otaslavice to prevent external area water from flooding the village. This issue has been dealt with for the whole basin . The Guidelines for very small basin runoff calculation was used to evaluate the runoff there, hydro technical solution was assessed and designed using the HEC-RAS 4.1.0 and AutoCAD 2013.