3,789 research outputs found

    Anxiety and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in the Context of Human Brain Evolution:A Role for Theory in DSM-V?

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    The “hypervigilance, escape, struggle, tonic immobility”\ud evolutionarily hardwired acute peritraumatic response\ud sequence is important for clinicians to understand. Our\ud commentary supplements the useful article on human\ud tonic immobility (TI) by Marx, Forsyth, Gallup, FusĂ© and Lexington (2008). A hallmark sign of TI is peritraumatic\ud tachycardia, which others have documented as a\ud major risk factor for subsequent posttraumatic stress\ud disorder (PTSD). TI is evolutionarily highly conserved\ud (uniform across species) and underscores the need for\ud DSM-V planners to consider the inclusion of evolution\ud theory in the reconceptualization of anxiety and PTSD.\ud We discuss the relevance of evolution theory to the\ud DSM-V reconceptualization of acute dissociativeconversion\ud symptoms and of epidemic sociogenic disorder(epidemic “hysteria”). Both are especially in need of attention in light of the increasing threat of terrorism\ud against civilians. We provide other pertinent examples.\ud Finally, evolution theory is not ideology driven (and\ud makes testable predictions regarding etiology in “both\ud directions”). For instance, it predicted the unexpected\ud finding that some disorders conceptualized in DSM-IV-TR as innate phobias are conditioned responses and thus better conceptualized as mild forms of PTSD. Evolution\ud theory may offer a conceptual framework in\ud DSM-V both for treatment and for research on psychopathology.\u

    Suffering from the Church? Aspects of Uneasiness at the Church Basis

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    Job Crafting as Means to Live out One’s Calling: An Examination of NPO Employees

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    Employees increasingly search for jobs in which they can pursue their preferences and interests – more precisely, their callings. Those pursuing their callings are assumed to be more satisfied with their job and to perform better. To provide more insight into this topic, this study examines the relationship between perceiving a calling and job satisfaction by actively pursuing the calling. However, it has not yet been extensively analyzed how employees can convert the perception of a calling at work into actually living it out. This question can possibly be explained by the emerging phenomenon called job crafting. Employees engaging in job crafting techniques might change their work environment in order to be able to live out their calling. Therefore, this study investigated the role of job crafting as moderator in the relationship between perceiv-ing a calling and living a calling as well as in the relationship between living a calling and job satisfaction. The model was tested in a context of nonprofit organizations using a sample of 300 employees and a cross-sectional study design. Data was collected with an online survey for a period of three weeks and analyzed with IBM SPSS PROCESS by means of OLS regression analysis. Living a calling was found to be a full mediator in the relationship between perceiving a calling and job satisfaction. The variables scope of action, employment relationship, and gender are also significantly related to job satisfaction. Against expectations, job crafting does not show any of the two moderat-ing effects but was found to be a partial mediator in the relationship between perceiv-ing a calling and living a calling. Keywords: Calling; job crafting; job satisfaction; nonprofit organizations.Employees increasingly search for jobs in which they can pursue their preferences and interests – more precisely, their callings. Those pursuing their callings are assumed to be more satisfied with their job and to perform better. To provide more insight into this topic, this study examines the relationship between perceiving a calling and job satisfaction by actively pursuing the calling. However, it has not yet been extensively analyzed how employees can convert the perception of a calling at work into actually living it out. This question can possibly be explained by the emerging phenomenon called job crafting. Employees engaging in job crafting techniques might change their work environment in order to be able to live out their calling. Therefore, this study investigated the role of job crafting as moderator in the relationship between perceiv-ing a calling and living a calling as well as in the relationship between living a calling and job satisfaction. The model was tested in a context of nonprofit organizations using a sample of 300 employees and a cross-sectional study design. Data was collected with an online survey for a period of three weeks and analyzed with IBM SPSS PROCESS by means of OLS regression analysis. Living a calling was found to be a full mediator in the relationship between perceiving a calling and job satisfaction. The variables scope of action, employment relationship, and gender are also significantly related to job satisfaction. Against expectations, job crafting does not show any of the two moderat-ing effects but was found to be a partial mediator in the relationship between perceiv-ing a calling and living a calling. Keywords: Calling; job crafting; job satisfaction; nonprofit organizations

    Bor- und Kohlenstoff-basierte Liganden im Spannungsfeld von Donor- und AkzeptorfunktionalitÀt

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    In dieser Arbeit sollten auf Bor oder Kohlenstoff basierende Donorgruppen in den Formen (R3P)2BH, (R3P)2C und [(R3P)2CH]+ untersucht werden. Mit Hilfe von stabilisierenden Pinzetten- Liganden waren Übergangsmetallkomplexe dieser Gruppen zu isolieren. Ein tieferer Einblick in die Bindungssituationen der Donorgruppen mit Schwerpunkt auf der Donor-Metall- Interaktion sollte erarbeitet werden. Im Anschluss waren die allgemeinen Reaktionsmuster der Übergangsmetallkomplexe, besonders im Hinblick auf (De)protonierungsreaktionen, zu ermitteln und zu erklĂ€ren. Ein besonderes Augenmerk war auf die Parallelen mit Aminbasierten Pinzetten-Liganden und deren Komplexe zu legen. Ein zu dem bereits bekannten CDP-basierten Pinzetten-Liganden quasi isostruktureller LigandenprĂ€kursor mit zentraler (R3P)2BH-Einheit konnte ĂŒber die Reaktion eines Borans mit zwei Äquivalenten dppm erreicht werden. Ausgehend von diesem Boroniumsalz wurde ein Pinzetten-Komplex mit einem Palladium-Atom als Zentrum dargestellt. Durch Vergleich struktureller, spektroskopischer und quantenchemischer Daten mit als X- und Z-Typ identifizierten, Bor-basierten Liganden konnte eine Zuordnung der Gruppe (R3P)2BH als L-Typ- Donoreinheit sichergestellt werden. Beginnend mit dem literaturbekannten CDP-basierten Nickel-Pinzetten-Komplex wurden die ReaktivitĂ€ten gegenĂŒber SĂ€uren und Basen im Detail untersucht. Durch Base erfolgte erst eine Deprotonierung einer CH2-BrĂŒcke des RĂŒckgrats, bei weiterer Zugabe von Base fand jedoch eine Dimerisierung statt, die nicht direkt reversibel war. Die StabilitĂ€t der isolierten Komplexe wurde anhand quantenmechanischer Modellkomplexe aufgeklĂ€rt. Wurde der Startkomplex aber mit einer SĂ€ure mit schwach koordinierendem Anion versetzt, ließ sich eine Protonierung des CDP-Kohlenstoffatoms erreichen. Röntgenbeugungsdaten der erhaltenen monomeren Komplexe zeigten nur kleine Unterschiede der BindungslĂ€nge des CDP-Kohlenstoffatoms zum zentralen Nickel-Atom. Durch DFT-Rechnungen und QTAIM-Analyse ließ sich zeigen, dass die Eigenschaft der CDPs, auch als π-Donor zu fungieren, hier vernachlĂ€ssigbar war. Die berechnete ProtonenaffinitĂ€t des CDP-basierten Modellkomplexes war im Vergleich zum Amid-Modellkomplex deutlich niedriger und deutete eine gute Eignung als Ligand in der kooperativen Katalyse an. Durch Übertragen der Ligandensysteme auf einen Iridium(+III)-basierten Komplex gelang es, die Liganden in einer vergleichbaren Umgebung zu untersuchen (Schema 11). Umsetzungen mit Base zeigten, dass sich von protonierten CDP-Donoren einfach wieder ein Proton entfernen lĂ€sst, wohingegen im Falle von Aminen und (R3P)2BH als Donor-Gruppen die reduktive Eliminierung am Metallzentrum vorrangig stattfindet. Die ReaktivitĂ€ten wurden auch in den berechneten ProtonenaffinitĂ€ten widergespiegelt und bestĂ€tigten die an Nickel- Modellsystemen vorangegangenen Untersuchungen. Die verwendete Synthese der Iridium-Komplexe zeigte sich als vielseitig einsetzbar und ermöglichte es, die DonorstĂ€rken weiterer Gruppen mit in die Vergleiche einzubeziehen. WĂ€hrend sich Donoren der Form [(R3P)2CH]+ als relativ schwach erwiesen, ist insbesondere der Donor basierend auf (R3P)2BH als außergewöhnlich stark fĂŒr einen neutralen Donor einzuordnen. Die CDP-basierte Donoreinheit zeigte absolut eine dazu nahezu identische DonorstĂ€rke. Nach weiteren Untersuchungen mittels EDA war aber aufgrund eines geringen π-Bindungsanteils die DonorstĂ€rke zu relativieren und der Bor-basierte Ligand als stĂ€rkster neutraler, reiner σ- Donor der isolierten Komplexe anzusehen. Da sich die Korrelation zwischen den experimentell ermittelten und berechneten Frequenzen der C–O-Streckschwingung als sehr gut erwies, konnte eine Erweiterung der untersuchten Donorgruppen durch rein quantenchemisch untersuchte Komplexe durchgefĂŒhrt werden. So war es möglich, die DonorstĂ€rke der deprotonierten Variante des Bor-basierten Donors, [(R3P)2B]– zu bestimmen, die schweren Homologen der (R2P)2C-, [(R3P)2CH]+-, (R3P)2BH- und [(R3P)2B]–-basierten Donorgruppen zu untersuchen und die beobachteten Trends zu bestĂ€tigen. Zusammenfassend ist in dieser Arbeit ein experimenteller Vergleich der ReaktivitĂ€ten formal isoelektronischer Donorgruppen durchgefĂŒhrt und mit quantenchemischen Analysen untermauert worden. Es konnte ein neuer Ligandenparameter vorgestellt werden, der erstmals den direkten Vergleich von zentralen Donorgruppen in einem Pinzetten-Liganden-GerĂŒst mit anionischer, neutraler oder kationischer Ladung ermöglicht

    Few-photon coherent nonlinear optics with a single molecule

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    The pioneering experiments of linear spectroscopy were performed using flames in the 1800s, but nonlinear optical measurements had to wait until lasers became available in the twentieth century. Because the nonlinear cross section of materials is very small, usually macroscopic bulk samples and pulsed lasers are used. Numerous efforts have explored coherent nonlinear signal generation from individual nanoparticles or small atomic ensembles with millions of atoms. Experiments on a single semiconductor quantum dot have also been reported, albeit with a very small yield. Here, we report on coherent nonlinear spectroscopy of a single molecule under continuous-wave single-pass illumination, where efficient photon-molecule coupling in a tight focus allows switching of a laser beam by less than a handful of pump photons nearly resonant with the sharp molecular transition. Aside from their fundamental importance, our results emphasize the potential of organic molecules for applications such as quantum information processing, which require strong nonlinearities.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Beautiful and Innocent : Female Same-Sex Intimacy in the Japanese Yuri Genre

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    This study examines the relationship between media content, its production, and its reception in Japanese popular culture with the example of the so-called yuri ("lily") genre that centers on representations of intimate relationships between female characters. Based on contemporary genre theory, which posits that genres are not inherent properties of texts, the central question of this study is how the yuri genre is discursively produced in Japan. To examine this question, the study takes a variety of sources into consideration: Firstly, it discusses ten exemplary texts from the 1910s to 2010s that in the Japanese discourse on the yuri genre are deemed the milestone texts of the yuri genre's historical development (Hana monogatari, Otome no minato, Secret Love, Shiroi heya no futari, BishÅ jo senshi Sailor Moon, Maria-sama ga miteru, ShÅ jo Sect, Aoi hana, Yuru yuri, and Yuri danshi). Secondly, interviews with ten editors working for Japanese manga magazines shed light on their assessment of the yuri genre. Finally, the results of an online survey among Japanese fans of the yuri genre, which returned 1,352 completed questionnaires, question hitherto assumptions about the fans and their reasons for liking the yuri genre. The central argument of this study is that the yuri genre is for the most part constructed not through assignments on part of the genre's producers but through interpretations on part of the genre's fans. The intimacy portrayed in the texts ranges from "friendship" to "love," and often the ideas of "innocence" and "beauty" are emphasized. Nevertheless, the formation of the yuri genre occurs outside the bounds of the texts, most importantly in fan works, i.e. derivative texts created by fans. The actual content of the originals merely serves as a starting point for these interpretations. Located at the intersection of Japanese studies, cultural studies, media studies, and sociology, this study contributes to our understanding of contemporary Japanese popular culture by showing the mutual dependencies between media content, production, and reception. It provides a deeper look at these processes through first-hand accounts of both producers and fans of the yuri genre.Diese Dissertation untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Medieninhalten, deren Produktion sowie deren Rezeption in der japanischen PopulĂ€rkultur am Beispiel des sogenannten yuri ("Lilie") Genres, in dem intime Beziehungen zwischen weiblichen Figuren im Mittelpunkt stehen. Basierend auf der gegenwĂ€rtigen Genretheorie, welche davon ausgeht, dass Genres keine inhĂ€renten Eigenschaften von Texten sind, ist die zentrale Frage dieser Studie, wie das yuri Genre in Japan diskursiv produziert wird. Um dieser Frage nachzugehen, werden eine Reihe von Quellen berĂŒcksichtigt: Erstens werden zehn exemplarische Texte von den 1910er bis 2010er Jahren diskutiert, die im japanischen Diskurs ĂŒber das yuri Genre als Meilensteine seiner historischen Entwicklung angesehen werden (Hana monogatari, Otome no minato, Secret Love, Shiroi heya no futari, BishÅ jo senshi Sailor Moon, Maria-sama ga miteru, ShÅ jo Sect, Aoi hana, Yuru yuri, und Yuri danshi). Zweitens beleuchten Interviews mit zehn Redakteuren japanischer Manga-Magazine deren Ansichten zum yuri Genre. Schließlich stellen die Ergebnisse einer Online-Umfrage unter japanischen Fans des yuri Genres, welche 1.352 vollstĂ€ndige Fragebögen erbrachte, die bisherigen Annahmen ĂŒber die Fans und die GrĂŒnde fĂŒr deren Begeisterung fĂŒr das yuri Genre infrage. Das zentrale Argument dieser Studie ist, dass das yuri Genre grĂ¶ĂŸtenteils nicht durch Zuordnungen seiner Produzenten geschaffen wird, sondern durch Interpretationen seiner Fans. Die in den Texten portrĂ€tierte IntimitĂ€t reicht von "Freundschaft" bis hin zu "Liebe", und oft werden die Ideen von "Unschuld" und "Schönheit" betont. Nichtsdestotrotz findet die Formierung des yuri Genres außerhalb der Texte statt, wobei am bedeutendsten Fan-Arbeiten sind, d.h. von Fans geschaffene derivative Texte. Der tatsĂ€chliche Inhalt der Original ist lediglich Ausgangpunkt dieser Interpretationen. Diese Studie befindet sich an der Schnittstelle von Japanologie, Cultural Studies, Medienwissenschaft und Soziologie und trĂ€gt zu unserem VerstĂ€ndnis der gegenwĂ€rtigen japanischen PopulĂ€rkultur bei, indem sie die gegenseitigen AbhĂ€ngigkeiten zwischen medialen Inhalten, Produktion und Rezeption zeigt. Sie gibt einen tieferen Einblick in diese Prozesse durch Berichte von sowohl Produzenten als auch Fans des yuri Genres


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    This thesis is a large collection of poems on a plethora of different topics, written in varied styles from lyrical to narrative to blank verse

    Your story, your life, your learning: Autobiography Reveals Basis for Supporting Personalized, Holistic Pedagogy

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    Each person ongoingly experiences the world uniquely through vital processes shaping their subjectivity, personhood and sense of self. Learning, an innate characteristic or modality of each human life, of living, likewise arises subjectively or idiosyncratically. In this paper, a phenomenological lens is applied to auto/biographical excerpts concerned with various learning experiences to help reveal essential, subjective characteristics of emergent learning. The insights help establish a basis for challenging the primacy of objectivist learning evaluations. The insights also confirm the importance of personalizing learning as a pedagogical gesture nurturing and enfranchising student learning in significant ways beyond conventional educational approaches that generally ignore subjectivity. Personalized, holistic learning is also proposed here as a solution to address many challenges and issues emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic. This paper is based on the author’s recent PhD research

    Program management for concurrent university satellite programs, including propellant feed system design elements

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    Propulsion options for CubeSats are limited but are necessary for the CubeSat industry to continue future growth. Challenges to CubeSat propulsion include volume/mass constraints, availability of sufficiently small and certified hardware, secondary payload status, and power requirements. A multi-mode (chemical and electric) thruster was developed by at the Missouri University of Science and Technology to enable CubeSat propulsion missions. Two satellite buses, a 3U and 6U, are under development to demonstrate the multi-mode thruster\u27s capabilities. Two key challenges related to these missions are the development of the feed system to support the thruster and management of the two bus programs\u27 personnel, resources, timelines, and budgets. The feed system was designed to support the unique needs of the thruster, within the constraints and budget of a student-designed propulsion system, while minimizing risk as a secondary payload. This resulted in the development of a unique method to pressurize propellant stored in the feed system tubing. Within the expected operating pressure range, the method was experimentally shown to provide sufficient pressure and propellant volume to the thruster to meet mission success criteria. The 3U and 6U CubeSat buses were designed concurrently with complimentary payloads, hardware, objectives, and team structures, and required careful management of resources between the two teams. With proper management, the two programs have been able to support one another through collaboration. Lessons learned include experience with design, testing, and assembly of hardware, team training/mentoring and motivation, improved documentation practices, and risk management --Abstract, page iii
