177 research outputs found

    Cooperativas de trabalho

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00077636 331:347.726(81) M386c 3.ed

    Manual da justa causa

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ00074563 331.108.644.7(81) M386m 3.ed

    Fundamentos de direito da seguridade social

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.Localização na estante: 351.84(81) M386

    Conflitos de leis trabalhistas no espaço e a circulação de trabalhadores

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    São vários os elementos de conexão que na prática são utilizados: lei do local da prestação dos serviços, lei do local da contratação, lei da sede da empresa, lugar da celebração do contrato, lugar de onde são emitidas as ordens de serviço, moeda utilizada para o pagamento do salário, língua na qual foi redigido o contrato, nacionalidade comum, norma mais favorável, autonomia da vontade. Em certos casos, não se aplica apenas um dos elementos de conexão, mas a combinação de vários deles, com critérios flexíveis. A observância da autonomia da vontade nem sempre pode ser utilizada, pois o empregador pode impor ao empregado a norma a ser aplicada, daí a necessidade de proteção do trabalhador. Entretanto, a aplicação da lei mais favorável é que irá trazer maiores vantagens ao empregado, fazendo, muitas vezes, a verdadeira Justiça.There are several points of contact that are used: lex loci laboris, lex loci contractus, law of the head office's organization, local of celebration of the contract, local where the orders came from, money wage's payment, language of the contract, nationality, most favorable law, party autonomy. In some cases, do not use only one point of contact, but a combination of several them, with flexible criterions. Cannot be used in al cases the criterion of the party autonomy because employer can impose to the employee the norm that will be followed. So the employee needs protection. However, the application of the most favorable law can bring to the employee the best advantages, doing the truely justice

    Direitos fundamentais trabalhistas

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    Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra. STJ0007937

    Relações do direito do trabalho com outras disciplinas não-jurídicas

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    O trabalho apresenta as relações do Direito do Trabalho com disciplinas não-jurídicas.This paper presents the relations between Labour Law and other materias

    Brief history regarding the labor

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    O estudo tem por objetivo apresentar os aspectos mais importantes do trabalho no curso do tempo e que acabam tendo influência no sistema brasileiro.This study has for object to present the most important points of labour history, because they have influence in brazilian's system

    Synergic Difficulties in an Anticipated Physiologically and Anatomically Difficult Airway in a Trauma Patient: A Case Report

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    The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) defines a difficult airway as a clinical situation in which a physician who is trained in anesthesiology experiences difficulty or fails in either face mask ventilation, laryngoscopy, using a supraglottic airway, tracheal intubation, extubation, or front-of-neck airway. Classically, this has been defined in relation to anatomic factors, but the concept of a physiologically difficult airway has been growing in relevance, in which physiologic factors, such as hypoxemia and hypercapnia, act to reduce safe apnea times. The case reports on a trauma patient with an unstable thoracic vertebral fracture requiring correction via the posterior approach. Our patient had multiple anatomical difficult airway predictors, namely, a short neck, greatly limited neck mobility, and a Mallampati class IV airway, among others, and multiple physiological difficult airway predictors, such as a baseline hypoxemic respiratory failure and severe sleep apnea, in addition to the restrictions on mobility imposed by the fracture itself. We describe a successful perioxygenation strategy, using high-flow nasal oxygen (HFNO) during the preoxygenation, intubation, extubation, and post-anesthesia care phases, and with an awake fiberoptic intubation technique for securing the airway.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mechanical Behaviour of Human and Porcine Urethra: Experimental Results, Numerical Simulation and Qualitative Analysis

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    Low urinary tract dysfunctions and symptoms (LUTS) affect both men and woman, with the incidence increasing with age. Among the LUTS, urinary incontinence (UI) is a common dysfunction, characterised by the involuntary loss of urine. These medical conditions become debilitating, with a severe impact on patients’ routines and overall well-being. To mitigate LUTS-associated symptoms, the mechanical behaviour of both normal and LUTS-affected urethrae can be an important tool. The current work approaches the porcine urethra as a mechanical replacement candidate for the human urethra. It aims to provide a framework based on in silico (numerical) simulations and experimental data, to compare the candidate’s mechanical behaviour against the human urethra. Porcine urethral samples were mechanically evaluated through low-cycle fatigue tests in both circumferential and longitudinal orientations. The specimens were collected from porcine urethrae from crossbred pigs raised for human consumption. The experimental results were compared with human references found in the literature, with similar experimental conditions. The experimental data were used as the input for the mechanical properties estimation (nonlinear fitting to hyperelastic constitutive models) and for the simulation of the urethral tensile behaviour, using those models. In the longitudinal orientation, the results for the porcine and human urethra were in good agreement, while in the circumferential direction, the differences increased with deformation. Previous data on the mechanical behaviour of the equine urethra is in line with these findings. The nonlinear mechanical behaviour of a porcine urethra was modelled using the finite element method (FEM) and hyperelastic constitutive models. For the longitudinal urethra, the simulation results approximate experimental data for stretches up to λ≈1.5 (50% deformations), whereas for the circumferential urethra, the same was true for stretches up to λ≈1.35 (35% deformations). The hyperelastic models with a higher number of parameters performed better with the third-order Ogden model (six parameters), displaying the best performance among the studied models. The pig urethra is a suitable candidate for an implant targeted at human urethra replacement or as a model to study the human urinary system. Nevertheless, the data available on the circumferential mechanical behaviour need to be consolidated with additional mechanical tests. The tensile behaviour of the porcine urethra over large deformations can be modelled using the third-order Ogden model; however, to extend the modelling capabilities to larger deformations requires the use of hyperelastic models more adequate to soft tissue behaviour

    Providing trusted execution environments using FPGA

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    Trusted Execution Environments (TEEs) drastically reduce the trusted computing base (TCB) of the systems by providing a secure execution environment for security-critical applications that are isolated from the operating system or the hypervisor. TEEs are often assumed to be highly secure; however, over the last few years, TEEs have been proven weak, as either TEEs built upon security-oriented hardware extensions (e.g., Arm TrustZone and Intel SGX) or resorting to dedicated secure elements were exploited multiple times. In this paper, we propose a novel TEE design, named Trusted Execution Environments On-Demand (TEEOD), which leverages the re configurable logic of FPGA-SoCs to dynamically provide secure execution environments for security-critical applications. Unlike other TEE designs, ours can provide high-bandwidth connections and physical on-chip isolation while providing configurable hard ware and software TCBs. We implemented a proof-of-concept (PoC) implementation targeting an Ultra96-V2 platform. The conducted evaluation demonstrated TEEOD can host up to 6 simultaneous enclaves with a resource usage per enclave of 7.0%, 3.8%, and 15.3% of the total LUTs, FFs, and BRAMS, respectively