2,254 research outputs found

    A Hexanuclear Mixed-Valence Oxovanadium(IV,V) Complex as a Highly Efficient Alkane Oxidation Catalyst

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    The new hexanuclear mixed-valence vanadium complex [V3O3(OEt)(ashz)(2)(mu-OEt)](2) (1) with an N,O-donor ligand is reported. It acts as a highly efficient catalyst toward alkane oxidations by aqueous H2O2. Remarkably, high turnover numbers up to 25000 with product yields of up to 27% (based on alkane) stand for one of the most active systems for such reactions

    Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, its organic acids, and synthesized glucuronated and methylated derivatives as antibacterial and antifungal agents

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    Despite the available data regarding antimicrobial activity of phenolic acids, studies dealing with the effects of their metabolites or derivatives are scarce. Therefore, the antimicrobial and demelanizing activities of Coprinopsis atramentaria extract, its organic acids, and methylated and glucuronated derivatives were evaluated. The antifungal activity was stronger than the antibacterial effects. In general, individual compounds (mostly organic acids) exhibited higher activity than the extract and even higher than the standards used in the assays. Methylated derivatives presented the highest demelanizing activity toward Aspergillus niger, A. fumigatus and Penicillium verrucosum var. cyclopium. The inclusion of methyl groups in the parental compound (CoAM1, CoAM2 and CoAM3) strongly increased antibacterial and antifungal activities of CoA, while the inclusion of acetyl groups (CoAGP) increased the antifungal activity but the antibacterial properties were maintained. For HA and CA, the inclusion of methyl groups (HAM1, HAM2, HAM3 and CAM) increased the demelanizing activity, but decreased the antimicrobial properties. The present work contributes to the knowledge of the mechanisms involved in the antimicrobial properties of organic acids namely, phenolic acids, usually present in mushrooms. Organic acids, and methylated and glucuronated derivatives could be used as antimicrobial agents.The authors are grateful to Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for financial support to the Portuguese NMR network and to FCT and FEDER-COMPETE/QREN/EU for the financial support through the research project PTDC/AGR-ALI/110062/2009 and the research centres (PEst-C/QUI/UI0686/2011 and PEst-OE/AGR/UI0690/2011). S. A. Heleno (BD/70304/2010) also thanks FCT, POPH-QREN and FSE for her grant. The authors also thank Serbian Ministry of Education, Science and Technological development (grant number 173032) for financial support

    Changes of the digestive tract of Golden Retriever dogs affected by muscular dystrophy

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    O modelo experimental canino Golden Retriever portador da Distrofia Muscular (GRMD) Ă© o melhor substituto entre os modelos animais para estudar a Distrofia Muscular de Duchenne. AlĂ©m da musculatura estriada, a doença pode afetar a musculatura estriada cardĂ­aca e a musculatura lisa, e desta forma, o funcionamento do trato digestĂłrio, jĂĄ que o mĂșsculo liso Ă© o elemento primĂĄrio dos ĂłrgĂŁos tubulares. AtravĂ©s de estudo morfolĂłgico descritivo, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar se a distrofia muscular afeta a arquitetura geral do trato digestĂłrio e como se dispĂ”e sua estrutura muscular em animais afetados. Foram realizadas avaliaçÔes descritivas macro e microscĂłpicas com coloraçÔes de Hematoxilina-Eosina, TricrĂŽmio de Masson e Picrosirius. Entre os resultados apresentados, verificou-se que o esĂŽfago e o fĂ­gado dos animais afetados encontraram-se alterados, assim como o estĂŽmago nĂŁo ocupava seu lugar habitual. O mĂșsculo diafragma apresentava-se atrofiado e diferenças histolĂłgicas foram encontradas na camada muscular do sistema gastrointestinal, em geral. Outras estruturas do tubo digestĂłrio de GRMDs apresentaram-se de maneira similar a de um animal normal.The experimental canine model Golden Retriever carrier of Muscular Dystrophy (GRMD) is the best substitute of animal models to study Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Above striated muscle, the disease can affect the heart and smooth muscle, so the functioning of the digestive tract, as the smooth muscle is the primary element of tubular organs. Through morphological description, the purpose of this study was to determine whether the muscular dystrophy affects the overall architecture of the digestive tract and how is willing this muscular structure. Were evaluated macroscopic and microscopic optical description staining with hematoxylin-eosin, Masson's trichrome and Sirius. The esophagus and liver of affected animals were altered. The stomach of the animals did not occupy the usual space. The diaphragm muscle had atrophied. The general histological structure of the digestive tract presented in a manner similar to a normal animal. Changes and histological differences were found in the muscle layer.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientĂ­fico e TecnolĂłgico (CNPq

    There are differences in hematological and biochemical parameters between carriers and not carriers of experimental model of GRMD (Golden Retriever Muscular Dystrophy)?

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    A proposta deste estudo foi avaliar se existem alteraçÔes nos padrĂ”es hematolĂłgicos e bioquĂ­micos de cadelas da raça Golden Retriever portadoras do gene da distrofia muscular progressiva em comparação aos valores obtidos em cadelas nĂŁo portadoras de mesma raça e idade. Foram analisados 33 animais, distribuĂ­dos em dois grupos, um composto por 19 cadelas Golden Retrievers nĂŁo portadoras (GRNP) e outro composto por 14 cadelas Golden Retrievers portadoras do gene da distrofia muscular (GRP). Os dois grupos foram submetidos aos mesmos testes hematolĂłgicos e bioquĂ­micos, com a mesma frequĂȘncia e durante o mesmo intervalo de tempo. Apesar de existir diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos para alguns parĂąmetros hematolĂłgicos avaliados, todos os resultados obtidos estavam de acordo com os valores de referĂȘncia utilizados. Na avaliação dos parĂąmetros bioquĂ­micos sĂ©ricos a dosagem de ALT no grupo GRNP ficou levemente acima da mĂ©dia, porĂ©m sem grandes significados clĂ­nicos A CK tambĂ©m apresentou nĂ­veis elevados no grupo GRP, devido Ă  degeneração e necrose muscular caracterĂ­sticos da doença, as alteraçÔes encontradas nessa anĂĄlise jĂĄ eram esperadas. Os demais parĂąmetros nĂŁo se alteraram.The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether there are alterations in hematological and biochemical patterns of female Golden Retriever dogs carrying the gene for progressive muscular dystrophy compared to not carriers dogs of the same breed, age and gender. We analyzed 33 animals, divided into two groups; one consisting of 13 not carriers dogs Golden Retrievers (GRNP) and the other composed of 14 dogs Golden Retrievers carrying the gene for muscular dystrophy (GRP). Animals of both groups underwent biochemical and hematological tests with the same frequency and at the same time interval. Although there is a statistically significant difference between groups for some hematological parameters evaluated, all results were in line with the benchmarks used. In the assessment of serum biochemical parameters in the determination of ALT GRS group was slightly above average, but without major clinical significance CK also showed high levels in GRP group, due to muscle degeneration and necrosis characteristic of the disease, the changes found in this analysis were already expected. The other parameters did not change

    Association between age at first sexual intercourse and subsequent human papillomavirus infection: results of a Brazilian screening program

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    Objetivo: descrever a idade de inĂ­cio da atividade sexual (sexarca) e a sua associação com a idade das mulheres com a infecção por papilomavĂ­rus humano (HPV) e com as alteraçÔes citolĂłgicas no exame de papanicolaou. MĂ©todos: mulheres da população geral foram recrutadas para participar de um estudo de rastreamento de cĂąncer cervical e lesĂ”es prĂ©-malignas. ApĂłs a aplicação de questionĂĄrio comportamental, foram submetidas ao rastreamento com gia cervical e teste para DNA de HPV de alto risco, por meio de Captura HĂ­brida 2. Este projeto faz parte do Latin American Screening Study, que envolve mulheres do Brasil e da Argentina, e os dados aqui apresentados referem-se aos centros brasileiros nas cidades de Porto Alegre, SĂŁo Paulo e Campinas. Resultados: de 8.649 mulheres entrevistadas, 8.641 relataram atividade sexual prĂ©via e foram incluĂ­das na anĂĄlise. A mĂ©dia de idade no momento da entrevista foi de 38,1±11,04 anos, com inĂ­cio da atividade sexual em mĂ©dia aos 18,5±4,0 anos. Identificamos que a idade do inĂ­cio da atividade sexual aumenta de acordo com o aumento da faixa etĂĄria no momento da entrevista, isto Ă©, mulheres mais novas relataram sexarca mais precoce que mulheres mais velhas (p<0,001). Em relação Ă  infecção por HPV de alto risco, do total de mulheres que haviam iniciado as relaçÔes sexuais, 3.463 foram testadas, com 17,3% de positividade para HPV. Notadamente, em todos os centros, as mulheres com idade ao inĂ­cio da atividade sexual abaixo da mĂ©dia da população entrevistada apresentaram positividade maior para HPV (20,2%) do que as mulheres com sexarca em idade acima da mĂ©dia (12,5%) – Odds Ratio (OR)=1,8 (IC95%=1,5-2,2; p<0,001). Em relação Ă  citologia, mulheres com sexarca abaixo da mĂ©dia de idade apresentaram tambĂ©m maior percentual de citologia alterada ≄ ASC-US (6,7%) do que mulheres com sexarca em idade maior que a mĂ©dia (4,3%) – OR=1,6 (IC95%=1,3-2,0; p<0,001). ConclusĂ”es: a infecção por HPV e a presença de alteraçÔes citolĂłgicas identificadas no rastreio de lesĂ”es cervicais em uma população assintomĂĄtica estiveram significativamente associadas Ă  idade mais precoce no inĂ­cio das relaçÔes sexuais. Ademais, identificamos tambĂ©m que as mulheres desta amostra apresentaram diminuição da idade ao inĂ­cio da atividade sexual, nas Ășltimas dĂ©cadas, sugerindo importante causa para o acrĂ©scimo da prevalĂȘncia de HPV e as lesĂ”es decorrentes desta infecção.Purpose: to investigate women’s age at their first sexual intercourse and its correlation with their present age, human papillomavirus (HPV) infection and cytological abnormalities at Pap smear. Methods: women from the general population were invited to be screened for cervical cancer and pre-malignant lesions. After answering a behavior questionnaire, they were submitted to screening with cervical cytology and high-risk HPV testing with Hybrid Capture 2 (HC2). This report is part of the Latin American Screening (LAMS) study, that comprises centers from Brazil and Argentina, and the data presented herein refer to the Brazilian women evaluated at the cities of Porto Alegre, SĂŁo Paulo and Campinas. Results: from 8,649 women that answered the questionnaire, 8,641 reported previous sexual activity and were included in this analysis. The mean age at the interview was 38.1±11.0 years and the mean age at the first sexual intercourse was 18.5±4.0 years. The age at the first sexual intercourse increased along with the age at the interview, i.e., younger women reported they had begun their sexual life earlier than older women (p<0.001). From the total of women who had already begun having sexual intercourse, 3,643 patients were tested for high-risk HPV infection and 17.3% of them had positive results. In all the centers, it became clear that the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages below the mean age of all the population interviewed presented higher rates of HPV infection (20.2%) than the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages above the mean (12.5%) – Odds Ratio (OR) 1.8 (IC95% 1.5-2.2;p<0,001). According to the cytology, the women with first sexual intercourse at ages under the mean, presented higher percentage of abnormal cytology ≄ ASC-US (6.7%) than the women with the first sexual intercourse at ages above the mean (4.3%) – OR 1.6 (IC95% 1.3-2.;p<0.001). ConclusionS: the high-risk HPV infection and cytological abnormalities identified during the asymptomatic population screening were significantly associated to the women’s age at the first sexual intercourse. Additionally, we have also identified that the women’s age at the first sexual intercourse has decreased during the last decades, suggesting an important contribution to the increase of HPV infection and the subsequent cervical lesions.ComissĂŁo Europeia - programa INCO-DEV (International Cooperation Development) Contrato #ICA4-2001-10013

    Whole-genome analysis of Leptospira interrogans to identify potential vaccine candidates against leptospirosis

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    Leptospirosis is an important global human and veterinary health problem. Humans can be infected by exposure to chronically infected animals and their environment. An important focus of the current leptospiral research is the identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Due to their location, leptospiral OMPs are likely to be relevant in host-pathogen interactions, hence their potential ability to stimulate heterologous immunity. The existing whole-genome sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni offers a unique opportunity to search for cell surface proteins. Predicted genes encoding potential surface proteins were amplified from genomic DNA by PCR methodology and cloned into an Escherichia coli expression system. The partially purified recombinant proteins were probed by Western blotting with sera from human patients diagnosed with leptospirosis. Sixteen proteins, out of a hundred tested, were recognized by antibodies present in human sera. Four of these proteins were conserved among eight serovars of L. interrogans and absent in the non-pathogenic Leptospira biflexa. These proteins might be useful for the diagnosis of the disease as well as potential vaccine candidates.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Antimicrobial properties of membrane-active dodecapeptides derived from MSI-78

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    Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a class of broad-spectrum antibiotics known by their ability to disrupt bacterial membranes and their low tendency to induce bacterial resistance, arising as excellent candidates to fight bacterial infections. In this study we aimed at designing short 12-mer AMPs, derived from a highly effective and broad spectrum synthetic AMP, MSI-78 (22 residues), by truncating this peptide at the N- and/or C-termini while spanning its entire sequence with 1 amino add (aa) shifts. These designed peptides were evaluated regarding antimicrobial activity against selected gram-positive Staphylococcus strains and the gram-negative Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). The short 12-mer peptide CEM1 (GIGMFLKKAKICF) was identified as an excellent candidate to fight P. aeruginosa infections as it displays antimicrobial activity against this strain and selectivity, with negligible toxicity to mammalian cells even at high concentrations. However, in general most of the short 12-mer peptides tested showed a reduction in antimicrobial activity, an effect that was more pronounced for gram-positive Staphylococcus strains. Interestingly, CEM1 and a highly similar peptide differing by only one aa-shift (CEM2: IGKFLKKAKICFG), showed a remarkably contrasting AMP activity. These two peptides were chosen for a more detailed study regarding their mechanism of action, using several biophysical assays and simple membrane models that mimic the mammalian and bacterial lipid composition. We confirmed the correlation between peptide helicity and antimicrobial activity and propose a mechanism of action based on the disruption of the bacterial membrane permeability barrier

    Whole-genome analysis of Leptospira interrogans to identify potential vaccine candidates against leptospirosis

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    Leptospirosis is an important global human and veterinary health problem. Humans can be infected by exposure to chronically infected animals and their environment. An important focus of the current leptospiral research is the identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs). Due to their location, leptospiral OMPs are likely to be relevant in host-pathogen interactions, hence their potential ability to stimulate heterologous immunity. The existing whole-genome sequence of Leptospira interrogans serovar Copenhageni offers a unique opportunity to search for cell surface proteins. Predicted genes encoding potential surface proteins were amplified from genomic DNA by PCR methodology and cloned into an Escherichia coli expression system. The partially purified recombinant proteins were probed by Western blotting with sera from human patients diagnosed with leptospirosis. Sixteen proteins, out of a hundred tested, were recognized by antibodies present in human sera. Four of these proteins were conserved among eight serovars of L. interrogans and absent in the non-pathogenic Leptospira biflexa. These proteins might be useful for the diagnosis of the disease as well as potential vaccine candidates.Facultad de Ciencias ExactasInstituto de Biotecnologia y Biologia Molecula

    Anopheles aquasalis Infected by Plasmodium vivax Displays Unique Gene Expression Profiles when Compared to Other Malaria Vectors and Plasmodia

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    Malaria affects 300 million people worldwide every year and is endemic in 22 countries in the Americas where transmission occurs mainly in the Amazon Region. Most malaria cases in the Americas are caused by Plasmodium vivax, a parasite that is almost impossible to cultivate in vitro, and Anopheles aquasalis is an important malaria vector. Understanding the interactions between this vector and its parasite will provide important information for development of disease control strategies. To this end, we performed mRNA subtraction experiments using A. aquasalis 2 and 24 hours after feeding on blood and blood from malaria patients infected with P. vivax to identify changes in the mosquito vector gene induction that could be important during the initial steps of infection. A total of 2,138 clones of differentially expressed genes were sequenced and 496 high quality unique sequences were obtained. Annotation revealed 36% of sequences unrelated to genes in any database, suggesting that they were specific to A. aquasalis. A high number of sequences (59%) with no matches in any databases were found 24 h after infection. Genes related to embryogenesis were down-regulated in insects infected by P. vivax. Only a handful of genes related to immune responses were detected in our subtraction experiment. This apparent weak immune response of A. aquasalis to P. vivax infection could be related to the susceptibility of this vector to this important human malaria parasite. Analysis of some genes by real time PCR corroborated and expanded the subtraction results. Taken together, these data provide important new information about this poorly studied American malaria vector by revealing differences between the responses of A. aquasalis to P. vivax infection, in relation to better studied mosquito-Plasmodium pairs. These differences may be important for the development of malaria transmission-blocking strategies in the Americas
