6,612 research outputs found

    Carbohydrate-based 1,3-oxazoline-2-thiones as original bioactive structures:synthesis and reactivity

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    Tese de doutoramento, Química (Química Orgânica), 2009, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiênciasDisponível no document

    Videoconference in education at U.PORTO

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    The University of Porto (U.PORTO), through is New Technologies in Education (NTE) office has available since March 2005 a Videoconference Studio. This equipment is closely related do the dissemination of the videoconference technologies at U.PORTO. Only in the years of 2007 and 2008 this equipment has registered an increase of about 300% on his usage.Several efforts were developed by the NTE team that contributed to this high usage. We highlight especially the fluidity on the service, the multifunctional usage, the acquisition and the development of knowledge in this field and the internationalization of this service. Various educations scenarios were implemented during these past years using the videoconference infrastructure. We highlight the pedagogical scenarios that became long structured pedagogical projects with more than a year long. We had the example of a curricular unit from a Master degree between our Faculty of Economics and ISEG (Lisbon). In this case we had about twenty students in our Videoconference room during two semesters and the teacher was in Lisbon. Another example was a Doctoral curricular unit that happen between our Faculty of Sciences, IST (Lisbon) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA). In this case we had a teacher and about five students in Lisbon, one class of about five students in the USA and one student in our Videoconference Studio.Recently it was implemented a new telepresence room (Douro HD Room) in last July 2009 and we will join this year a portable videoconference system that will offer a complete and different set of options in the videoconference field to all the academic community. With different characteristics between them, these three equipments from U.PORTO will allow an optimization in the videoconference service offer in all the University.This segmentation on the types of videoconference contents that these equipments can give can also boost the usage of these infrastructures in the University but can also boost the pedagogical use of the videoconference technologies in all the academic community. In the past years several activities supported by the NTE team were developed in collaboration with several international institutions and even with the integration in international organizations with high experience with videoconference. This integration permitted to increase the knowledge in this field. This internationalization component was very important to the high intensity in the usage of the videoconference infrastructure in the U.PORTO.We can say that with this offer and this experience it's possible to create even more opportunities of usage, especially in the Videoconference Studio of U.PORTO (due to the multifunctional characteristics) on the usage to diverse, structured and constant pedagogical scenarios that can last several years

    Transformaciones en el pensamiento de unos profesores universitarios de áreas no lingüísticas sobre la escritura académica

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    This paper describes some results about the changes in the belief, knowledge and representation system (Cambra, 2000) regarding the academic writing and its pedagogy of three professors in an academic literacy-training workshop at the University Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela). This formative intervention has adapted some principles of the third generation of the activity theory and expansive learning (Engeström, 1987; Engeström and Sannino, 2010) and the theory of genre systems (Bazerman, 1994). As a researcher-interventor and as a subject of the same activity system as the informants, I interpret their conceptions looking at the written texts collected before and after the work sessions planned ad hoc. Data analysis is interpretative just as the one suggested by the theory of enunciation (Palou, 2008).Este artículo avanza algunos resultados sobre las transformaciones en los sistemas de creencias, representaciones y saberes (Cambra, 2000) respecto a la escritura académica y su pedagogía de tres profesores de diversas áreas en un taller de formación en alfabetización académica en la Universidad Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Venezuela). Esta intervención formativa adaptó algunos principios de la tercera generación de la teoría de la actividad y el aprendizaje expansivo (Engeström, 1987; Engeström y Sannino, 2010) y de la teoría de los sistemas de géneros (Bazerman, 1994). Como investigadora-interventora y sujeto del mismo sistema de actividad que los informantes, interpreto sus concepciones a partir de los discursos escritos generados antes y después de sesiones de trabajo planificadas ad hoc. El análisis de los datos es interpretativo como el que ofrece la teoría de la enunciación (Palou, 2008).Aquest article avança resultats sobre les transformacions en els sistemes de creences, representacions i sabers (Cambra, 2000) sobre l'escriptura acadèmica i la seva pedagogia de tres professors que van realitzar un taller de formació en alfabetització acadèmica a la Universitat Simón Bolívar (Caracas, Veneçuela). Aquesta intervenció formativa va adaptar alguns principis de la tercera generació de la teoria de l'activitat i de l'aprenentatge expansiu (Engeström, 1987; Engeström i Sannino, 2010) i de la teoria dels sistemes de gèneres (Bazerman, 1994). Com investigadora-interventora i subjecte del mateix sistema d'activitat dels informants, interpreto les seves percepcions a partir dels discursos escrits generats abans i després de les sessions de treball planificades ad hoc. L'anàlisi de les dades és interpretativa com el que ofereix la teoria de l'enunciació (Palou, 2008)

    E/b-learning na U.Porto: desafio à inovação

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    O poster pretende retratar as áreas de enfoque de trabalho da unidade de novas tecnologias na educação da U.Porto.Repensar, adaptar, transformar, atualizar, reutilizar são estes verbos que queremos pôr em movimento na U.Porto.Criar condições para, de uma forma sistemática e sustentada, incrementar o desenvolvimento de conteúdos pedagógicos na Universidade, numa perspetiva de blended-learning

    Entrepreneurial attitude, geographical isolation and university students - some evidence from the Atlantic

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    Some regions like Island of Madeira show high levels of firm birth rate. But the entrepreneurial experience is quite different from the European reality given the high level of micro-business owing o subsistence reasons, as a response to the reduced opportunity costs, the lack of profitable employment options and the high levels of unemployment. As a consequence the high level of entrepreneurship is only partially related to high tech innovative firms, qualified employment growth and economic diversification. The majority of the new firms are linked with traditional sectors (restaurants, boutiques, personal services and civil construction. Firm creation is also a result of the EU integration and cohesion policies. On the other hand infra-structure development policies explain the increasing importance of the public administration in terms of employment and consequently the low levels of unemployment. Traditionally, in the islands, the government intervention in terms of employment, economic planning is considered excessive. The island economies have been able to benefit from large streams of international solidarity in terms of high external aid per capita especially due to their strategic relevance. But the global economic and political change associated with the globalisation put increasing pressure on the island forcing them to reformulate their economic, social and political options. International donors and institutions like World Bank stresses issues such as economic diversification, economic and social modernisation and macroeconomic policies focused o supply side effects and the development of economic growth determining factors. Due to the reduced levels of international aid, islands are obliged to diminish levels of government intervention connected to public employment and direct production activities and to enhance private initiatives and entrepreneurship. In what concerns the outermost regions the EU enlargement demands increasing levels of competitivity, financial autonomy, economic diversification and entrepreneurial attitude. Given the lack of studies in this geographical area, the on-going economic, social and cultural modernisation induced by the integration in The EU sphere and the widespread perception about the changing times, we intend in this study to give some answers to the following questions: .how is the entrepreneurial attitude affected by the historical record of high levels of government intervention and public employment? .what kind of impacts results from the perceived “island penalty”, in terms of propensity towards entrepreneurship? .What is the main obstacle to the entrepreneurial event? .Should one wish to create a firm, what is the probability of the stated preference is in the high tech sectors? What kind of support will be required and welcomed from the public institutions? Studies and academic studies in islands have some advantages. The agglomeration of institutions, populations, firms and social networks in a reduced geographical space enable us to capture in some detail a vast group of variables, relationships and cause effects linked to a specific subject. Islands societies have a large and cohesive social capital, and share a homogenous set of values and cultural attitudes, which facilitates experiences of collective action. To conduct an empirical test in order to find out the most influential variables in the entrepreneurship attitude we use logit equations. The sample is made up of local university students, theoretically the most apt in developing innovative firms. We investigate also the differences between economics and managements and humanities students in terms of entrepreneurship propensity. An important matter in isolated, peripheral and underdeveloped regions is the diffusion of innovations. Consequently, student’s sources of information and knowledge regarding the overall tendencies of profitable, innovative and fashionable entrepreneurial experiences must be identified. Therefore, this paper describes the changing and uncertain economic and political environment faced by islands societies. A contextualisation of the relationship between entrepreneurship, economic growth and insular penalty is stretched and lastly, we provide an empirical study related to the entrepreneurial attitude in an insular region: The Island of Madeira.

    Cognitive performance in chronic migraine

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    © SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library OnlineMigraine is a ubiquitous disorder that affects 15% of the world population, particularly women during their most productive years. Migraine produces a variety of symptoms, but its most common presentation consists of recurrent attacks of disabling headaches associated to nausea and intolerance to all sensory stimuli. During attacks, patients often experience cognitive difficulties, with poor ability to concentrate or think clearly, and are unable to deal with multiple tasks. The cause of this transient cognitive dysfunction is not known but has been attributed to the complex and widespread brain dysfunction underlying the development of the attacks, because it cannot be simply explained by pain. In fact, it is not observed in other primary headaches, and the cognitive difficulties are often present during the premonitory and resolution phases of migraine, i.e., both before the onset and after the resolution of pain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto do cancro da mama no casal: análise em espelho das perspectivas de ambos os cônjuges

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    Dissertação de mest., Psicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2009O presente estudo tem como objectivo geral perceber o impacto do Cancro da Mama na dinâmica conjugal e os processos de ajustamento/adaptação dos elementos do casal. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas em espelho a 20 casais, cujas mulheres com idades compreendidas entre 28 e 72 anos tinham diagnosticado o Cancro da Mama e haviam realizado o último tratamento há pelo menos dois meses. A análise de conteúdo, também em espelho, permitiu a identificação das categorias Relação Conjugal, Imagem Corporal, Balanço de Vida, Expectativas de Vida e Reacções face ao Diagnóstico e a delineação dos respectivos indicadores. Verificou-se a ocorrência de dificuldades por parte de ambos os cônjuges durante o processo de ajustamento/adaptação à doença, mas em simultâneo a preservação, na maioria dos casos, de adequados estilos de comunicação, o estabelecimento de apoio efectivo e a manutenção da intimidade conjugal. As expectativas que os cônjuges têm um sobre o outro similares, a percepção da imagem corporal alterada mas encarada pelo companheiro como irrelevante, o balanço de vida positivo percepcionado por ambos os cônjuges, as expectativas de futuro similares que se reportam à saúde e as reacções maioritariamente negativas face ao diagnóstico são também descritas no estudo. Urgem intervenções flexíveis e inovadoras que integrem o companheiro nas abordagens habitualmente apenas dirigidas às mulheres com Cancro da Mama, pois este é um elemento primordial no ajustamento da mulher à doença, sua recuperação e reintegração na família e sociedade

    Estratégias para o aumento do rendimento em biomassa e lípidos na levedura Rhodosporidium toruloides

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    Dissertação de Mestrado, Engenharia Biológica, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2015Esta dissertação focou-se na otimização das condições de crescimento e de acumulação de lípidos pela levedura R. toruloides CECT 1499, usando resíduos de alfarroba como fonte de carbono, como uma alternativa mais sustentável para a produção de biodiesel de segunda geração. Estudos iniciais revelaram que o melhor meio YPD para a produção de biomassa no inóculo é o meio constituído por 15 g/L de açúcares de alfarroba, com uma biomassa máxima de 9,22 g/L. De seguida foram testados diferentes rácios C/N, em o rácio C/N 330, com 70 g/L de açúcares e 0,1 g/L de sulfato de amónio apresentou os melhores resultados. Avaliou-se o efeito do arejamento na produção de biomassa e lípidos, verificando-se que o caudal de arejamento de 0,3 vvm é insuficiente para induzir o metabolismo lipídico, havendo apenas produção de biomassa. Com o caudal de arejamento de 0,75 vvm já foi possível chegar a uma concentração de lípidos de 1,25 g/L. De modo a aumentar a produção de lípidos e biomassa avaliou-se o efeito do uso de n-dodecano. A adição de 1 % (v/v) de n-dodecano melhora as condições de transferência de massa, aumentando cerca de 20 % o valor de KLa do meio. O uso do vetor aumentou a concentração de lípidos de para 2,57 g/L e o rendimento lipídico sofreu um incremento para 33 % (p/p). Foi ainda feito um ensaio em modo fed-batch, conseguindo-se produzir elevadas quantidades de biomassa, 25,23 g/L e uma concentração de lípidos de 1,40 g/L. Contudo esta produção lipídica foi inferior, à obtida em batch com adição do vetor e com idêntico caudal de arejamento, sugerindo que neste caso o arejamento foi insuficiente para induzir acumulação de lípidos. O estudo do perfil em ácidos gordos sugere que o óleo produzido pela levedura R. toruloides, usando a alfarroba como fonte de carbono, é adequado para a produção de biodiesel de segunda geração