3,506 research outputs found

    A note on generalized Poincaré-type inequalities with applications to weighted improved Poincaré-type inequalities

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    The main result of this paper supports a conjecture by C. P\'erez and E. Rela about the properties of the weight appearing in their recent self-improving result of generalized inequalities of Poincar\'e-type in the Euclidean space. The result we obtain does not need any condition on the weight, but still is not fully satisfactory, even though the result by P\'erez and Rela is obtained as a corollary of ours. Also, we extend the conclusions of their theorem to the range p<1p<1. As an application of our result, we give a unified vision of weighted improved Poincar\'e-type inequalities in the Euclidean setting, which gathers both weighted improved classical and fractional Poincar\'e inequalities within an approach which avoids any representation formula. We obtain results related to some already existing results in the literature and furthermore we improve them in some aspects. Finally, we also explore analog inequalities in the context of metric spaces by means of the already known self-improving results in this setting.La Caixa gran

    Improved fractional Poincaré type inequalities in John domains

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    We obtain improved fractional Poincaré inequalities in John domains of a metric space (X,d)(X, d) endowed with a doubling measure μ\mu under some mild regularity conditions on the measure μ\mu. We also give sufficient conditions on a bounded domain to support fractional Poincaré type inequalities in this setting.Universidad Nacional de La Plata, under grant 11/X805 Universidad de Buenos Aires, under grant 20020120100050BA Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, under grant PICT 2014-177

    On Bloom type estimates for iterated commutators of fractional integrals

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    In this paper we provide quantitative Bloom type estimates for iterated commutators of fractional integrals improving and extending results from [15]. We give new proofs for those inequalities relying upon a new sparse domination that we provide as well in this paper and also in techniques de- veloped in the recent paper [22]. We extend as well the necessity established in [15] to iterated commutators providing a new proof. As a consequence of the preceding results we recover the one weight estimates in [7, 1] and es- tablish the sharpness in the iterated case. Our result provides as well a new characterization of the BMO space

    El origen del sistema de cúmulos globulares de la galaxia Messier 87

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    Se muestra que tanto la alta frecuencia específica de cúmulos globulares, como las diferencias de color entre objetos y el halo de la galaxia gigante Messier 87 son compatibles con la existencia de un procesos de captura a expensas de galaxias menos masivas en el cúmulo de Virgo. Se presentan resultados de modelos dinámicos integrados sobre un período de 12 mil millones de años.Asociación Argentina de Astronomí

    Storage and discharge of a granular fluid

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    Experiments and computational simulations are carried out to study the behavior of a granular column in a silo whose walls are able to vibrate horizontally. The column is brought to a steady fluidized state and it behaves similar to a hydrostatic system. We study the dynamics of the granular discharge through openings at the bottom of the silo in order to search for a Torricelli-like behavior. We show that the flow rate scales with the wall induced shear rate, and at high rates, the granular bed indeed discharges similar to a viscous fluid

    Orientalizing Artifacts from Fraga dos Corvos Rock Shelter in North Portugal

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    An unusual set of metallic artifacts with orientalizing character, attributed to a late period of the Late Bronze Age (LBA), was found in a shelter in Northern Portugal. Conventional and micro-energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analyses have been performed to determine the metal composition. The microstructures of some artifacts have also been studied under optical and scanning electron microscope (SEM). The results show that most of the items are made of a copper–tin alloy with low lead content and show a recrystallized grained microstructure.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologi

    Distributed Energy Resources Parameter Monitoring in Microgrids Using Blockchain and Edge Computing

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    An increased share of distributed renewable energy sources requires flexible tools for providing reliable and cheap electricity. Smart meters provide information at the consumer level, which could be used as the main source for real-time energy micro-transactions, however, one of the main concerns about direct transactions is information security. Conventional electricity markets rely on centralized information exchange, nevertheless, when intra-day, distributed, electricity consumption and production exchanges are required between customers, this approach might not be enough. This paper presents a proof-of-concept for using Blockchain as a tool for managing the operational transactions in a DC microgrid. The distributed nature of this technology provides an inherently safer approach, by providing an immutable database for transaction history. One of the challenges of using this technology, however, is the required computing power at the nodes and the limited capacity available in the smart meter. To overcome these issues, the authors used a distributed computing technology,-edge computing-, where computation and storage are located closer to the customer, to improve response times by handling the required computational tasks of the Blockchain tool. This approach proved not only to be practically viable but also, offers important insights about the scalability and capabilities of the technology. © 2020 IEEE

    Three body systems with strangeness and exotic systems

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    We report on four Σ\Sigma's and three Λ\Lambda's, in the 1500 - 1800 MeV region, as two meson - one baryon S-wave (1/2)+(1/2)^+ resonances found by solving the Faddeev equations in the coupled channel approach, which can be associated to the existing SS = -1, JP=1/2+J^P= 1/2^+ low lying baryon resonances. On the other hand we also report on a new, hidden strangeness NN^* state, mostly made of KKˉNK \bar{K} N, with mass around 1920 MeV, which we think could be responsible for the peak seen in the γpK+Λ\gamma p \to K^+ \Lambda around this energy. Finally we address a very novel topic in which we show how few body systems of several ρ\rho mesons can be produced, with their spins aligned up to J=6, and how these states found theoretically can be associated to several known mesons with spins J=2,3,4,5,6.Comment: Talk at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics, Salamanca, Sep. 201