13,325 research outputs found

    The Effect of Trade Facilitation on Sectoral Trade

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    This paper aims to analyse the effect of trade facilitation on sectoral trade flows. We use data from the World Bank’s Doing Business Database on the fees associated with completing the procedures to export or import goods in a country, on the number of documents needed and on the required time to complete all the administrative procedures to import and export. An augmented gravity equation is estimated for 13 exporters and 167 importers using a number of estimation techniques, namely OLS, PPML and the Harvey model. A common result is that trade flows increase by lowering transport costs and the number of days required to trade. The outcome supports multilateral initiatives, as that in the WTO, which encourages countries to assess their trade facilitation needs and priorities and to improve them. The measures adopted will not only benefit the country that improves trade facilitation, but also its trading partners.gravity model, trade facilitation, time, trade cost

    Drivers and barriers of university social responsibility: integration into strategic plans

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    The implementation of University Social Responsibility (USR) in its strategic plans is a subject of great social interest. However, the lack of understanding produces deficient stakeholder’s engagement, obstructing USR applications and potential benefits. USR in a formal context and as part of strategy should be a path that leads to its fulfilment. A Delphi method was used and several experts have participated in it. Results show that USR is related to student’s issues, among main drivers are to work under a code of ethics and acquire civic competences as a part of their vocational training. Among barriers to be involved in social responsibility activities is the lack of engagement of university community. The insufficient communication into the university community is mentioned as one of the main obstacles to incorporate USR into strategic planning. Relevance of this work relies on the holistic points of views of the results.Postprint (author's final draft

    Catalysts of university social responsability into strategic planning by thematic analysis and deductive coding

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    The relevance of higher education institutions (HEI) for social development is unquestionable because of their potential for contributing intellectual solutions for the social, economic, and environmental welfare of society. The current study aims to: 1) examine which are the main catalysts of university social responsibility (USR) from a strategic management perspective; 2) show the relations among those catalysts through semantic networks; and 3) analyse the role of university promotion of entrepreneurship. The method uses a content analysis in a sample of 23 universities and examines the subject and codes to clarify the catalysts. The semantic networks are shown to reveal these connections. It was found that a high percentage of universities orient their efforts towards enhancing the employability of students, mainly through entrepreneurial projects intended to achieve social responsibility.Postprint (author's final draft

    An approach to the concept and measurement of Cognitive Frailty

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2022/2023Introducción Con el paso del tiempo la población mayor aumenta y deja entrever más casos de Fragilidad Cognitiva (FC) entendida como la presencia simultánea de Fragilidad Física (FF) y Deterioro Cognitivo Leve (DCL) (Facal et al., 2021). Objetivos Realizar una revisión y actualización de los instrumentos objetivos que evalúan o criban DCL en Atención Primaria (AP). Evaluar el DCL usando el Test de Pfeiffer (SPMSQ) y la FF con el Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) en una muestra de personas mayores. Método Se realizó una búsqueda de información sobre FG, FF, DCL e instrumentos usados habitualmente en AP para evaluar deterioro cognitivo. Además, se administraron el SPMSQ y el SPPB a una muestra de 39 adultos mayores de 60 años voluntarias en un Centro Especializado de Atención a Mayores en el Grao de Castellón (CEAM). Resultados Se encontraron 16 instrumentos de evaluación entre los cuales el s-MoCA, el Fototest juntamente con el Mini-Cog, y el SPMSQ cuentan con mayor sensibilidad para evaluar o cribar DCL. La aplicación del SPMSQ dio como resultado la clasificación de 28 personas con cognición normal, 7 con DCL, 4 con DCM y 0 con DCS. Con el SPPB se obtuvo una clasificación de 0 personas discapacitadas, 14 frágiles, 23 prefrágiles y 4 autónomos. La correlación de ambos resultados, usando la correlación de Pearson, mostró una r=0.052, y el cruce de resultados expuso un total de 9 personas con riesgo de FC. Conclusión Los instrumentos que deberían ser usados en AP para cribar o evaluar DCL son: s-MoCA, SPMSQ o Fototest de manera conjunta con Mini-Cog. La correlación entre el SPMSQ y el SPPB indica que la presencia de una de las patologías no supone la presencia de la otra. Además, el uso simultáneo de ambos instrumentos resulta un buen detector de FG.Introduction Over time the elderly population increase and suggest more cases of Cognitive Frailty (CF) understood as the simultaneous presence of Physical Frailty (PF) and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) (Facal et al., 2021). Objectives Make a review and update of the objective instruments that evaluate or screen MCI in Primary Care (PC). And evaluate MCI using the Short Portable Mental State Questionnaire (SPMSQ) and PF with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) in a sample of older people. Method An information search was carried out on CF, PF, MCI and instruments commonly used in PC to assess cognitive impairment (CI). In addition, SPMSQ and SPPB were administered to a sample of 39 adults over the age of 60 volunteering from a Specialized Care Center for the Elderly in the Grao de Castellón (CEAM). Results 16 evaluation instruments were found, among which s-MoCA, Fototest together with Mini-Cog, and SPMSQ have greater sensitivity to evaluate or screen MCI. The application of SPMSQ resulted in the classification of 28 people with normal cognition, 7 with MCI, 4 with Moderate CI and 9 with Severe CI. With the SPPB was obtained a classification of 0 disabled people, 14 frail, 23 pre-frail and 4 autonomous. The correlation of both results, using Pearson’s correlation, showed a r=0.052, and the crossover of results exposed a total of 9 people at risk of CF. Conclusion The instruments that should be used in PC to screen or evaluate MCI are: s-MoCA, SPMSQ or Fototest together with Mini-Cog. The correlation between SPMSQ and SPPB indicates that the presence of one of the pathologies does not imply the presence of the other. Furthermore, the simultaneous use of both instruments results in a good CF detector

    Application of Semi-Empirical Ventilation Models in A Mediterranean Greenhouse with Opposing Thermal and Wind Effects. Use of Non-Constant Cd (Pressure Drop Coefficient Through the Vents) and Cw (Wind Effect Coefficient)

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    The present work analyses the natural ventilation of a multi-span greenhouse with one roof vent and two side vents by means of sonic anemometry. Opening the roof vent to windward, one side vent to leeward, and the other side vents to windward (this last vent obstructed by another greenhouse), causes opposing thermal GT (m3 s−1) and wind effects Gw (m3 s−1), as outside air entering the greenhouse through the roof vent circulates downward, contrary to natural convection due to the thermal effect. In our case, the ventilation rate RM (h−1) in a naturally ventilated greenhouse fits a second order polynomial with wind velocity uo (RM = 0.37 uo2 + 0.03 uo + 0.75; R2 = 0.99). The opposing wind and thermal effects mean that ventilation models based on Bernoulli’s equation must be modified in order to add or subtract their effects accordingly—Model 1, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent pressure fields GM1=√(∣∣G2T±G2w∣∣) , or Model 2, in which the flow is driven by the sum of two independent fluxes GM2=|GT±Gw| . A linear relationship has been obtained, which allows us to estimate the discharge coefficient of the side vents (CdVS) and roof vent (CdWR) as a function of uo [CdVS = 0.028 uo + 0.028 (R2 = 0.92); CdWR = 0.036 uo + 0.040 (R2 = 0.96)]. The wind effect coefficient Cw was determined by applying models M1 and M2 proved not to remain constant for the different experiments, but varied according to the ratio uo/∆Tio0.5 or δ [CwM1 = exp(−2.693 + 1.160/δ) (R2 = 0.94); CwM2 = exp(−2.128 + 1.264/δ) (R2 = 0.98)]

    An approximation to the prediction of the summery emergence of "Ochlerotatus caspius" (Diptera: Culicidae) based on the relationship between degree-days accumulations and adult captures

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    Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) (Diptera, Culicidae) es el culícido más abundante durante el verano en las marismas de Huelva. Este estudio demuestra que la relación entre capturas de adultos, convertidas en probit, y la acumulación de temperatura o número de días-grado, convenientemente adaptada mediante a una transformación logarítmica, muestra ser signifi cativamente lineal para cada generación de este mosquito a lo largo de cada verano. Además, si se procesan todos los datos disponibles de todos los años considerados en el estudio se obtiene una alta correlación lineal y, en consecuencia, las ecuaciones resultantes poseen valor predictivo. Los resultados de la validación de los pronósticos que se extraen de las rectas de regresión log-probit, permiten que se puedan considerar estas rectas como una herramienta más de cara a aumentar la efi cacia de los programas de control integrado que se llevan a cabo en esta zona.Predicción de la emergencia estival de Ochlerotatus caspius (Diptera: Culicidae) basada en la relación entre la acumulación de días-grado y la captura de adultos. Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas) (Diptera, Culicidae) es el culícido más abundante durante el verano en las marismas de Huelva. Este estudio demuestra que la relación entre capturas de adultos, convertidas en probit, y la acumulación de temperatura o número de días-grado, convenientemente adaptada mediante a una transformación logarítmica, muestra ser signifi cativamente lineal para cada generación de este mosquito a lo largo de cada verano. Además, si se procesan todos los datos disponibles de todos los años considerados en el estudio se obtiene una alta correlación lineal y, en consecuencia, las ecuaciones resultantes poseen valor predictivo. Los resultados de la validación de los pronósticos que se extraen de las rectas de regresión log-probit, permiten que se puedan considerar estas rectas como una herramienta más de cara a aumentar la efi cacia de los programas de control integrado que se llevan a cabo en esta zona

    Evaluation of alternative IAA biosynthetic pathways in the bacteria from the pseudomonas syringae complex

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    Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) is a phytohormone belonging to the auxin group which production is widely distributed among plant-associated bacteria. In phytopathogenic bacteria, several IAA biosynthetic pathways have been described. The best characterized is the indole-3-acetamide (IAM) pathway, where tryptophan is initially converted into IAM by a monooxygenase (iaaM gene), and later transformed to IAA in a reaction catalysed by a hydrolase (iaaH gene). Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 (Psv), which synthesizes IAA through IAM, encodes two paralogs of these two genes organized in two operons (iaaMH-1 and iaaMH-2). Previously, we have demonstrated that a Psv mutant in the iaaMH-1 operon produces an amount of IAA significantly lower than that synthesized by the wild type strain. This strain, shows a reduced virulence in olive plants. In contrast, a mutant in the iaaMH-2 operon (which encodes a iaaM-2 pseudogene), produces IAA levels similar to those of the wild type strain and is not affected in virulence. Unexpectedly, the iaaMH-1 mutant and the double mutant iaaMH- 1/iaaMH-2 synthesize a residual amount of IAA, suggesting the existence of an alternative route for the production of this compound in Psv.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech