42,836 research outputs found

    New results on q-positivity

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    In this paper we discuss symmetrically self-dual spaces, which are simply real vector spaces with a symmetric bilinear form. Certain subsets of the space will be called q-positive, where q is the quadratic form induced by the original bilinear form. The notion of q-positivity generalizes the classical notion of the monotonicity of a subset of a product of a Banach space and its dual. Maximal q-positivity then generalizes maximal monotonicity. We discuss concepts generalizing the representations of monotone sets by convex functions, as well as the number of maximally q-positive extensions of a q-positive set. We also discuss symmetrically self-dual Banach spaces, in which we add a Banach space structure, giving new characterizations of maximal q-positivity. The paper finishes with two new examples.Comment: 18 page

    On expenditure functions

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    In this paper we present complete characterizations of the expenditure function for both utility representations and preference structures. Building upon these results, we also establish under minimal assumptions duality theorems for exıpenditure functions and utility representations, and for expenditure functions and preference structures. These results generalize previous work in this area; moreover, in the case of preferences structures they apply to non-completeı preorders

    Quantum Markovian activated surface diffusion of interacting adsorbates

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    A quantum Markovian activated atom-surface diffusion model with interacting adsorbates is proposed for the intermediate scattering function, which is shown to be complex-valued and factorizable into a classical-like and a quantum-mechanical factor. Applications to the diffusion of Na atoms on flat (weakly corrugated) and corrugated-Cu(001) surfaces at different coverages and surface temperatures are analyzed. Quantum effects are relevant to diffusion at low surface temperatures and coverages even for relatively heavy particles, such as Na atoms, where transport by tunneling is absent.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    More on Asymptotically Anti-de Sitter Spaces in Topologically Massive Gravity

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    Recently, the asymptotic behaviour of three-dimensional anti-de Sitter gravity with a topological mass term was investigated. Boundary conditions were given that were asymptotically invariant under the two-dimensional conformal group and that included a fall-off of the metric sufficiently slow to consistently allow pp-wave type of solutions. Now, pp-waves can have two different chiralities. Above the chiral point and at the chiral point, however, only one chirality can be considered, namely the chirality that has the milder behaviour at infinity. The other chirality blows up faster than AdS and does not define an asymptotically AdS spacetime. By contrast, both chiralities are subdominant with respect to the asymptotic behaviour of AdS spacetime below the chiral point. Nevertheless, the boundary conditions given in the earlier treatment only included one of the two chiralities (which could be either one) at a time. We investigate in this paper whether one can generalize these boundary conditions in order to consider simultaneously both chiralities below the chiral point. We show that this is not possible if one wants to keep the two-dimensional conformal group as asymptotic symmetry group. Hence, the boundary conditions given in the earlier treatment appear to be the best possible ones compatible with conformal symmetry. In the course of our investigations, we provide general formulas controlling the asymptotic charges for all values of the topological mass (not just below the chiral point).Comment: 27 page

    Asymptotically warped anti-de Sitter spacetimes in topologically massive gravity

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    Asymptotically warped AdS spacetimes in topologically massive gravity with negative cosmological constant are considered in the case of spacelike stretched warping, where black holes have been shown to exist. We provide a set of asymptotic conditions that accommodate solutions in which the local degree of freedom (the "massive graviton") is switched on. An exact solution with this property is explicitly exhibited and possesses a slower fall-off than the warped AdS black hole. The boundary conditions are invariant under the semidirect product of the Virasoro algebra with a u(1) current algebra. We show that the canonical generators are integrable and finite. When the graviton is not excited, our analysis is compared and contrasted with earlier results obtained through the covariant approach to conserved charges. In particular, we find agreement with the conserved charges of the warped AdS black holes as well as with the central charges in the algebra.Comment: 17 pages. References adde

    Asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in topologically massive gravity

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    We consider asymptotically anti-de Sitter spacetimes in three-dimensional topologically massive gravity with a negative cosmological constant, for all values of the mass parameter μ\mu (μ0\mu\neq0). We provide consistent boundary conditions that accommodate the recent solutions considered in the literature, which may have a slower fall-off than the one relevant for General Relativity. These conditions are such that the asymptotic symmetry is in all cases the conformal group, in the sense that they are invariant under asymptotic conformal transformations and that the corresponding Virasoro generators are finite. It is found in particular that at the chiral point μl=1|\mu l|=1 (where ll is the anti-de Sitter radius), one must allow for logarithmic terms (absent for General Relativity) in the asymptotic behaviour of the metric in order to accommodate the new solutions present in topologically massive gravity, and that these logarithmic terms make both sets of Virasoro generators non-zero even though one of the central charges vanishes.Comment: 13 pages, no figures, references and a note added. To be published in PRD (Rapid Communications

    Localised projective measurement of a relativistic quantum field in non-inertial frames

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    We propose a scheme to study the effect of motion on measurements of a quantum field carried out by a finite-size detector. We introduce a model of projective detection of a localised field mode in an arbitrary reference frame. We apply it to extract vacuum entanglement by a pair of counter-accelerating detectors and to estimate the Unruh temperature of a single accelerated detector. The introduced method allows us to directly relate the observed effects with the instantaneous proper acceleration of the detector.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. v2 Significant increase in the detail level regarding the motivation of the detector mode