884 research outputs found

    Intrinsic vulnerability assessment of the south-eastern Murge (Apulia, southern Italy)

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    Maps of areas with different vulnerability degrees are an integral part of environmental protection and management policies. It is difficult to assess the intrinsic vulnerability of karst areas since the stage and type of karst structure development and its related underground discharge behaviour are not easy to determine. Therefore, some improvements, which take into account dolines, caves and superficial lineament arrangement, have been integrated into the SINTACS R5 method and applied to a karst area of the south-eastern Murge (Apulia, southern Italy). The proposed approach integrates the SINTACS model giving more weight to morphological and structural data; in particular the following parameters have been modified: depth to groundwater, effective infiltration action, unsaturated zone attenuation capacity and soil/overburden attenuation capacity. Effective hydrogeological and impacting situations are also arranged using superficial lineaments and karst density. In order to verify the reliability of the modified procedure, a comparison is made with the original SINTACS R5 index evaluated in the same area. The results of both SINTACS index maps are compared with karst and structural features identified in the area and with groundwater nitrate concentrations recorded in wells. The best fitting SINTACS map is then overlaid by the layout of potential pollution centres providing a complete map of the pollution risk in the area

    Synthetic/ECM-inspired hybrid platform for hollow microcarriers with ROS-triggered nanoporation hallmarks

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are key pathological signals expressed in inflammatory diseases such as cancer, ischemic conditions and atherosclerosis. An ideal drug delivery system should not only be responsive to these signals but also should not elicit an unfavourable host response. This study presents an innovative platform for drug delivery where a natural/synthetic composite system composed of collagen type I and a synthesized polythioether, ensures a dual stimuli-responsive behaviour. Collagen type I is an extracellular matrix constituent protein, responsive to matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) cleavage per se. Polythioethers are stable synthetic polymers characterized by the presence of sulphur, which undergoes a ROS-responsive swelling switch. A polythioether was synthesised, functionalized and tested for cytotoxicity. Optimal conditions to fabricate a composite natural/synthetic hollow sphere construct were optimised by a template-based method. Collagen-polythioether hollow spheres were fabricated, revealing uniform size and ROS-triggered nanoporation features. Cellular metabolic activity of H9C2 cardiomyoblasts remained unaffected upon exposure to the spheres. Our natural/synthetic hollow microspheres exhibit the potential for use as a pathological stimuli-responsive reservoir system for applications in inflammatory diseases

    Improvement of sheep welfare and milk production fed on diet containing hydroponically germinating seeds.

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    Plasma cortisol and milk production responses of 45 lactating Comisana sheeps (4th- 5th parity), divided into three homogeneous groups of 15 subject each, were used to evaluate the effects of two different levels of partial substitution of a complete feed with hydroponically germinating seeds. Germinated oat was employed after 7 days of hydroponic growth. The three groups received the following diets: Control group (T) received only complete feed. The other 2 groups were fed on diet containing different levels of hydroponically germinating oat (1,5 kg – group A; 3 kg – group B). All the subjects have shown to accept the diets because the per capita ration was always completely consumed. In the second month, the A and B groups showed lower average values of cortisol (P<0.01) and a statistically significant increase in milk production as compared to T (P<0.05 and P<0.001). The obtained data induced to conclude that integration with hydroponically germinating oat in partial substitution of the complete feed does not modify biochemical and hematological parameters and seems to produce an improvement in animal welfare and production of milk

    Effects of legume seeds and processing treatment on growth, carcass traits and blood constituents of fattening lambs

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    This study aimed to evaluate the effects of faba bean, white lupin and pea seed when fed as protein supplements on growth performance, carcass characteristics and haematological characteristics of growing lambs. Forty-eight Gentile di Puglia male lambs, weaned at 38 ± 2 days old with an average initial bodyweight of 12.8 ± 0.5 kg, were divided into six homogenous groups. The six dietary treatments were RFB (diet containing raw faba bean seeds); EFB (diet containing extruded faba bean seeds); RL (diet containing raw lupin seeds); EL (diet containing extruded lupin seeds); RP (diet containing raw pea seeds); and EP (diet containing extruded pea seeds). Feeding lupin seeds reduced average daily feed intake compared with the other protein sources. Carcass conformation, loin weight as a percentage of half-carcass weight, and fat weight as a percentage of loin weight improved in the lambs that consumed both EP and RP diets. Extrusion reduced hide weight as a percentage of empty bodyweight and fat weight as a percentage of leg weight. The protein source had a significant effect on glucose and total cholesterol concentrations, albumin, α1-globulin, β-globulin, and γ-globulin percentages and albumin-globulin ratios. The processing treatment decreased total cholesterol concentrations. Thus, feeding the various legumes did not affect growth performance, but only carcass characteristics; changes which may be due to the differences in feed intake. Extrusion also had minor effects, and further work is required to investigate the use of these protein sources, both raw and extruded.Keywords: extrusion, faba bean, haematology, lupin, pea, protein source, slaughter dat

    The “sant’angelo in criptis” cave church in santeramo in colle (Apulia, south italy): A multidisciplinary study for the evaluation of conservation state and stability assessment

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    Sant’Angelo in Criptis (Santeramo in Puglia, South Italy) is a karst cave located in the Alta Murgia National Park (aspiring geopark), presently degraded, but with signs of intense past visiting activity for worship, as testified by the beautiful wall paintings and the large number of inscriptions and engravings on the cave walls. With the aim to permit the desirable restoration and the following fruition of this ancient geo-cultural heritage, a multidisciplinary investigation of the cave was carried out in this study. The 3D cave model permitted a detailed map of the area and highlighted that the cave vault, although very regular, somewhere presents chimneys that develop upwards, indicating areas where the rock thickness is now very small. The stability analysis indicates that presently, the cave does not show remarkable signs of instability, but block failures, toppling and roof collapse are possible. Archaeometry investigations confirmed the past importance of this holy site, as testified by the overlapping in the paintings of three different pictorial cycles and the use of precious pigments, thus confirming the necessity of preservation through a conservation management strategy for a full future fruition of the cave

    Guidelines for a common port noise impact assessment: the ANCHOR LIFE project

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    The paper reports the main contents of the guidelines developed in the framework of the project ANCHOR, acronym of Advanced Noise Control strategies in HarbOuR, which is a European Project funded as part of the announcement Life 2017. The guidelines represent an updated version of those elaborated in the NoMEPorts project named 'Good Practice Guide on Port Area Noise Mapping and Management'; the aim is to define a common approach in port noise monitoring and assessment, considering the outcomes of previous EU funded projects and the algorithms defined by the European Directive 2015/996, in order to produce Port Noise Impact Assessments to be included in ports Environmental Management Systems (EMS). The procedures described in the guidelines will guide professionals in organizing and managing geographical data, in characterizing noise sources and defining, for each of them, the correct noise emission power level, in evaluating noise propagation and people exposure to noise and, finally, in selecting the most efficient mitigation action by means of a cost benefit analysis. Moreover, the paper reports the results of a comparison between noise mapping outcomes obtained using the new noise mapping algorithms defined by the 2015/996 Directive and the old 2002/49/EC Annex II ones; especially at long distances from the source the differences between the two methodologies are not negligible

    Epithelium-Off Corneal Collagen Cross-linking Versus Transepithelial Cross-linking for Pediatric Keratoconus.

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    Abstract PURPOSE:: To compare efficiency and safety of epithelium-off corneal cross-linking (CXL) and transepithelial cross-linking (TE-CXL) in pediatric patients with progressive keratoconus. METHODS:: Uncorrected and corrected visual acuity, corneal topography and pachymetry (Pentacam; Oculus Pentacam), and in vivo confocal microscopy (HRT II, Rostock Cornea Module, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany) were evaluated at baseline and at 3, 6, and 12 months. RESULTS:: In the epithelium-off CXL group (19 patients, 23 eyes; mean age, 14.75 ± 2.1 years), a significant improvement at month 12 was present for Kmax [-1.11 diopters (D), P = 0.01], Kmin (-3.2 D, P = 0.001), mean K (-1.47 D, P = 0.01), surface asymmetry index (-0.64 D, P = 0.001), inferior-superior symmetry index (-0.54 D, P = 0.01), index of height asymmetry (-2.97, P = 0.03), and anterior elevation at the thinnest location (-2.82 D, P = 0.01) and at the apex (-2.27 D, P = 0.01). Postoperative corneal edema lasted 3 months in 16 eyes (69.5%) and more than 6 months in 2 eyes (8.7%). In the TE-CXL group (10 patients, 14 eyes; mean age, 15 ± 4.2 years), a significant improvement at month 12 was present for Kmax (-1.14 D, P = 0.02), Kmin (-2.04 D, P = 0.01), mean K (-1.63 D, P = 0.01), surface asymmetry index (-0.86 D, P = 0.001), inferior-superior symmetry index (-0.55 D, P = 0.001), index of height asymmetry (-2.95, P = 0.01), and anterior elevation at the thinnest location (-2.96 D, P = 0.01) and at the apex (-2.19 D, P = 0.01). No postoperative corneal edema after TE-CXL was observed. Changes at month 12 from baseline were not significantly different between the 2 groups (P > 0.05). TE-CXE was significantly less painful than epithelium-off CXL. CONCLUSIONS:: In pediatric patients with progressive keratoconus, TE-CXL was less painful, provided similar effectiveness and fewer complications than epithelium-off CXL at 12-month follow-up

    A worm gel-based 3D model to elucidate the paracrine interaction between multiple myeloma and mesenchymal stem cells

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) is a malignancy of terminally-differentiated plasma cells that develops mainly inside the bone marrow (BM) microenvironment. It is well known that autocrine and paracrine signals are responsible for the progression of this disease but the precise mechanism and contributions from single cell remain largely unknown. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are an important cellular component of the BM: they support MM growth by increasing its survival and chemo-resistance, but little is known about the paracrine signaling pathways. Three-dimensional (3D) models of MM-MSC paracrine interactions are much more biologically-relevant than simple 2D models and are considered essential for detailed studies of MM pathogenesis. Herein we present a novel 3D co-culture model designed to mimic the paracrine interaction between MSC and MM cells. MSC were embedded within a previously characterized thermoresponsive block copolymer worm gel that can induce stasis in human pluripotent stem cells (hPSC) and then co-cultured with MM cells. Transcriptional phenotyping of co-cultured cells indicated the dysregulation of genes that code for known disease-relevant factors, and also revealed IL-6 and IL-10 as upstream regulators. Importantly, we have identified a synergistic paracrine signaling pathway between IL-6 and IL-10 that plays a critical role in sustaining MM cell proliferation. Our findings indicate that this 3D co-culture system is a useful model to investigate the paracrine interaction between MM cells and the BM microenvironment in vitro. This approach has revealed a new mechanism that promotes the proliferation of MM cells and suggested a new therapeutic target

    Integrated analysis of Xist upregulation and gene silencing at the onset of random X-chromosome inactivation at high temporal and allelic resolution

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    To ensure dosage compensation between the sexes, one randomly chosen X chromosome is silenced in each female cell in the process of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI). XCI is initiated during early development through upregulation of the long non-coding RNA Xist, which mediateschromosome-wide gene silencing. Cell differentiation, Xist upregulation and silencing are thought tobe coupled at multiple levels to ensure inactivation of exactly one out of two X chromosomes. Here we perform an integrated analysis of all three processes through allele-specific single-cellRNA-sequencing. Specifically, we assess the onset of random XCI with high temporal resolution indifferentiating mouse embryonic stem cells, and develop dedicated analysis approaches. By exploitingthe inter-cellular heterogeneity of XCI onset, we identify Nanog downregulation as its main trigger and discover additional putative Xist regulators. Moreover, we confirm several predictions of thestochastic model of XCI where monoallelic silencing is thought to be ensured through negativefeedback regulation. Finally, we show that genetic variation modulates the XCI process at multiplelevels, providing a potential explanation for the long-known Xce effect, which leads to preferentialinactivation of a specific X chromosome in inter-strain crosses. We thus draw a detailed picture of thedifferent levels of regulation that govern the initiation of XCI. The experimental and computationalstrategies we have developed here will allow us to profile random XCI in more physiological contexts,including primary human cells in vivo

    A long non-coding RNA links calreticulin-mediated immunogenic cell removal to RB1 transcription

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    A subset of promoters bidirectionally expresses long non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) of unknown function and protein-coding genes (PCGs) in parallel. Here, we define a set of 1107 highly conserved human bidirectional promoters that mediate the linked expression of long ncRNAs and PCGs. Depletion of the long ncRNA expressed from the RB1 promoter, ncRNA-RB1, reveals regulatory effects different from the RB1-controlled transcriptional program. ncRNA-RB1 positively regulates the expression of calreticulin (CALR) that in response to certain therapeutic interventions can translocate from the endoplasmic reticulum to the cell surface, hence activating anticancer immune responses. Knockdown of ncRNA-RB1 in tumor cells reduced expression of CALR, impaired the translocation of the protein to the cell surface upon treatment with anthracylines and consequently inhibited the cellular uptake by macrophages. In conclusion, co-transcription of ncRNA-RB1 and RB1 provides a positive link between the expression of the two tumor suppressors RB1 and the immune-relevant CALR protein. This regulatory interplay exemplifies disease-relevant co-regulation of two distinct gene products, in which loss of expression of one oncosuppressor protein entails the abolition of additional tumor-inhibitory mechanisms