352 research outputs found

    R-symmetry and Supersymmetry Breaking at Finite Temperature

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    We analyze the spontaneous U(1)RU(1)_R symmetry breaking at finite temperature for the simple O'Raifeartaigh-type model introduced in [1] in connection with spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. We calculate the finite temperature effective potential (free energy) to one loop order and study the thermal evolution of the model. We find that the R-symmetry breaking occurs through a second order phase transition. Its associated meta-stable supersymmetry breaking vacuum is thermodynamically favored at high temperatures and the model remains trapped in this state by a potential barrier, as the temperature lowers all the way until T=0.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures - Minor revisions, references added. To appear in JHE

    Assessing impacts of Common Agricultural Policy changes on regional use patterns with a decision support system. An application in Southern Portugal

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    This paper discusses research aiming at assessing Common Agricultural Policy impacts on agriculture and forestry. For this purpose an approach is developed that includes a linear programming model to estimate the Positive Mathematical Programming production cost function coefficients of current agricultural– forestry activities. It further includes a heuristic — simulated annealing — to generate solutions for each policy scenario. This model base approach is integrated within a decision support system (DSS) for testing purposes. The DSS further encompasses a relational database that stores agricultural–forestry technical and economic data and a geographic information system that stores topological data of regional farm-type land units. The DSS Graphical User Interface provides tabular and geographical reporting capabilities. Results are discussed for an application to the Alentejo region in Southern Portugal. Results demonstrate the usefulness and relevance of the proposed approach to assess the impact of changes in prices and in agricultural policy on land use patterns and on forestr

    A Bound Quantum Particle in a Riemann-Cartan space with Topological Defects and Planar Potential

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    Starting from a continuum theory of defects, that is the analogous to three-dimensional Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble gravity, we consider a charged particle with spin 1/2 propagating in a uniform magnetic field coincident with a wedge dispiration of finite extent. We assume the particle is bound in the vicinity of the dispiration by long range attractive (harmonic) and short range (inverse square) repulsive potentials. Moreover, we consider the effects of spin-torsion and spin-magnetic field interactions. Exact expressions for the energy eigenfunctions and eigenvalues are determined. The limit, in which the defect region becomes singular, is considered and comparison with the electromagnetic Aharonov-Bohm effect is made.Comment: 10 page

    Interface optical phonons in spheroidal dots: Raman selection rules

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    The contribution of interface phonons to the first order Raman scattering in nanocrystals with non spherical geometry is analyzed. Interface optical phonons in the spheroidal geometry are discussed and the corresponding Frohlich-like electron-phonon interaction is reported in the framework of the dielectric continuum approach. It is shown that the interface phonon modes are strongly dependent on the nanocrystal geometry, particularly on the ellipsoid's semi-axis ratio. The new Raman selection rules have revealed that solely interface phonon modes with even angular momentum are allowed to contribute to the first order phonon-assisted scattering of light. On this basis we are able to give an explanation for the observed low frequency shoulders present in the Raman cross-section of several II-VI semiconductor nanostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Two Loop R-Symmetry Breaking

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    We analyze two loop quantum corrections for pseudomoduli in O'Raifeartaigh like models. We argue that R-symmetry can be spontaneously broken at two loop in non supersymmetric vacua. We provide a basic example with this property. We discuss on phenomenological applications.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, JHEP3.cls, reference adde

    Branching and annihilating Levy flights

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    We consider a system of particles undergoing the branching and annihilating reactions A -> (m+1)A and A + A -> 0, with m even. The particles move via long-range Levy flights, where the probability of moving a distance r decays as r^{-d-sigma}. We analyze this system of branching and annihilating Levy flights (BALF) using field theoretic renormalization group techniques close to the upper critical dimension d_c=sigma, with sigma<2. These results are then compared with Monte-Carlo simulations in d=1. For sigma close to unity in d=1, the critical point for the transition from an absorbing to an active phase occurs at zero branching. However, for sigma bigger than about 3/2 in d=1, the critical branching rate moves smoothly away from zero with increasing sigma, and the transition lies in a different universality class, inaccessible to controlled perturbative expansions. We measure the exponents in both universality classes and examine their behavior as a function of sigma.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Generalized messenger sector for gauge mediation of supersymmetry breaking and the soft spectrum

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    We consider a generic renormalizable and gauge invariant messenger sector and derive the sparticle mass spectrum using the formalism introduced for General Gauge Mediation. Our results recover many expressions found in the literature in various limits. Constraining the messenger sector with a global symmetry under which the spurion field is charged, we analyze Extraordinary Gauge Mediation beyond the small SUSY breaking limit. Finally, we include D-term contributions and compute their corrections to the soft masses. This leads to a perturbative framework allowing to explore models capable of fully covering the parameter space of General Gauge Mediation to the Supersymmetric Standard Model.Comment: Minor changes to clarify notation. Requirement of global symmetry is relaxed in the derivation of scalar masses in the small SUSY breaking limi

    Weak Segregation Theory and Non-Conventional Morphologies in the Ternary ABC Triblock Copolymers

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    The Leibler weak segregation theory in molten diblock copolymers is generalized with due regard for the 2nd shell harmonics contributions defined in the paper and the phase diagrams are built for the linear and miktoarm ternary ABC triblock copolymers. The symmetric linear copolymers with the middle block non-selective with respect to the side ones are shown to undergo the continuous ODT not only into the lamellar phase but also into various non-conventional cubic phases (depending on the middle block composition it could be the simple cubic, face-centered cubic or non-centrosymmetric phase revealing the symmetry of space group No.214 first predicted to appear in molten block copolymers). For asymmetric linear ABC copolymers a region of compositions is found where the weakly segregated gyroid (double gyroid) phase exists between the planar hexagonal and lamellar or one of the non-conventional cubic phases up to the very critical point. In contrast, the miktoarm ABC block copolymers with one of its arm non-selective with respect to the two others are shown to reveal a pronounced tendency towards strong segregation, which is preceded by increase of stability of the conventional BCC phase and a peculiar weakly segregated BCC phase (BCC3), where the dominant harmonics belong to the 3rd co-ordination sphere of the reciprocal lattice. The validity region of the developed theory is discussed and outlined in the composition triangles both for linear and miktoarm copolymers.Comment: 61 pages, 12 figure
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