1,200 research outputs found

    Beliefs, values and attitudes of Portuguese population and their relationship with human and social capital

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    Studying economic values and beliefs and their relationship with attitudes and behavior has been common in most social sciences throughout the world, at least since the 1960s. However, Portugal remained very much outside this research program and, contrary to the majority of European countries or the United States, it still lacks a coherent an integrative research on economic values, beliefs and behaviors. On the other hand, the existing data (European and World Value Surveys, Eurobarometer or the Portuguese Statistics Institute) only offers a partial view of the individual’s relationship with the economic system, namely consumer confidence or general ideas of trust. The studies already developed on this subject are normally restricted to the association of economic values and beliefs with socio-demographic characteristics, failing to include both the analysis of behaviors and the impact all these variables may have on economic performance indicators. The current study is intended as a first step towards a deeper comprehension of these phenomena.

    Using the Asymmetric Trimmed Mean as a Core Inflation Indicator

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    This paper discusses the use of the trimmed mean as a core inflation indicator when the price changes distribution is fat tailed and asymmetric and computes several asymmetric trimmed means that meet all the conditions suggested in Marques et al. (2000). It turns out that the 10 per cent trimmed mean centred on the 51.5th percentile is the one with the lowest volatility and so, its use, as a core inflation indicator, is recommended.

    Is the euro area M3 abandoning us?

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    This paper reassesses the role of the M3 aggregate for monetary policy purposes in the euro area. Using data until 2006Q4 it is shown that the M3 aggregate ceased to display the empirical properties that supported its prominent role in the ECB’s monetary policy strategy. On the one hand, when the most recent data are used in the analysis there is strong evidence of cointegration breakdown in the M3 money demand models as well as in the "two-pillar Phillips curves" with filtered data. On the other hand, the leading indicator properties of M3 for inflation in the area have also deteriorated markedly in the most recent years. This is supported by evidence both in the time and frequency domains.

    Beliefs, values and attitudes of Portuguese population and their relationship with human and social capital

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    The main purpose of this paper is to describe and explain the economic values, beliefs and attitudes of the Portuguese population and how they are associated with behaviors linked to economic performance. It is based on a research oriented to three main goals: 1 - the description and explanation of the formation of economic values, beliefs, attitudes and behaviors, based on a questionnaire submitted to a national sample, stratified by regional areas; 2 - the identification of the existent linkages between these micro-sociological variables and regional and national economic performance (e.g. GDP, unemployment rates, inflation, investment, debt and wages); 3 - the exploration of the role of human and social capital as moderators between micro-sociological variables and a support for different types of economic values. In this paper we explore the third goal, offering a tentative typology of economic values’ support.peer-reviewe

    Comportamentos de cidadania organizacional e a relação com a perceção de suporte organizacional, paixão pelo trabalho e ideologia ética

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    Dissertação de mestrado, Psicologia Social e das Organizações, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2017O objetivo deste estudo é perceber as influências da perceção de suporte organizacional (PSO), da paixão pelo trabalho (PT) e da ideologia ética (IE) nos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional (CCO). Numa altura em que a vida organizacional tem sofrido várias alterações com o impacto do contínuo aumento de dinamismo e complexidade, devido aos avanços na tecnologia, globalização, evolução da comunicação, entre outros fatores (Thiel, Bagdasarov, Harkrider, Johnson & Mumford, 2012) a pertinência deste estudo é explicada pelo forte encorajamento e valorização dos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional devido ao seu contributo para o bem-estar dos indivíduos e da sociedade em geral (Penner et al., 2004). A escolha das variáveis derivou do interesse académico pela matéria científica envolvida em cada uma delas, conjugado com uma revisão da literatura que nos indica relações com os CCO. Relações essas espelhadas pelos seguintes exemplos: as pessoas apaixonadas pelo trabalho tendem a ajudar mais os colegas, passar boa imagem da empresa e fazer um esforço extra ao exigido (Macey & Schneider 2008), a perceção de suporte organizacional está associada a comportamentos que vão além das funções do funcionário, tais como comportamentos de ajuda aos outros e sugestões criativas (Eisenberger, Fasolo, & Davis-Lamastro, 1990) e Forsyth (1980) concetualiza que o idealismo, dimensão da ideologia ética, refere-se à preocupação do individuo para com o bem-estar dos outros. Por estas razões consideramos pertinente o estudo em causa, procurando explorar as dimensões das diversas variáveis e as influências exercidas nos comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. No geral os resultados foram de encontro ao esperado, observando a influência de género e do idealismo ético, apontando também diferenças entre as dimensões da PT, e da PSO

    Case study on José de Mello's tender offer on Brisa

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    Mestrado em Gestão/MBAEste trabalho final de mestrado consistiu na elaboração de um estudo de caso, juntamente com a sua resolução e dois artigos de investigação que servem de ajuda para a resolução de duas perguntas, cada uma sobre um artigo diferentes. O caso em estudo é um pouco invulgar, visto lidar com uma decisão de saída do mercado de capitais (ao invés de entrar no mesmo), numa tentativa de deixar de ter a avaliação da companhia ditada pelo mercado. Apesar do caso focar na avaliação financeira da companhia, tem muitos outros aspetos que são explorados, nomeadamente técnicas de liderança e negociação, ética empresarial e uma grande componente estratégica. O caso foi desenhado de forma a servir especialmente para MBAs (especialmente na sua fase terminal de consolidação), e é suportado por uma folha de Excel para cálculos (existem duas versões; uma para os estudantes apenas com os dados necessários para resolver as questões, e outra para o docente, com todas as soluções).This master's degree final project consisted of the full elaboration of a business case, alongside its resolution and two accompanying research papers. The business case is somewhat unusual, since it deals with a decision that involves exiting the stock market (instead of entering it), in an attempt to stop having the company's valuation dictated by the market. Although the business case focuses on financial valuation, it has many other aspects that are exploited, such as leadership and negotiation skills, business ethics and a strong strategic component. The case was developed in order to be well suited for MBAs (especially at their final stage, serving as a consolidating case analysis). Alongside the business case, an excel sheet was devised in order to aid with the calculus (there are two versions; one for the students without the case solutions, and another for the teacher with all the answers).N/

    The influence of temperature and salinity on the duration of embryonic development, fecundity and growth of the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus Leach (Gammaridae)

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    The effects of salinity and temperature on the duration of embryonic development, fecundity and growth of the amphipod Echinogammarus marinus Leach from the Mondego estuary (Portugal) were studied in laboratory experiments. Combinations of three temperatures (10, 15 and 20 °C) and four salinities (10, 15, 20 and 25 [per mille sign]) were used. The duration of embryonic development was 33 ± 0.7 d (mean ± S.E.) at 10 °C, 32 ± 0.5 d at 15 °C, and 17 ± 0.3 d at 20 °C. Analysis of variance demonstrated that the duration of E. marinus embryonic development, reared under different combinations of salinity and temperature, was significantly affected only by temperature (P < 0.001). A positive correlation between the number of newborn juveniles and the size of E. marinus females (as head length) was observed. The number of juveniles released per female was higher at 10 °C and lower at 20 °C. Analysis of variance showed that only temperature significantly affected the number of juveniles released per female (P < 0.001). Experimental data were used to calibrate the von Bertalanffy growth model. Results showed that growth was continuous throughout life under all laboratory conditions. Intrinsic growth rates were higher at 20 °C and lower at 10 °C. Analysis of covariance applied over the initial 90 d after hatching showed significant differences between growth rates of E. marinus under different salinity and temperature conditions. Extrapolation of laboratory data to the field scenario suggests that E. marinus in the Mondego estuary have a multivoltine life cycle.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6VR3-487F13Y-1/1/150a4a6813c028558171410e1976d2f

    Writing sociology at the beginning of the twenty-first century

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    Paul Veyne has suggested in 1971 that Sociology lacked a study object. Three quarters of a century after Durkheim’s Rules, it had yet to discover social types and orders of preponderant facts. At any rate, Veyne claimed, since Sociology or at least sociologists exist, we must conclude that, under that label, they do something else. Briefly, besides studying the logical conditions of Sociology, we should also sociologically consider it, as well as other neighbour and potentially rival disciplines. In this paper it is argued that, contrary to other scientific fields, Sociology lives in an environment of permanently renewed crisis. Different authors and traditions have indeed asserted exactly that, while based on entirely diverse assumptions. In order to justify the characteristic traits of today’s crisis, we try to list some of the little demons that have contributed to the current situation: 1) The hagiographic syndrome; 2) The isomorphism defence; 3) The acceptance urge

    Premium fuels in the Portuguese retail market : determinants of consumer preference and willingness to pay

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    Since the implementation of the simple fuel law in April 2015 where all fuel retail operators were required to sell Simple Fuels (SF) (Liquid Fuels according to the basic refining specification and without additional additives) at fuel retail stations that demand for Premium Fuels (PMF) has progressively increased, as well as the average price differential between SF and PMF. The main objective of this dissertation is to expand the current understanding of which factors affect the choices of Portuguese drivers for PMF and their Willingness to Pay (WP). An online survey was conducted. Results show that consumer choices for PMF are quality oriented and that quality is evaluated through the brand credibility, although consumers consider the Oil Companies (OC) PMF more credible than the Hypermarket Chains. Not only is brand credibility a predictor of frequency of purchase, but it also influences WTP, nevertheless it depends on the context in which the choice is made, since consumers prefer OC branded PMF and are willing to pay a higher price for their PMF. Frequency of purchase and WTP are also strongly related to knowledge of PMF, moreover consumers who have higher knowledge of PMF are willing to pay up to 5 cents/L more. Consumer knowledge of PMF has a moderating effect between quality consciousness and frequency of PMF purchase. Sociodemographic data do not influence either frequency of purchase or WTP. Limitations and suggestions for future research are discussed.Desde a implementação da lei dos combustíveis simples em abril de 2015 que todos os operadores de retalho de combustível são obrigados a vender Combustíveis Simples (do inglês, SF) (combustíveis líquidos de acordo com a especificação base de refinação e sem aditivos adicionais) nos postos de abastecimento de combustível que a procura por Combustíveis Premium (do inglês, PMF) tem aumentado progressivamente, assim como a diferença de preço média entre SF e PMF. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é alargar a compreensão atual sobre quais os fatores que afetam as escolhas dos condutores portugueses por PMF e a sua Disponibilidade para Pagar (do inglês, WTP). Foi realizado inquérito online. Os resultados mostram que as escolhas do consumidor por PMF são orientadas para a qualidade e que esta é avaliada através da credibilidade da marca, embora os consumidores considerem os PMF das Petrolíferas (do inglês, OC) mais credíveis do que os dos Hipermercados. A credibilidade da marca não é apenas um preditor da frequência de compra, também influencia a WTP, no entanto depende do contexto em que a escolha é feita, pois os consumidores preferem o PMF das marcas de OC e estão dispostos a pagar um preço mais alto pelos seus PMF. A frequência de compra e a WTP estão também fortemente relacionados ao conhecimento dos PMF, além disso, os consumidores que possuem maior conhecimento dos PMF estão dispostos a pagar até 5 cêntimos/L a mais. O conhecimento do consumidor sobre os PMF tem um efeito moderador entre a consciência de qualidade e a frequência de compra dos PMF. Os dados sociodemográficos não influenciam nem a frequência de compra nem a WTP. Limitações e sugestões para pesquisas futuras são discutidas