101 research outputs found

    Oγκομέτρηση εγκεφαλικών περιοχών στη μαγνητική, με βάση την επιληπτική εστία στο ΗΕΓ στην εστιακή επιληψία.

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    ΣΚΟΠΟΣ: Η παρουσίαση της μεθοδολογίας επεξεργασίας της Μαγνητικής Μορφομε-τρικής Ανάλυσης (Voxel-based Morphometry), που αποτελεί μια πλήρως αυτοματοποιημένη νευροαπεικονιστική μέθοδο, όπως και η αξιολόγηση της χρήσης της στην μετωπιαία εστιακή επιληψία για την αξιολόγηση του όγκου της φαιάς ουσίας. ΥΛΙΚΟ ΚΑΙ ΜΕΘΟΔΟΣ: Συνολικά 16 άτομα συμπεριλήφθηκαν στην παρούσα εργασία. Στην ομάδα των υγιών επιλέχθηκαν 8 εθελοντές, 3 άνδρες και 5 γυναίκες, με εύρος ηλικιακής κατανομής από 20 έως 37 έτη και μέσο όρο τα 26,25 έτη. Στην ομάδα των ασθενών συμπεριλήφ-θηκαν 8 ασθενείς, 3 άνδρες και 5 γυναίκες με διαγνωσμένη κλινικά μετωπιαία επιληψία. Με εύρος ηλικιακής κατανομής από 16 έως 39 έτη και μέσο όρο τα 25 έτη. Και στις δυο ομάδες πραγματοποιήθηκε μαγνητική τομογραφία προκειμένου να επεξεργα-στούμε τις T1 ακολουθίες με την προαναφερόμενη τεχνική. Όλες οι εικόνες συλλέχθηκαν με τον ίδιο σαρωτή και πανομοιότυπες παραμέτρους λήψης. Επιπροσθέτως στην ομάδα των ασθενών πραγματοποιήθηκε και ηλεκτροεγκεφαλογράφημα, προκειμένου να επιβεβαιωθεί η πλαγίωση της εστίας. Για την προ-επεξεργασία και την στατιστική ανάλυση των Τ1 ακολουθιών, χρησιμοποιή-θηκε σαν πλατφόρμα το MATLAB R2018b και σαν εργαλειοθήκες το SPM12 και το CAT12 επίσης και το dcm2nii για την μετατροπή των εικόνων. Για την μεθοδολογία της επεξεργασίας των δεδομένων, ακολουθήθηκαν πιστά τα βήματα επεξεργασίας για μια κλασική μαγνητική μορφομε-τρική ανάλυση και οι παράμετροι του εγχειριδίου χρήσης του CAT12. Στον έλεγχο συσχετίσεων της συμμεταβλητής μας συμπεράναμε ότι υπάρχει υψηλή συσχέτιση με τις εξεταζόμενες παραμέ-τρους. Γεγονός που μας οδήγησε στην δημιουργία ενός εναλλακτικού στατιστικού μοντέλου με άλλες παραμέτρους, προσέγγιση που επηρεάζει την ερμηνεία των ευρημάτων μας. ΑΠΟΤΕΛΕΣΜΑΤΑ: Χρησιμοποιώντας διόρθωση (FWE) με p-value = 0.05, συμπεραίνουμε με επιφύλαξη, ότι δεν υπάρχει κάποια στατιστική διαφορά στην φαιά ουσία μεταξύ των δυο ομάδων. Δηλαδή κανένα voxel δεν επέζησε αφού η μηδενική υπόθεση δεν απορρίφθηκε. ΣΥΜΠΕΡΑΣΜΑ: Η χρήση διαφορετικού πυρήνα εξομάλυνσης στα 4 και 12mm δεν μεταβάλει το αποτέλεσμα με διόρθωση FWE και p-value=0.05PURPOSE: The presentation of methodology of Voxel-based Morphometry that repre-sents a completely automated neuroimaging processing method. As well as the evaluation of its use in frontal lobe focal epilepsy concerning the gray matter volume alterations. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 16 subjects were included. In the control group 8 healthy volunteers were chosen, 3 males and 5 females aged from 20 up to 37years and an average of 26.25years. In the non-healthy group 8 patients were selected, 3 males and 5 females with clinical diagnosis of frontal lobe epilepsy and ages between 16 and 39 years of age and a mean age value of 25years. In both groups MRI was performed to process T1 sequences with the above mentioned technique. All images were selected with the same scanner and acquisition parameters. More-over electroencephalography was applied to the non-healthy group to confirm the epileptic focus. For pre-processing and statistical analysis of T1 sequences the engaged platform was MATLABR2018b and as toolboxes SPM12 and CAT12 and also dcm2nii for the conversion of the images. Concerning the methodology of data processing steps we reverently followed processing steps that are followed for classic Voxel-based Morphometry analysis and parame-ters given by CAT12 user manual. Concerning the correlations of our covariate we were led to the conclusion that there was high correlation with the parameters under investigation. This fact led us to creating an alter-native statistical model with other parameters. An approach that effects the interpretation of our findings. RESULTS: Using correction (FWE) with p-value=0.05, we cautiously conclude, the ab-sence of any statistical difference in the gray matter between the two groups. This means that no voxel survived since the null hypothesis was not rejected. CONCLUSION: The use of different smoothing kernel at 4 and 12 mm doesn't alternate the result with FWE-correction and p-value=0.05

    EngiMath online course. Effective feedback from upc mathematics teachers (concept)

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    EngiMath is a 3 ECTS online course in engineering mathematics, in seven different languages, and it is the main and practical output of the ERASMUS+ project entitled “Mathematics online learning model in engineering education” in which the authors were participating. The course is integrated with Learning Management Systems such as Moodle and it is compatible with other platforms using Learning Tools Interoperability. Once the project is finished, authors undertake, with the support of the Institute of Education Sciences at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya-BarcelonaTECH (UPC), an innovation project, EngiMath@UPC, with three practical objectives: a) to incorporate EngiMath into the teaching activity of the widest as possible range of students at UPC, b) to gather students and faculty feedback regarding the tracking of materials and their performance in the student training process, and c) to statistically analyze the data collected in order to validate and adjust the follow-up of the materials. In connection with the above mentioned objective b) a training course addressed to the math professors has been prepared at UPC. The paper introduces, on the one hand, the EngiMath course as an online open educational resource for the academic community benefit, and on the other hand, analyzes the valuable feedback given by the training activity participants. Details on the online course implementation as well as main conclusions will be presented and discussed throughout the document

    An objective framework to test the quality of candidate indicators of good environmental status

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    Large efforts are on-going within the EU to prepare the Marine Strategy Framework Directive's (MSFD) assessment of the environmental status of the European seas. This assessment will only be as good as the indicators chosen to monitor the 11 descriptors of good environmental status (GEnS). An objective and transparent framework to determine whether chosen indicators actually support the aims of this policy is, however, not yet in place. Such frameworks are needed to ensure that the limited resources available to this assessment optimize the likelihood of achieving GEnS within collaborating states. Here, we developed a hypothesis-based protocol to evaluate whether candidate indicators meet quality criteria explicit to the MSFD, which the assessment community aspires to. Eight quality criteria are distilled from existing initiatives, and a testing and scoring protocol for each of them is presented. We exemplify its application in three worked examples, covering indicators for three GEnS descriptors (1, 5, and 6), various habitat components (seaweeds, seagrasses, benthic macrofauna, and plankton), and assessment regions (Danish, Lithuanian, and UK waters). We argue that this framework provides a necessary, transparent and standardized structure to support the comparison of candidate indicators, and the decision-making process leading to indicator selection. Its application could help identify potential limitations in currently available candidate metrics and, in such cases, help focus the development of more adequate indicators. Use of such standardized approaches will facilitate the sharing of knowledge gained across the MSFD parties despite context-specificity across assessment regions, and support the evidence-based management of European seas

    Clinical application of a cancer genomic profiling assay to guide precision medicine decisions

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    AIM: Develop and apply a comprehensive and accurate next-generation sequencing based assay to help clinicians to match oncology patients to therapies. MATERIALS and METHODS: The performance of the CANCERPLEX(R) assay was assessed using DNA from well-characterized routine clinical formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) specimens and cell lines. RESULTS: The maximum sensitivity of the assay is 99.5% and its accuracy is virtually 100% for detecting somatic alterations with an allele fraction of as low as 10%. Clinically actionable variants were identified in 93% of patients (930 of 1000) who underwent testing. CONCLUSION: The test\u27s capacity to determine all of the critical genetic changes, tumor mutation burden, microsatellite instability status and viral associations has important ramifications on clinical decision support strategies, including identification of patients who are likely to benefit from immune checkpoint blockage therapies

    Fast Electrochemical Measurement of Laccase Activity for Monitoring Grapes’ Infection with Botrytis cinerea

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    Grapes’ infection with the fungi Botrytis cinerea is one of the major causes of economic loss in the winemaking sector worldwide. The laccase activity of grapes is considered an appropriate indicator of this type of fungal infection, and enzymatic activity higher than 3 U/mL indicates a high risk of irreversibly damaged grape must due to enzymatic browning. This work describes a fast test for the measurement of laccase activity based on a dual optical and electrochemical detection method. A paper sensor impregnated with the enzymatic substrate dye 2,2′-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) provides a semi-quantitative optical measurement. While the paper sensor can be used independently, when combined with a screen-printed electrode and amperometry measurements, it enables the quantitative detection of laccase activities down to 0.4 U/mL in only 5 min. The method was applied for monitoring the artificial infection of white, rosé, and red grapes with different strains of Botrytis cinerea. The results were confirmed by parallel analysis using the spectrophotometric method of laccase activity determination based on syringaldazine. The influence of the fungal strain and type of grape on laccase activity levels is reported. The demonstrated robustness, simplicity, and versatility of the developed method make it ideal for application on-site in the vineyard or at grape processing points.Financial support provided by the Romanian Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation (UEFISCDI), ERANET-MANUNET-III-WINBIOTOOL-2, contract 151/9.03.2020 grant (for A.V), contract150/9.03.2020 (for P.E) and contract 152/9.03.2020 (for C.P. (Catalina Pantazi), E.B., and M.I.); the Romanian Academy grant RO1567-IBB05/2021 (for R.R. and C.P. (Cristina Purcarea)); the Basque Government and the European Union through the European regional development fund 2014–2020 (FEDER) (ZL-2020/00532 and ZL-2021/00340); and the Diputación Foral de Álava (ALAVA INNOVA program—INNOEM-2020/00045) for Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Riscal; and the Diputación Foral de Álava (ALAVA INNOVA program— INNOEM-2020/00045) for Bodegas de los Herederos del Marqués de Risca is gratefully acknowledged

    A catalogue of marine biodiversity indicators

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    © 2016 Teixeira, Berg, Uusitalo, Fürhaupter, Heiskanen, Mazik, Lynam, Neville, Rodriguez, Papadopoulou, Moncheva, Churilova, Kryvenko, Krause-Jensen, Zaiko, Veríssimo, Pantazi, Carvalho, Patrício, Uyarra and Borja. A Catalogue of Marine Biodiversity Indicators was developed with the aim of providing the basis for assessing the environmental status of the marine ecosystems. Useful for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), this catalogue allows the navigation of a database of indicators mostly related to biological diversity, non-indigenous species, food webs, and seafloor integrity. Over 600 indicators were compiled, which were developed and used in the framework of different initiatives (e.g., EU policies, research projects) and in national and international contexts (e.g., Regional Seas Conventions, and assessments in non-European seas). The catalogue reflects the current scientific capability to address environmental assessment needs by providing a broad coverage of the most relevant indicators for marine biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The available indicators are reviewed according to their typology, data requirements, development status, geographical coverage, relevance to habitats or biodiversity components, and related human pressures. Through this comprehensive overview, we discuss the potential of the current set of indicators in a wide range of contexts, from large-scale to local environmental programs, and we also address shortcomings in light of current needs. Developed by the DEVOTES Project, the catalogue is freely available through the DEVOTool software application, which provides browsing and query options for the associated metadata. The tool allows extraction of ranked indicator lists best fulfilling selected criteria, enabling users to search for suitable indicators to address a particular biodiversity component, ecosystem feature, habitat, or pressure in a marine area of interest. This tool is useful for EU Member States, Regional Sea Conventions, the European Commission, non-governmental organizations, managers, scientists, and any person interested in marine environmental assessment. It allows users to build, complement or adjust monitoring programs and has the potential to improve comparability and foster transfer of knowledge across marine regions

    Reversal of mitochondrial malate dehydrogenase 2 enables anaplerosis via redox rescue in respiration-deficient cells

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    Inhibition of the electron transport chain (ETC) prevents the regeneration of mitochondrial NAD+, resulting in cessation of the oxidative tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and a consequent dependence upon reductive carboxylation for aspartate synthesis. NAD+ regeneration alone in the cytosol can rescue the viability of ETC-deficient cells. Yet, how this occurs and whether transfer of oxidative equivalents to the mitochondrion is required remain unknown. Here, we show that inhibition of the ETC drives reversal of the mitochondrial aspartate transaminase (GOT2) as well as malate and succinate dehydrogenases (MDH2 and SDH) to transfer oxidative NAD+ equivalents into the mitochondrion. This supports the NAD+-dependent activity of the mitochondrial glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and thereby enables anaplerosis—the entry of glutamine-derived carbon into the TCA cycle and connected biosynthetic pathways. Thus, under impaired ETC function, the cytosolic redox state is communicated into the mitochondrion and acts as a rheostat to support GDH activity and cell viability.P.A.-M was supported by a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions individual fellowship and the Beug Foundation. A.V. was supported by Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (FWO Vlaanderen). J.E.-H. was supported by an MRC studentship. J.C.A was supported by a Cancer Research UK Career Development Fellowship (C47559/A16243). S.-M.F. acknowledges funding from the European Research Council under the ERC Consolidator grant agreement no. 771486–MetaRegulation, FWO Projects, Fonds Baillet Latour, KU Leuven-FTBO/Internal Funding, Stichting Tegen Kanker and the King Baudouin Foundation. Work in the A.J.F. group was supported by a Wellcome Trust-ISSF grant, funding from Barts Charity (MGU0404), and by a Cancer Research UK Centre Grant to Barts Cancer Institute (C355/A25137). The illustrations in the graphical abstract and Figure 5F were created using BioRender.com

    Online engineering mathematics course : development and implementation of a successful project

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    According to the New UNESCO global survey studying the effect of Covid-19 on higher education (2021) the pandemic has had an impact on higher education systems in terms of access and quality of teaching and learning. Covid-19 has caused the suspension and cancellation of teaching activities and its major impact on teaching and learning is the increase in online education. The Engimath - Mathematics on-line learning model in engineering education - was successfully carried out at the very right moment, as in recent two years there has been a significant increase in demand for a 100% online mathematics course with interactive learning materials and largescale practicing opportunities as well as for a mathematics online assessment model. This project has successfully developed a high-level online course as a basis for offering output-oriented education in engineering mathematics. Some of development stages, that led this project – EngiMath - to an outstanding successful end, will be presented in this paper. These go from the educational needs’ analysis to its implementation and use, even allowing an open and live test.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de QualitatObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.3 - Per a 2030, assegurar l’accés en condicions d’igualtat per a tots els homes i dones a una formació tècnica, professional i superior de qualitat, inclòs l’ensenyament universitariObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::4 - Educació de Qualitat::4.4 - Per a 2030, augmentar substancialment el nombre de joves i persones adultes que tenen les competències necessàries, en particular tècniques i professionals, per a accedir a l’ocupació, el treball digne i l’emprenedoriaPostprint (published version