508 research outputs found

    Precision Management of Fruit Trees

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    The aim of the Special Issue “Precision Management of Fruit Trees” was to collect new insights to support the adoption of advanced, efficient, and sustainable management techniques in the fruit production sector. Indeed, this is an opportunity offered by the technological innovations adopted using new-generation sensors and implemented through precise management operations. This Special Issue contains 11 scientific articles contributing to our knowledge on the precision management of fruit trees, indicating the high activity of this sector and possibly leading to the application of new techniques/protocols to overcome global and rapidly changing environmental issues. Scalisi et al. [1], in their study, aimed to (i) determine the reliability of a portable Bluetooth colour meter for fruit colour measurements; (ii) characterise the changes in quantitative skin colour attributes in a nectarine cultivar in response to time from harvest; and (iii) determine the influence of row orientation and training system on nectarine skin colour. Overall, the device proved reliable for fruit colour detection. The results of this study highlight the potential of one of the measured parameters as a quantitative index to monitor ripening prior to harvest in nectarines. Remote sensing techniques based on images acquired from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) could represent an effective tool to speed up the data acquisition process in phenotyping trials and, consequently, to reduce the time and cost of the field work. Caruso et al. [2] confirmed the ability of a UAV equipped with RGB-NIR cameras to highlight differences in geometrical and spectral canopy characteristics between eight olive cultivars planted at different planting distances in a hedgerow olive orchard. Tree densities have increased greatly in olive orchards over the last few decades. Ladux et al. [3], in their study, found that the leaf area index (LAI) of neighbouring trees modifies the light quality environment prior to a tree being directly shaded, as well as the morphological responses of olive cultivars to changes in light quality. The results suggested that cultivar differences in response to light quality may be relevant for understanding adaptation to dense orchards and identifying cultivars best suited to them. Saha et al. [4] found that monitoring plant vegetative growth can provide the basis for precise crop management. In this study, a 2D light detection and ranging (LiDAR) laser scanner, mounted on a linear conveyor, was used to acquire multi-temporal, three-dimensional (3D) data from strawberry plants. The results contributed to building up an approach for estimating plant geometrical features, particularly strawberry canopy volume profile based on LiDAR point cloud for tracking plant growth. Carella et al. [5] studied the physiological and productive behaviour of different olive cultivars grown under a high-density hedgerow system and compared their fruiting and branch architecture features to determine the possibility to use ‘Calatina’ olive trees for intensive plantings, as a local alternative to the international reference ‘Arbequina’. The study indicated that ‘Calatina’ is more efficient in terms of yield and harvesting than ‘Arbequina’. This qualifies ‘Calatina’ as a superior, yield-efficient olive cultivar suitable for intensive hedgerow plantings to be harvested with straddle or side-by-side trunk shaker machines. Sirgedaitė-Šėžienė et al. [6] used ‘Rubin’ apple trees grafted on dwarfing P60 rootstocks to determine the impact of canopy training treatments as a stress factor on metabolic response to obtain key information on how to improve physiological behaviour and the management of growth and development of apple trees. The results indicated that all applied canopy training treatments significantly increased the total phenol and total starch contents in apple tree leaves. Scalisi et al. [7] in their work aimed to derive a new fruit skin colour attribute—namely, a Colour Development Index (CDI), ranging from 0 to 1, that intuitively increases as fruit becomes redder—to assess colour development in peach and nectarine fruit skin. The study found that the CDI can serve as a standardised and objective skin colour index for peaches and nectarines. Čirjak et al. [8] summarize the automatic methods (image analysis systems, smart traps, sensors, decision support systems, etc.) used to monitor the major pest in apple production (Cydia pomonella L.) and other important apple pests and fruit flies to improve sustainable pest management under frequently changing climatic conditions. Pisciotta et al. [9] released a review underlying the opportunities offered by the recently developed table-grape soil-less cultivation systems; this is an up-to-date examination of the latest experimental and applied findings of the sector’s research activities. A special emphasis is given to the evolution of the applied technical solutions, varietal choice, and environmental conditions for the aims of table-grape soil-less cultivation. Borgogno-Mondino et al. [10] evaluated a promising alternative offered by Copernicus Sentinel 2 data (S2) to midday stem water potential for monitoring the water status of pomegranate plants and for addressing irrigation management. Despite limited ground observations, the results showed the promising capability of spectral indices (NDVI, NDRE, and NDWI) and S2 bands in estimating Ψstem readings. Boini et al. [11], in their study, used shading nets to lower irrigation requirements and make apple growing more sustainable. The encouraging results showed a comparable yield and fruit quality saving 50% of irrigation water under a classic anti-hail system compared to the control treatment

    Dynamical influence of vortex-antivortex pairs in magnetic vortex oscillators

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    We study the magnetization dynamics in a nanocontact magnetic vortex oscillators as function of temperature. Low temperature experiments reveal that the dynamics at low and high currents differ qualitatively. At low currents, we excite a temperature independent standard oscillation mode, consisting in the gyrotropic motion of a free layer vortex about the nanocontact. Above a critical current, a sudden jump of the frequency is observed, concomitant with a substantial increase of the frequency versus current slope factor. Using micromagnetic simulation and analytical modeling, we associate this new regime to the creation of a vortex-antivortex pair in the pinned layer of the spin valve. The vortex-antivortex distance depends on the Oersted field which favors a separation, and on the exchange bias field, which favors pair merging. The pair in the pinned layer provides an additional spin torque altering the dynamics of the free layer vortex, which can be quantitatively accounted for by an analytical model

    The Role of Vasospasm and Microcirculatory Dysfunction in Fluoropyrimidine-Induced Ischemic Heart Disease

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    Cardiovascular diseases and cancer are the leading cause of morbidity and mortality globally. Cardiotoxicity from chemotherapeutic agents results in substantial morbidity and mortality in cancer survivors and patients with active cancer. Cardiotoxicity induced by 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) has been well established, yet its incidence, mechanisms, and manifestation remain poorly defined. Ischemia secondary to coronary artery vasospasm is thought to be the most frequent cardiotoxic effect of 5-FU. The available evidence of 5-FU-induced epicardial coronary artery spasm and coronary microvascular dysfunction suggests that endothelial dysfunction or primary vascular smooth muscle dysfunction (an endothelial-independent mechanism) are the possible contributing factors to this form of cardiotoxicity. In patients with 5-FU-related coronary artery vasospasm, termination of chemotherapy and administration of nitrates or calcium channel blockers may improve ischemic symptoms. However, there are variable results after administration of nitrates or calcium channel blockers in patients treated with 5-FU presumed to have myocardial ischemia, suggesting mechanisms other than impaired vasodilatory response. Clinicians should investigate whether chest pain and ECG changes can reasonably be attributed to 5-FU-induced cardiotoxicity. More prospective data and clinical randomized trials are required to understand and mitigate potentially adverse outcomes from 5-FU-induced cardiotoxicity

    Frequency shift keying in vortex-based spin torque oscillators

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    Vortex-based spin-torque oscillators can be made from extended spin valves connected to an electrical nanocontact. We study the implementation of frequency shift keying modulation in these oscillators. Upon a square modulation of the current in the 10 MHz range, the vortex frequency follows the current command, with easy identification of the two swapping frequencies in the spectral measurements. The frequency distribution of the output power can be accounted for by convolution transformations of the dc current vortex waveform, and the current modulation. Modeling indicates that the frequency transitions are phase coherent and last less than 25 ns. Complementing the multi-octave tunability and first-class agility, the capability of frequency shift keying modulation is an additional milestone for the implementation of vortex-based oscillators in RF circuit.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evidence-Based Research in Complementary and Alternative Medicine III: Treatment of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease

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    This paper presents the novel domain of evidence-based research (EBR) in the treatment of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) from the perspective of traditional medicine and of complementary and alternative medicine. In earlier lectures we have described the process of evidence-based medicine as a methodological approach to clinical practice that is directed to aid clinical decision-making. Here, we present a practical example of this approach with respect to traditional pharmacological interventions and to complementary and alternative treatments for patients with AD

    Effect of practical layered dielectric loads on SAR patterns from dual concentric conductor microstrip antennas

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    Radiation patterns of 2 and 4cm square Dual Concentric Conductor (DCC) microstrip antennas were studied theoretically with Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) analysis and compared with experimental measurements of power deposition (SAR) in layered lossy dielectric loads. Single and array configurations were investigated with 915 MHz excitation applied across either one, two or four sides, or four corners of the square apertures. FDTD simulations were carried out for realistic models of a muscle tissue load coupled to the DCC antennas with a 5 mm thick bolus of either distilled water or low loss Silicone Oil. This study characterizes the effect on SAR of adding three additional thin dielectric layers which are necessary for clinical use of the applicator. These layers consist of a 0.1 mm thick dielectric coating on the array surface to provide electrical isolation of DCC apertures, and 0.15 mm thick plastic layers above and below the bolus to contain the liquid. Experimental measurements of SAR in a plane 1 cm deep in muscle phantom agree well with theoretical FDTD simulations in the multi-layered tissue models. These studies reveal significant changes in SAR for applicator configurations involving low dielectric constant (Er) layers on either side of a high Er water bolus layer. Prominent changes include a broadening and centring of the SAR under each aperture as well as increased SAR penetration in muscle. No significant differences are noted between the simple and complete load configurations for the low Er Silicone Oil bolus. Both theoretical and measured data demonstrate relatively uniform SAR distributions with50% of maximum SAR extending to the perimeter of single and multi-aperture array configurations of DCC applicators when using a thin 5 mm water or Silicone Oil bolus

    The c4 atriplex halimus vs. The c3 atriplex hortensis: Similarities and differences in the salinity stress response

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    open7noSoil properties and the ability to sustain agricultural production are seriously impaired by salinity. The cultivation of halophytes is seen as a solution to cope with the problem. In this framework, a greenhouse pot experiment was set up to assess salinity response in the perennial C4 species Atriplex halimus, and in the following three cultivars of the annual C3 Atriplex hortensis: green, red, and scarlet. The four genotypes were grown for 35 days with water salinity (WS) ranging from 0 to 360 mM NaCl. Plant height and fresh weight (FW) increased at 360 vs. 0 WS. The stomatal conductance (GS) and transpiration rate (E) were more severely affected by salinity in the C4 A. halimus than in the C3 species A. hortensis. This was reflected in a lower leaf water potential indicating stronger osmotic adjustment, and a higher relative water content associated with more turgid leaves, in A. halimus than A. hortensis. In a PCA including all the studied traits, the GS and E negatively correlated to the FW, which, in turn, positively correlated with Na concentration and intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE), indicating that reduced gas exchange associated with Na accumulation contributed to sustain iWUE under salinity. Finally, FTIR spectroscopy showed a reduced amount of pectin, lignin, and cellulose under salinity, indicating a weakened cell wall structure. Overall, both species were remarkably adapted to salinity: From an agronomic perspective, the opposite strategies of longer vs. faster soil coverage, involved by the perennial A. halimus vs. the annual A. hortensis cv. scarlet, are viable natural remedies for revegetating marginal saline soils and increasing soil organic carbon.openCalone R.; Cellini A.; Manfrini L.; Lambertini C.; Gioacchini P.; Simoni A.; Barbanti L.Calone R.; Cellini A.; Manfrini L.; Lambertini C.; Gioacchini P.; Simoni A.; Barbanti L

    Coronary revascularisation in stable patients after an acute coronary syndrome: a propensity analysis of early invasive versus conservative management in a register-based cohort study

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    OBJECTIVES: To compare the effectiveness of in-hospital medical therapy versus coronary revascularisation added to medical therapy in patients who stabilised after an acute coronary syndrome (ACS). DESIGN: Propensity score-matched cohort study from the database of the Tampere ACS registry. SETTING: A single academic hospital in Finland. PARTICIPANTS: 1149 patients with a recent ACS, but no serious coexisting conditions: recurrent ischaemic episodes despite adequate medical therapy, haemodynamic instability, overt congestive heart failure and serious ventricular arrhythmias. PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: The composite endpoint of major acute cardiovascular events (MACEs): unstable angina requiring rehospitalisation, stroke, myocardial infarction and all-cause mortality, at 6-month follow-up. RESULTS: Compared with standard medical treatment, revascularisation was associated with a lower rate of MACEs at 6 months in patients of the first quintile (HR 0.81; 95% CI 0.66 to 0.99), but a higher rate of MACEs in the fifth quintile (HR 4.74, CI 1.36 to 16.49; p=0.014). There were no significant differences in the rates of MACEs in the remaining three quintiles. Patients of the first quintile were the oldest (79.7\ub18.3 years) and had a more significant (p<0.001) history of prior myocardial infarction (37%) and poor renal function (creatine, \ub5mol/l: 114.9\ub170.7). They also showed the highest C reactive protein (7.3\ub19.5 mg/l) levels. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that in-hospital coronary revascularisation did not lead to any advantage with signal of possible harm in the great majority of patients who stabilised after an ACS. An early invasive management strategy may be best reserved for elderly patients having high-risk clinical features and biochemical evidence of a strong inflammatory activity


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    This is a reflexive study which aims at exploring the theoretical notions about family and family health that emerge from the literature. At first, the publications about the Family Health Program were selected. The results suggest that the term family health is referred as a strategy and as a proposal of change in the field of health care. However, it arises as an articulated group of principles, objectives, beliefs and practices that may aid in the formation of a theoretical understanding about family health. Secondly, the concepts of family, family health and nursing elaborated by a group that works in the area presented. After that, an approximation between those concepts and the theoretical notions identified by the study is sought. At last, the work is concluded with suggestions for the theoretical advance in the formulation of concepts of family, family health and family nursing.Se trata de un estudio reflexivo com la intención de explorar las nociones teóricas sobre la familia que surgen en la literatura. Inicialmente, fueron seleccionadas las publicaciones sobre el programa « saúde da família». Los resultados indican que el término salud de la familia se refiere a una estrategia y a una propuesta de cambios en el campo de la salud. Sin embargo, surge como un conjunto articulado de principios, objetivos, creencias y prácticas que pueden auxiliar en la composición de un entendimiento teórico sobre la salud de la familia. Enseguida, son presentados los conceptos de familia, salud de la familia y enfermería, elaborados por un grupo que actúa en el área de la familia. A seguir, se busca una aproximación entre las nociones teóricas identificadas por el estudio, finalizando con las sugestiones para el avance teórico en la formulación de los conceptos de familia, salud de la familia y enfermería a la familia.Trata-se de um estudo reflexivo com a intenção de explorar as noções teóricas sobre família e saúde da família que emergem da literatura.Numprimeiro momento, foram selecionadas as publicações sobre o Programa Saúde da Família. Os resultados indicam que o termo saúde da família é referido como uma estratégia e uma proposta de mudança no campo da saúde. Contudo, surge como um conjunto articulado de princípios, objetivos, crenças e práticas, que podem auxiliar na composição de um entendimento teórico sobre saúde da família. No segundo momento, são apresentados os conceitos de família, saúde da família e Enfermagem elaborados por um grupo que atua na área de família.Aseguir, busca-se uma aproximação entre essas noções teóricas identificadas pelo estudo, finalizando com as sugestões para os avanços teóricos na formulação dos conceitos de família, saúde da família e Enfermagem à família