799 research outputs found

    Analyzing Consumer’s Behaviour in Risk and Uncertainty Situations

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    In the paper we will generalize the Slutsky Equation in risk and uncertainty situations using the compensated and uncompensated demand and some local measures of risk aversion. We will obtain a nonlinear optimization problem of maximizing the expected utility; this problem will be solved using the Kuhn-Tucker method. We use the results to analyze the income and substitution effects of price changes on demand in risk and uncertainty conditions.Compensated demand, risk aversion, Slutsky Equation, uncertainty, uncompensated demand

    The Effectiveness Of Simulation In Speaking Ability Of MAN Model At The 10th Graders Of Palangka Raya

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    The main purpose of the study is to measure the effect of simulation technique in speaking ability made by students of man model at tenth grade of Palangka Raya. This study uses quantitative research. The type of this study is classified into quasi-experimental research design, which the study is using data in answer the problem of study and the data collecting process. The writer uses two classes in this study. the first one is x5 as experimental group with the total student is 36 and the second one is x2 as the control group, which the total numbers of students is 36. The sample in this study is cluster sampling, which the writer uses two class from 8 class of tenth grade.The study is held about 2 ( two month ) which the both group were given the pre test before treatment and post-test after treatment, especially for experimental group the treatment using simulation and control group using simulation and control group using non simulation. The result of this study was calculated by using SPSS 21, which the result t-test stated that the calculated value (tobserver) was greater than ttable at 1% and 5 % significant level of 2.000 2660. It shows that the ha, which student taught by simulation get better from taught by non simulation was accepte

    Aflatoxicosis in Layer and Breeder Hens

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    Analisis hukum Islam terhadap pembuktian hasil tes DNA dalam sumpah lian terkait penentuan nasab anak

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    Skripsi ini merupakan hasil penelitian pustaka tentang “Analisis Hukum Islam Terhadap Pembuktian Hasil Tes DNA dalam Sumpah Lian Terkait Penentuan Nasab Anak”. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab beberapa masalah yaitu: bagaimana deskripsi pembuktian hasil tes DNA dan bagaimana analisis hukum Islam dalam sumpah lian terkait penentuan nasab anak. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang bersifat Dokumenter karena data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini, diperoleh dari proses dokumentasi. Selanjutnya, data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan mengunakan metode deskriptif analisis dengan pola pikir deduktif untuk memperjelas kesimpulannya. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan dua hal: pertama, Hasil tes DNA memiliki keabsahan yang cukup tinggi dan sudah tidak diragukan lagi keabsahan dari tes DNA sebagai alat bukti karena telah mencapai derajat mutawatir. Selain itu hasil tes DNA juga memiliki tingkat kebenaran 99,9% valid. Kedua, tes DNA merupakan teknologi yang ada dimasa kini yang hampir sama dengan al-qiya>fah dan bisa dikategorikan alat bukti qari>nah atau shahadah. Dalam penyelesaian kasus lian, tes DNA bisa mencegah terjadinya lian terhadap pengingkaran anak. Akan tetapi tidak bisa membatalkan lian yang telah diucapkan sebelum dilakukannya tes DNA. Dan juga tes DNA tidak bisa mencegah lian terhadap istri ataupun membatalkan lian terhadap istri. Karena hasil tes DNA hanya bisa membuktikan tentang hubungan darah antara ayah dan anak. Untuk para akademisi hendaknya melakukan pengkajian dengan lebih mendalami pembuktian hasil tes DNA dengan sumpah lian dalam menentukan nasab anak. Karena masih sangat minim materi yang bisa didapat dari DNA untuk menyelesaikan kasus lian. Tentunya butuh sumbangan pemikiran agar bisa dijadikan sumbangan ilmu pengetahuan. Sedangkan untuk masyarakat diharapkan tidak melakukan sumpah lian jikalau memang tes DNA sudah membuktikan bahawasannya antara anak dan ayah sudah terbukti memiliki hubungan darah

    How Can Bee Colony Algorithm Serve Medicine?

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    Healthcare professionals usually should make complex decisions with far reaching consequences and associated risks in health care fields. As it was demonstrated in other industries, the ability to drill down into pertinent data to explore knowledge behind the data can greatly facilitate superior, informed decisions to ensue the facts. Nature has always inspired researchers to develop models of solving the problems. Bee colony algorithm (BCA), based on the self-organized behavior of social insects is one of the most popular member of the family of population oriented, nature inspired meta-heuristic swarm intelligence method which has been proved its superiority over some other nature inspired algorithms. The objective of this model was to identify valid novel, potentially useful, and understandable correlations and patterns in existing data. This review employs a thematic analysis of online series of academic papers to outline BCA in medical hive, reducing the response and computational time and optimizing the problems. To illustrate the benefits of this model, the cases of disease diagnose system are presented

    The Effect of Collocational Competence on Translation Accuracy of Translation Trainees

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    Although it is widely acknowledged that collocations play an important role in the field of second language acquisition, a number of previous studies have reported students’ lack of collocational competence and the difficulties they encounter in learning and using collocations. The present study examines the effect of the productive and receptive knowledge of lexical and grammatical collocations on the accuracy of the translation done by Iranian EFL learners studying translation course at university. Data for this study were collected from 60 participants studying at Azad university at BA level. The participants’ productive collocational knowledge was measured by three gap-filling tests: verb-noun and adjective-noun collocation tests where the initial letter of the collocant was provided and a verb-preposition collocation test where the meaning of the phrasal verb was supplied. Their receptive collocational knowledge was measured by an appropriateness judgment in which participants have to circle the number corresponding to the underlined part of a sentence that is judged unacceptable. Regarding the translation quality of the learners, a text including five paragraphs was given to them and then the accuracy of the translated work was measured by Khanmohammad and OsanloRubic (2009) model. Results of the study indicated that there is a significant relationship between the receptive knowledge and productive knowledge of lexical collocations and grammatical colligations and the accuracy of the translation

    Leyes aplicables al conflicto armado no internacional, disturbios internos y hostilidades

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    We always hear and see much news about protests, demonstrations, riots, and rebellions everywhere around the globe. These protests and riots all have many motives and causes, and in most of these things we always see an initiating reason that provokes anger within the people and forces them into joining these riots, rebellions, and protests. The most important matter is how governments must deal with these issues. What we are considering here is the laws and rules which are applicable to deal with these affairs correctly, and to what extent and under what conditions has “the Human Rights” allowed the governments to deal with such conditions?Siempre escuchamos y vemos muchas noticias sobre protestas, manifestaciones, disturbios y rebeliones en todo el mundo. Todas estas protestas y disturbios tienen muchos motivos y causas, y en la mayoría de estas cosas siempre vemos una razón inicial que provoca enojo en la gente y los obliga a unirse a estos disturbios, rebeliones y protestas. Lo más importante es cómo los gobiernos deben lidiar con estos problemas. Lo que estamos considerando aquí son las leyes y reglas que son aplicables para tratar estos asuntos correctamente, y ¿en qué medida y bajo qué condiciones los "Derechos Humanos" han permitido a los gobiernos lidiar con tales condiciones

    Probiotic Bacillus species and Saccharomyces boulardii improve performance, gut histology and immunity in broiler chickens

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of a new multispecies probiotic containing four Bacillus species and Saccharomyces boulardii (Microguard®) with a commercial probiotic (Protexin®) and a commonly used antibiotic in broilers. Six hundred one-day-old male Ross 308 broilers were randomized to six experimental treatments, with five replicates of 20 chicks each, for 42 days, receiving an ad libitum corn-soybean basal diet. Treatments were added to the basal diet and consisted of tetracycline as an antibiotic growth promoter (500 g/ton), three dosages of Microguard (50, 100 and150 g/ton) or Protexin (100 g/ton). The control group received the basal diet with no additive. The group fed with Microguard at 150 g/ton showed increased final bodyweight, weight gain, high density lipoprotein, triglyceride, and antibody titres against Newcastle disease (ND) and avian influenza (AI) levels. Improved feed conversion ratio, increased villus height, and villus highest crypt depth ratio, along with lower plasma gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase, alkaline phosphatase, alanine aminotransferase, were found in probiotic-supplemented broilers. Carcass yield, liver weights, breast muscle values, and abdominal fat weights were reduced in groups fed with 100 or 150 g/ton of Microguard. Caecal coliforms, Salmonella and Escherichia coli numbers decreased in groups fed with 100 or 150 g/ton of Microguard. These results show that Microguard at 150 g/ton is a promising probiotic to replace antibiotics in broiler feed as a growth-promoter while enhancing immune system responses and inducing beneficial modulations in the caecal microflora.Keywords: blood biochemistry, broiler chicks, carcass traits, performance, probioti

    Concomitant Overlap Steal Tip-plasty: A Versatile Technique to Simultaneously Adjust the Rotation, Definition, Projection, and Symmetry of the Nasal Tip

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    Background Tip-plasty is a particularly challenging stage of aesthetic nose surgery. The diversity of nasal tip deformities has necessitated the development of numerous surgical techniques that can be difficult to master and may yield unpredictable surgical results when combined. Objectives The authors describe how concomitant overlap steal tip-plasty (COST) can enable surgeons to address all of the aesthetic characteristics of the nasal tip simultaneously. COST involves lateral crural steal followed by medial crural overlap. Methods The medical records of 1617 patients who underwent primary open septorhinoplasty with COST were evaluated in a retrospective study. Pre- and postoperative patient photographs were compared for nasal length, nasolabial angle, tip projection, and deviation of the nasal axis. Results Pre- and postoperative mean nasal lengths were 5.66 cm and 5.17 cm, respectively (P <. 05). The mean nasolabial angle was 86.95° preoperatively and 101.8° postoperatively (P <. 05). The projection of the nasal tip was reduced from 3.09 cm to 2.53 cm, and tip symmetry was achieved by decreasing the nasal axis deviation from 7.76° to 1.71° (both P <. 05). Conclusions COST does not obviate all other tip-plasty techniques for specific situations. Once mastered, however, COST can become the only procedure needed to achieve all of the aesthetic goals of the nasal tip in most cases. Level of Evidence: 4 Therapeutic. © 2015 The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, Inc

    Human trajectory prediction using LSTM with Attention mechanism

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    In this paper, we propose a human trajectory prediction model that combines a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network with an attention mechanism. To do that, we use attention scores to determine which parts of the input data the model should focus on when making predictions. Attention scores are calculated for each input feature, with a higher score indicating the greater significance of that feature in predicting the output. Initially, these scores are determined for the target human position, velocity, and their neighboring individual's positions and velocities. By using attention scores, our model can prioritize the most relevant information in the input data and make more accurate predictions. We extract attention scores from our attention mechanism and integrate them into the trajectory prediction module to predict human future trajectories. To achieve this, we introduce a new neural layer that processes attention scores after extracting them and concatenates them with positional information. We evaluate our approach on the publicly available ETH and UCY datasets and measure its performance using the final displacement error (FDE) and average displacement error (ADE) metrics. We show that our modified algorithm performs better than the Social LSTM in predicting the future trajectory of pedestrians in crowded spaces. Specifically, our model achieves an improvement of 6.2% in ADE and 6.3% in FDE compared to the Social LSTM results in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figure