798 research outputs found

    Nonlinear optical properties of nano structures

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    Nonlinear optical properties of nanoscale semiconductors had been a topic of intense research in recent years in attempts to realize all-optical communication systems. These semiconductor nanoclusters, in the range of 1-100nm are hosted in a dielectric material and are considered as a particular example of Conditional Artificial Dielectric (CAD). It has been reported that the dielectric properties of such materials will be greatly changed by light intensity. Two main paths to realize nano semiconductor clusters are reported in this dissertation. The Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique is first described. Here we were investigating the effect of surface modification of nano silicon clusters by incorporating various gases (142, Ar, He) during the deposition process. Linear and nonlinear optical properties of these passivated Si nanoclusters were obtained. Ion Implantation is another successful method to obtain nano semiconductor clusters. In order to ftirther enhance the nonlinear optical properties of these clusters, we incorporated them in optically confining structures, such as three-dimensional photonic crystals. The latter part of the dissertation is devoted to three-dimensional periodic structures made of silica spheres (opal) which were implanted with Si, Ge and Er. Linear and nonlinear optical properties of these novel materials have been measured and assessed

    Seismic Analysis And Design Of Rc Skeleton Framework

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    Using time date analysis, evaluation of the framework response is subject to earthquakes of high, low and medium content. There are three types of violations such as group violations, rigid violations, and vertical engineering violations. According to our observations, the ground shear strength has been found to be the maximum for the first floor and in all cases is lower than the upper floor. Collective irregular structures have been observed to experiment with larger base shears than normal structures. The rigid structural structure saw scissors with a low base and had large barriers between the floors. The complete displacement obtained from the analysis of the chronological history of the irregular structure in the relevant nodes was found to be greater in the case of normal structures of the upper stories, but gradually as we transformed the structure of the lower layers into lower structures. Reduced rigidity increases the high dispersion of stories in the event of a large irregular structure, time history analysis provides slightly higher displacements of stories higher than normal structures, while when we reduce the following stories, regular structures are compared to the height of structures. When the history of time was analyzed in search of rigidly structured and structured structures, he found that higher story displacements were not completely different from each other, but we moved on to the following stories, in the case of light warehouses. Displacement was higher in comparison

    Study of clinical effects of aspartame in sickle cell disease and sickle cell crisis

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    Background: Sickle cell disease is the commonest heritable hematologic abnormality affecting humans and is highly prevalent in central India. Aspartame is the only agent that can prevent sickling tested in-vitro and in-vivo so far. With the available data being relatively scarce, this study aims to study the efficacy of aspartame in sickle cell crisis and sickle cell disease.Methods: Forty cases and controls each were selected as per predefined criteria. Controls were treated with standard therapy of analgesics, IV fluids, antibiotics and oxygen, if needed. Cases were treated with oral aspartame in addition to standard therapy. Clinical grading was done before respective treatment in both cases and controls and comparisons were drawn.Results: 78.9% cases and 66% controls were pain free at the end of 72 hours; with p-value of 0.093, which is statistically insignificant. 78.7% cases (n=33) and 64.4% controls (n=33) with SS pattern had grade 0 pain at the end of 72 hours, results being statistically insignificant. 81% cases (n=7) and 75% controls (n=7) with AS pattern had grade 0 pain at the end of 72 hours, which was similar in both groups with statistically insignificant p-value of 0.753.Conclusions: Oral Aspartame as an add-on therapy to standard therapy for vaso-occlusive crisis in sickle cell disease appears to have better response than standard therapy alone

    Predicting Unplanned Hospital Readmissions using Patient Level Data

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    The rate of unplanned hospital readmissions in the US is likely to face a steady rise after 2020. Hence, this issue has received considerable critical attention with the policy makers. Majority of hospitals in the US pay millions of dollars as penalty for readmitting patients within 30 days due to strict norms imposed by the Hospital Readmission Reduction Program. In this study, we develop two novel models: PURE (Predicting Unplanned Readmissions using Embeddings) and Hybrid DeepR, which uses the historical medical events of patients to predict readmissions within 30 days. Both these models are hybrid sequence models that leverage both sequential events (history of events) and static features (like gender, blood pressure) of the patients to mine patterns in the data. Our results are promising, and they benchmark previous results in predicting hospital readmissions. The contributions of this study add to existing literature on healthcare analytics

    Fishery, reproductive biology and stock status of the Indian mackerel Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1817), landed along the north-east coast of India

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    The fishery, biology and stock status of Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier, 1817), landed along the north-east coast was studied during 2011-2014. The average annual catch was 52,206 t. Catch was more or less equally contributed by trawlers, gillnetters and seiners with average catch rates of 3.05 kg h-1, 22.74 kg unit-1 and 140.09 kg unit-1 respectively. Catch was positively influenced by wind speed and negatively by sea surface temperature and precipitation. Growth in males was isometric, while it was allometric in females and indeterminates. Females outnumbered males in the commercial catches. Length at first maturity varied between 18.32 and 18.86 cm. Peak spawning season was during July - October and February - April. Relative fecundity was 567.51 ova per gram body weight. von Bertalanffy growth equation obtained was: Lt = 27.72 [1-e -1.2 (t + 0.023)]. Length at first capture and life span estimated were 12.78 cm and 2.48 years respectively. Natural mortality, fishing mortality and total mortality were 2.06, 3.69 and 5.75, respectively with an exploitation rate of 0.64. Peak recruitment was found to be during September-October. Maximum sustainable yield and yield per recruit were 40,675 t and 14.74 g respectively which were obtained by increasing the present fishing effort by 20%, but at the increased fishing effort, the increase in yield was a meager 0.53%, which indicates that the present level of fishing can be continued

    Lightning Climatology and Human Vulnerability to Lightning Hazards in a School Community: A Case Study in Sri Lanka using LIS Data from TRMM Satellite

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    This study reported lightning climatology and human vulnerability to lightning in a 20 km × 20 km high-density school area in Colombo city in Sri Lanka from 1998 to 2014 using Lightning Imaging Sensor (LIS) flash data of NASA’s Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM). An average annual flash density recorded over the study area was 9.43 flashes km-2 year-1. A maximum of 49% lightning flashes happened during the first inter-monsoon season. There were only 4% lightning flashes that occurred during 06.00-12.00 LT and during 18.00-24.00 LT, it was 67%, whereas 94% of lightning flashes within a day had occurred after 14.00 LT. It is recommended that, without having proper lightning hazard preventive measures, schools in the study area should avoid or minimalize scheduling their outdoor activities in high lightning risk months of April and November. Especially, after-school outdoor activities should be planned with proper safety measures during the aforementioned months as per the diurnal analysis. Moreover, May to September and December to February were the months with the least lightning risk levels. It is recommended to follow the proposed five-level lightning safety guideline which includes, schedule outdoor activities by considering the variation of lightning activities, follow the 30-30 rule whenever required, avoid staying at the most hazardous locations which are vulnerable to lightning accidents, crouching action if required and providing first-aid whenever necessary. Not only for the Sri Lankan context but also the study is crucial and highly applicable for all schools and other institutes especially in other tropical countries

    Automated Home Appliances Control Using Embedded Web Server

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    In modern construction in industrialized nations, most homes have been wired for TV, lights and fans etc... Many household tasks were automated by the development of specialized automated appliances. In this project we are going to create the embedded web server so that we can control the electrical devices through online by using either computer or by using smart phone. The purpose of this project is to design a control system that able to control a system device remotely from distance and monitoring condition of the system in real-time as well. This project shows how to set up an Arduino with Ethernet shield as a web server. The web servers in this Project are used to serve up web pages that can be accessed from a web browser and allows our hardware to be controlled from web browser. Starting from basic, our example for this project is simple. We want to access our device by switching ON-OFF LED and monitor analog input data acquisition from web server, which are the computer and Arduino connected to the same network