683 research outputs found

    La actividad peroxidasa en caña de azúcar (Saccharum spp): evolución temporal de la reacción y su posible rol en la resistencia a la roya marrón (Puccinia melanocephala, H&P

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    La roya marrón de la caña de azúcar, causada por Puccinia melanocephala, es una enfermedad foliar de preocupación en casi todos los países donde se cultiva la caña de azúcar. Los programas de mejoramiento del cultivo se encuentran en la búsqueda de fuentes de resistencia de la planta al patógeno

    Anatomical traits and structural components of peduncle associated with lodging in Avena sativa L.

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    Received: May 14th, 2020 ; Accepted: June 19th, 2020 ; Published: January 5th, 2021 ; Correspondence: [email protected] dramatically reduces the yield of cereals and increases the difficulty of mechanical harvesting. Because it is a complex phenomenon, new cultivars with genetic resistance to lodging is a sustainable alternative in agricultural production systems. This resistance is associated with a combination of factors, such as stem thickness and stiffness, being closely linked to anatomical traits and structural carbohydrates present in the stem. In the present study we compared, under field conditions, eight contrasting oat cultivars in terms of lodging resistance. Our aim in this study was to investigate the association of anatomical traits and structural components of the peduncle with resistance to lodging, aiming to assist in the plant selection process. In addition, a second objective was to understand the genetic dissimilarity among oat cultivars according to the characters studied. Some characteristics for potential indirect selection were studied in this work and if correlated with lodging can be used to identify superior genotypes. From the anatomical point of view, the correlation obtained between the internal vascular bundle and the lodging resistance factor allowed us to confirm that this trait can be used in indirect selection to lodging resistance. The structural components of peduncle, in the two ways explored in the present study, comparison of mean and correlation, did not demonstrate the potential to be used exclusively as plant selection characters traits for lodging resistance. There is noticeable variability in oat cultivars for most stem traits


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    O linfoma é uma neoplasia com origem nos tecidos linfóides sólidos e bastante freqüentes em cães. O objetivo deste trabalho foi descrever os sinais clínicos dos cães com diagnóstico linfoma citológico e/ou histopatológico, atendidos no Hospital Veterinário da FMVZ de Botucatu - SP. Os dados obtidos foram retirados dos prontuários de 54 cães com linfoma, atendidos num período de 28 meses (fevereiro de 1997 a maio de 1999) no referido hospital. A manifestação clínica mais comum foi linfoadenopatia generalizada em 87,04% dos cães. Os sinais clínicos também incluíram apatia (68,52%), perda de peso (68,52%) e hiporexia (42,59%). Os resultados permitem concluir que os sinais clínicos do linfoma canino são variados e inespecíficos. Clinical signs of the canine lymphoma Abstract Canine lymphoma, one of the most frequently detected tumors in dogs, is a neoplasia originating in lymphoid tissues. Over a period of 28 months (February 1997 - May 1999), 54 dogs with diagnosis of lymphoma were evaluated at the Veterinary Hospital of Botucatu, SP. The objective was to describe the clinical findings of dogs with lymphomas. Lymphadenopathy was the clinical finding of highest incidence (87.04%) among the animals studied. Apathy (68.52%), weight loss (68.52%) and hyporexia (42.59%) were the most frequent clinical findings. We conclude that the clinical findings vary as a function of anatomical classification and clinical staging of the tumor


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    O linfoma é uma neoplasia com origem nos tecidos hematopoiéticos sólidos e é um dos tumores mais freqüentes em cães. Os resultados dos exames laboratoriais obtidos foram retirados dos prontuários de 54 cães com diagnóstico de linfoma, atendidos num período de 28 meses (fevereiro de 1997 a maio de 1999) no Hospital - Botucatu SP. O objetivo foi descrever as alterações hematológicas, do exame de urina e do perfil bioquímico sérico nestes cães. As alterações hematológicas mais freqüentes foram anemia e leucocitose, que ocorreram em 44,44% dos casos. As alterações do exame de urina e do perfil bioquímico sérico foram infreqüentes. O aumento sérico da bilirrubina e das enzimas hepáticas sugerem invasão do fígado por células neoplásicas. A hipercalcemia e hiperglobulinemia foram as síndromes paraneoplásicas suspeitas neste estudo. Conclui-se que os achados bioquímicos e hematológicos do linfoma canino são inespecíficos e variados. Clinical pathologic alterations - canine lymphoma Abstract Canine lymphoma, one of the frequently detected tumors in dogs, is a neoplasia originating in lymphoid tissues. Over a period of 28 months (February 1997 - May 1999) the hematologic, urinalysis and biochemical alterations of 54 dogs with a clinical diagnosis of lymphoma were evaluated at the Veterinary Hospital - Botucatu, SP. Anemia and leukocytosis were the most frequent hematological changes occurring in 44.44% of the cases. Changes in the routine urinalysis or serum clinical chemistry were infrequent. Increased serum levels of bilirubin and liver enzymes suggest invasion of the liver by neoplastic cells. Hypercalcemia and hypergammaglobulinemia were suspected as paraneoplasic syndromes in this study. We conclude that the biochemical and hematological findings of canine lymphoma are nonspecific and variable

    The DNA damage response is developmentally regulated in the African trypanosome

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    Genomes are affected by a wide range of damage, which has resulted in the evolution of a number of widely conserved DNA repair pathways. Most of these repair reactions have been described in the African trypanosome Trypanosoma brucei, which is a genetically tractable eukaryotic microbe and important human and animal parasite, but little work has considered how the DNA damage response operates throughout the T. brucei life cycle. Using quantitative PCR we have assessed damage induction and repair in both the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes of the parasite. We show differing kinetics of repair for three forms of DNA damage, and dramatic differences in repair between replicative life cycle forms found in the testse fly midgut and the mammal. We find that mammal-infective T. brucei cells repair oxidative and crosslink-induced DNA damage more efficiently than tsetse-infective cells and, moreover, very distinct patterns of induction and repair of DNA alkylating damage in the two life cycle forms. We also reveal robust repair of DNA lesions in the highly unusual T. brucei mitochondrial genome (the kinetoplast). By examining mutants we show that nuclear alkylation damage is repaired by the concerted action of two repair pathways, and that Rad51 acts in kinetoplast repair. Finally, we correlate repair with cell cycle arrest and cell growth, revealing that induced DNA damage has strikingly differing effects on the two life cycle stages, with distinct timing of alkylation-induced cell cycle arrest and higher levels of damage induced death in mammal-infective cells. Our data reveal that T. brucei regulates the DNA damage response during its life cycle, a capacity that may be shared by many microbial pathogens that exist in variant environments during growth and transmission

    Glutamate-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor modulation and minocycline for the treatment of patients with schizophrenia: an update

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    Growing consistent evidence indicates that hypofunction of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) transmission plays a pivotal role in the neuropathophysiology of schizophrenia. Hence, drugs which modulate NMDA neurotransmission are promising approaches to the treatment of schizophrenia. The aim of this article is to review clinical trials with novel compounds acting on the NMDA receptor (NMDA-R). This review also includes a discussion and translation of neuroscience into schizophrenia therapeutics. Although the precise mechanism of action of minocycline in the brain remains unclear, there is evidence that it blocks the neurotoxicity of NMDA antagonists and may exert a differential effect on NMDA signaling pathways. We, therefore, hypothesize that the effects of minocycline on the brain may be partially modulated by the NMDA-R or related mechanisms. Thus, we have included a review of minocycline neuroscience. The search was performed in the PubMed, Web of Science, SciELO, and Lilacs databases. The results of glycine and D-cycloserine trials were conflicting regarding effectiveness on the negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia. D-serine and D-alanine showed a potential effect on negative symptoms and on cognitive deficits. Sarcosine data indicated a considerable improvement as adjunctive therapy. Finally, minocycline add-on treatment appears to be effective on a broad range of psychopathology in patients with schizophrenia. The differential modulation of NMDA-R neurosystems, in particular synaptic versus extrasynaptic NMDA-R activation and specific subtypes of NMDA-R, may be the key mediators of neurogenesis and neuroprotection. Thus, psychotropics modulating NMDA-R neurotransmission may represent future monotherapy or add-on treatment strategies in the treatment of schizophrenia

    Variant rh alleles and rh immunisation in patients with sickle cell disease

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    Alloimmunisation is a major complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) receiving red blood cell (RBC) transfusions and despite provision of Rh phenotyped RBC units, Rh antibodies still occur. These antibodies in patients positive for the corresponding Rh antigen are considered autoantibodies in many cases but variant RH alleles found in SCD patients can also contribute to Rh alloimmunisation. In this study, we characterised variant RH alleles in 31 SCD patients who made antibodies to Rh antigens despite antigen-positive status and evaluated the clinical significance of the antibodies produced. RHD and RHCE BeadChip™ from BioArray Solutions and/or amplification and sequencing of exons were used to identify the RH variants. The serological features of all Rh antibodies in antigen-positive patients were analysed and the clinical significance of the antibodies was evaluated by retrospective analysis of the haemoglobin (Hb) levels before and after transfusion; the change from baseline pre-transfusion Hb and the percentage of HbS were also determined. We identified variant RH alleles in 31/48 (65%) of SCD patients with Rh antibodies. Molecular analyses revealed the presence of partial RHD alleles and variant RHCE alleles associated with altered C and e antigens. Five patients were compound heterozygotes for RHD and RHCE variants. Retrospective analysis showed that 42% of antibodies produced by the patients with RH variants were involved in delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions or decreased survival of transfused RBC. In this study, we found that Rh antibodies in SCD patients with RH variants can be clinically significant and, therefore, matching patients based on RH variants should be considered.Alloimmunisation is a major complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) receiving red blood cell (RBC) transfusions and despite provision of Rh phenotyped RBC units, Rh antibodies still occur. These antibodies in patients positive for the corr1317277FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULOsem informaçã

    Different proportion of root cutting and shoot pruning influence the growth of citronella plants

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    Environment concern, sustainable products demand, and natural components conscious are currently global movement factors. Related to the global movement factors, citronella grass (Cymbopogon nardus L.) is being widely used in folk medicine, and has insect repellent activity, fungal and bactericidal action. Its essential oil has high content of citronellal, citronellol, geraniol. The essential oil is mostly extracted from leaves which turns this plant with high commercial demand. However, to obtain the best therapeutic quality and productivity of medicinal plants, which culminates in greater quantity and quality of the active compounds, the proper management of the crop is fundamental, as several factors can interfere during its growth and development. Thus, we analyzed the growth of citronella plants submitted to different levels of shoot and root cuts. Five different proportions of root pruning (0, 25, 50, 75, 100%), after 145 days of seedling planting and four cuttings in the shoots: blunt; a cut at 145 DAP (days after planting) along with the root cut; a cut at 228 DAP; and cuts at 145 and 228 DAP (two cuts). Four harvesting for dry matter accumulation and photoassimilate partition data were performed. The treatment with 100% root cut, but without leaf cut, increased the total dry mass accumulation of the plant in relation to the other treatments, for the last analysis period, demonstrating a recovery. Thus, the application of two leaf cuts or no leaf cutting within the 100% root cut treatment for leaf dry mass accumulation is more effective when compared to the blunt root treatment

    Variables associated with the tolerance to water deficit in forage grasses

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    Avaliou-se, sob condições de campo, a tolerância ao déficit hídrico de quatro gramíneas forrageiras. Determinaram-se o potencial hídrico da folha, a resistência estomática, a altura dos perfilhos e o comprimento do limbo foliar do capim-carimagua (Andropogon gayanus), capim-bufel (Cenchrus ciliaris) cvs. Gayndah e Biloela, e quicuio-da-amazônia (Brachiaria humidicola). Os capins carimagua, 'Gayndah' e 'Biloela' sob regime seco, não atingiram um valor crítico de potencial hídrico da folha para o fechamento estomático. O capim quicuio-da-amazônia atingiu mais baixo potencial hídrico da folha (-21 bares) e mais alta resistência estomática (20 seg.cm-1) em relação aos demais capins estudados neste trabalho. Com relação a altura do perfilho e comprimento do limbo foliar, os capins carimagua, 'Gayndah' e 'Biloela' também se comportaram como mais tolerantes ao déficit hídrico. Dessa forma, os capins carimagua, 'Gayndah' e 'Biloela' são opções mais seguras para as áreas onde ocorrem estiagens de mais de 120 dias.The tolerance to water deficit of four tropical grasses was evaluated under field conditions. The leaf water potential, stomatal resistance, sprout height and leaf blade length were determined for Carimagua grass (Andropogon gayanus) buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) cvs. Gayndah and Biloela, and Brachiaria Amazonian kikuyo grass (Brachiaria humidicola). The carimagua, 'Gayndah' and Biloela' grasses, under water deficit conditions, did not attain the critical level of leaf water potential for stomatal closing. The Amazonian kikuyo grass attained the lowest leaf water potential (-21 bars) and greatest diffusive stomatal resistance (20 seg. Cm-1) of the grasses studied here. The carimagua 'Gayndah' and 'Biloela' grasses also demonstrated, in relation to sprout height and leaf blade length, greater tolerance to water deficit than Amazonian kikuyo grass. Hence, the carimagua, 'Gayandah' and Biloela' grasses are a choice for areas where drought occurs for more than 120 days