1,009 research outputs found

    Case report: Cyclophosphamide pulse therapy for chronic recalcitrant erythema nodosum leprosum

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    Chronic recalcitrant erythema nodosum leprosum (ENL) or type 2 reaction (T2R) is a severe condition found in approximately 50% of multibacillary leprosy subjects. T2R is associated with important morbidities and may lead to several disabilities, not only due to nerve damage but also due to the prolonged use of corticosteroids, thalidomide, or immunosuppressors. We describe here four leprosy patients with chronic recalcitrant ENL treated with cyclophosphamide pulse therapy. All subjects had been on prednisone and thalidomide therapy for at least 30 months but showed inflammatory activity when doses were reduced. Pulse therapy with 1.0 g of cyclophosphamide was used every 4–6 weeks for a minimum of three applications. After pulse therapy, all cases presented total or partial regression of symptoms, and we were able to taper thalidomide and prednisone doses, with better control of ENL, avoiding further hospital admissions and disabilities. No side effects were observed during or after infusion therapy. Cyclophosphamide pulse therapy may be useful and safe to control chronic recalcitrant ENL

    Development of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis after Leishmania Skin Test

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    Thirty-year-old female with a previous history of a cutaneous ulcer suspicious of leishmaniasis 20 years ago presented with a new complaint of a depressed papular lesion 8 × 7 mm in the right lower extremity. The lesion was of 10-day duration. Because early cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) lesions may have a non-ulcerated appearance, a Leishmania skin test (LST) was performed on the forearm with a strong positive result (38 × 32 mm). After 8 days, the lesion in the leg, which was diagnosed as folliculitis, completely healed. However, a typical CL ulcer (26 × 24 mm) developed at the LST site. Histopathology of the new lesion did not identifiy parasites, but the findings were consistent with a diagnosis of CL. Further analysis identified amastigotes by immunohistochemical stain. Mononuclear cells harvested from the patient were stimulated with Leishmania antigen and showed high levels of production of both tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ): 2,943 pg/mL and 2,313 pg/mL, respectively. After 40 days of treatment with antimony and pentoxifylline, the ulcer resolved. The development of CL at the LST site suggests a strong Th1 immune response, and it is an in vivo documentation of the role of the host immune response in the pathology of CL. It teaches us that LST should be cautiously, if at all, used in patients with self-healing CL ulcers

    Estatura e maturac¸ão sexual em meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil

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    Objective: To evaluate height, sexual maturation, and the difference between final and expected height in girls with juvenile idiopathic arthritis and no glucocorticoid treatment for at least six months, as compared to a group of healthy girls. Methods: This cross-sectional study involved 44 girls with juvenile idiopathic arthritis, diagnosed according to the International League of Associations for Rheumatology criteria, and 59 healthy controls aged between 8 and 18 (incomplete) years with no comorbid chronic diseases. Demographic data were collected from all participants, and disease and treatment variables were compiled for the patient group. Anthropometric measurements were converted into Z-scores based on World Health Organization standards. Sexual maturation was classified according to Tanner stages. Results: Body mass index and height Z-scores were lower in girls with juvenile idiopathic arthritis as compared to control participants. These values differed significantly in Tanner stage II. Three (6.8%) girls with juvenile idiopathic arthritis had height-for-age Z-scores <−2 (short stature). Girls with polyarticular juvenile idiopathic arthritis and higher cumulative glucocorticoid doses were significantly more likely to present with short stature. The percentage of prepubertal girls in the juvenile idiopathic arthritis group was significantly higher than that observed in the control group, (p = 0.012). Age of menarche, adult height, and the difference between actual and expected height did not differ between groups. Conclusion: These findings suggest that even six months after the suspension of glucocorticoid treatment, children with polyarticular/systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis subtypes are still susceptible to low height and delayed puberty.Objetivo: Avaliar a estatura, maturac¸ão sexual e a diferenc¸a entre a estatura final e a esperada em meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil (AIJ) sem tratamento com glicocorticoides por pelo menos seis meses, em comparac¸ão com um grupo de meninas saudáveis. Métodos: Este estudo transversal avaliou 44 meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil, diagnosticadas de acordo com os critérios da International League of Associations for Rheumatology e 59 controles saudáveis, entre oito e 18 anos (incompletos) sem comorbidades por doenc¸as crônicas. Os dados demográficos foram coletados de todos os participantes e as variáveis de doenc¸a e tratamento foram compiladas para o grupo de pacientes. As medidas antropométricas foram convertidas em escores-z com base nos padrões da Organizac¸ão Mundial da Saúde. A maturac¸ão sexual foi classificada de acordo com os estágios de Tanner. Resultados: Índice de massa corporal e escores-z de estatura foram menores em meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil em comparac¸ão com os participantes-controle. Esses valores diferiram significativamente no estágio II de Tanner. Três (6,8%) meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil tinham escores-z de estatura para idade < -2 (baixa estatura). Meninas com artrite idiopática juvenil poliarticular e doses cumulativas de glicocorticoides foram significativamente mais propensas a apresentar baixa estatura. A porcentagem de meninas pré-púberes no grupo artrite idiopática juvenil foi significativamente maior do que a observada no grupo controle (p = 0,012). A idade da menarca, a estatura adulta e a diferenc¸a entre a estatura real e a esperada não diferiram entre os grupos. Conclusão: Esses achados sugerem que, mesmo após seis meses da suspensão do tratamento com glicocorticoides, as crianc¸as com os subtipos poliarticular/sistêmico de AIJ ainda são suscetíveis a baixa estatura e atraso na puberdade

    Forecasting temporal dynamics of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Northeast Brazil.

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    IntroductionCutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) is a vector-borne disease of increasing importance in northeastern Brazil. It is known that sandflies, which spread the causative parasites, have weather-dependent population dynamics. Routinely-gathered weather data may be useful for anticipating disease risk and planning interventions.Methodology/principal findingsWe fit time series models using meteorological covariates to predict CL cases in a rural region of Bahía, Brazil from 1994 to 2004. We used the models to forecast CL cases for the period 2005 to 2008. Models accounting for meteorological predictors reduced mean squared error in one, two, and three month-ahead forecasts by up to 16% relative to forecasts from a null model accounting only for temporal autocorrelation.SignificanceThese outcomes suggest CL risk in northeastern Brazil might be partially dependent on weather. Responses to forecasted CL epidemics may include bolstering clinical capacity and disease surveillance in at-risk areas. Ecological mechanisms by which weather influences CL risk merit future research attention as public health intervention targets

    Adaptations and responses of the common dandelion to low atmospheric pressure in high‐altitude environments

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    Atmospheric pressure is an important, yet understudied factor that may shape plant ecology and evolution. By growing plants under controlled conditions at different experimental stations in the Swiss alps, we evaluated the impact of ecologically realistic atmospheric pressures between 660 and 950 hPa on the growth and defence of different dandelion populations. Low atmospheric pressure was associated with reduced root growth and defensive sesquiterpene lactone production. Defence suppression only occurred in populations originating from lower altitudes. Populations from higher altitudes constitutively produced less sesquiterpene lactones and did not suffer from suppression under low atmospheric pressure. Synthesis. We conclude that atmospheric pressure modulates root growth and defence traits, and that evolutionary history shapes plant phenotypic responses to atmospheric pressure. Our findings have important implications for our understanding of altitudinal gradients and the future use of plants as a source of food and bioactive metabolites in extraterrestrial habitats

    Efficacy of proteolytic enzyme bromelain on health outcomes after third molar surgery. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials

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    Bromelain is a cysteine protease isolated from pineapple with a range of biological properties including platelet aggregation inhibition and anti-inflammatory effects. Recent studies have evaluated the clinical implications of bromelain in reducing postoperative inflammatory complications after third molar surgery, but the results are contrasting. This systematic review and meta-analysis evaluated the effects of bromelain on health outcomes in patients submitted to third molar surgery. The study was conducted following the PRISMA statement. Searches were conducted in six electronic databases and Google Scholar from inception to May 2018. The following elements were used to define eligibility criteria: (1) population: patients undergoing third molar surgery; (2) intervention and controls: bromelain vs placebo or no-treatment control group; (3) outcomes: quality of life, postoperative pain, rescue analgesic consumption, facial swelling, and trismus; and (4) study type: randomized clinical trials (RCTs). Treatment effects were defined as weighted (WMD) or standardized mean difference (SMD) and 95%CIs. Six RCTs were included in the meta-analysis. There was large effect size of bromelain on improving physical appearance (SMD -0.77, CI% 95 -1.11 to -0.42), social isolation (SMD -0.97, CI% 95 -1.74 to -0.21), and sleep quality (SMD -1.19, CI% 95 -1.97 to -0.40) during the first postoperative week. Differences in pain intensity were found during the first 24h (SMD -0.49, CI 95% -0.82 to -0.17) and 7 days after surgery (SMD -0.52, CI 95% -0.79 to -0.24). No evidence was found that bromelain was effective in reducing trismus and facial swelling. The currently available evidence suggests that bromelain has a beneficial effect in reducing pain and has a positive impact on patient quality of life after third molar surgery. However, therapeutic advances for the use of bromelain need a high level of evidence and further head-to-head RCTs are needed to inform clinical choices

    Use Dosimetry Virtual Tool for Security Studies Physics and Nuclear

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    AbstractThe objective of this work is to develop a virtual detection tool of radioactive sources, such as to facilitate and assist the training and nuclear security planning. To accomplish this tool was created a virtual model of the Nuclear Engineering Institute (IEN) with virtual characters (avatars), able to move and interact with the environment, radiation detectors (fixed and portable) and sources radioactive. A tool developed enabled the simulation where individuals who were carrying radioactive sources were identified through the detectors installed at strategic points in the virtual environment. Furthermore, it was possible to detect and locate sources for handling portable detectors, operated by the characters within the virtual environment. The results showed a radiation detection system before the continuous profile radioactive sources, making it possible to evaluate the dose rate at any position of the virtual environment. So this work could help in both the security agents training and in the evaluation of the radiological safety of a nuclear site

    Electrochemical behavior of parent and photodegradation products of some selected pesticides

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    Electrochemical behavior of pesticides is extensively studied, but little attention has been given to the study of their degradation products (by-products) by electrochemical methods. However, the degradation products of pesticides can be even more toxic then the parent products and such studies should be encouraged. Therefore, the objective of this work was to evaluate the electroactivity of by-products of imazaquin, methylparathion, bentazon and atrazine, generated by UV irradiation and measured using cyclic and differential pulse voltammetry and UV-visible absorption spectrophotometry. Results have shown that several by-products exhibit electroactivity, allowing, in some cases, the simultaneous determination of both parent and degradation products.EMBRAPACoordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)CNPqFAPES

    Neuroinfection survey at a neurological ward in a Brazilian tertiary teaching hospital

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    OBJECTIVES: This study was undertaken to characterize the neuroinfection profile in a tertiary neurological ward. INTRODUCTION: Neuroinfection is a worldwide concern and bacterial meningitis, tetanus and cerebral malaria have been reported as the commonest causes in developing countries. METHODS: From 1999 to 2007, all patients admitted to the Neurology Ward of Hospital das Clínicas, São Paulo University School of Medicine because of neuroinfection had their medical records reviewed. Age, gender, immunological status, neurological syndrome at presentation, infectious agent and clinical outcome were recorded. RESULTS: Three hundred and seventy four cases of neuroinfectious diseases accounted for 4.2% of ward admissions and the identification of infectious agent was successful in 81% of cases. Mean age was 40.5 + 13.4 years, 63.8% were male, 19.7% were immunocompromised patients and meningoencephalitis was the most common clinical presentation despite infectious agent. Viruses and bacteria were equally responsible for 29.4% of neuroinfectious diseases; parasitic, fungal and prion infections accounted for 28%, 9.6% and 3.5% respectively. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV1), Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Treponema pallidum, Taenia solium, Schistosoma mansoni, Cryptococcus neoformans and Histoplasma capsulatum were the more common infectious pathogens in the patients. Infection mortality rate was 14.2%, of which 62.3% occurred in immunocompetent patients. CONCLUSION: Our institution appeared to share some results with developed and developing countries. Comparison with literature may be considered as quality control to health assistance