7,068 research outputs found


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    In this work, we documented the food habits of the Raccoon (Procyon lotor hernandezii) in the zone of Tenacatita, in the State of Jalisco. We collected scats each month, from March 1994 to December 1995. We determined that plant material was first in importance at 41.0%, the next was insects with 18.4%, and crustaceans with 17.8% of relative frequency of occurrence (RFO). The plants with higher frequencies were guazima (Guazuma ulmifolia), guamuchil (Pithecellobium dulce), grasses (Gramineae), papaya (Carica papaya) and coconut (Cocus nucifera). Four cultivated plants were found in the scats: papaya (3.93%), coconut (1.54%), corn (1.03%) and mango (0.68%), but their RFO was not high. Of the insects consumed, grasshoppers (Acrididae), beetles (Scarabaeidae), crickets (Grillidae), and ants (Formicidae) predominated. Seasonal variations in the RFO of plant material and insects were observed. The diversity of food items overall was H’= 1.36.En este trabajo se dan a conocer algunos aspectos de la dieta del mapache (Procyon lotor hernandezii) en la zona de Tenacatita, en el Estado de Jalisco. Se realizaron colectas de excrementos mensualmente, de marzo de 1994 a diciembre de 1995, a partir de los cuales se determinó que el material vegetal representó el 41.0%, los insectos el 18.4% y los crustáceos el 17.8% de frecuencia relativa de ocurrencia (FRO). Entre los vegetales, guázima (Guazuma ulmifolia), guamuchil (Pithecellobium dulce), gramíneas, papaya (Carica papaya) y coco (Cocus nucifera) representaron el 70%. Cuatro plantas que se cultivan en la zona fueron registradas en las heces fecales de esta especie con FRO bajas: papaya (3.93%), coco (1.54%), maíz (1.03%) y mango (0.68%). Entre los insectos sobresalieron chapulines (Acrididae), escarabajos (Scarabaeidae), grillos (Grillidae) y hormigas (Formicidae). Se observaron variaciones estacionales en la FRO de algunas categorías de alimento como en vegetales e insectos. La diversidad de elementos contenidos en la dieta alcanzó un valor de H’=1.36

    Treatment for severe COVID-19 with a biomimetic sorbent haemoperfusion device in patients on haemodialysis

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    Haemodialysis (HD) patients present more morbidity and mortality risk in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In patients who may develop severe symptoms, the process called 'viral sepsis' seems to be a crucial mechanism. In those cases, the HD procedure provides an excellent tool to explore the benefit of some extracorporeal therapies. We reported the outcome of four HD patients with severe COVID-19 treated with Seraph®100 haemoperfusion (HP) device. Three of the four cases presented a good clinical response after HP. In conclusion, the treatment with Seraph®100 device may be a simultaneous treatment to improve HD patients with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

    Arquitectura : una alternativa de enseñanza : sol II, análisis de sitio

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    1 archivo PDF (517 páginas)Esta obra es realizada con el interés de contribuir a la toma de conciencia de la importancia del clima como uno de los considerandos centrales del diseño urbano y arquitectónico, constituye una guía en la que el lector podrá ser llevado paso a paso en la construcción de herramientas gráficas que faciliten el análisis de la incidencia de los rayos solares en los espacios exteriores e interiores, con esa base el diseñador podrá establecer los mecanismos de control de asoleamiento convenientes en cada paso particular de diseño

    Do People with Type 2 Diabetes Think They are Unhealthy? A Cross-Sectional Study in Celaya, Mexico

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that presents a significant burden on health care systems in many countries. With the rise of obesity, the incidence of Type 2 diabetes has also been steadily increasing. A healthy lifestyle and understanding of diabetes management are important factors for delaying the onset of comorbidities associated with Type 2 diabetes. The objective of this study was to evaluate the self-perception of health in individuals with Type 2 diabetes as it relates to BMI status, which has important implications for the implementation of preventive programs. Methods: A cross-sectional lifestyle survey was implemented in the region of Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico, targeting 100 participants diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Anthropometric measurements and participant characteristics were also obtained. Fisher’s exact test was used to determine if the proportions of lifestyles perceptions differed by BMI status. Results:  Participants had a mean age of 56.12 ± 10.26, a mean BMI of 29.13 ± 5.48 kg/m2, were mostly married (67.0%), and female (70.0%). None of the normal weight participants perceived themselves as unhealthy. 95% of overweight/obese participants perceived themselves to be healthy, despite a diagnosis of diabetes and being overweight/obese, while only 5% perceived themselves to be unhealthy. However, these differences in the perceptions of health classified by BMI status were not statistically significant (p = 0.42).Conclusion: Our findings indicate that overweight and obese persons with Type 2 diabetes in Celaya, Mexico may have misperceptions about their own health, even though these findings were not statistically significant. These preliminary data highlight the importance of implementing prevention and educational programs among those with diabetes, in order to combat health misperceptions and raise awareness about the dangers of diabetes and obesity. Furthermore, more research with larger sample sizes is needed  in order to fully understand the effects of perception of health on actual health.

    Electroeluting DNA Fragments

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    Purified DNA fragments are used for different purposes in Molecular Biology and they can be prepared by several procedures. Most of them require a previous electrophoresis of the DNA fragments in order to separate the band of interest. Then, this band is excised out from an agarose or acrylamide gel and purified by using either: binding and elution from glass or silica particles, DEAE-cellulose membranes, "crush and soak method", electroelution or very often expensive commercial purification kits. Thus, selecting a method will depend mostly of what is available in the laboratory. The electroelution procedure allows one to purify very clean DNA to be used in a large number of applications (sequencing, radiolabeling, enzymatic restriction, enzymatic modification, cloning etc). This procedure consists in placing DNA band-containing agarose or acrylamide slices into sample wells of the electroeluter, then applying current will make the DNA fragment to leave the agarose and thus be trapped in a cushion salt to be recovered later by ethanol precipitation

    Uso y Consumo de YouTube en alumnos de la Preparatoria 3 de la UAZ y su relación con el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas en el aula

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    The online learning classes, an emerging element, because of the lockdown due to the public health emergency, move the previous vision of information technologies and digital tools. Therefore, the objective of this research is to know the relationship between the use and utilization of YouTube content with the development of communication skills that students of the Unidad Academica Preparatoria No. 3 from the Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), located at Fresnillo, apply in the classroom. This phenomenological and ethnographic study redeem the sight of the high school student with respect to the contents to which they have access through the most influential video platform worldwide, YouTube. In this environment, the question was proposed: How does the use and utilization of YouTube content relates to the communicative skills of UAZ Preparatoria No. 3 students? Under the hypothesis that the use and utilization of YouTube content is related to the communicative skills developed by students in the classroom. From a mixed methodology, it was observed that the preference concerning the contents to which they have access on this platform was motivated, in addition to entertainment and music videos, towards those vlogs that give them learning tools and knowledge to face from a screen, their duties and educational needs, with special focus on the development and application of communication skills.La modalidad de las clases en línea, como un elemento emergente producto del confinamiento por la emergencia sanitaria, reconfiguró la visión que se tiene sobre de las tecnologías de la información y las herramientas digitales. De allí que el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relacion entre el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube con el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas que los alumnos de la Unidad Académica Preparatoria No. 3, de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), con sede en Fresnillo, aplican en el aula. Este estudio fenomenológico-etnográfico rescata la visión del estudiante de preparatoria con respecto de los contenidos a los que tienen acceso a través de la plataforma de videos más influyente a nivel mundial, YouTube. En este contexto, se planteó la pregunta ¿De qué manera de relaciona el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube con las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos de la preparatoria 3 de la UAZ? Bajo la hipótesis de que el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube está relacionado con las habilidades comunicativas que desarrollan los estudiantes en el aula. A partir de una metodología mixta, se observó que la preferencia hacia los contenidos a los que tiene acceso en esta plataforma se inclinó, además de los videos de entretenimiento y musicales, hacia aquellos vlogs que les dan herramientas de aprendizaje y conocimiento para enfrentar desde una plantalla, sus obligaciones y necesidades educativas, con especial énfasis en el desarrollo y aplicación de habilidades comunicativas

    Uso y Consumo de YouTube en alumnos de la Preparatoria 3 de la UAZ y su relación con el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas en el aula

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    The online learning classes, an emerging element, because of the lockdown due to the public health emergency, move the previous vision of information technologies and digital tools. Therefore, the objective of this research is to know the relationship between the use and utilization of YouTube content with the development of communication skills that students of the Unidad Academica Preparatoria No. 3 from the Universidad Autonoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), located at Fresnillo, apply in the classroom. This phenomenological and ethnographic study redeem the sight of the high school student with respect to the contents to which they have access through the most influential video platform worldwide, YouTube. In this environment, the question was proposed: How does the use and utilization of YouTube content relates to the communicative skills of UAZ Preparatoria No. 3 students? Under the hypothesis that the use and utilization of YouTube content is related to the communicative skills developed by students in the classroom. From a mixed methodology, it was observed that the preference concerning the contents to which they have access on this platform was motivated, in addition to entertainment and music videos, towards those vlogs that give them learning tools and knowledge to face from a screen, their duties and educational needs, with special focus on the development and application of communication skills.La modalidad de las clases en línea, como un elemento emergente producto del confinamiento por la emergencia sanitaria, reconfiguró la visión que se tiene sobre de las tecnologías de la información y las herramientas digitales. De allí que el objetivo de esta investigación es conocer la relacion entre el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube con el desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas que los alumnos de la Unidad Académica Preparatoria No. 3, de la Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas (UAZ), con sede en Fresnillo, aplican en el aula. Este estudio fenomenológico-etnográfico rescata la visión del estudiante de preparatoria con respecto de los contenidos a los que tienen acceso a través de la plataforma de videos más influyente a nivel mundial, YouTube. En este contexto, se planteó la pregunta ¿De qué manera de relaciona el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube con las habilidades comunicativas de los alumnos de la preparatoria 3 de la UAZ? Bajo la hipótesis de que el uso y consumo de los contenidos de YouTube está relacionado con las habilidades comunicativas que desarrollan los estudiantes en el aula. A partir de una metodología mixta, se observó que la preferencia hacia los contenidos a los que tiene acceso en esta plataforma se inclinó, además de los videos de entretenimiento y musicales, hacia aquellos vlogs que les dan herramientas de aprendizaje y conocimiento para enfrentar desde una plantalla, sus obligaciones y necesidades educativas, con especial énfasis en el desarrollo y aplicación de habilidades comunicativa

    An adaptive scheme for wheelchair navigation collaborative control

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    In this paper we propose a system where machine and human cooperate at every situation via a reactive emergent behavior, so that the person is always in charge of his/her own motion. Our approach relies on locally evaluating the performance of the human and the wheelchair for each given situation. Then, both their motion commands are weighted according to those efficiencies and combined in a reactive way. This approach benefits from the advantages of typical reactive behaviors to combine different sources of information in a simple, seamless way into an emergent trajectory.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author’s final draft