3,296 research outputs found

    Main achievements and challenges of feminism in Mexico

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    El presente ensayo tiene como objetivo visibilizar los principales retos y logros que el movimiento feminista en México ha obtenido a través de algunas facetas y momentos históricos, así como destacar algunos de los retos pendientes. Los avances más importantes del movimiento feminista se han visto consolidados en materia de educación, trabajo remunerado, participación política y el reconocimiento de la violencia de género como un asunto de interés público; no obstante, es necesaria la creación de políticas de género que realmente se enfoquen en reducir problemas sociales relacionados con las desigualdades de género, tales como: la escasa presencia de las mujeres en la construcción de la ciencia, las brechas salariales entre hombres y mujeres, el reducido número de mujeres que ocupan altos cargos en la política mexicana y los altos índices de violencia hacia las mujeres

    Mechanisms of photosensitization induced by drugs: A general survey

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    This paper presents a general survey of the mechanisms involved in drug phototoxicity. Moreover, a list of 174currently used clinical drugs inducing photosensitization is provided in addition to some others from which phototoxiceffects are suspected. Likewise, some aspects related to the mechanisms involved in the phototoxicity of fluoroquinolonesand non steroidal-antiinflammatory drugs have been reviewed. Finally, a possible role of the arenediazonium ionsas photosensitisers is discussed

    Hemostasia y tratamiento odontológico

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    La hemostasia es un mecanismo de defensa cuya finalidad es conservar la integridad vascular y evitar la pérdida de sangre. Actualmente la valoración de un paciente con historia de hematomas y hemorragias es un problema clínico frecuente, por lo que el odontólogo debe ser capaz de realizar un correcto diagnóstico y un tratamiento eficaz en los pacientes con alteraciones de la hemostasia. La mejor forma de evitar complicaciones hemorrágicas tras procedimientos quirúrgicos bucales es siempre la prevención y para ello es indispensable disponer de una historia clínica detallada del paciente. El propósito de esta revisión bibliográfica es recordar la patología más común en el área de las coagulopatías, así como incidir en el tratamiento y manejo odontológico de las alteraciones que se pueden encontrar con mayor frecuencia en el gabinete odontológico

    Reasoning on Knowledge Graphs with Debate Dynamics

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    We propose a novel method for automatic reasoning on knowledge graphs based on debate dynamics. The main idea is to frame the task of triple classification as a debate game between two reinforcement learning agents which extract arguments -- paths in the knowledge graph -- with the goal to promote the fact being true (thesis) or the fact being false (antithesis), respectively. Based on these arguments, a binary classifier, called the judge, decides whether the fact is true or false. The two agents can be considered as sparse, adversarial feature generators that present interpretable evidence for either the thesis or the antithesis. In contrast to other black-box methods, the arguments allow users to get an understanding of the decision of the judge. Since the focus of this work is to create an explainable method that maintains a competitive predictive accuracy, we benchmark our method on the triple classification and link prediction task. Thereby, we find that our method outperforms several baselines on the benchmark datasets FB15k-237, WN18RR, and Hetionet. We also conduct a survey and find that the extracted arguments are informative for users.Comment: AAAI-202

    Fluidised-bed incineration bottom ash as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders: A comparison with bottom ash from grate incinerators

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    The novel formulation of alkali-activated binders (AABs) using incineration bottom ash (IBA) from fluidised bed (FB) combustion technology as a sole precursor was assessed. In addition, IBA-FB was compared with IBA from moving grate (IBA-MG) combustion technology. The AABs formulated with IBA-FB (AAB-FB) and IBA-MG (AAB-MG) were also evaluated from a physicochemical, mechanical, and environmental perspective. The results revealed that specific surface area in IBA-FB hinders the retention of kneading water of fresh pastes, affecting the workability, consistency, porosity, and mechanical strength of AAB-FB. Moreover, the low calcium content of IBA-FB requires that the formulated AABs must be cured at higher curing temperatures to ensure the formation of (N,C) ASH gels, while the high calcium content of IBA-MG promotes the formation of CSH gels at room temperature. The compressive strength results demonstrated that AAB-MG (≈ 11 MPa) and AAB-FB (≈ 8 MPa) could be used for non-structural purposes

    Stabilization of metal and metalloids from contaminated soils using magnesia-based tundish deskulling waste from continuous steel casting

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    This study presents a groundbreaking exploration into the potential use of refractory tundish deskulling waste (TUN), a magnesium oxide-based by-product from continuous steel casting, as a stabilizing agent for remediating metal and metalloids contaminated soils. Up-flow column horizontal percolation tests were conducted to measure the concentrations of metals and metalloids, pH, and electrical conductivity (EC) in the leachates of two different combinations of contaminated soil and stabilizer (95-5 wt% and 90-10 wt%). The effectiveness of TUN as a soil-stabilizing agent for contaminated soils with metals and metalloids was evaluated by comparing its leachates with those obtained from a sample of a well-established low-grade magnesium oxide (LG-MgO) by-product, which underwent the same testing procedure. The findings revealed a significant correlation between the mobility of the examined metals and metalloids, and the water-soluble or acid phase of the contaminated soil, primarily governed by precipitation-solution reactions. While the stabilizing impact on non-pH-dependent metals, particularly redox-sensitive oxyanions, was less pronounced, both MgO-based stabilizers exhibited a favourable influence on soil pH-dependent metals and metalloids. They achieved this by establishing an optimal pH range of approximately 9.0-10.5, wherein the solubility of metal (hydr)oxides is minimized. Notably, metals like Zn and Cu, which have high leaching potential, experienced a remarkable reduction in leaching - Zn by over 99% and Cu by around 97% - regardless of the stabilizer content. In a broader context, this research champions the principles of the circular economy by offering a technical remedy for treating soils contaminated with pH-dependent metals and metalloids. The proposed solution harnesses industrial waste - currently relegated to landfills - as a resource, aligning with sustainable practices and environmental responsibility

    Effect of Temperature and Humidity on the Synthesis of Alkali-Activated Binders Based on Bottom Ash from Municipal Waste Incineration

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    Weathered bottom ash (WBA) from municipal solid waste incineration is a calcium aluminosilicate-rich material mainly used in construction and civil engineering as a secondary aggregate. However, its use is also being considered as a precursor in the manufacture of alkali-activated binders (AA-WBA). This preliminary research aimed to deepen understanding of the potential use of WBA (>8 mm fraction) as the sole precursor of alkali-activated binders. To gain better knowledge of this material, the physicochemical, mechanical, and environmental properties of AA-WBA binders were evaluated. In addition, the effect of curing temperature (25 °C, 45 °C, 65 °C, and 85 °C) and humidity conditions (oven and climate chamber) were assessed. The results of this study revealed that temperature and humidity conditions play a fundamental role during the early formation stages of AA-WBA binders. Maximum compactness and compressive strength (29.8 MPa) were obtained in the sample cured at 65 °C in the oven and room humidity. At higher temperatures (85 °C), a substantial decrease in mechanical strength (21.2 MPa) was observed due to a lower cohesion of the binder phases. Curing in the climate chamber led to an increase in humidity, and therefore a decrease in compressive strength. Finally, lower porosity and longer curing time substantially decreased the heavy metals and metalloid leaching concentration of AA-WBA binders

    Influencia de los factores de implementación en la calidad de los sistemas de información para la satisfacción del usuario

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    This research studies the influence range of the organizational, planning and technical factors within the information quality, system quality and information systems services quality, in the user satisfaction, based on the designed model research for this purpose. The empirical study takes place in six Higher Education Institutes (94 questionnaires) by the Partial Least Square statistic tool. The results has shown that Organizational Factor (information needs, management support, institutional objectives satisfaction) is which has the most impact because its high correlation value (R=0.624; R=0.435 yR=0.428) and signifi cance (pEsta investigación estudia el nivel de influencia de los factores organizacional, planificación y técnico con la calidad de la Información, del sistema y de los servicios en la satisfacción del usuario, basado en un modelo diseñado para este propósito. El estudio empírico hecho en seis universidades mexicanas por medio de PLS, muestra que el Factor Organizacional es el que tiene un mayor impacto por sus altos valores de correlación (R=0.624; R=0.435 y R=0.428) y significancia en las tres hipótesis planteadas con una varianza explicada del 78.8% en la Satisfacción del Usuario, quienes piensan que la calidad de los sistemas les ayudan a aumentar la productividad en su toma de decisiones

    Metodología para la evaluación del impacto social en la universidad: una alternativa científica con resultados

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    El trabajo que se presenta tiene el propósito de ofrecer los resultados de la aplicación de la Metodología para la evaluación de los impactos sociales en la universidad, elaborada por el Centro de Estudios para la Calidad Educacional y Empresarial en la carrera de Licenciatura en Contabilidad, de la Universidad “Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz” de Camagüey. Se aplicaron en la investigación, los métodos del nivel teórico: Histórico- lógico, Enfoque de sistema y Análisis y síntesis para la concepción de la metodología y Prácticos: Observación participante, Entrevista en profundidad, Encuestas de confirmación y Análisis de contenido, para el procesamiento de la información. Como resultados principales se lograron determinar una variable de cambio con dimensiones e indicadores, ajustados al patrón de calidad de las carreras, la elaboración de las encuestas para medir la satisfacción de las figuras fundamentales que intervienen directa e indirectamente en el proceso de la formación continua; el procesamiento de la información triangulada con los restantes métodos y la revisión de las evidencias que requiere la evaluación según el patrón de calidad; lo que permitió determinar 6 Impactos que generan cambios esperados y 7 Impactos en alerta con potencialidades y limitaciones