241 research outputs found

    Análisis de los resultados de una experiencia didáctica interdisciplinaria

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    En este trabajo, nos hemos abocado a investigar si mediante una propuesta didáctica en el tema de Funciones y Gráficas, los alumnos presentaban un cambio de actitudes hacia las ciencias. En base a resultados obtenidos, en trabajos anteriores, se realizó esta experiencia con alumnos de Educación General Básica (EGB) donde tenían que resolver problemas, utilizando la metodología científica, a fin de contribuir a la articulación vertical y horizontal entre las diferentes asignaturas, y estimular el desarrollo de capacidades para el trabajo grupal. Se hizo un seguimiento de los estudiantes que cursaron la asignatura de manera tradicional y los involucrados en la experiencia, para analizar si de algún modo habían mejorado sus concepciones sobre la ciencia. La metodología aplicada se ha mostrado adecuada a nuestro objetivo, porque nos ha permitido analizar estrategias a través de estudio de las respuestas de los alumnos. Los resultados muestran las diversas facetas para las que se han producido cambios en el sentido deseado en dos grupos (G1 y G2), pero ponen de manifiesto también la existencia de algunos núcleos de dificultad que todavía no han podido superar

    Human Bocavirus in Infants, New Zealand

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    In 2005, a parvovirus, subsequently named human bocavirus (HBoV), was discovered in respiratory samples taken from infants and children hospitalized at Karolinksa University Hospital, Sweden, with lower respiratory tract infection. HBoV has since been identified in infants and children with respiratory illness in >17 countries, at frequencies ranging from 1.5% to >18.0%. This study reaffirms previous reports of finding HBoV in a subset of infants with bronchiolitis. It is also, to our knowledge, the first study of its kind in New Zealand infants, confirming wide distribution of HBoV. In the northern hemisphere, HBoV circulates primarily during the winter months, although it continues circulating until early summer, later than most other seasonal respiratory viruses. Therefore, this study may underestimate the percentage of New Zealand infants with bronchiolitis whose HBoV test results were positive because sample collection ceased in October (southern hemisphere spring) at the end of the bronchiolitis epidemic. The small number of HBoV-positive infants prevents conclusions concerning ethnicity, coinfection, and bronchiolitis severity

    Immunomodulatory effects of betulinic acid from the bark of white birch on mice

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    The objective of this study was to explore the immunomodulatory effects of betulinic acid (BA) extracted from the bark of white birch on mice. Female mice were orally administered BA for 14 days in doses of 0, 0.25, 0.5, and 1 mg/kg body weight. We found that BA significantly enhanced the thymus and spleen indices, and stimulated lymphocyte proliferation induced by Concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide as shown by MTT assay. Flow cytometry revealed that BA increased the percentage of CD4+ cells in thymus as well as the percentage of CD19+ and the ratios of CD4+/CD8+ in spleen. BA increased the number of plaque-forming cell and macrophage phagocytic activity as indicated by a neutral red dye uptake assay, and the peritoneal macrophages levels of TNF-α were also increased. In contrast, serum levels of IgG and IgM and serum concentrations of IL-2 and IL-6 were significantly decreased in BA-treated mice compared to the control as assayed by haemagglutination tests and ELISA, respectively. Taken together, these results suggest that BA enhances mouse cellular immunity, humoral immunity, and activity of macrophages. Thus, BA is a potential immune stimulator and may strengthen the immune response of its host

    Ecological and conceptual consequences of Arctic pollution

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordAlthough the effect of pollution on forest health and decline received much attention in the 1980s, it has not been considered to explain the ‘Divergence Problem’ in dendroclimatology; a decoupling of tree growth from rising air temperatures since the 1970s. Here we use physical and biogeochemical measurements of hundreds of living and dead conifers to reconstruct the impact of heavy industrialisation around Norilsk in northern Siberia. Moreover, we develop a forward model with surface irradiance forcing to quantify long‐distance effects of anthropogenic emissions on the functioning and productivity of Siberia’s taiga. Downwind from the world’s most polluted Arctic region, tree mortality rates of up to 100% have destroyed 24,000 km2 boreal forest since the 1960s, coincident with dramatic increases in atmospheric sulphur, copper, and nickel concentrations. In addition to regional ecosystem devastation, we demonstrate how ‘Arctic Dimming’ can explain the circumpolar ‘Divergence Problem’, and discuss implications on the terrestrial carbon cycle.Forest ServiceMinistry of Science and Higher EducationRussian Science Foundatio

    Heterologous Expression and Maturation of an NADP-Dependent [NiFe]-Hydrogenase: A Key Enzyme in Biofuel Production

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    Hydrogen gas is a major biofuel and is metabolized by a wide range of microorganisms. Microbial hydrogen production is catalyzed by hydrogenase, an extremely complex, air-sensitive enzyme that utilizes a binuclear nickel-iron [NiFe] catalytic site. Production and engineering of recombinant [NiFe]-hydrogenases in a genetically-tractable organism, as with metalloprotein complexes in general, has met with limited success due to the elaborate maturation process that is required, primarily in the absence of oxygen, to assemble the catalytic center and functional enzyme. We report here the successful production in Escherichia coli of the recombinant form of a cytoplasmic, NADP-dependent hydrogenase from Pyrococcus furiosus, an anaerobic hyperthermophile. This was achieved using novel expression vectors for the co-expression of thirteen P. furiosus genes (four structural genes encoding the hydrogenase and nine encoding maturation proteins). Remarkably, the native E. coli maturation machinery will also generate a functional hydrogenase when provided with only the genes encoding the hydrogenase subunits and a single protease from P. furiosus. Another novel feature is that their expression was induced by anaerobic conditions, whereby E. coli was grown aerobically and production of recombinant hydrogenase was achieved by simply changing the gas feed from air to an inert gas (N2). The recombinant enzyme was purified and shown to be functionally similar to the native enzyme purified from P. furiosus. The methodology to generate this key hydrogen-producing enzyme has dramatic implications for the production of hydrogen and NADPH as vehicles for energy storage and transport, for engineering hydrogenase to optimize production and catalysis, as well as for the general production of complex, oxygen-sensitive metalloproteins

    Interleukin-12p40 Modulates Human Metapneumovirus-Induced Pulmonary Disease in an Acute Mouse Model of Infection

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    The mechanisms that regulate the host immune response induced by human metapneumovirus (hMPV), a newly-recognized member of the Paramyxoviridae family, are largely unknown. Cytokines play an important role in modulating inflammatory responses during viral infections. IL-12p40, a known important mediator in limiting lung inflammation, is induced by hMPV and its production is sustained after the resolution phase of infection suggesting that this cytokine plays a role in the immune response against hMPV. In this work, we demonstrated that in mice deficient in IL-12p40, hMPV infection induced an exacerbated pulmonary inflammatory response and mucus production, altered cytokine response, and decreased lung function. However, hMPV infection in these mice does not have an effect on viral replication. These results identify an important regulatory role of IL-12p40 in hMPV infection

    Following Nerve Injury Neuregulin-1 Drives Microglial Proliferation and Neuropathic Pain via the MEK/ERK Pathway

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    Following peripheral nerve injury microglia accumulate within the spinal cord and adopt a proinflammatory phenotype a process which contributes to the development of neuropathic pain. We have recently shown that neuregulin-1, a growth factor released following nerve injury, activates erbB 2, 3, and 4 receptors on microglia and stimulates proliferation, survival and chemotaxis of these cells. Here we studied the intracellular signaling pathways downstream of neuregulin-1-erbB activation in microglial cells. We found that neuregulin-1 in vitro induced phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and Akt without activating p38MAPK. Using specific kinase inhibitors we found that the mitogenic effect of neuregulin-1 on microglia was dependant on MEK/ERK1/2 pathway, the chemotactic effect was dependant on PI3K/Akt signaling and survival was dependant on both pathways. Intrathecal treatment with neuregulin-1 was associated with microgliosis and development of mechanical and cold pain related hypersensitivity which was dependant on ERK1/2 phosphorylation in microglia. Spinal nerve ligation results in a robust microgliosis and sustained ERK1/2 phosphorylation within these cells. This pathway is downstream of neuregulin-1/erbB signaling since its blockade resulted in a significant reduction in microglial ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Inhibition of the MEK/ERK1/2 pathway resulted in decreased spinal microgliosis and in reduced mechanical and cold hypersensitivity after peripheral nerve damage. We conclude that neuregulin-1 released after nerve injury activates microglial erbB receptors which consequently stimulates the MEK/ERK1/2 pathway that drives microglial proliferation and contributes to the development of neuropathic pain. © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Potent Activity of the HIV-1 Maturation Inhibitor Bevirimat in SCID-hu Thy/Liv Mice

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    The HIV-1 maturation inhibitor, 3-O-(3',3'-dimethylsuccinyl) betulinic acid (bevirimat, PA-457) is a promising drug candidate with 10 nM in vitro antiviral activity against multiple wild-type (WT) and drug-resistant HIV-1 isolates. Bevirimat has a novel mechanism of action, specifically inhibiting cleavage of spacer peptide 1 (SP1) from the C-terminus of capsid which results in defective core condensation.Oral administration of bevirimat to HIV-1-infected SCID-hu Thy/Liv mice reduced viral RNA by >2 log(10) and protected immature and mature T cells from virus-mediated depletion. This activity was observed at plasma concentrations that are achievable in humans after oral dosing, and bevirimat was active up to 3 days after inoculation with both WT HIV-1 and an AZT-resistant HIV-1 clinical isolate. Consistent with its mechanism of action, bevirimat caused a dose-dependent inhibition of capsid-SP1 cleavage in HIV-1-infected human thymocytes obtained from these mice. HIV-1 NL4-3 with an alanine-to-valine substitution at the N-terminus of SP1 (SP1/A1V), which is resistant to bevirimat in vitro, was also resistant to bevirimat treatment in the mice, and SP1/AIV had replication and thymocyte kinetics similar to that of WT NL4-3 with no evidence of fitness impairment in in vivo competition assays. Interestingly, protease inhibitor-resistant HIV-1 with impaired capsid-SP1 cleavage was hypersensitive to bevirimat in vitro with a 50% inhibitory concentration 140 times lower than for WT HIV-1.These results support further clinical development of this first-in-class maturation inhibitor and confirm the usefulness of the SCID-hu Thy/Liv model for evaluation of in vivo antiretroviral efficacy, drug resistance, and viral fitness

    Routine Opt-Out HIV Testing Strategies in a Female Jail Setting: A Prospective Controlled Trial

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    Background: Ten million Americans enter jails annually. The objective was to evaluate new CDC guidelines for routine optout HIV testing and examine the optimal time to implement routine opt-out HIV testing among newly incarcerated jail detainees. Methods: This prospective, controlled trial of routine opt-out HIV testing was conducted among 323 newly incarcerated female inmates in Connecticut’s only women’s jail. 323 sequential entrants to the women’s jail over a five week period in August and September 2007 were assigned to be offered routine opt-out HIV testing at one of three points after incarceration: immediate (same day, n = 108), early (next day, n = 108), or delayed (7 days, n = 107). The primary outcome was the proportion of women in each group consenting to testing. Results: Routine opt-out HIV testing was significantly highest (73%) among the early testing group compared to 55 % for immediate and 50 % for 7 days post-entry groups. Other factors significantly (p = 0.01) associated with being HIV tested were younger age and low likelihood of early release from jail based on bond value or type of charge for which women were arrested. Conclusions: In this correctional facility, routine opt-out HIV testing in a jail setting was feasible, with highest rates of testing if performed the day after incarceration. Lower testing rates were seen with immediate testing, where there is a high prevalence of inability or unwillingness to test, and with delayed testing, where attrition from jail increases with each passing day