13 research outputs found

    Stratégie d'internationalisation de l'entreprise cevital : L'activité sucriÚre est-elle suffisamment compétitive?

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    L’objectif principal de cet article est de mesurer l’importance de l’environnement institutionnel dans la  conception de la stratĂ©gie dans une entreprise Ă©mergente. Pour ce faire une Ă©tude de cas, combinant trois approches mĂ©thodologiques diffĂ©rentes (SWOT, AHP, Delphi), a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e dans l’industrie sucriĂšre algĂ©rienne. L’étude montre que la stratĂ©gie de l’entreprise Cevital est construite prioritairement sur les Ă©lĂ©ments de l’environnement institutionnel. Les mesures de protection dont elle bĂ©nĂ©ficie restent stratĂ©giques, elles contribuent Ă  son dĂ©veloppement Ă  l’abri de la concurrence internationale.MOTS CLES: StratĂ©gie, changements institutionnels, sucre, Cevital, SWOT-Delphi-AH

    Do sustainability labels make us more negligent? Rebound and Moral Licensing Effects in the Clothing Industry

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    Companies and consumers are more concerned about sustainability nowadays. The clothing industry is receiving more attention due to mass production and its significant impact on the planet. Fashion brands are introducing sustainable lines and circular economies in their business model to reduce their energy consumption, advocating for environmental protection and other activities. Yet, sustainable efforts suffer from indulgent and towering consumption. Do sustainability labels really promote moral behavior or are they leading to outrageous outcomes? Rebound and moral licensing effects can be classified as unwanted negative consequences of moral behavior. This research shows to what extent these two effects can be a potential source of an ineffective sustainable policy in the clothing industry. This study uses a conjoint study to measure consumers’ willingness to pay and quantity purchase for three attributes: brand, style and sustainable label. Sustainable label attribute levels were identified as “emphasizing recycled materials”, “emphasizing efficiency in production and distribution” and “none”. We segmented consumers based on their clothing shopping habit. Sustainable label emphasizing efficiency in production and distribution increased the number of clothes consumers would consider buying and willingness to pay more than the one emphasizing the presence of recycled fibers in the product. Individuals seem to purchase larger quantities of sustainable-efficient produced garments because of their good purpose and pro sustainable fashion consumers show consistent behavior on their sustainable preferences. Thus, rebound effect occur in clothing industry but we did not find any proof of moral licensing effect

    Commercial Magnetic Liquids Effect on Human Organism

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    Tato prĂĄce se zabĂœvĂĄ moĆŸnĂœm vlivem magnetickĂœch kapalin na lidskĂœ organismus. ÚvodnĂ­ část obsahuje seznĂĄmenĂ­ s magnetickĂœmi kapalinami a seznamuje s obsahem i cĂ­li bakaláƙskĂ© prĂĄce. NĂĄsledujĂ­cĂ­ kapitola se zabĂœvĂĄ podrobnějĆĄĂ­m pƙedstavenĂ­m magnetickĂœch kapalin a jejich vlastnostĂ­. DalĆĄĂ­ kapitoly jsou věnovĂĄny vĂœrobcĆŻm a distributorĆŻm magnetickĂœch kapalin, cenovĂœm relacĂ­m a portfoliu kapalin dostupnĂœch na trhu. Na tyto kapitoly navazuje část prĂĄce zabĂœvajĂ­cĂ­ se moĆŸnĂœmi zdravotnĂ­mi riziky souvisejĂ­cĂ­mi se stykem člověka s těmito kapalinami, kterĂĄ současně obsahuje kritickĂ© hodnocenĂ­ aplikacĂ­ vyuĆŸĂ­vajĂ­cĂ­ch magnetickou kapalinu z hlediska moĆŸnosti kontaktu kapaliny s člověkem. ZĂĄroveƈ jsou zde uvedena hygienickĂĄ doporučenĂ­ pro prĂĄci s kapalinami.Katedra technologiĂ­ a měƙenĂ­ObhĂĄjenoMagnetic fluid, magnetorheological fluid, ferrofluid, health risk, biocompatibility, hyperthermia, thermoablation, protective clothing, hygienic measure

    Luxury products and services and the sustainable value chain: six management lessons from Gucci

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    This chapter investigates the case for the re-moralisation of the idea of luxury and thus for the re-moralisation of luxury products and services through a consideration of luxury products and services and the ‘sustainable value chain’, a concept that incorporates a company’s production system and its impact on its stakeholders from shareholders, customers and suppliers to local communities and national governments. Following a discussion of the idea of luxury and the nature of luxury products and services, the idea of sustainability is considered before the sustainable value chain is explored in the context of the production of luxury products and services. The sustainable practices of the Italian luxury brand Gucci are then explored and six management lessons derived from Gucci’s experience are outlined for all luxury businesses

    Does advertising appeal type make a difference? A new sustainable fashion product by a luxury and mainstream brand

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    Sustainability is not only at the forefront of the mainstream brands\u2018 agenda. Many luxury brands already engage in sustainability actions, either launching sustainable versions of their products or develop \u201cresponsible luxury\u201d strategies and policies. This chapter explores two types of advertising appeals for sustainable new products communications: those that deliver consumer benefit (i.e. self-benefit) and those that deliver societal benefit (i.e. others-benefit). Furthermore, this research investigates whether the advertising appeal types moderate the effect of brand types, namely mainstream versus luxury, on consumers\u2019 reactions toward new sustainable products. The results of the experiment indicate that consumers\u2019 purchase intention increases when a new sustainable product is produced by a mainstream brand rather than a luxury one when advertising communicates self-benefits. When the message is focused on \u201cothers-benefit\u201d instead of \u201cself-benefit\u201d, consumers\u2019 attitude toward a new sustainable product increases for a luxury brand. On the other hand, consumers\u2019 attitude toward a new sustainable product decreases when the message is \u201cothers-benefit\u201d for a mainstream brand