43 research outputs found

    Josef Müller - Josef Müller - Hope of The Reformkatholicism

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    Práce "Josef Müller - naděje reformního katolicismu" pojednává o významné osobě německého katolického modernismu Josefu Müllerovi. Práce obsahuje podrobný pohled na Müllerovu osobu, na jeho život a dílo. Další kapitoly anylyzují dějinné souvislosti doby, ve které Müller žil. Zvláště jsou zkoumány dějiny německy mluvících zemí. Detailně je zkoumána historie modernistického hnutí v Německu a církevní dějiny 2. pol. 19. století obecně. Přihlédnuto je i k časopisecké modernistické činnosti.The thesis "Josef Müller - Hope of The Reformkatholicism" deals with the significant person of the German Catholic modernism Josef Müller. The paper contains a detailed glance on the person of Müller, his life and work as well. Other chapters analyzes historical context of the period in which Muller lived. Especially, there are examined the history of German-speaking countries. There are also investigated the history of the modernist movement in Germany and the history of religions in a second half of the 19th century in details. Consideration has been also given to modernist journal activities.HTF - Katedra systematické teologie, teologické etiky a teologické filozofieHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult

    Krystyna ŻYWULSKA, Přežila jsem Osvětim, Praha 2021

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    Presentation of Slavic Stereotypes in the Publication »Nabarvené ptáče« (»Painted Bird«)

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    Hlavním cílem příspěvku je představit reprezentaci slovanských stereotypů v publikaci Jerzyho Kosińského Nabarvené ptáče. Slovanské stereotypy, které jsou součástí uvedeného uměleckého vyprávění, jsme rozdělili do šesti okruhů: 1) Nemoci a jejich léčba, 2) Kolik mi zbývá let?, 3) Zlí duchové, 4) Živly, 5) Koloběh přírody, 6) Křesťané versus židé. Každou oblast zastoupených stereotypů dokládáme citacemi z Kosińského narativu. Ačkoliv je daný román zařazován primárně mezi literární texty tematizující druhou světovou válku, netvoří válečný konflikt stěžejní dějovou linii příběhu, ale tvoří jakousi bázi, prostřednictvím které jsou rozvíjena obecně lidská témata, problematika multikulturality, multietnicity nebo rozdílného vnímání axiologických, morálních a etických hodnot a jejich postavení na hierarchickém žebříčku jedinců, a to prostřednictvím prezentace vybraných slovanských stereotypůThe main goal of the paper is to present the representation of Slavic stereotypes in the publication The Painted Bird by Jerzy Kosiński. Slavic stereotypes, which are part of the mentioned artistic narrative, are divided into six areas: 1) Diseases and their treatment, 2) How many years do I have left?, 3) Evil spirits, 4) Elements, 5) The cycle of nature, 6) Christians versus Jews. Each area of stereotypes is documented by quotations from the Kosiński ́s narrative. Although the novel is classified primarily as a literary text with the Second World War theme, the war conflict does not form themain storyline, but forms a basis through which to develop general human themes, multiculturalism, multiethnicity or different perceptions of axiological, moral and ethical values and their position on the hierarchical ladder of individuals, through the presentation of selected Slavic stereotypes

    Heating System in the Elementary School

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    Prohlubující část bakalářské práce obsahuje stručný úvod do problematiky volby zdroje tepelné energie pro vytápění a přípravu teplé vody. V práci jsou stručně popsány jednotlivé způsoby, jak zásobovat objekt teplem a za jakých podmínek.The deepening part of the bachelor thesis contains a brief introduction to the issue of choice of heat energy source for heating and hot water preparation. In the paper there are briefly described individual ways of supplying heat to the building, under what conditions the source is used

    Carbon tax in Czech Republic

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    This bachelor thesis deals with the concept of a carbon tax. It presents the theoretical work of the carbon tax, estimates of the tax rate, possible impacts on the economy and comparison of potential alternatives. The thesis presents evidence of climate change and lists international treaties and their emission obligations. In the second part, there is a discussion of the introduction of the carbon tax in the Czech Republic. The situation is compared with countries where carbon tax already exists. The thesis outlines economic instruments addressing this situation with a focus on the carbon tax and on estimating the benefits of its introduction in the form of additional state budget income. For the most likely outcome, the proposal of the Ministry of Finance, which describes the introduction of this tax and the tax statistics of 2018, is used.Cílem této bakalářské práce je odhadnout dodatečný daňový přínos ze zavedení uhlíkové daně v ČR. Práce předkládá důkazy o probíhající klimatické změně a uvádí mezinárodní smlouvy ustanovující emisní závazky z nich plynoucí. V druhé části je uvedena diskuze zavedení uhlíkové daně na území ČR a dále je pak situace porovnávána se zeměmi, kde uhlíková daň již v daňových systémech figuruje. Práce nastiňuje možné ekonomické nástroje řešící tuto situaci se zaměřením na uhlíkovou daň a na odhad přínosu z jejího zavedení v podobě dodatečného příjmu státního rozpočtu. Pro co nejpravděpodobnější výsledek je využito návrhu Ministerstva financí, který zavedení této daně popisuje a daňových statistik z roku 2018

    Radicals formation in supersonic plasma jet

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    Title: Creation of radicals in electric discharge supersonic plasma jet Author: Milan MaSat Department: Department of Surface and Plasma Science Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Milan Tichy, DrSc. Supervisor's e-mail address: [email protected] Abstract: Free radicals are the key intermediates and propagators of chemical reactions in Earth's atmosphere. Study of their structure and chemical properties is vital for understanding the processes in atmosphere. But their high reactivity brings the need for specific research methods. In-situ preparation and non-invasive detection and characterization techniques are needed. Most commonly used laboratory techniques such as photodissociation or electric discharge generate radicals at temperatures that are significantly higher then those under atmospheric conditions, which we intendto model. In this work, I was developing a source of cold radicals and experimental techniques for measuring their properties. 1 combined plasma source, which creates sufficient concentrations of radicals with supersonic expansion in which the translational and internal degrees of freedom are cooled deeply below the room temperature. For their characterization I used high-resolution spectroscopy utilizing near infrared laser diodes. I also developed and built electronic circuits and software..

    Charakterizace supersonického radikálového zdroje

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    Experimental setup for spectroscopic measurements of molecular radicals at low temperatures is presented. Radicals are created in a DC discharge and cooled by supersonic expansion. Absorption spectroscopy in the near IR region is used to probe the neutral transient species formed in the discharge, using tuneable extended cavity diode lasers. Initial characteristics of the radical source are presented; discharge current-voltage characterization, molecular OH radical concentrations and temperature were measured

    Alternative estimators for ARMA-GARCH models

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    GARCH models are used to describe the volatility of time series. GARCH processes are usually estimated by maximum likelihood or by maximum quasi-likelihood method. However, as these methods require knowledge of the distribution of the innovations or the existence of their fourth moment, they are not always suitable. Several alternative methods that could be an appropriate alternative to classical estimators are described in this thesis. Those estimators are: least squares estimators, weighted Lp estimators and least absolute deviations estimator with logarithmic transformation. These estimators are compared in a simulation study for various settings. A real data application is provided as well.

    Worker's procedures whilst carrying out social inquiries

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    This Bachelor's thesis attends to the procedures of social workers from the Labour Office of the Czech Republic when carrying out social inquiries (investigations) of non-insurance social and welfare benefits. The non-insurance social and welfare benefits, for which the inquiry is carried out, represents care allowance and financial hardship. The aim of the Bachelor's thesis is to map social inquiries carried out by employees of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic. In order to ascertain the goals, research questions were used, which focused on the job centre's employees' procedures that are applied when carrying out social inquiries in the area of non-insurance social and welfare benefits. Another research question asked about the differences in social inquiries in the areas of individual non-insurance social and welfare benefits. The theoretical part is divided into seven chapters. The first chapter attends to definitions, aims and methods of social work. The second chapter attends to providing insights into a social worker's work content, its characteristics and competences. The next chapter deals with basic findings about the Labour Office of the Czech Republic. The following chapter includes information about a subsistence and existential minimum. The fifth chapter closer introduces the issue of the system of benefits under financial hardship and its distribution to individual allowances. The sixth chapter concerns care benefits and the last chapter characterises social inquiries, its specifics and content. For processing the empirical part of the Bachelor's thesis qualitative research was chosen. The method used for data collection was the questioning method, the technique of a semi-structured interview. The interviews were held with eight social workers from one branch of the Labour Office of the Czech Republic. A closer specific was the uniform allocation of communicating partners between care benefit allowance and benefits provided under financial hardship. The acquired data was processed into individual clusters in order to make them more transparent. The research provided information on what documents employees abided by when carrying out social inquiries. Furthermore, the individual benefits provided under financial hardship and care benefits were compared. The empirical part describes how employees felt during the process, opinions on social inquiries and incentives for improving the methodology of the benefit system. The results of this work can be of help to students and other parties that take an interest in this issue. The work can also provide inspiration to individual specialists from the area of non-insurance social benefits at the Labour Office