11 research outputs found

    Hypersensitivity reaction after intravenous administration of meloxicam in dogs - case report

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    ABSTRACT Although rarely reported in veterinary medicine, this article shows three cases of dogs that presented anaphylactic reactions after intravenous administration of meloxicam at therapeutic doses. Three dogs of different breeds and ages were submitted to anesthesia for surgical procedures of ovariohysterectomy and repair of patellar luxation. The animals were classified as ASA I and did not present changes in clinical and laboratory tests. All dogs were anesthetized and monitored by anesthesiologists, with careful multiparametric evaluation. Near the end of the procedures, meloxicam was administered intravenously in all dogs, and the drug used had the same commercial presentation and concentration, but with different lot numbers and with different months. For less than a minute, the animals showed significant hypotension, with pressure values close to 30 mmHg or inaudible by Doppler. The animals had no skin signs, only hypotension and a decrease in heart rate in one of them. All dogs were immediately treated with intravenous ephedrine and atropine in the bradycardic patient. After the emergency treatment, the dogs showed stabilized vital signs, with no complications or need for additional intervention. After the event, the three dogs showed no signs of clinical, behavioral or laboratory changes

    ‘No memory, no desire’: psychoanalysis in Brazil during repressive times

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    Until recently, the growth and significance of Brazilian psychoanalysis has been neglected in histories of psychoanalysis. Not only is this history long and rich in its professional and cultural dimensions, but there was an especially important ‘event’ – the so-called ‘Cabernite-Lobo affair’ – that took place during the period of the military dictatorship, which can be seen as dramatising some of the issues concerning the erasure of memory in psychoanalysis, especially in connection with political difficulties. In this paper, we provide an outline of the origins and dissemination of psychoanalysis in Brazil before looking again at the Cabernite-Lobo affair in order to examine in a situated way how psychoanalysis engages with political extremism, and particularly to explore the consequences of an unthinking generalisation of the idea of ‘neutrality’ from the consulting room to the institutional setting. We draw especially on Brazilian papers in Portuguese, which have not been accessible in the English-language psychoanalytic literature

    Factors Associated With Smoking In The Elderly: A Health Survey In São Paulo (isa-sp) [fatores Associados Ao Tabagismo Em Idosos: Inquérito De Saúde No Estado De São Paulo (isa-sp)]

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    This article reports on smoking prevalence and associated factors in the elderly, based on a population-based cross-sectional study with multistage sampling including 1,954 individuals 60 years or older living in four areas of São Paulo State, Brazil. Overall smoking prevalence was 12.2%, and higher rates were associated with male gender, age 60-69 years, not belonging to an Evangelical church, lower income, low body weight, lack of leisure-time physical activity, depression/anxiety, and hypertension. There was a high prevalence of smokers among individuals with a history of stroke, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The results point to the need for effective interventions in healthcare services to promote smoking cessation among the elderly, since many are unable to stop on their own, even when they have tobacco-related illnesses. Special attention should be paid to individuals that depend on the National Health System, since smoking prevalence is higher in underprivileged socioeconomic groups.283583595Doolan, D.M., Froelicher, E.S., Smoking cessation interventions and older adults (2008) Prog Cardiovasc Nurs, 23, pp. 119-127Kaczynski, A.T., Manske, S.R., Mannell, R.C., Grewal, K., Smoking and physical activity: A systematic review (2008) Am J Health Behav, 32, pp. 93-110Oliveira, A.F., Valente, J.G., Leite, I.C., Aspectos da mortalidade atribuível ao tabaco: Revisão sistemática (2008) Rev Saúde Pública, 42, pp. 335-345(2003) Programa Nacional De Controle Do Tabagismo E Outros Fatores De Risco De Câncer: Modelo Lógico E Avaliação, , Instituto Nacional de Câncer, Rio de Janeiro: Instituto Nacional de CâncerMeneses-Gaya, I.C., Zuardi, A.W., Loureiro, S.R., Crippa, J.A.S., As propriedades psicométricas do Teste de Fagerström para Dependência de Nicotina (2009) J Bras Pneumol, 35, pp. 73-82(2007) Saúde Nas Américas: 2007, , Organização Pan-Americana da Saúde, Washington DC: Organização Pan-Americana da SaúdeReport on the Global Tobacco Epidemic 2008: The MPOWER Package, p. 2008. , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health OrganizationAnand, P., Kunnumakkara, A.B., Sundaram, C., Harikumar, K.B., Tharakan, S.T., Lai, O.S., Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes (2008) Pharm Res, 25, pp. 2097-2116Statespecific smoking-attributable mortality and years of potential life lost: United States, 2000-2004 (2009) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 58, pp. 29-33. , Centers for Disease Control and PreventionKenney, B.A., Holahan, C.J., Holahan, C.K., Brennan, P.L., Schutte, K.K., Moos, R.H., Depressive symptoms, drinking problems, and smoking cessation in older smokers (2009) Addict Behav, 34, pp. 548-553Peixoto, S.V., Firmo, J.O.A., Lima-Costa, M.F., Condições de saúde e tabagismo entre idosos residentes em duas comunidades brasileiras (Projetos Bambuí e Belo Horizonte) (2006) Cad Saúde Pública, 22, pp. 1925-1934Sachs-Ericsson, N., Schmidt, N.B., Zvolensky, M.J., Mitchell, M., Collins, N., Blazer, D.G., Smoking cessation behavior in older adults by race and gender: The role of health problems and psychological distress (2009) Nicotine Tob Res, 11, pp. 433-443Galán, I., Rodriguez-Artalejo, F., Tobías, A., Díez-Gañán, L., Gandarilhas, A., Zorrilla, B., Agregación de factores de riesgo ligados al comportamiento y su relación con la salud subjetiva (2005) Gac Sanit, 19, pp. 1-9Gómez-Gutiérrez, L.F., Lucumí-Cuesta, D.I., Girón-Vargas, S.L., Espinosa-García, G., Conglomeración de factores de riesgo de comportamiento asociados a enfermedades crónicas en adultos jóvenes de dos localidades de Bogotá, Colombia: Importancia de las diferencias de género (2004) Rev Esp Salud Pública, 78, pp. 493-504Berto, S.J.P., Carvalhaes, M.A.B.L., Moura, E.C., Tabagismo associado a outros fatores comportamentais de risco de doenças e agravos crônicos não transmissíveis (2010) Cad Saúde Pública, 26, pp. 1573-1582Peixoto, S.V., Firmo, J.O.A., Lima-Costa, M.F., Factors associated to smoking habit among older adults (The Bambuí Health and Aging Study) (2005) Rev Saúde Pública, 39, pp. 746-753Carvalho, J.A.M., Garcia, R.A., O envelhecimento da população brasileira: Um enfoque demográfico (2003) Cad Saúde Pública, 19, pp. 725-733Veras, R., Envelhecimento populacional contemporâneo: Demandas, desafios e inovações (2009) Rev Saúde Pública, 43, pp. 548-554Araújo, A.J., Menezes, A.M.B., Dórea, A.J.P.S., Torres, B.S., Viegas, C.A.A., Silva, C.A.R., Diretrizes para cessação do tabagismo (2004) J Bras Pneumol, 30 (SUPPL. 2), pp. 2-76César, C.L.G., Carandina, L., Alves, M.C.P., Barros, M.B.A., Goldbaum, M., (2005) Organizadores. Saúde E Condição De Vida Em São Paulo: Inquérito Multicêntrico De Saúde No Estado De São Paulo - ISA/SP, , São Paulo: Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São PauloAlves, M.C.G.P., Plano de amostragem (2005) Saúde E Condição De Vida Em São Paulo: Inquérito Multicêntrico De Saúde No Estado De São Paulo - ISA/SP, pp. 47-62. , César CLG, Carandina L, Alves MCP, Barros MBA, Goldbaum M, organizadores, São Paulo: Faculdade de Saúde Pública, Universidade de São PauloFisberg, R.M., Slater, B., Barros, R.R., Lima, F.D., César, C.L.G., Carandina, L., Índice de qualidade da dieta: Avaliação da adaptação e aplicabilidade (2004) Rev Nutr, 17, pp. 301-308Bisson, J., Nadeau, L., Demers, A., The validity of the CAGE scale to screen for heavy drinking and drinking problem in a general population survey (1999) Addiction, 94, pp. 715-722Matsudo, S., Araújo, T., Matsudo, V., Andrade, D., Andrade, E., Oliveira, L.C., Questionário Internacional de Atividade Física (IPAQ): Estudo de validade e reprodutibilidade no Brasil (2001) Rev Bras Ativ Fís Saúde, 6, pp. 5-18(1994) A User's Guide to The Self Reporting Questionnaire, , World Health Organization, Geneva: World Health OrganizationCervi, A., Franceschni, S.C.C., Priore, S.E., Análise crítica do uso do índice de massa corporal para idosos (2005) Rev Nutr, 18, pp. 765-775Barros, A.J., Hirakata, V.N., Alternatives for logistic regression in cross-sectional studies: An empirical comparison of models that directly estimate the prevalence ratio (2003) BMC Med Res Methodol, 3, p. 21Paskulin, L.M.G., Vianna, L.A.C., Perfil sociodemográfico e condições de saúde auto-referidas de idosos de Porto Alegre (2007) Rev Saúde Pública, 41, pp. 757-768Lima-Costa, M.F., A escolaridade afeta, igualmente, comportamentos prejudiciais à saúde de idosos e adultos mais jovens? Inquérito de Saúde da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brasil (2004) Epidemiol Serv Saúde, 13, pp. 201-208(2008) Rio De Janeiro: Instituto Brasileiro De Geografia E Estatística2009, , Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística. Pesquisa Nacional do Tabagismo - Petab, (Suplemento Saúde da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicíliosPereira, J.C., Barreto, S.M., Passos, V.M.A., O perfil de saúde cardiovascular dos idosos brasileiros precisa melhorar: Estudo de base populacional (2008) Arq Bras Cardiol, 91, pp. 1-10Szwarcwald, C.L., Viacava, F., Vasconcellos, M.T.L., Leal, M.C., Azevedo, L.O., Queiroz, R.S.B., Pesquisa Mundial de Saúde 2003: O Brasil em números (2004) RADIS Comunicação Em Saúde, 23, pp. 14-33Marinho, V., Blay, S.L., Andreoli, S.B., Gastal, F., A prevalence study of current tobacco smoking in later life community and its association with sociodemographic factors, physical health and mental health status (2008) Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol, 43, pp. 490-497Carvalhaes, M.A.B.L., Moura, E.C., Monteiro, C.A., Prevalência de fatores de risco para doenças crônicas: Inquérito populacional mediante entrevistas telefônicas em Botucatu, São Paulo, 2004 (2008) Rev Bras Epidemiol, 11, pp. 14-23Cigarette smoking among adults: United States, 2007 (2008) MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 57, pp. 1221-1226. , Centers for Disease Control and PreventionMoura, E.C., Silva, S.A., Malta, D.C., Morais, N.O.L., Fatores de risco e proteção para doenças crônicas: Vigilância por meio de inquérito telefônico, VIGITEL, Brasil, 2007 (2011) Cad Saúde Pública, 27, pp. 486-496Menezes, A.M., Lopez, M., Hallal, P.C., Muino, A., Perez-Padilla, R., Jardim, J., Prevalence of smoking and incidence of initiation in the Latin American adult population: The PLATINO study (2009) BMC Public Health, 9, p. 151Rosemberg, J., Rosemberg, A.M.A., Moraes, M.A., (2003) Nicotina: Droga Universal, , São Paulo: Centro de Vigilância Epidemiologia, Secretaria de Estado da Saúde de São PauloSouza, A.A.F., Barros, M.B.A., Tabagismo (2008) As Dimensões Da Saúde: Inquérito Populacional Em Campinas, pp. 80-99. , Barros MBA, César CLG, Carandina L, Goldbaum M, organizadores, São Paulo: Editora HucitecDrum, M.L., Shiovitz-Ezra, S., Gaumer, E., Lindau, S.T., Assessment of smoking behaviors and alcohol use in the national social life, health, and aging project (2009) J Gerontol B Psychol Sci Soc Sci, 64 (SUPPL. 1), pp. i119-i130Borges, M.T.T., Barbosa, R.H.S., As marcas de gênero no fumar feminino: Uma aproximação sociológica do tabagismo em mulheres (2009) Ciênc Saúde Coletiva, 14, pp. 1129-1139Santos, S.R., Gonçalves, M.S., Leitão, F.F., Sergio, S., Jardim, J.R., Perfil dos fumantes que procuram um centro de cessação de tabagismo (2008) J Bras Pneumol, 34, pp. 695-701Marcopito, L.F., Coutinho, A.P., Valencich, D.M.O., Moraes, M.A., Brumini, R., Ribeiro, S.A., Exposição ao tabagismo e atitudes: Comparação entre inquéritos realizados na população adulta do Município de São Paulo em 1987 e 2002 (2007) Arq Bras Cardiol, 89, pp. 333-340Halty, L.S., Hüttner, M.D., Oliveira, N.I., Fenker, T., Pasqualini, T., Lempek, B., Pesquisa sobre tabagismo entre médicos de Rio Grande, RS: Prevalência e perfil do fumante (2002) J Pneumol, 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    Anestesia geral inalatória ou total intravenosa associada à anestesia subaracnoidea, em ovinos

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    Avaliou-se a eficácia e a segurança anestésica em ovinos mantidos sob anestesia geral inalatória com isofluorano ou anestesia total intravenosa com propofol, ambas associadas à anestesia subaracnoidea. Quatorze ovinos foram pré-medicados com 0,3mg.kg-1 de morfina IM, e cinco minutos após, receberam 20mcg.kg-1 de detomidina IV. Posteriormente, foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos: GISO (n=7), os quais foram induzidos à anestesia geral com 0,5mg.kg-1 de diazepam e 5mg.kg-1 de cetamina IV, e mantidos em anestesia geral inalatória com isoflurano diluído em oxigênio a 100%; e GPRO (n=7), induzidos com 4mg.kg-1 de propofol IV seguido inicialmente de infusão contínua na taxa de 0,3mg.kg-1.min-1. Para realização da osteotomia bilateral, todos os animais receberam 0,5mg.kg-1 de ropivacaína 0,75% associado a 0,1mg.kg-1 de morfina pela via subaracnoidea. Houve redução de 40% nos valores médios de frequência cardíaca após sedação em ambos os grupos, permanecendo em média 23% reduzida até o final da avaliação. A pressão arterial média aumentou 16%, após a indução anestésica no GISO, mas se reduziu até o final do procedimento, assim como no GPRO. A EtISO média foi de 0,57V% e a taxa média de infusão do propofol foi de 0,24mg.kg-1.min-1. Os tempos totais de cirurgia, anestesia e extubação foram de 66±9,8, 92±13,8 e 7,0±1,5 minutos no GISO e 56±2,4, 82,9±4,6 e 5,4±1,5 minutos no GPRO, não havendo diferença significativa entre grupos. A manutenção anestésica com isoflurano ou propofol promoveu plano anestésico similar com mínimos efeitos cardiovasculares ou hemogasométricos, que são bem tolerados em ovinos hígidos

    Cartogenina associada à microperfuração do osso subcondral na reparação da cartilagem articular em equinos

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    RESUMO A reconstituição da cartilagem articular danificada por doenças de desenvolvimento, trauma e osteoartrite tem sido um grande desafio na veterinária. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o uso da cartogenina, uma molécula capaz de induzir diferenciação de células mesenquimais em condrócitos, associado ou não à técnica de microfratura na reparação de defeitos condrais induzidos na tróclea femoral de equinos. Foram utilizados seis equinos pesando em média (±DP) 342±1,58kg, com idade de 7,2±1,30 anos e escore corporal de 7,1±0,75, os quais foram submetidos à videoartroscopia para indução da lesão condral de 1cm2 na tróclea lateral do fêmur e à realização da técnica de microperfuração do osso subcondral de ambos os joelhos. Foram realizadas quatro aplicações semanais com 20µM de cartogenina intra-articular em um dos joelhos (grupo tratado) e solução de ringer com lactato na articulação contralateral (grupo controle). Os animais foram submetidos a avaliações física, radiográfica, ultrassonográfica, por um período de 60 dias. Não houve qualquer diferença estatística entre as articulações tratadas e as controle. A terapia com cartogenina, segundo protocolo utilizado, não produziu melhora clínica em lesões osteocondrais induzidas e tratadas com microperfurações na tróclea lateral do fêmur em equinos

    Individual variation is the key to the development of a vaccine against Staphylococcus aureus: a comparative study between mice lineages

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    Bacterial infections occur worldwide and are a major public health problem. Among pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus is the main causative agent of bacterial diseases in the world. This study aimed to evaluate which components of the immune system could act protectively against a S. aureus infection in intradermally immunized mice. C57BL/6 and A/j mice were immunized intradermally with S. aureus inactivated by heat and then challenged with viable strains in an air pouch model. At 6, 12, and 24 h after the challenge, euthanasia was performed, and the cellular profile of the inflammatory infiltrate, cytokines, and the bacterial load were evaluated in the air pouch lavages. Immunized mice demonstrated that the intradermal immunization with S. aureus promoted protection in C57BL/6 mice by reducing the bacterial, which was correlated with increased serum concentration of IgG antibodies (IgG1 and IgG2a) against S. aureus. The increase in IgG2a antibody levels was correlated with a decrease of bacterial load in intradermally immunized C57BL/6 mice, along with production of IL-17A at the inflammation site, as well as IgG1consumption. Similar results were not found in the A/j lineage. In conclusion, a vaccine against S. aureus should focus more on the individual characteristics of the host because it is a determinant factor for the success of the immunization

    Kartogenin associated to micro of the subchondral bone in the joint cartilage repair in horses

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    <p></p><p>ABSTRACT Articular cartilage reconstruction is still a challenge in Veterinary Medicine. The aim was to evaluate the therapeutic effects of kartogenin, a small molecule that promotes chondrocyte differentiation, in the repair of induced chondral defects pretreated with subchondral drilling. Six horses with a mean (± SD) weight of 342 ± 1.58Kg, aging 7.2 ± 1.30 years, and with a mean 7.1 ± 0.75 body score condition were used. In both stifles, a 1cm2 chondral defect was induced in the lateral femoral trochlea followed by treatment with subchondral drilling. Four intra-articular injections with kartogenin (20mM) were performed weekly in one stifle (treated group). The same procedure using saline solution was performed in the contralateral joint (control group). Clinical, radiographic, ultrasound evaluations were performed for a period of 60 days. No statistical differences were detected between groups in any of the studied variables. Although kartogenin has shown to improve articular cartilage repair in laboratory animal models, the same was not observed in this equine model. In conclusion, the kartogenin therapy, according to the used protocol, did not promote any clinical benefit in equine femoral trochlear defects pretreated with subcondral drilling.</p><p></p

    Educational level, socio-economic status and relationship with quality of life in elderly residents of the city of Porto Alegre/RS, Brazil

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    The objective of this study was to verify the index of quality of life of elderly individuals belonging to groups, from different socioeconomic strata in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul State. The research adopted a transversal model, used to collect data from the SF-36 questionnaire. The sampling is the intentional type and comprised: 61 elderly people in Class A, 80 in Class C, and 84 in Class E. The research was approved by the Committee of Ethics in Research/UFRGS. In relation to the quality of life, Class A presented higher scores than did Classes C and E on the pain, vitality, social aspect and mental health areas. The results also showed a significant difference in quality of life among university educated individuals versus the other schooling groups, on the pain, vitality, mental health and social aspect fields. Quality of life is a complex concept to study, but essential to improve the perception of health and welfare by the elderly.<br>O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar o índice de qualidade de vida de idosos participantes de grupos de convivência, de diferentes estratos socioeconômicos do município de Porto Alegre/RS. A pesquisa seguiu um modelo de estudo transversal e utilizou para coleta de dados o questionário SF-36. A amostragem foi do tipo intencional e foi composta por: 61 idosos na classe A, 80 na classe C e de 84 na classe E. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFRGS. Em relação à qualidade de vida, a classe A apresentou escores melhores que a classe C e E nos domínios dor, vitalidade, aspecto social e saúde mental. Houve diferença significativa de qualidade de vida no ensino superior completo, em relação aos demais estratos de escolaridade, nos domínios dor, vitalidade, saúde mental e aspecto social. A qualidade de vida é um conceito complexo de ser estudado, mas essencial para que haja melhora na percepção de saúde e do bem-estar pelos idosos

    Brazilian Flora 2020: Leveraging the power of a collaborative scientific network

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    International audienceThe shortage of reliable primary taxonomic data limits the description of biological taxa and the understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes, complicating biogeographical, ecological, and evolutionary studies. This deficit creates a significant taxonomic impediment to biodiversity research and conservation planning. The taxonomic impediment and the biodiversity crisis are widely recognized, highlighting the urgent need for reliable taxonomic data. Over the past decade, numerous countries worldwide have devoted considerable effort to Target 1 of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), which called for the preparation of a working list of all known plant species by 2010 and an online world Flora by 2020. Brazil is a megadiverse country, home to more of the world's known plant species than any other country. Despite that, Flora Brasiliensis, concluded in 1906, was the last comprehensive treatment of the Brazilian flora. The lack of accurate estimates of the number of species of algae, fungi, and plants occurring in Brazil contributes to the prevailing taxonomic impediment and delays progress towards the GSPC targets. Over the past 12 years, a legion of taxonomists motivated to meet Target 1 of the GSPC, worked together to gather and integrate knowledge on the algal, plant, and fungal diversity of Brazil. Overall, a team of about 980 taxonomists joined efforts in a highly collaborative project that used cybertaxonomy to prepare an updated Flora of Brazil, showing the power of scientific collaboration to reach ambitious goals. This paper presents an overview of the Brazilian Flora 2020 and provides taxonomic and spatial updates on the algae, fungi, and plants found in one of the world's most biodiverse countries. We further identify collection gaps and summarize future goals that extend beyond 2020. Our results show that Brazil is home to 46,975 native species of algae, fungi, and plants, of which 19,669 are endemic to the country. The data compiled to date suggests that the Atlantic Rainforest might be the most diverse Brazilian domain for all plant groups except gymnosperms, which are most diverse in the Amazon. However, scientific knowledge of Brazilian diversity is still unequally distributed, with the Atlantic Rainforest and the Cerrado being the most intensively sampled and studied biomes in the country. In times of “scientific reductionism”, with botanical and mycological sciences suffering pervasive depreciation in recent decades, the first online Flora of Brazil 2020 significantly enhanced the quality and quantity of taxonomic data available for algae, fungi, and plants from Brazil. This project also made all the information freely available online, providing a firm foundation for future research and for the management, conservation, and sustainable use of the Brazilian funga and flora