23 research outputs found

    Biochemical analysis on blood and crop contents of household chickens along with their production and health status in Bangladesh

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    This study aimed to assess the biochemical parameters of household chickens at crop and blood levels and measure the body weight. For this purpose, 350 Deshi (local) and 27 Fayoumi day old chicks were reared in 2 separate brooders within a house for 15 days. Body weight, serum total protein and calcium levels of these chicks were evaluated on day 0 and 15. After control house trial, birds were distributed among the selected households. Again, body weights and certain biochemical parameters were assessed from randomly selected birds at 60, 120 and 180 days of age. Fayoumi birds gained higher weight (P<0.001) than at control trial, whereas Deshi birds attained better weight (P<0.001) at household. Crop contents were dominated by carbohydrate. The level of crude proteins and calcium in crop contents increased along with age regardless of bird types. The average phosphorous in the crop contents was 0.3% (60 days), 2.6% (120) and 0.7% (180) regardless of bird types. Both serum total protein (P<0.05) and calcium (P<0.05) were significantly difference in between bird types at control house study. In conclusion, Deshi birds attained higher weight at household. The crude protein was below standard. Calcium and Phosphorous levels in the crop contents varied with ages, regardless of bird types. \ua9 2012 PVJ

    Frequency, diversity, and productivity study on the Aedes aegypti most preferred containers in the City of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

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    The most preferred containers by Aedes aegypti were studied April and July (rainy and dry periods) in two Manaus neighbourhoods. In all, 2,700 premises and 13,912 containers were examined, most (87%) recorded outdoors. Out of the 13,100 inspected premises, only 1.6% showed to be positive for Aedes aegypti, summing up to 7,916 collected samples. Most frequently found containers outdoors in either neighbourhood regardless of rain or dry period were Bottles flasks and Storage, and indoors, Fixed, Flowerpots, and buckets. Productivity was estimated according to the number of premises and positive containers investigated, showing the actual container groups productivity. Considering both rainy and dry periods outdoors at Praça 14 the groups of Tyre, Flask, Bottle, Construction Equipment and Fixed, had the highest averages respectively. Construction Equipment and Flask groups were the most productive in Coroado in April. Flask, Construction Equipment and Storage groups stood out in July


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    Anggit Margaret, C9407031 2011. Profil Wisatawan Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan Wisata Fakultas Sastra Dan Seni Rupa Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. Penelitian tugas akhir ini mengkaji tentang Profil Wisatawan di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dari daerah mana saja wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka, bagaimana ciri-ciri wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka serta harapan-harapan yang diinginkan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui wawancara dengan narasumber wisatawan yang berkujung di Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta tempat penulis melakukan penelitian, serta studi pustaka dan studi dokumen guna menambah sumber data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang berasal dari Semarang sebesar 32%. (2) Mayoritas wisatawan yang berkunjung ke Museum Radya Pustaka berusia antara 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah pelajar atau mahasiswa dengan prosentase 52%. (3) Sebagian besar wisatawan yang datang ke Museum Radya Pustaka adalah bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian yaitu sebesar 34%. (4) Harapan wisatawan yang berkunjung terhadap kelangsungan Museum Radya Pustaka sebagian besar adalah agar ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum, agar kejadian hilangnya benda-benda koleksi museum tidak terulang lagi dikemudian hari. Kesimpulan dari hasil penelitian ini bahwa wisatawan yang berkujung ke Museum Radya Pustaka Surakarta mayoritas berasal dari Semarang, mayoritas berusia 17-25 tahun dan kebanyakan dari mereka adalah berprofesi sebagai pelajar dan mahasiswa. Kebanyakan wisatawan yang datang bertujuan untuk melakukan penelitian, serta harapan wisatawan terhadap Museum Radya Pustaka adalah supaya lebih ditingkatkan lagi pengelolaan dan keamanan museum