498 research outputs found

    Purple dwarfs : New L subdwarfs from UKIDSS and SDSS

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.The first L subdwarf was a discovered only ten years ago. Less than ten L subdwarfs been published in the literature to date. Metal-poor ultracool atmospheres has not been well understood. Halo mass function cross substellar limit has not been measured. We used UKIDSS and SDSS to search for L subdwarfs. We have confirmed some new L subdwarfs and are following up more candidates with ground based large telescopes. We discussed spectral features of L subdwarfs and halo brown dwarfs

    3D Printing of a Polymer Bioactive Glass Composite for Bone Repair

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    A major limitation of synthetic bone repair is insufficient vascularization of the interior region of the scaffold. In this study, we investigated the 3D printing of adipose derived mesenchymal stem cells (AD-MSCs) with polycaprolactone (PCL)/bioactive glass composite in a single process. This offered a three-dimensional environment for complex and dynamic interactions that govern the cell’s behavior in vivo. Borate based bioactive (13-93B3) glass of different concentrations (10 to 50 weight %) was added to a mixture of PCL and organic solvent to make an extrudable paste. AD-MSCs suspended in Matrigel was extruded as droplets using a second syringe. Scaffolds measuring 10x10x1 mm3 in overall dimensions with a filament width of ~500 μm and pore sizes ranging from 100 to 200 μm were fabricated. Strut formability dependence on paste viscosity, scaffold integrity, and printing parameters for droplets of ADMSCs suspended in Matrigel were investigated

    Highly unusual triangular crystals of theophylline: The influence of solvent on the growth rates of polar crystal faces

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    A noteworthy feature of the compound theophylline is that it forms crystals with a triangular habit, an extremely rare phenomenon for an organic molecule. Here, we investigate the formation of these crystals, comprised of the polymorph Form II (Pna21), and demonstrate that the triangles are obtained from solvents which are highly hydrophobic, or which have a hydrogen bond acceptor group and no hydrogen bond donor group. The formation of the triangular crystal habit is rationalized on the basis of the way such solvents interact with the inequivalent (001) and (00-1) polar crystal faces of Form II. Interactions are significantly stronger at one face than the other, inhibiting growth in one direction and limiting crystal growth to a single, triangle shaped, growth sector. This rationalization also enabled interesting surface features observed by atomic force microscopy to be interpreted. Furthermore, we report a second, previously unreported, type of triangular crystal of theophylline for which the angle at the tip of the triangle is obtuse rather than acute. These crystals are proposed, with the aid of transmission electron microscopy and crystal structure prediction, to be a new polymorphic form of theophyllin

    Superscaling analysis of the Coulomb Sum Rule in quasielastic electron-nucleus scattering

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    The Coulomb sum rule for inclusive quasielastic electron scattering in 12^{12}C, 40^{40}Ca and 56^{56}Fe is analyzed based on scaling and superscaling properties. Results obtained in the relativistic impulse approximation with various descriptions of the final state interactions are shown. A comparison with experimental data measured at Bates and Saclay is provided. The theoretical description based on strong scalar and vector terms present in the relativistic mean field, which has been shown to reproduce the experimental asymmetric superscaling function, leads to results that are in fair agreement with Bates data while it sizeably overestimates Saclay data. We find that the Coulomb sum rule for a momentum transfer q500q\geq 500 MeV/cMeV/c saturates to a value close to 0.9, being very similar for the three nuclear systems considered. This is in accordance with Bates data, which indicates that these show no significative quenching in the longitudinal response.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures. To be published in Phys. Lett.

    Benchmark low-mass objects in Moving Groups

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    This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 2.0, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.In order to compile a sample of ultracool dwarfs that will serve as benchmarks for testing theoretical formation and evolutionary models, we selected low-mass cool (>M7) objects that are potentially members of five known young Moving Groups in the solar neighbourhood. We have studied the kinematics of the sample, finding that 49 targets belong to the young disk area, from which 36 are kinematic member of one of the five moving groups under study. Some of the identified low-mass members have been spectroscopically characterised (T-eff, log g) and confirmed as young members through a detailed study of age indicators

    Fluorapophyllite-(Cs), CsCa₄(Si₈O₂₀)F(H₂O)₈, a new apophyllite-group mineral from the Darai-Pioz Massif, Tien-Shan, Northern Tajikistan

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    Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) (IMA 2018-108a), ideally CsCa4(Si8O20)F(H2O)(8), is an apophyllite-group mineral from the moraine of the Darai-Pioz glacier, Tien-Shan, Northern Tajikistan. Associated minerals are quartz, pectolite, baratovite, aegirine, leucosphenite, pyrochlore, neptunite, fluorapophyllite-(K), and reedmergnerite. Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is a hydrothermal mineral. It is colorless and has a vitreous luster and a white streak. Cleavage is perfect; it is brittle and has a stepped fracture. Mohs hardness is 4.5-5. D-meas. = 2.54(2) g/cm(3), D-calc. = 2.513 g/cm(3). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is unixial (+) with refractive indices (lambda = 589 nm) omega = 1.540(2), epsilon = 1.544(2). It is non-pleochroic. Chemical analysis by electron microprobe gave SiO2 48.78, Al2O3 0.05, CaO 22.69, Cs2O 10.71, K2O 1.13, Na2O 0.04, F 1.86, H2Ocalc. 14.61, -O=F2 -0.78, sum 99.09 wt.%; H2O was calculated from crystal-structure analysis. The empirical formula based on 29 (O + F) apfu, H2O = 8 pfu, is (Cs0.75K0.24)Sigma(0.99)(Ca3.99Na0.01)Sigma(4)(Si8.01Al0.01)Sigma 8.02O20.03F0.97(H2O)8, Z = 2. The simplified formula is (Cs,K)(Ca,Na)(4)(Si,Al) 8 O20F(H2O)(8). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is tetragonal, space group P4/mnc, a 9.060(6), c 15.741(11) angstrom, V 1292.10(19) angstrom(3). The crystal structure has been refined to R-1 = 4.31% based on 498 unique (F-o > 4 sigma F) reflections. In the crystal structure of fluorapophyllite-(Cs), there is one [4] T site occupied solely by Si,,T-O. = 1.615 angstrom. SiO4 tetrahedra link to form a (Si8O20)(8-)sheet perpendicular to [001]. Between the Si-O sheets, there are two cation sites: A and B. The A site is coordinated by eight H2O groups [O(4) site], A-O(4) = 3.152(4) angstrom; the A site contains Cs(0.75)K(0.24)A(0.01 square 0.01), ideally Cs apfu. The Cs-O bond length of 3.152 angstrom is definitely larger than the K-O bond length of 2.966-2.971 angstrom in fluorapophyllite-(K), KCa4(Si8O20)F(H2O)8. The [7]B site contains Ca3.99Na0.01, ideally Ca-4 apfu; < B-phi > = 2.417 angstrom (phi = O, F, H2O). The Si-O sheets connect via A and B polyhedra and hydrogen bonding; two H atoms have been included in the refinement. Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is isostructural with fluorapophyllite-(K). Fluorapophyllite-(Cs) is a Cs-analogue of fluorapophyllite-(K)

    Probing chemical space with alkaloid-inspired libraries

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    Screening of small-molecule libraries is an important aspect of probe and drug discovery science. Numerous authors have suggested that bioactive natural products are attractive starting points for such libraries because of their structural complexity and sp 3 -rich character. Here, we describe the construction of a screening library based on representative members of four families of biologically active alkaloids (Stemonaceae, the structurally related cyclindricine and lepadiformine families, lupin and Amaryllidaceae). In each case, scaffolds were based on structures of the naturally occurring compounds or a close derivative. Scaffold preparation was pursued following the development of appropriate enabling chemical methods. Diversification provided 686 new compounds suitable for screening. The libraries thus prepared had structural characteristics, including sp 3 content, comparable to a basis set of representative natural products and were highly rule-of-five compliant

    An MPEG-7 scheme for semantic content modelling and filtering of digital video

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    Abstract Part 5 of the MPEG-7 standard specifies Multimedia Description Schemes (MDS); that is, the format multimedia content models should conform to in order to ensure interoperability across multiple platforms and applications. However, the standard does not specify how the content or the associated model may be filtered. This paper proposes an MPEG-7 scheme which can be deployed for digital video content modelling and filtering. The proposed scheme, COSMOS-7, produces rich and multi-faceted semantic content models and supports a content-based filtering approach that only analyses content relating directly to the preferred content requirements of the user. We present details of the scheme, front-end systems used for content modelling and filtering and experiences with a number of users

    Classical Evolution of Quantum Elliptic States

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    The hydrogen atom in weak external fields is a very accurate model for the multiphoton excitation of ultrastable high angular momentum Rydberg states, a process which classical mechanics describes with astonishing precision. In this paper we show that the simplest treatment of the intramanifold dynamics of a hydrogenic electron in external fields is based on the elliptic states of the hydrogen atom, i.e., the coherent states of SO(4), which is the dynamical symmetry group of the Kepler problem. Moreover, we also show that classical perturbation theory yields the {\it exact} evolution in time of these quantum states, and so we explain the surprising match between purely classical perturbative calculations and experiments. Finally, as a first application, we propose a fast method for the excitation of circular states; these are ultrastable hydrogenic eigenstates which have maximum total angular momentum and also maximum projection of the angular momentum along a fixed direction. %Comment: 8 Pages, 2 Figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    The Biology Instrument for the Viking Mars Mission

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    Two Viking spacecraft have successfully soft landed on the surface of Mars. Each carries, along with other scientific instruments, one biology laboratory with three different experiments designed to search for evidence of living microorganisms in material sampled from the Martian surface. This 15.5-kg biology instrument which occupies a volume of almost 28.3 dm3 is the first to carry out an in situ search for extraterrestrial life on a planet. The three experiments are called the pyrolytic release, labeled release, and gas exchange. The pyrolytic release experiment has the capability to measure the fixation of carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide into organic matter. The labeled release experiment detects metabolic processes by monitoring the production of volatile carbon compounds from a radioactively labeled nutrient mixture. The gas exchange experiment monitors the gas changes in the head space above a soil sample which is either incubated in a humid environment or supplied with a rich organic nutrient solution. Each experiment can analyze a soil sample as it is received from the surface or, as a control, analyze a soil which has been heated to above 160C. Each instrument has the capability to receive four different soils dug from the Martian surface and perform a number of analysis cycles depending on the particular experiment. This paper describes in detail the design and operation of the three experiments and the supporting subsystems