32 research outputs found

    Poesía actual de Buenos Aires. Opuestos semejantes: Mairal y Gútiz

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    Desde hace unos diez o quince años se viene hablando del fenómeno llamado “poesía de los 90”, uno de los asuntos polémicos en el campo literario argentino. El presente trabajo usa el mismo rótulo, tanto para cuestionarlo, como para ampliar su espectro mediante la consideración de dos autores que integran la vasta periferia: José María Gútiz y Pedro Mairal. Son poetas diversos entre sí, pero coincidentes en elementos que permiten agruparlos: el haber vivido su infancia durante la última dictadura; el haber aprendido a sortear el silencio impuesto por esa circunstancia política a través de distintas formas de distanciamiento; la coincidencia de haber producido una poesía en relación dialéctica con lo urbano, ya sea tematizando la ciudad o rechazándola, incluso vivencialmente; el ser poetas espaciales; la inmersión en lo bello y en las formas poéticas tradicionales. Since 1992, more or less, the subject “90’s poetry” has been one of the polemic matters in the Argentinian literary field. The present work uses the same label not only to question it, but also to amplify its spectrum through considering two authors that integrate the vast periphery: José María Gútiz and Pedro Mairal. These poets are quite diverse between them, but there are some points in common that allow us to join them: their childhood during the last military government; the fact of having learned to avoid the silence commanded by that political circumstance through different ways of taking distance; the coincidence of having produced a poetry built in a dialectical relationship with the city, turned in a special subject or rejected, even in every day living; the fact of being both spatial poets; their immersion in beauty and in traditional poetic forms

    "Molino Rojo" de Jacobo Fijman: Las dos caras de una experiencia

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    Seis poemas de "Molino Rojo" de Jacobo Fijman, autor de la vanguardia argentina, pueden leerse como una secuencia, gracias a una gradación de luz y movimiento, primero descendente y luego ascendente. Señalan un proceso espiritual según lo que aclaran las isotopías, las relaciones contextuales y principalmente las relaciones intertextuales con los grandes poetas místicos. Con esta base, se pasa a una intepretación orientada por el lugar sumamente importante que lo religioso ocupó en la vida y las preocupaciones de Fijman. Six poems of "Molino Rojo" of Jacobo Fijman -an avant-garde argentine writer- can be read in a sequence, because of a descending an ascending gradation of light and movement. The semantic relation allows them to be read as a unit. The isotopies, the contextual relation and, above all, the intertextual relations with the great mystic poets, confirm the fact that a spiritual process is developed throughout the poems. In this way, an interpretation can be made, based on the importance of religion in Fijman´s life and concerns

    Dos poetas. San Juan de la Cruz en Edgar Bayley

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    En “La vigilia y el viaje” de Edgar Bayley destaca una temporalidad del instante que presenta conexiones con las “Llama de amor viva” y el “Cántico espiritual” de San Juan de la Cruz.La intertextualidad afecta a aspectos como el elemento emocional, deliberadamente velado en su poética y ciertas diferencias básicas en cuanto al referente: San Juan pretende superar la discontinuidad del ser, Bayley simplemente instalarse en el devenir temporal. “La vigilia y el viaje” by Edgar Bayley shows a notion of discontinuous time, a key to his semiosis. In some other aspects, we find out that considering this relationship enhances the argentinian’s poem, as it underlines the emotional element, veiled on purpose in his poetic. In San Juan de la Cruz there is a wish of surpassing the discontinuance of being in its earthly existence through the death of the sel. Instead, in Bayley, the desire is of being fully installed in temporality with all of its accidents

    Einflussfaktoren auf Gründungsdispositionen und Entrepreneurship-Merkmalen von Studierenden – Ein Vergleich von Russland und Deutschland

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    Dieser Beitrag geht mit dem internationalen Forschungsprojekt „Gründungen und Entrepreneurship bei Studierenden“ (GESt-Studie) einher, das zum Ziel hat, Gründungsneigungen und Entrepreneurship-Merkmale von Studierenden aus verschiedenen Ländern zielgruppendifferenziert zu analysieren, um daraus bedarfsorientierte Handlungsempfehlungen für eine adäquate Konzeptionierung von Gründungsausbildung und Gründungsförderung abzuleiten. Die Ergebnisse dieses Ländervergleiches veranschaulichen, dass die befragten Studierenden in Russland ein höheres Gründungsinteresse repräsentieren und sich insgesamt deutlich stärker mit Entrepreneurship beschäftigen als die in Deutschland befragten Studierenden. Allerdings basiert diese in Russland positivere Ausgangsbasis für eine Gründungsrealisierung stärker auf der Gründungsmotivation aus ökonomischer Notwendigkeit, die oftmals nicht auf innovativen Geschäftsideen beruht, heraus. Insgesamt betrachtet sind sowohl den Studierenden in Deutschland, von denen sich etwa jeder Zweite noch gar nicht mit der Gründungsthematik auseinandergesetzt hat, als auch den Studierenden in Russland, die stärker durch fehlende unternehmerische Qualifikationen von der Gründung abgehalten werden, insbesondere gründungsspezifische Grundkenntnisse und unternehmerische Fähigkeiten zu vermitteln, was fächerübergreifend und während des gesamten Studiums zu erfolgen hat.

    Liquid biopsy in central nervous system metastases: a RANO review and proposals for clinical applications

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    Abstract Liquid biopsies collect and analyze tumor components in body fluids, and there is an increasing interest in the investigation of liquid biopsies as a surrogate for tumor tissue in the management of both primary and secondary brain tumors. Herein we critically review available literature on spinal fluid and plasma circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and cell-free tumor (ctDNA) for diagnosis and monitoring of leptomeningeal and parenchymal brain metastases. We discuss technical issues and propose several potential applications of liquid biopsies in different clinical settings (ie, for initial diagnosis, for assessment during treatment, and for guidance of treatment decisions). Last, ongoing clinical studies on CNS metastases that include liquid biopsies are summarized, and recommendations for future clinical studies are provided

    Non-IDH1-R132H IDH1/2 mutations are associated with increased DNA methylation and improved survival in astrocytomas, compared to IDH1-R132H mutations

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    Somatic mutations in the isocitrate dehydrogenase genes IDH1 and IDH2 occur at high frequency in several tumour types. Even though these mutations are confined to distinct hotspots, we show that gliomas are the only tumour type with an exceptionally high percentage of IDH1(R132H) mutations. Patients harbouring IDH1(R132H) mutated tumours have lower levels of genome-wide DNA-methylation, and an associated increased gene expression, compared to tumours with other IDH1/2 mutations ("non-R132H IDH1/2 mutations"). This reduced methylation is seen in multiple tumour types and thus appears independent of the site of origin. For 1p/19q non-codeleted glioma (astrocytoma) patients, we show that this difference is clinically relevant: in samples of the randomised phase III CATNON trial, patients harbouring tumours with IDH mutations other than IDH1(R132H) have a better outcome (hazard ratio 0.41, 95% CI [0.24, 0.71], p = 0.0013). Such non-R132H IDH1/2-mutated tumours also had a significantly lower proportion of tumours assigned to prognostically poor DNA-methylation classes (p < 0.001). IDH mutation-type was independent in a multivariable model containing known clinical and molecular prognostic factors. To confirm these observations, we validated the prognostic effect of IDH mutation type on a large independent dataset. The observation that non-R132H IDH1/2-mutated astrocytomas have a more favourable prognosis than their IDH1(R132H) mutated counterpart indicates that not all IDH-mutations are identical. This difference is clinically relevant and should be taken into account for patient prognostication.MTG6Molecular tumour pathology - and tumour genetic

    Poesía actual de Buenos Aires. Opuestos semejantes: Mairal y Gútiz

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    Desde hace unos diez o quince años se viene hablando del fenómeno llamado “poesía de los 90”, uno de los asuntos polémicos en el campo literario argentino. El presente trabajo usa el mismo rótulo, tanto para cuestionarlo, como para ampliar su espectro mediante la consideración de dos autores que integran la vasta periferia: José María Gútiz y Pedro Mairal. Son poetas diversos entre sí, pero coincidentes en elementos que permiten agruparlos: el haber vivido su infancia durante la última dictadura; el haber aprendido a sortear el silencio impuesto por esa circunstancia política a través de distintas formas de distanciamiento; la coincidencia de haber producido una poesía en relación dialéctica con lo urbano, ya sea tematizando la ciudad o rechazándola, incluso vivencialmente; el ser poetas espaciales; la inmersión en lo bello y en las formas poéticas tradicionales. Since 1992, more or less, the subject “90’s poetry” has been one of the polemic matters in the Argentinian literary field. The present work uses the same label not only to question it, but also to amplify its spectrum through considering two authors that integrate the vast periphery: José María Gútiz and Pedro Mairal. These poets are quite diverse between them, but there are some points in common that allow us to join them: their childhood during the last military government; the fact of having learned to avoid the silence commanded by that political circumstance through different ways of taking distance; the coincidence of having produced a poetry built in a dialectical relationship with the city, turned in a special subject or rejected, even in every day living; the fact of being both spatial poets; their immersion in beauty and in traditional poetic forms

    The Hf−Ti (Hafnium-Titanium) system

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