71 research outputs found
Spatial chaos in weakly dispersive and viscous media: a nonperturbative theory of the driven KdV-Burgers equation
The asymptotic travelling wave solution of the KdV-Burgers equation driven by
the long scale periodic driver is constructed. The solution represents a
shock-train in which the quasi-periodic sequence of dispersive shocks or
soliton chains is interspersed by smoothly varying regions. It is shown that
the periodic solution which has the spatial driver period undergoes period
doublings as the governing parameter changes. Two types of chaotic behavior are
considered. The first type is a weak chaos, where only a small chaotic
deviation from the periodic solution occurs. The second type corresponds to the
developed chaos where the solution ``ignores'' the driver period and represents
a random sequence of uncorrelated shocks. In the case of weak chaos the shock
coordinate being repeatedly mapped over the driver period moves on a chaotic
attractor, while in the case of developed chaos it moves on a repellor. Both
solutions depend on a parameter indicating the reference shock position in the
shock-train. The structure of a one dimensional set to which this parameter
belongs is investigated. This set contains measure one intervals around the
fixed points in the case of periodic or weakly chaotic solutions and it becomes
a fractal in the case of strong chaos. The capacity dimension of this set is
calculated.Comment: 32 pages, 12 PostScript figures, useses elsart.sty and boxedeps.tex,
fig.11 is not included and can be requested from <[email protected]
UHECR Acceleration in Dark Matter Filaments of Cosmological Structure Formation
A mechanism for proton acceleration to ~10^21eV is suggested. It may operate
in accretion flows onto thin dark matter filaments of cosmic structure
formation. The flow compresses the ambient magnetic field to strongly increase
and align it with the filament. Particles begin the acceleration by the ExB
drift with the accretion flow. The energy gain in the drift regime is limited
by the conservation of the adiabatic invariant p_perp^2/B. Upon approaching the
filament, the drift turns into the gyro-motion around the filament so that the
particle moves parallel to the azimuthal electric field. In this 'betatron'
regime the acceleration speeds up to rapidly reach the electrodynamic limit
for an accelerator with magnetic field and the orbit radius
(Larmor radius). The periodic orbit becomes unstable and the particle
slings out of the filament to the region of a weak (uncompressed) magnetic
field, which terminates the acceleration.
The mechanism requires pre-acceleration that is likely to occur in structure
formation shocks upstream or nearby the filament accretion flow. Previous
studies identify such shocks as efficient proton accelerators to a firm upper
limit ~10^19.5 eV placed by the catastrophic photo-pion losses. The present
mechanism combines explosive energy gain in its final (betatron) phase with
prompt particle release from the region of strong magnetic field. It is this
combination that allows protons to overcome both the photo-pion and the
synchrotron-Compton losses and therefore attain energy 10^21 eV. A requirement
on accelerator to reach a given E_max placed by the accelerator energy
dissipation \propto E_{max}^{2}/Z_0 due to the finite vacuum impedance Z_0 is
circumvented by the cyclic operation of the accelerator.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures, to be published in JCA
Cosmic-ray acceleration in supernova remnants: non-linear theory revised
A rapidly growing amount of evidences, mostly coming from the recent
gamma-ray observations of Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs), is seriously
challenging our understanding of how particles are accelerated at fast shocks.
The cosmic-ray (CR) spectra required to account for the observed phenomenology
are in fact as steep as , i.e., steeper than the
test-particle prediction of first-order Fermi acceleration, and significantly
steeper than what expected in a more refined non-linear theory of diffusive
shock acceleration. By accounting for the dynamical back-reaction of the
non-thermal particles, such a theory in fact predicts that the more efficient
the particle acceleration, the flatter the CR spectrum. In this work we put
forward a self-consistent scenario in which the account for the magnetic field
amplification induced by CR streaming produces the conditions for reversing
such a trend, allowing --- at the same time --- for rather steep spectra and CR
acceleration efficiencies (about 20%) consistent with the hypothesis that SNRs
are the sources of Galactic CRs. In particular, we quantitatively work out the
details of instantaneous and cumulative CR spectra during the evolution of a
typical SNR, also stressing the implications of the observed levels of
magnetization on both the expected maximum energy and the predicted CR
acceleration efficiency. The latter naturally turns out to saturate around
10-30%, almost independently of the fraction of particles injected into the
acceleration process as long as this fraction is larger than about .Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in JCA
Breather lattice and its stabilization for the modified Korteweg-de Vries equation
We obtain an exact solution for the breather lattice solution of the modified
Korteweg-de Vries (MKdV) equation. Numerical simulation of the breather lattice
demonstrates its instability due to the breather-breather interaction. However,
such multi-breather structures can be stabilized through the concurrent
application of ac driving and viscous damping terms.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, Phys. Rev. E (in press
Towards a Simple Model of Compressible Alfvenic Turbulence
A simple model collisionless, dissipative, compressible MHD (Alfvenic)
turbulence in a magnetized system is investigated. In contrast to more familiar
paradigms of turbulence, dissipation arises from Landau damping, enters via
nonlinearity, and is distributed over all scales. The theory predicts that two
different regimes or phases of turbulence are possible, depending on the ratio
of steepening to damping coefficient (m_1/m_2). For strong damping
(|m_1/m_2|<1), a regime of smooth, hydrodynamic turbulence is predicted. For
|m_1/m_2|>1, steady state turbulence does not exist in the hydrodynamic limit.
Rather, spikey, small scale structure is predicted.Comment: 6 pages, one figure, REVTeX; this version to be published in PRE. For
related papers, see http://sdphpd.ucsd.edu/~medvedev/papers.htm
New evidence for strong nonthermal effects in Tycho's supernova remnant
For the case of Tycho's supernova remnant (SNR) we present the relation
between the blast wave and contact discontinuity radii calculated within the
nonlinear kinetic theory of cosmic ray (CR) acceleration in SNRs. It is
demonstrated that these radii are confirmed by recently published Chandra
measurements which show that the observed contact discontinuity radius is so
close to the shock radius that it can only be explained by efficient CR
acceleration which in turn makes the medium more compressible. Together with
the recently determined new value erg of the SN
explosion energy this also confirms our previous conclusion that a TeV
gamma-ray flux of erg/(cms) is to be expected from
Tycho's SNR. Chandra measurements and the HEGRA upper limit of the TeV
gamma-ray flux together limit the source distance to kpc.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and
Space Science, Proc. of "The Multi-Messenger Approach to High-Energy
Gamma-ray Sources (Third Workshop on the Nature of Unidentified High-Energy
Sources)", Barcelona, July 4-7, 200
Frozen spatial chaos induced by boundaries
We show that rather simple but non-trivial boundary conditions could induce
the appearance of spatial chaos (that is stationary, stable, but spatially
disordered configurations) in extended dynamical systems with very simple
dynamics. We exemplify the phenomenon with a nonlinear reaction-diffusion
equation in a two-dimensional undulated domain. Concepts from the theory of
dynamical systems, and a transverse-single-mode approximation are used to
describe the spatially chaotic structures.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, submitted for publication; for related work visit
Magnetic fields in cosmic particle acceleration sources
We review here some magnetic phenomena in astrophysical particle accelerators
associated with collisionless shocks in supernova remnants, radio galaxies and
clusters of galaxies. A specific feature is that the accelerated particles can
play an important role in magnetic field evolution in the objects. We discuss a
number of CR-driven, magnetic field amplification processes that are likely to
operate when diffusive shock acceleration (DSA) becomes efficient and
nonlinear. The turbulent magnetic fields produced by these processes determine
the maximum energies of accelerated particles and result in specific features
in the observed photon radiation of the sources. Equally important, magnetic
field amplification by the CR currents and pressure anisotropies may affect the
shocked gas temperatures and compression, both in the shock precursor and in
the downstream flow, if the shock is an efficient CR accelerator. Strong
fluctuations of the magnetic field on scales above the radiation formation
length in the shock vicinity result in intermittent structures observable in
synchrotron emission images. Resonant and non-resonant CR streaming
instabilities in the shock precursor can generate mesoscale magnetic fields
with scale-sizes comparable to supernova remnants and even superbubbles. This
opens the possibility that magnetic fields in the earliest galaxies were
produced by the first generation Population III supernova remnants and by
clustered supernovae in star forming regions.Comment: 30 pages, Space Science Review
A low density of the Extragalactic Background Light revealed by the H.E.S.S. spectra of the BLLac objects 1ES 1101-232 and H 2356-309
The unexpectedly hard spectra measured by HESS for the BLLacs 1ES 1101-232 and H 2356-309 has allowed an upper limit on the Extragalactic Background Light (EBL) to be derived in the optical/near-infrared range, which is very close to the lower limit given by the resolved galaxy counts. This result seems to exclude a large contribution to the EBL from other sources (e.g. Population III stars) and indicates that the intergalactic space is more transparent to gamma-rays than previously thought. A brief discussion of EBL absorption effects on blazar spectra and further observational tests to check this conclusion are presented, including the selection of new candidates for observations with Cherenkov telescopes
UHECR as Decay Products of Heavy Relics? The Lifetime Problem
The essential features underlying the top-down scenarii for UHECR are
discussed, namely, the stability (or lifetime) imposed to the heavy objects
(particles) whatever they be: topological and non-topological solitons,
X-particles, cosmic defects, microscopic black-holes, fundamental strings. We
provide an unified formula for the quantum decay rate of all these objects as
well as the particle decays in the standard model. The key point in the
top-down scenarii is the necessity to adjust the lifetime of the heavy object
to the age of the universe. This ad-hoc requirement needs a very high
dimensional operator to govern its decay and/or an extremely small coupling
constant. The natural lifetimes of such heavy objects are, however, microscopic
times associated to the GUT energy scale (sim 10^{-28} sec. or shorter). It is
at this energy scale (by the end of inflation) where they could have been
abundantly formed in the early universe and it seems natural that they decayed
shortly after being formed.Comment: 11 pages, LaTex, no figures, updated versio
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