2,296 research outputs found

    Traffic control with autopilot as an alternative to decrease soil compaction in sugarcane areas

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    Control the machinery traffic through autopilot and use the combined spacing of two rows are possible solutions to mitigate soil compaction problems. The objective of this study was to evaluate traffic control using autopilot in order to soften the problem of soil compaction in mechanically-harvested sugarcane areas. The study was conducted in two experimental areas belonging to Usina Santa Fe, in New Europe, São Paulo, Brazil. The design was a randomized block design, with 3 treatments: T1 = sugarcane planted in single spacing and without autopilot (1.50 m); T2 = sugarcane planted in single line spacing and managed on autopilot; T3 = sugarcane planted under combined spacing of two rows (1.50 × 0.90 m) and managed with autopilot, with 4 replications. Was collected samples in the wheel row (WR) and the seedbed (SB), which was located next to the plant row to, in layers from 0.00 to 0.15 and 0.15-0.30 m. It was observed that the seed bed area showed higher porosity in the treatments with autopilot in the second year of evaluation. There were no differences in pore sizes and shapes between the treatments in the two years studied. The large and complex pores were observed to be reduced in the second evaluation year.The authors thank the Foundation for Research Support of the State of São Paulo (FAPESP) for funding the research, through projects linked to the processes 2012 / 21094-0 and 2012 / 144-6

    Service Provisioning in Edge-Cloud Continuum Emerging Applications for Mobile Devices

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    Disruptive applications for mobile devices can be enhanced by Edge computing facilities. In this context, Edge Computing (EC) is a proposed architecture to meet the mobility requirements imposed by these applications in a wide range of domains, such as the Internet of Things, Immersive Media, and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles. EC architecture aims to introduce computing capabilities in the path between the user and the Cloud to execute tasks closer to where they are consumed, thus mitigating issues related to latency, context awareness, and mobility support. In this survey, we describe which are the leading technologies to support the deployment of EC infrastructure. Thereafter, we discuss the applications that can take advantage of EC and how they were proposed in the literature. Finally, after examining enabling technologies and related applications, we identify some open challenges to fully achieve the potential of EC, and also research opportunities on upcoming paradigms for service provisioning. This survey is a guide to comprehend the recent advances on the provisioning of mobile applications, as well as foresee the expected next stages of evolution for these applications

    Bulbos úmidos a partir da irrigação por gotejamento subsuperficial com água de abastecimento e efluente de esgoto tratado

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    The use of treated sewage effluent (TSE) combined with the subsurface drip irrigation (SDI) method in agriculture can decrease the costs of agricultural production, in attempts to fertigate crops more efficiently. In this study it was compared the dimensions of the wet bulb formed by the application of TSE and municipal water supply (MWS) in an Oxisoil. We have evaluated the effect of water quality and discharge between drippers used in sugarcane crop. Three trenches were opened and 21 three-rod TDR probes were setup in a mesh and a dripper was buried at 0.30 m, for each constant discharge of 1.0 L h-1and 1.6 L h-1. Comparing results from different wetted soil profiles it was observed that the vertical and horizontal dimensions of the wet bulb are similar for both MWS and TSE, being peculiars according to the discharges used and volume applied. Regardless the water quality, an increase of 60% in discharge decreased the deepest infiltration.352242253O uso de efluente de esgoto tratado (EET), combinado com o método de irrigação por gotejamento subsuperfical (IGS) na agricultura, pode reduzir os custos de produção agrícola, fertirrigando de maneira eficiente as culturas. Neste artigo, compararam-se as dimensões do bulbo úmido formado pela aplicação de EET e água de abastecimento municipal (AAM), em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. Avaliou-se o efeito da qualidade da água e da vazão entre gotejadores utilizados na cultura da cana-de-açúcar. Três trincheiras foram abertas e 21 sondas de TDR com três hastes foram instaladas em malha, e um gotejador foi enterrado a 0,30 m, para cada vazão constante de 1,0 Lh-1 e 1,6 Lh-1. Comparando os resultados de diferentes perfis de umidade do solo, sugere-se que as dimensões vertical e horizontal do bulbo úmido sejam similares para a AAM e para o EET, sendo peculiares de acordo com as vazões utilizadas e o volume aplicado. Independentemente da qualidade da água, o aumento de 60% na vazão reduziu a infiltração em profundidade

    Fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva: relato de caso

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    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva is a rare genetic disease characterized by widespread soft tissue ossification and congenital stigmata of the extremities. We report on a male child followed for ten years since the age of 3 years and 9 months, when the diagnosis was made. He was born with bilateral hypoplasic hallux valgus and ventricular septal defect, corrected by transsternal approach when 32 months old. Restriction of neck mobility followed and foci of ectopic ossification appeared. Four crises of disease exacerbation were treated with oral prednisone and/or other antiinflammatory drugs. Sodium etidronate 5 to 10 mg/kg/day was prescribed intermittently during about six years but was discontinued due to osteopenia. The disease course has been relentless, with severe movement restriction including the chest wall. A review showed few similar case reports in the Brazilian literature. We revisit the criteria for diagnosis and the essentials of management and treatment.Fibrodisplasia ossificante progressiva � uma doen�a gen�tica rara, caracterizada por ossifica��o disseminada em tecidos moles e estigmas cong�nitos nas extremidades. Relatamos sobre uma crian�a do sexo masculino, branca, que vem sendo acompanhada desde seus 3 anos e 9 meses quando diagnosticamos a doen�a. Nascida com halux valgo hipopl�sico bilateral e defeito do septo interventricular, submeteu-se a corre��o cir�rgica atrav�s de esternotomia, aos 32 meses de vida. Seguiram-se progressiva restri��o de movimentos cervicais e aparecimento de n�dulos duros e dolorosos em regi�es paravertebrais c�rvico-tor�cicas. Em dez anos, assistimos a quatro epis�dios bem definidos de exacerba��o da doen�a, com acr�scimos de ossifica��o ect�pica. Nessas ocasi�es, prescrev�amos prednisona oral e/ou antiinflamat�rios n�o hormonais. Etidronato de s�dio, 5 a 10 mg/kg/dia, foi utilizado em per�odos de dois ou tr�s meses, com intervalos de dois meses, durante seis anos. Osteopenia obrigou-nos a interromper o uso do quelante. A evolu��o tem sido inexor�vel, com limita��o intensa de movimentos tor�cicos e corp�reos. A revis�o da literatura brasileira revelou poucos casos semelhantes. Enfatizamos os crit�rios para diagn�stico e princ�pios b�sicos de tratamento.34234

    Frequency spectra of cosmic ray air shower radio emission measured with LOPES

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    AIMS: We wish to study the spectral dependence of the radio emission from cosmic-ray air showers around 100 PeV (1017 eV). METHODS: We observe short radio pulses in a broad frequency band with the dipole-interferometer LOPES (LOFAR Prototype Station), which is triggered by a particle detector array named Karlsruhe Shower Core and Array Detector (KASCADE). LOFAR is the Low Frequency Array. For this analysis, 23 strong air shower events are selected using parameters from KASCADE. RESULTS: The resulting electric field spectra fall off to higher frequencies. An average electric field spectrum is fitted with an exponential, or alternatively, with a power law. The spectral slope obtained is not consistent within uncertainties and it is slightly steeper than the slope obtained from Monte Carlo simulations based on air showers simulated with CORSIKA (Cosmic Ray Simulations for KASCADE). One of the strongest events was measured during thunderstorm activity in the vicinity of LOPES and shows the longest pulse length measured of 110 ns and a spectral slope of -3.6. CONCLUSIONS: We show with two different methods that frequency spectra from air shower radio emission can be reconstructed on event-by-event basis, with only two dozen dipole antennae simultaneously over a broad range of frequencies. According to the obtained spectral slopes, the maximum power is emitted below 40 MHz. Furthermore, the decrease in power to higher frequencies indicates a loss in coherence determined by the shower disc thickness. We conclude that a broader bandwidth, larger collecting area, and longer baselines, as will be provided by LOFAR, are necessary to further investigate the relation of the coherence, pulse length, and spectral slope of cosmic ray air showers.Comment: 13 pages, 21 figures. Nigl, A. et al. (LOPES Collaboration), Frequency spectra of cosmic ray air shower radio emission measured with LOPES, accepted by A&A on 17/06/200

    Características agronômicas de progênies de cafeeiro em área infestada por Meloidogyne paranaensis

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    The use of genetic materials Coffea sp. resistance to M. paranaensis with good agronomic performance can able to maintain coffee production activities in infested areas. The aim of this research was characterize the agronomic performance of coffee progenies and the reaction to M. paranaensis. The trial was carried out at Guaiçara farm located in the city of Piumhi- MG in February 2012. 21 progenies of F5 generation derived from the crossing of Catuaí Vermelho X Amphilo MR and three commercial cultivars used as control (Catuaí IAC 62, Mundo Novo 379-19 and IPR 100) were evaluated in randomized complete block design with four replicates with the plot size of 3.0 x 0.5 m where each plot comprises 8 plants. The response of genotypes in relation to M. paranaensis was evaluated during the dry (July) and rainy season (November) of 2014. Productivity (bags ha-1), yield, percentage of empty locules, sieve grading percentage (%) were evaluated in the cropping season of 2013/2014. Pearson correlation coefficient was estimated among the variables PGR, NR, NA and productivity. The analysis of variance and mean separation test of Skott-Knott at 5% probability was done to detect the significance difference among the genotypes. There is the possibility of using this parameter to screen the coffee seedlings when a large amount of genetic materials were evaluated. Progenies MG 0179-1-R1-1051 and MG0176-2-R2-943 presented good agronomic characteristics in areas infested with M. paranaensis.O uso de material genético de Coffea sp. com resistencia a M. paranaensis aliado ao bom desempenho agronômico possibilita a manutenção da atividade cafeeira em áreas infestadas. Objetivou-se, com este trabalho, caracterizar o desempenho agronômico de progênies de cafeeiro e a reação ao M. paranaensis. O experimento foi instalado na Fazenda Guaiçara, em fevereiro de 2012, situada no Município de Piumhi-MG. Foram avaliadas 21 progênies, em geração F5, resultantes do cruzamento entre material do grupo Catuaí Vermelho X Amphillo MR, Amphillo MR X Híbrido Natural e Catuaí Vermelho X Híbrido de Timor e três cultivares comerciais utilizadas como testemunhas (Catuaí IAC 62, Mundo Novo 379-19 e IPR 100). O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições, totalizando 96 parcelas, sendo cada parcela constituída por 8 plantas, no espaçamento de 3,0 x 0,5 m. As características nematológicas referentes ao comportamento genético das progênies ao M. paranaensis, foram avaliadas na estação de seca (julho) e chuvosa (novembro) de 2014. A produtividade (sacas. ha-1), rendimento, porcentagem de frutos chochos (%), classificação do café por peneira (%) foram avaliados na safra de 2013/2014. Efetuou-se a análise de correlação de Pearson entre as variáveis PGR, NR, NA e Produtividade. Foi realizada a análise de variância e detectando diferenças significativas, as médias foram agrupadas pelo teste de Skott-Knott, ao nível de 5% de probabilidade. Há possibilidade de avaliar as plantas de café baseando-se na caracterização sintomatológica do sistema radicular, para screening, em experimentos de grandes volumes de materiais genéticos. As progênies MG 0179-1-R1 1051 e MG 0176-2-R2-943 apresentaram boas características agronômicas, em área infestada por M. paranaensis

    Experimental evidence for the sensitivity of the air-shower radio signal to the longitudinal shower development

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    We observe a correlation between the slope of radio lateral distributions, and the mean muon pseudorapidity of 59 individual cosmic-ray-air-shower events. The radio lateral distributions are measured with LOPES, a digital radio interferometer co-located with the multi-detector-air-shower array KASCADE-Grande, which includes a muon-tracking detector. The result proves experimentally that radio measurements are sensitive to the longitudinal development of cosmic-ray air-showers. This is one of the main prerequisites for using radio arrays for ultra-high-energy particle physics and astrophysics.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication by Physical Review

    Air Shower Measurements with the LOPES Radio Antenna Array

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    LOPES is set up at the location of the KASCADE-Grande extensive air shower experiment in Karlsruhe, Germany and aims to measure and investigate radio pulses from Extensive Air Showers. Since radio waves suffer very little attenuation, radio measurements allow the detection of very distant or highly inclined showers. These waves can be recorded day and night, and provide a bolometric measure of the leptonic shower component. LOPES is designed as a digital radio interferometer using high bandwidths and fast data processing and profits from the reconstructed air shower observables of KASCADE-Grande. The LOPES antennas are absolutely amplitude calibrated allowing to reconstruct the electric field strength which can be compared with predictions from detailed Monte Carlo simulations. We report about the analysis of correlations present in the radio signals measured by the LOPES 30 antenna array. Additionally, LOPES operates antennas of a different type (LOPES-STAR) which are optimized for an application at the Pierre Auger Observatory. Status, recent results of the data analysis and further perspectives of LOPES and the possible large scale application of this new detection technique are discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures, Contribution to the Arena 2008 conference, Rome, June 200

    Transfusion of red cells in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (TRIST): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Insight regarding transfusion practices in Hematopoietic Stem cell Transplantation (HSCT) are lacking and the impact of red cell transfusion in this high risk group on outcomes following HSCT are not well appreciated. Red blood cell transfusion can be life-saving, however, liberal use of transfusion in critically ill patients failed to demonstrate significant clinical benefit. A large number of other observational studies have also demonstrated an association between red blood cell transfusions and increased morbidity such as infections and multi organ failure as well as increased mortality. The role of red cell transfusion on the clinical outcomes observed in patients undergoing HSCT remains poorly understood and a prospective randomized study of transfusion is required to gain insight and knowledge on best transfusion practices in this high risk population.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This report describes the design and methodological issues of a randomized pilot study evaluating red cell transfusion triggers in the setting of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation. This study has been funded by a peer review grant from the Canadian Blood Services and is registered on Clinicaltrials.gov NCT01237639.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In 3 Canadian centres, 100 patients undergoing Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation will be randomized to either a restrictive (target hemoglobin of 70-90 g/L) or liberal (target hemoglobin of 90-110 g/L) red cell transfusion strategy, based daily hemoglobin values up to 100 days post-transplant. The study will stratify participants by centre and type of transplant. The primary goal is to demonstrate study feasibility and we will collect clinical outcomes on 1) Transfusion Requirements, 2) Transplant Related Mortality, 3) Maximum grade of acute Graft versus Host Disease, 4) Veno-occlusive Disease, 5) Serious Infections, 6) Bearman Toxicity Score, 7) Bleeding, 8) Quality of Life, 9) Number of Hospitalizations and 10) Number of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Admissions.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Upon completion, this pilot trial will provide preliminary insight into red cell transfusion practice and its influence in hematopoietic stem cell transplant outcomes. The results of this trial will inform the conduct of a larger study.</p