83 research outputs found

    Glycemia in newborns of hypertensive mothers according to maternal treatment

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate the evolution of glycemic levels in newborns of hypertensive mothers according to maternal treatment. METHODS: Prospective randomized study, including 93 newborns of mothers treated with isradipine (n = 39), atenolol (n = 40), or low sodium diet (control group - n=14). Glycemia was determined at birth (mother and newborn by the oxidase glucose method) and in the 1st, 3rd, 6th, 12th, and 24th hours after birth (newborn by a test strip method). The evolution of glycemia was analyzed in each group (Friedman test). The groups were compared regarding glycemia (Kruskall-Wallis test), and linear regression models were constructed for the analyses (independent variable = maternal glycemia; dependent variables = umbilical cord, 3rd, and 6th hour glycemia). RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences among the mean blood glucose levels of the 3 groups in any of the assessments. There was a correlation between maternal and umbilical cord blood glucose in the isradipine (r = 0.61; POBJETIVO: Avaliar o comportamento da glicemia em recém-nascidos (RN) de mães hipertensas conforme o tratamento materno. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, randomizado, incluindo 93 RN de mães tratadas com isradipina(n=39), atenolol (n=40) ou dieta - controle (n=14). Determinou-se a glicemia ao nascimento (mãe e RN, pela glicose oxidase) e na 1ª., 3ª., 6ª., 12ª. e 24ª. horas (RN, por fita reagente). A evolução da glicemia, em cada grupo, foi analisada (Teste de Friedman). Os grupos foram comparados, quanto às glicemias, em cada momento (Teste de Kruskall-Wallis) e foram ajustados modelos de regressão linear para as glicemias (variável independente = glicemia materna; variáveis dependentes = glicemias de cordão, 3ª. e 6ª. horas). RESULTADOS: Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre as glicemias médias dos 3 grupos, em qualquer uma das coletas. Houve correlação entre as glicemias materna e de cordão umbilical nos grupos isradipina (r =0,61;

    Impact of glycemic control on the incidence of acute kidney injury in critically ill patients: a comparison of two strategies using the RIFLE criteria

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the renal outcome in patients submitted to two different regimens of glycemic control, using the RIFLE criteria to define acute kidney injury. INTRODUCTION: The impact of intensive insulin therapy on renal function outcome is controversial. The lack of a criterion for AKI definition may play a role on that. METHODS: Included as the subjects were 228 randomly selected, critically ill patients engaged in intensive insulin therapyor in a carbohydrate-restrictive strategy. Renal outcome was evaluated through the comparison of the last RIFLE score obtained during the ICU stay and the RIFLE score at admission; the outcome was classified as favorable, stable or unfavorable. RESULTS: The two groups were comparable regarding demographic data. AKI developed in 52% of the patients and was associated with a higher mortality (39.4%) compared with those who did not have AKI (8.2%) (p<0.001). Renal function outcome was comparable between the two groups (p=0.37). We observed a significant correlation between blood glucose levels and the incidence of acute kidney injury (p=0.007). In the multivariate logistic regression analysis, only APACHE III scores higher than 60 were identified as an independent risk factor for unfavorable renal outcome. APACHE III scores>60, acute kidney injury and hypoglycemia were risk factors for mortality. CONCLUSION: Intensive insulin therapy and a carbohydrate-restrictive strategy were comparable regarding the incidence of acute kidney injury evaluated using RIFLE criteria

    Communication calls produced by electrical stimulation of four structures in the guinea pig brain

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    One of the main central processes affecting the cortical representation of conspecific vocalizations is the collateral output from the extended motor system for call generation. Before starting to study this interaction we sought to compare the characteristics of calls produced by stimulating four different parts of the brain in guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). By using anaesthetised animals we were able to reposition electrodes without distressing the animals. Trains of 100 electrical pulses were used to stimulate the midbrain periaqueductal grey (PAG), hypothalamus, amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Each structure produced a similar range of calls, but in significantly different proportions. Two of the spontaneous calls (chirrup and purr) were never produced by electrical stimulation and although we identified versions of chutter, durr and tooth chatter, they differed significantly from our natural call templates. However, we were routinely able to elicit seven other identifiable calls. All seven calls were produced both during the 1.6 s period of stimulation and subsequently in a period which could last for more than a minute. A single stimulation site could produce four or five different calls, but the amygdala was much less likely to produce a scream, whistle or rising whistle than any of the other structures. These three high-frequency calls were more likely to be produced by females than males. There were also differences in the timing of the call production with the amygdala primarily producing calls during the electrical stimulation and the hypothalamus mainly producing calls after the electrical stimulation. For all four structures a significantly higher stimulation current was required in males than females. We conclude that all four structures can be stimulated to produce fictive vocalizations that should be useful in studying the relationship between the vocal motor system and cortical sensory representation

    Elaboration of handbook about dietary fibers and bowel constipation

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    Objective: to elaborate a handbook with high-fiber foods to be used in the composition of the homogeneous liquid diet for patients in postoperative period to reduce or prevent the bowel constipation. Methods: the handbook highlights the importance of dietary fibers, classification, food sources, amount of use, interaction with other nutrients, directions for preparation, solubility, functions and problems caused by the excess ingestion. It also contains a list of food with fibers quantities present in 100 grams of each food. Such data were obtained from the Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos of Unicamp and Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos of University of São Paulo. The handbook was elaborated by students from Fundap Professional Improvement Program and distributed for free for all patients of the Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, in postoperative period, receiving homogeneous liquid diet. The handbook was also made available in the homepages www.centrinho.usp/manual and www.redeprofis.com.br for consultation and free copies. The handbook art and illustrations were made by a student of Marketing rom USC. Results: The use of fibers will be oriented in a preventive form for patients not showing bowel constipation and in a corrective form for those already constipated. Conclusions: Bowel constipation is a public health problem in Brazil, mainly among women, and it becomes worse when individuals are submitted to a homogeneous liquid diet in which the foods are liquefied and filtered and the residues (fibers) are rejected. In such case, the composition of this diet needs to be enriched with dietary fibers to prevent or correct the bowel constipation

    Elaboração de manual sobre fibras alimentares e constipação intestinal

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    Objetivo: elaborar um manual com alimentos fonte de fibras para ser usado na composição da dieta líquida homogênea dos pacientes em pós-operatório no HRAC, de todas as idades, para reduzir ou prevenir a constipação intestinal. Métodos: o manual contém temática que esclarece sobre a importância das fibras alimentares, classificação, fontes, quantidades de uso, interação com outros nutrientes, forma de preparo, solubilidade, funções e problemas causados pelo excesso de ingestão. Consta também de uma lista de alimentos com quantidades de fibras presentes por 100gramas de cada alimento. Tais dados foram retirados da Tabela Brasileira de composição de Alimentos da UNICAMP e da Tabela Brasileira de Composição de Alimentos da USP. O manual foi elaborado pelas alunas do programa de Aprimoramento Profissional Fundap e será distribuído gratuitamente para todos os pacientes em pós-operatórios submetidos à dieta líquida homogênea. Além disto, o manual será disponibilizado nos sites www.centrinho.usp.br/manual e www.redeprofis.com.br. para consulta e cópias gratuitas. A arte e as ilustrações do manual foram feitas por aluno do Curso de Publicidade e Propaganda da USC. Resultados: O uso das fibras será orientado de forma preventiva para os pacientes que não apresentam constipação intestinal e de forma corretiva para os já constipados. Conclusões: A constipação intestinal é um problema de saúde pública no Brasil, principalmente entre as mulheres e tem seu quadro agravado quando estes indivíduos são submetidos a dietas líquidas e homogêneas, aonde os alimentos são liquidificados e coados e os resíduos (fibras) desprezados. Sendo assim, a composição desta dieta tem que ser enriquecida com fibras alimentares para prevenir ou corrigir a constipação intestinal