336 research outputs found

    Technique de datation des échantillons riches en uranium par les séries de l'uranium en utilisant la spectrométrie gamma à basse énergie

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    Dating technique of samples rich in uranium by the series of the uranium by using the gamma spectrometry with low energyIn this work, a dating technique by the series of the uranium using the gamma spectrometry with Flow energy

    The critical factors of e-government adoption : an empirical study in the Saudi Arabia public sectors

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    This thesis draws on electronic government (e-govemment) policy formulation, implementation and execution. IT has been enthused by the perceived lack of a model for e-government in Saudi Arabia public sectors. A model for e-government implementation is developed for Saudi Arabia. It examines critical factors that have impacts on e-government implementation in Saudi public sectors by collecting and analysing data in both quantitative and qualitative approaches, and further presenting an extensive review on literature. This exercise is significant, to avoid the pitfalls of imposing universal approaches to research and policy practices. The conclusions and recommendations of this research are significant for both practitioners, in providing guidelines for e-government implementation, and scholars, in suggesting further research in the new area of e-government.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Angiodysplasies des maxillaires de l’enfant

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    Les angiodysplasies des maxillaires sont des affections rares et graves. Leur mauvais pronostic est surtout lié aux complications hémorragiques redoutables, dues le plus souvent à des extractions dentaires abusives sans examens radiologiques préalables. L’angio-IRM a permis d’une manière non invasive une meilleure connaissance de ces lésions en étudiant leur angio-architecture et leur hémodynamique. Jadis, le seul traitement efficace consistait en une exérèse chirurgicale mutilante entraînant des complications esthétiques et fonctionnelles sévères avec une morbidité importante. Actuellement, la radiologie interventionnelle a révolutionné la prise en charge grâce à l’artériographie hypersélective et àla découverte de nouveaux matériaux d’obturation plus faciles à manier. L’embolisation hypersélective est devenue l’arme de première intention en raison de son caractère conservateur et de son faible taux de  complications. Le but de ce travail est de rappeler les différents aspects étiopathogéniques, cliniques et para cliniques des angiodysplasieset de définir l’attitude thérapeutique.Mots clefs : angiodysplasie, embolisation, chirurgie

    EMG Signals Analysis of BF and RF Muscles In Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) During Walking

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    This paper presents the analysis of Electromyography (EMG) signals at lower limb muscles during walking. The muscles of Biceps Femoris (BF) and Rectus Femoris (RF) were examined between ASD and TD children. The EMG signals pattern will be observed over one gait cycle and the statistical analysis will be used to compare the significant difference of two muscles between ASD and TD children. The result shows that there are significant differences in RF muscle for both ASD and TD children at 70% of gait cycle (p value is equal to 0.007) and at 90% of gait cycle (p value is equal to 0.023). From this result, the RF muscle shall be considered as the vital muscle for rehabilitation plan

    Perception of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) on various curation and preservation techniques for the development of natural history gallery in Malaysia: a qualitative study

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    Preserving animal’s body or part of the animals have become an important and wellknown conservation medium to ensure that the future generations are still able to enjoy the biodiversity and all the incredible species that live within it. This paper aims to present a qualitative study on perception and preference of subject matter experts (SMEs) on various curation and preservation methods that is suitable for certain animals for the development of Natural History Gallery. Interview with the SMEs were done by using semi-structured questionnaire and prior to this, permission were gained from the respondents by signing the Informed Consent Form (ICF). The findings suggest that the preservation methods of specimens ultimately depend on the purpose of specimens collected, either to be preserved as research specimens or exhibition specimens. The information gained form this study will be valuable as directive for the development of natural history gallery in Malaysia

    Laryngocele a propos de 9 cas

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    La laryngocèle est une pathologie rare. elle est définit par la dilatation progressive du saccule laryngé. Le diagnostic est suspecté par l’examen clinique, sa prise en charge est encore discutée. nous rapportons une étude rétrospective portant sur 9 patients ayant été suivis et traités pour une laryngocèle. La série a été colligée sur une période de 14 ans, allant de 1998 à 2011. Six de nos patients avaient une laryngocèle externe, deux patients avaient une laryngocèle mixte et un patient avait une laryngocèle interne. Une surinfection a été notée chez trois patients réalisant ainsi le tableau de pyolaryngocèle. Tous les patients ont eu un examen clinique complet comportant un examen OrL et cervico-facial ainsi qu’un examen laryngé au nasofibroscope. La tomodensitométrie cervicale a été réalisée de façon systématique. Huit de nos malades ont été abordés par voie cervicale permettant une exérèse complète du sac. Le recul moyen était de 38 mois sans récidive. Toute laryngocèle découverte, doit être traitée afin d’éviter les complications essentiellement locales pouvant mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Les modalités thérapeutiques dépendent du type de la laryngocèle.Mots-clés : laryngocèle, nasofibroscopie laryngée, traitement endoscopique, thyrotomie.A laryngocele is a rare affection which consists in an abnormal dilatation of the laryngeal saccule. The diagnosis is suspected after clinical exam. The management of this pathology remains a subject of debating. We report a retrospective review including nine patients with laryngocele treated over a 14 years-period. Six patients had external laryngoceles; two had combined laryngocele; another one had an internal laryngocele. Preoperative diagnosis of each patient was made on flexible nasolaryngoscopy following routine otorhinolaryngologic exam. CT scan was systematically done. mrI was realized in case of a diagnostic doubt. eight of our patients were treated via external approach. no recurrences were encountered during the following-up. Laryngoceles must be treated to provide different complications. Some of these complications can cause death. The modalities of the treatment depend on the type of laryngocele.Keywords : laryngocele, nasolaryngoscopy, endoscopic treatment, thyrotomy

    Indoor-Breeding of Aedes albopictus in Northern Peninsular Malaysia and Its Potential Epidemiological Implications

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    Background: The mosquito Ae. albopictus is usually adapted to the peri-domestic environment and typically breeds outdoors. However, we observed its larvae in most containers within homes in northern peninsular Malaysia. To anticipate the epidemiological implications of this indoor-breeding, we assessed some fitness traits affecting vectorial capacity during colonization process. Specifically, we examined whether Ae. albopictus exhibits increased survival, gonotrophic activity and fecundity due to the potential increase in blood feeding opportunities. Methodology/Principal Findings: In a series of experiments involving outdoors and indoors breeding populations, we found that Ae. albopictus lives longer in the indoor environment. We also observed increased nighttime biting activity and lifetime fecundity in indoor/domestic adapted females, although they were similar to recently colonized females in body size. Conclusion/Significance: Taken together these data suggest that accommodation of Ae. albopictus to indoor/domestic environment may increase its lifespan, blood feeding success, nuisance and thus vectorial capacity (both in terms of increased vector-host contacts and vector population density). These changes in the breeding behavior of Ae. albopictus,

    Reason Maintenance in Product Modelling via Open Source CAD System

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    The present and future challenges of a new product design, forecasting and risk management launch strategy for a new product modelling decision process. This paper intends to propose and to look towards the development of a low-cost integrated CAD-CAPP-CAD/CAM product modelling system for the design and manufacture of a proposed product. It is a mapping between several design phases like functional design, technical design and physical design. The modelling data generation process begins with the drafting of a product to be maintained using the drafting software package. From the CAD drawing, the data are transferred to be used as the product models and a CAPP software package will then prepare the operational parameters for the manufacturing of the product. These process data are relayed to a CAM software package, which will then generate the automating information processing functions. The final stage of the function is to support design and manufacturing operations that may have reaped many benefits in terms of its initial equipment and software costs