50 research outputs found

    Experimental validation of a one-dimensional twin-entry radial turbine model under non-linear pulse conditions

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    This is the author¿s version of a work that was accepted for publication in International Journal of Engine Research. Changes resulting from the publishing process, such as peer review, editing, corrections, structural formatting, and other quality control mechanisms may not be reflected in this document. Changes may have been made to this work since it was submitted for publication. A definitive version was subsequently published as https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419869157[EN] This article presents the experimental validation of a complete integrated one-dimensional twin-scroll turbine model able to be used in reciprocating internal combustion engine unsteady simulations. A passenger car with a twin-entry-type turbine has been tested under engine-like pulse conditions by means of a specifically built gas stand. To obtain high-resolution quality data, the turbine and turbine line pipes have been instrumented with mean and instantaneous pressure sensors as well as temperature and mass flow sensors, employing a uniquely designed rotating valve for the pulse generation. This experimental configuration enables to obtain the pressure decomposition in both inlets and outlets of the turbine. Using the experimental data obtained, the model is fully validated, with special focus on the reflected and transmitted components for analysing the performance of the model and its non-linear acoustics prediction capabilities. The model presents a very high degree of correlation with the experimental results, providing a range of errors similar to the uncertainty of the measurements, even in the medium- and high-frequency spectra.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article: This work was supported by the 'Ayuda a Primeros Proyectos de Investigacion' (PAID-06-18), Vicerrectorado de Investigacion, Innovacion y Transferencia de la Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (UPV), Valencia, Spain. P.S. was partially supported through contract FPI-2017-S2-1428 of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Serrano, J.; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; García-Cuevas González, LM.; Soler-Blanco, P.; Cheung, R. (2021). Experimental validation of a one-dimensional twin-entry radial turbine model under non-linear pulse conditions. International Journal of Engine Research. 22(2):390-406. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087419869157S390406222Watson, N., & Janota, M. S. (1982). Turbocharging the Internal Combustion Engine. doi:10.1007/978-1-349-04024-7Galindo, J., Fajardo, P., Navarro, R., & García-Cuevas, L. M. (2013). Characterization of a radial turbocharger turbine in pulsating flow by means of CFD and its application to engine modeling. Applied Energy, 103, 116-127. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.09.013Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., Navarro, R., & García-Tíscar, J. (2014). Acoustic characterization of automotive turbocompressors. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(1), 31-37. doi:10.1177/1468087414562866Serrano, J. R., Tiseira, A., García-Cuevas, L. M., Inhestern, L. B., & Tartoussi, H. (2017). Radial turbine performance measurement under extreme off-design conditions. Energy, 125, 72-84. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2017.02.118Piscaglia, F., Onorati, A., Marelli, S., & Capobianco, M. (2018). 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    Effect of a polyphenol-rich dietary pattern on intestinal permeability and gut and blood microbiomics in older subjects: study protocol of the MaPLE randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: During aging, alterations of the intestinal microbial ecosystem can occur contributing to immunosenescence, inflamm-aging and impairment of intestinal barrier function (increased intestinal permeability; IP). In the context of a diet-microbiota-IP axis in older subjects, food bioactives such as polyphenols may play a beneficial modulatory role. METHODS: MaPLE is a project centered on a randomized, controlled cross-over dietary intervention trial [polyphenol-rich diet (PR-diet) versus control diet (C-diet)] targeted to older people ( 65 60 y) living in a well-controlled setting (i.e. nursing home). The 8-week interventions are separated by an 8-week wash-out period. Three small portions per day of selected polyphenol-rich foods are consumed during intervention in substitution of other comparable products within the C-diet. Biological samples are collected before and after each treatment period to evaluate markers related to IP, inflammation, vascular function, oxidative stress, gut and blood microbiomics, metabolomics. A sample size of 50 subjects was defined based on IP as primary outcome. DISCUSSION: Evidence that increasing the consumption of polyphenol-rich food products can positively affect intestinal microbial ecosystem resulting in reduced IP and decreased translocation of inflammogenic bacterial factors into the bloodstream will be provided. The integration of data from gut and blood microbiomics, metabolomics and other IP-related markers will improve the understanding of the beneficial effect of the intervention in the context of polyphenols-microbiota-IP interactions. Finally, findings obtained will provide a proof of concept of the reliability of the dietary intervention, also contributing to future implementations of dietary guidelines directed to IP management in the older and other at risk subjects. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The trial is registered at (ISRCTN10214981); April 28, 2017

    On the effect of different flux limiters on the performance of an engine gas exchange gas-dynamic model

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    [EN] A suitable tool for the design of intake and exhaust systems of internal combustion engines is provided by time domain non-linear finite volume models. These models, however, are affected by overshoots at discontinuities and numerical dispersion unless some flux limiter is used. In this paper, the effect of the most relevant of such flux limiters on a non-linear staggered-mesh finite-volume model is evaluated. Flux-Corrected-Transport (FCT) and Total Variation Diminishing (TVD) schemes, together with a Momentum Diffusion Term (MDT) are presented for such a model, and the performance of the resulting methods is checked in different problems representative of the influence of engine gas exchange flows on engine performance and intake and exhaust noise. First, two one-dimensional cases are considered: the shock-tube problem, and the propagation of a finite amplitude pressure pulse. Secondly, a simple but representative three-dimensional geometry is studied. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that, even if none of the methods is able to handle properly the three problems considered, the FCT method provides the best overall performance. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.M. Hernandez is partially supported through contract FPI-S2-2015-1064 of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigacion y Desarrollo (PAID) of Universitat Politecnica de Valencia.Torregrosa, AJ.; Broatch, A.; Arnau Martínez, FJ.; Hernández-Marco, M. (2017). On the effect of different flux limiters on the performance of an engine gas exchange gas-dynamic model. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences. 133:740-751. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijmecsci.2017.09.029S74075113

    Analysis of equations of state for polymers

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    AbstractIn the literature there are several studies comparing the accuracy of various models in describing the PvT behavior of polymers. However, most of these studies do not provide information about the quality of the estimated parameters or the sensitivity of the prediction of thermodynamic properties to the parameters of the equations. Furthermore, there are few studies exploring the prediction of thermal expansion and compression coefficients. Based on these observations, the objective of this study is to deepen the analysis of Tait, HH (Hartmann-Haque), MCM (modified cell model) and SHT (simplified hole theory) equations of state in predicting the PvT behavior of polymers, for both molten and solid states. The results showed that all equations of state provide an adequate description of the PvT behavior in the molten state, with low standard deviations in the estimation of parameters, adequate sensitivity of their parameters and plausible prediction of specific volume, thermal expansion and isothermal compression coefficients. In the solid state the Tait equation exhibited similar performance to the molten state, while HH showed satisfactory results for amorphous polymers and difficulty in adjusting the PvT curve for semicrystalline polymers.</p