179 research outputs found

    Illocutionary Force in the Novel Darkest Hour by Cleo Virginia Andrews

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    One aim of this article is to show through concrete examples about how Illocutionary Force used in Novel Darkest Hour By Cleo Virginia Andrews. The research are to describe the six types of illocutionary force in Cleo Virginia Andrews\u27s Darkest Hour to derive the most dominant type of illocutionary force, to explain the meaning of illocutionary force and to analyze the implication of that dominant the six types of illocutionary force to the novel itself. This study applied descriptive qualitative method. They were taken randomly and found 108 the types of illocutionary force; Asserting (21,29 %), Promising (13,89 %), Excomunicating ( 12,04%), Exclaiming in pain (15,74 %), Inquiring (11,11 %), and Ordering (25,92%) occurs in the novel. It was found that the most dominant type of illocutionary force that is used in Cleo Virginia Andrews\u27s Darkest Hour is Ordering for expressing what the speaker wants (25,92%). This implies that the Ordering for expressing what the speaker wants play a great role in the novel. It means that wishes as expression of speaker\u27s desire or wants in order to expect it becomes a reality can be characteristic of the novel in case of applying order to express of Illocutionary Force within utterances

    Penerapan Komunitas Merek Organisasi Non Profit dari Perspektif Sosial Marketing Public Relations (Studi Komunitas Merek “Sahabat Ombudsman”)

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    Komunitas merek tidak hanya dimiliki oleh organisasi komersil namun juga oleh organisasi non profit. Salah satu organisasi non profit di Indonesia yang memiliki komunitas merek adalah Ombudsman RI. Untuk menjangkau masyarakat, Ombudsman D.I. Yogyakarta sebagai perwakilan Ombudsman Indonesia di D.I Yogyakarta membentuk sebuah komunitas merek bernama Sahabat Ombudsman dalam menjangkau masyarakat. Selain di D.I Yogyakarta, Sahabat Ombudsman baru ada di Bali. Tujuan dibentuk Sahabat Ombudsman adalah agar produk sosial Ombudsman diterima oleh masyarakat dan masyarakat dapat menjalankan perilaku yang diinginkan sesuai dengan objektif Ombudsman. Penelitian ini melihat strategi penerapan komunitas merek Ombudsman dari perspektif Sosial Marketing Public Relations (SMPRS). SMPRS yang efektif memegang peranan penting dalam menghasilan publisitas media dan word-of-mouth (WOM). Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif deskriptif dengan metode pengumpulan data primer melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian menggambarkan ada tiga tipe connector non media yang dimanfaatkan oleh Ombudsman dalam Sahabat Ombudsman

    Interview with Wilda Obrey

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    An interview with Wilda Aubrey regarding her experiences in a one-room school house.https://scholars.fhsu.edu/ors/1143/thumbnail.jp

    The Role of Fishermen's Wife in Increasing Family Income

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    The uncertainty of the income that the head of the fisherman's household in Namlea Village encourages his wife to work to meet family needs. The role of the fishermen's wife is needed because it affects the level of family income. This is what encourages researchers to conduct research with the aim of knowing how the role of fishermen's wives in increasing family income in Namlea Village, Buru Regency. The method used in this research is a survey method, which is an investigation that obtains facts from the existing symptoms of the role of fishermen's wives in Namlea Village, Namlea District, Buru Regency and analyzed by descriptive method. Sampling in this study using a purposive sampling method. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. Respondents taken in this study amounted to 18 people or 25% of the total population of 72 fishermen's wives. The domestic role of women, which are all activities carried out by fishermen's wives in maintaining fishermen's households, which consists of jobs such as cooking, washing, ironing, cleaning the house, and childcare are priceless. The public role of women is all the activities of fishermen's wives that generate income outside of their homes. Fishermen's wives are required to play a role in making a living by being involved in earning a living. The work that is done by the fishermen's wife is like selling fresh (raw) fish and processed fish (smoked fish). The results of this study indicate that 18 fishermen wife respondents show a contribution or proportion that affects the total income of the fishermen's family with the criteria classified as moderate, which means that it is quite influential in increasing family income and can meet family needs. This research can assist local governments in formulating policies related to improving fishermen's welfare through the active role of family members.

    Jenis Bivalva di Sungai Kampar Kanan Kelurahan Air Tiris Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    In the Kampar Kanan River there are activities that affect the water quality in general and affect the abundance bivalve. To understand the abundance of bivalve in that river, a study has been conducted in February to March 2017. Parameters meansured were types and abundance of bivalve, temperature, depth, turbidity, current speed, pH, dissolved oxygen, nitrate and phosphate concentration. Relationship between bivalve abundance and organic material content was analyzed using a simple linear regression. Result shown that there were 5 bivalve spesies present, namely Anadonta woodiana (11/m2), Corbicula moltkiana (33/m2), Hyriopsis sp (4/m2), Pilsbryconcha exilis (10/m2) and Rectidens sp (3/m2). Consentration of organic material content in the sediment was 7.07 – 24.35%. There was strong relationship between bivalve abundance and organic material content (99.18%)


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    This study aims to determine the power arm, wrist flexibility, and know their contribution to controlling of basic chest pass technique. The type of this research uses servey. The population of this research is 25 people, the sample is taken by total sampling. Power arm data obtained from two hand medicine ball put, wrist flexibility data obtained from test goniometer, controlling of basic chest pass technique data obtained from speed pass. Data were analyzed by using correlation techniques and contribution (r2 x 100%) with significance level α 0,05. Data analisis of the power arm was obralned rscore = 0,803 and rtable = 0,413. Its contribution to controlling of basic chest pass technique precision is 64,48%. Data analysis of wrist flexibility was obralned rscore = 0,436 and rtable = 0,413. Its contribution to controlling of basic chest pass technique is 19%. Analysis of power arm data and wrist flexibility joint together contributed 66,25% to controlling of basic chest pass technique

    Design and Build a System to Minimize the Impact of Toluene Exposure on IoT-Based Workshop Workers

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    Toluene is one type of organic solvent that is widely used in industry. Organic solvents can have a negative impact on health when exposed to the human body through inhalation (breathing), digestion (swallowing) and adsorption (skin contact). This compound is widely used as a basic material for solvents, dyes, paints, resins, perfumes, nail polish, gasoline, glue, solvent thinner, immersion ink, and printing. The impact on each human will vary depending on the concentration, duration and toxicity of the solvent. The effects of exposure are generally long-term and short-term. Short-term effects include respiratory complaints and eye irritation in exposed humans. An ESP32 microcontroller, HCHO sensor, and DHT11 sensor were used in this study to construct a system to lessen the effects of toluene exposure on workshop personnel. Temperature and humidity sensors picked up by DHT11 have an average value for each node. Each node's average value for the temperature and humidity sensors detected by DHT11 is available. The average error value is categorized as accurate and good for nodes A and B, which are separated by 2 meters and 4 meters, respectively. Due to the DHT11's error rates, the temperature range is 20C and the humidity range is 5% RH

    Video Transmission and Navigation System using QR-Code on Quadcopter

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    In the current era of 4.0 technology, there are many quadcopter applications for testing and usability in life) to monitor the surrounding environment while operating and navigate through the GCS depending on the purpose made. Therefore, the operation of the drone is controlled directly by the operator through certain communication networks such as remote control or automatically through devices that have been previously programmed. This is necessary in order to make it easier to move the drone and monitoring can be done through operator directions or image processing. Image Processing in the form of a QR Code that can provide directions to the drone so that navigation can run smoothly. Research using how the camera detects QR Code will give directions to the drone to navigate to make movements following the QR Code directions in a sequence of numbers so that the final result in the form of video can be viewed via GCS and camera via IP CAM. The results of this study indicate that the drone can detect QR Code and opencv also successfully translates pixels is a distance of 5 meters and navigating based on pixel size with more than 100 pixels, the drone can move automatically to a certain destination. With a distance of 1 meter, it produces 100 pixels on the x-axis and 108 pixels on the y-axis, while for the furthest distance from the QR Code, which is 5 meters, it produces 50 pixels on the x-axis and 80 pixels on the y-axis.

    Peran Ninik Mamak Dalam Membimbing Perilaku Remaja Putus Sekolah di Jorong Durian Kamang Mudiak Kecamatan Kamang Magek

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    Perilaku adalah serangkaian tindakan yang dibuat individu, organisme, sistem, atau entitas buatan dalam hubungannya dengan dirinya sendiri atau lingkungannya yang mencakup sistem atau organisme lain di sekitarnyaserta lingkungan fisik. Pembentukan kepribadian yang pertama kali terbentuk dari pengaruh lingkungan keluarga sebagai lembaga pertama pembentukan kepribadian seorang anak, setelah anak beranjak dari masa anak-anak ke masa dewasa, yakni masa remaja. Niniak Mamak merupakan salah satu tokoh yang berperan serta memiliki tugas dalam membina kepribadian remaja yang telah terbentuk sebelumnya dengan cara membimbig dan mengarahkan dari segi kognit if maupun afektif dan motorik remaja. Terdapat remaja di Jorong Durian Kamang Mudiak yang putus sekolah, duduk – duduk di kedai atau simpang jalan hingga larut malam, remaja yang masih sekolah pun mengikuti kegiatan remaja putus sekolah tersebut seperti mengabaikan ibadah sholat wajib, berkata – kata kotor, merokok, kurang sopan santun kepada orang yang lebih tua. Hal tersebut menyebabkan kurang komunikasinya remaja putus sekolah kepada keluarga maupun Ninik Mamak dan remaja yang putus sekolah pengangguran sering mengganggu kenyamanan warga dengan bunyi motor yang tidak standart. Jenis penelitian yang di gunakan adalah penelitian dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu prosedur penelitian yang diambil dari data deskriptif berupa kata kata tertulis atau lisan dari orang yang berprilaku yang dapat diamati. Informasi kuncinya adalah mamak kandung dari remaja putus sekolah ini. Sedangkan informasi pendukungnya yaitu orang tua dari remaja putus sekolah, serta remaja putus sekolah itu sendiri dengan alasan informan tersebut memiliki peranan yaitu sangat penting terhadap pembinaan kelengkapan data. Pemilihan informasi menggunakan teknik snowball sampling. Teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui observasi dan wawancara. Setelah data terkumpul, penulis melakukan proses penganalisaan data menggunakan analisa deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diketahui bahwa ninik mamak telah memiliki peranan penting dalam membina kepribadian remaja di Jorong Durian Kamang Mudiak dan dapat mengembangkan kegiatan positif dalam mengendalikan perilaku remaja putus sekolah tersebut
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