674 research outputs found

    Progress report of the CR-39 neutron personal monitoring service at PSI

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    At the Paul Scherrer Institute a personal neutron dosimetry system based on chemically etched CR-39 detectors and automatic track counting is in routine use since the beginning of 1998. The quality of the CR-39 detectors has always been a crucial aspect to maintain a trustable personal neutron dosimetry system. This paper summarises the 7 y experience in routine use. The effect of detector material defects which could lead to false positive neutron doses is described. The potentiality of improving the background statistics by extending the pre-etch time is investigated and involves as a drawback a quite lower sensitivity to thermal neutrons. Furthermore, the impact of small changes in the production process of the detectors on the response to fast and thermal neutrons is shown. For the personal dosimetry at CERN, a new dosimetry concept was launched by combining a CR-39 neutron dosemeter with a Direct-Ion Storage (DIS) dosemeter for photon and beta radiation. The usage period of the CR-39 dosemeters is prolonged now from 3 months up to 12 months. In this context, the long-term behaviour over 1 y of the background track density and the response to Am-Be are describe

    Present status of the personal neutron dosemeter based on direct ion storage

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    In this paper the present status of the Direct Ion Storage Neutron (DIS-N) prototype dosemeter (RADOS) is described. The separation of neutron from photon dose equivalent has been improved by adding tin shieldings. The neutron energy response has been changed by additional plastic covers containing 40% B4C in order to reduce the over-response to thermal neutrons. The responses of the dosemeters were determined for standard photon and neutron fields (monoenergetic neutrons, neutron sources and simulated workplace fields). Irradiations in real workplaces were also performed. The dependence of the neutron response on the angle of incidence was measured for different neutron source

    Barriers and facilitators to chemotherapy patients' engagement in medical error prevention

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    Background: Medical errors are a serious threat to chemotherapy patients. Patients can make contributions to safety but little is known about the acceptability of error-preventing behaviors and its predictors. Patients and methods: A cross-sectional survey study among chemotherapy patients treated at the oncology/hematology unit of a regional hospital was conducted. Patients were presented vignettes of errors and unsafe acts and responded to measures of attitudes, behavioral control, norms, barriers, and anticipated reaction. Results: A total of 479 patients completed the survey (52% response rate). Patients reported a high level of anticipated activity but intentions to engage for safety varied considerably between the hypothetical scenarios (range: 57%-96%, χ2 P < 0.001). Health, knowledge and staff time pressure were perceived as most important barriers. Instrumental [odds ratio (OR) = 1.3, P = 0.046] and experiential attitudes (OR = 1.4, P < 0.001), expectations attributed to clinical staff (OR = 1.2, P = 0.024) and behavioral control (OR = 1.8, P < 0.001) were predictors for patients' behaviors. Conclusions: Patients are affirmative toward engaging for safety but perceive considerable barriers. Intentions to engage in error prevention vary by clinical context and are strongly influenced by attitudes, normative and control beliefs. To successfully involve patients in medical error, prevention clinicians need to address their patients' beliefs and reduce barriers through educatio

    Performance of a PADC personal neutron dosemeter at simulated and real workplace fields of the nuclear industry

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    In the framework of the EVIDOS (Evaluation of Individual Dosimetry in Mixed Neutron and Photon Radiation Fields) project, funded by the EC, measurements with PADC personal neutron dosemeters were carried out at several workplace fields of the nuclear industry and at simulated workplace fields. The measured personal neutron dose equivalents of the PADC personal neutron dosemeter are compared with values that were assessed within the EVIDOS project by other partners. The detection limits for different spectra types are given. In cases were the neutron dose was too low to be measured by the PADC personal neutron dosemeter, the response is estimated by convoluting the responses to monoenergetic neutrons with the dose energy distribution measured within EVIDOS. The advantages and limitations of the PADC personal neutron dosemeter are discusse

    Performance of a personal neutron dosemeter based on direct ion storage at workplace fields in the nuclear industry

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    In the framework of the EVIDOS project, funded by the EC, measurements were carried out using dosemeters, based on ionisation chambers with direct ion storage (DIS-N), at several workplace fields, namely, at a fuel processing plant, a boiling and a pressurised water reactor, and near transport and storage casks. The measurements and results obtained with the DIS-N in these workplaces, which are representative for the nuclear industry, are described in this study. Different dosemeter configurations of converter and shielding materials were considered. The results are compared with values for personal dose equivalent which were assessed within the EVIDOS project by other partners. The advantages and limitations of the DIS-N dosemeter are discusse

    The rotational excitation of HCN and HNC by He: New insights on the HCN/HNC abundance ratio in molecular clouds

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    Modeling of molecular emission from interstellar clouds requires the calculation of rates for excitation by collisions with the most abundant species. The present paper focuses on the calculation of rate coefficients for rotational excitation of the HCN and HNC molecules in their ground vibrational state in collision with He. The calculations are based on new two-dimensional potential energy surfaces obtained from highly correlated \textit{ab initio} calculations. Calculations of pure rotational (de)excitation cross sections of HCN and HNC by He were performed using the essentially exact close-coupling method. Cross sections for transitions among the 8 first rotational levels of HCN and HNC were calculated for kinetic energies up to 1000 cm−1^{-1}. These cross sections were used to determine collisional rate constants for temperatures ranging from 5 K to 100 K. A propensity for even Δj\Delta j transitions is observed in the case of HCN--He collisions whereas a propensity for odd Δj\Delta j transitions is observed in the case of HNC--He collisions. The consequences for astrophysical models are evaluated and it is shown that the use of HCN rate coefficients to interpret HNC observations can lead to significant inaccuracies in the determination of the HNC abundance, in particular in cold dark clouds for which the new HNC rates show that the j=1−0j=1-0 line of this species will be more easily excited by collisions than HCN. An important result of the new HNC-He rates is that the HNC/HCN abundance ratio derived from observations in cold clouds has to be revised from >>1 to ≃\simeq1, in good agreement with detailed chemical models available in the literature.Comment: 8 figue

    Autoantibodies in humans with cystic or alveolar echinococcosis

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    Sera from 16 echinococcosis patients were analyzed with respect to poiyclonal B cell activation and autoantibody formation. At least 8 of the sera were from patients who were never in tropical countries and therefore their cases were not complicated by other parasitic diseases. In comparison with a group of 52 healthy controls, these patients had significant levels of antibodies to DNP and haemocyanin, indicators of polyclonal B cell activation. There were also significant differences between control and patient groups with respect to antibodies to dsDNA, histones, actin, vimentin, and desmin. This is the first report of autoantibodies in echinococcosi

    Stratospheric influence on ECMWF sub‐seasonal forecast skill for energy‐industry‐relevant surface weather in European countries

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    Meteorologists in the energy industry increasingly draw upon the potential for enhanced sub‐seasonal predictability of European surface weather following anomalous states of the winter stratospheric polar vortex (SPV). How the link between the SPV and the large‐scale tropospheric flow translates into forecast skill for surface weather in individual countries – a spatial scale that is particularly relevant for the energy industry – remains an open question. Here we quantify the effect of anomalously strong and weak SPV states at forecast initial time on the probabilistic extended‐range reforecast skill of the European Centre for Medium‐Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) in predicting country‐ and month‐ahead‐averaged anomalies of 2 m temperature, 10 m wind speed, and precipitation. After anomalous SPV states, specific surface weather anomalies emerge, which resemble the opposing phases of the North Atlantic Oscillation. We find that forecast skill is, to first order, only enhanced for countries that are entirely affected by these anomalies. However, the model has a flow‐dependent bias for 2 m temperature (T2M): it predicts the warm conditions in Western, Central and Southern Europe following strong SPV states well, but is overconfident with respect to the warm anomaly in Scandinavia. Vice versa, it predicts the cold anomaly in Scandinavia following weak SPV states well, but struggles to capture the strongly varying extent of the cold air masses into Central and Southern Europe. This tends to reduce skill (in some cases significantly) for Scandinavian countries following strong SPV states, and most pronounced, for many Central, Southern European, and Balkan countries following weak SPV states. As most of the weak SPV states are associated with sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs), our study thus advices particular caution when interpreting sub‐seasonal regional T2M forecasts following SSWs. In contrast, it suggests that the model benefits from enhanced predictability for a considerable part of Europe following strong SPV states
