150 research outputs found

    Образовательные кластеры как инструмент государственной политики на рынке образовательных услуг

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    У статті наведено визначення терміну «освітній кластер», проаналізовано характерні особливості деяких всесвітньовідомих освітніх кластерів, запропоновано класифікацію освітніх кластерів світу. Виявлено основні світові тенденції кластеризації освітньої галузі. Представлена специфіка застосування кластерного підходу в сфері освіти. З’ясовано, що кластери та кластерні технології відіграють все більшу роль у розвитку інноваційних економік розвинених країн світу, де політика кластеризації за умов активної державної підтримки реалізується ще з початку 90-х років ХХ сторіччя. Оцінено позиції України у кластерному розрізі. У висновках наголошено на актуальності активізації міжнародної діяльності сучасних університетів. Встановлено, що формування освітніх кластерів є важливою частиною державної кадрової політики багатьох країн світу. Визначена доцільність впровадження кластерної політики для підвищення конкурентоспроможності українських освітніх установ на основі аналізу міжнародного досвіду. Виявлено, що результатом діяльності освітнього кластеру є дифузія інноваційної активності від одного суб’єкта продуктивних взаємин до іншого. Підкреслено, що кластери можуть стати основою, завдяки якій буде сформовано національну інноваційну систему.Due to the new challenges, the implementation of cluster technology can be considired to be one of the innovative and promising tools of national and regional economy’ competitiveness raise. The cluster approach can be used is in different areas, but most attention in thie article has been paid to the problems of industrial clusters. At the same time, educational clusters remain to be poorly implemented in practice and, consequently, they are less studied theoretically.The aim of the article is to study the features of formation of educational clusters, to determine the theoretical foundations of the process and to prove the necessity to use the cluster approach in the process of the Ukrainian educational system’s management improvement in modern conditions.The aim of the article has led to the solution of such problems as: to give the definition of “education cluster”; to find out the specifics of the application of the cluster approach in education; to analyze main global trends of the educational sector’s clustering, to determine the classification of educational cluster in the world; to offer functional model of the educational cluster, based on socio-economic interaction of the cluster.The educational cluster is a union of closely related and geographically closely placed educational institutions, which promote joint development and growth of competitiveness of each separate ones. This is aimed at the improvement of innovation and quality of manpower’s training both on the regional and national labor market.It has been proven that the cluster approach of the organization of regional educational institutions transforms the situational contacts between enterprises, institutions and organizations into the system sustainable partnerships, stimulates the implementation of joint projects, and helps to reduce the total cost of the educational development, science and innovation development.It increases the efficiency of such structure, optimizes the available resources. As a result, the innovation activity of cluster membersis developing. However, there are the important factors such as the improvement of education and training systems of future teachers, its readiness to implement innovations in the region, to support the innovation and methodological sides of the educational process, to create opportunities for innovation and to improve the institutional framework and distribution system of knowledge and technologies.Due to this, the innovative educational cluster has been determined as a voluntary association of geographically close interacting entities, educational institutions, government, banking and private sector, innovative enterprises/organizations infrastructure. Such interaction is characterized by the production of competitive educational, cultural, social services, the availability of the agreed development strategy aimed at the interests of each participant and the region being a territory of cluster’s localization.В статье приведено определение термина «образовательный кластер», проанализированы характерные особенности некоторых всемирно образовательных кластеров, предложена классификация образовательных кластеров мира. Выявлены основные мировые тенденции кластеризации образования. Представлена специфика применения кластерного подхода в сфере образования. Установлено, что кластеры и кластерные технологии играют все большую роль в развитии инновационных экономик развитых стран мира, где политика кластеризации в условиях активной государственной поддержки реализуется еще с начала 90-х годов ХХ столетия. Оценены позиции Украины в кластерном разрезе. В выводах отмечается актуальность активизации международной деятельности современных университетов. Установлено, что формирование образовательных кластеров является важной частью государственной кадровой политики многих стран мира. Определена целесообразность внедрения кластерной политики для повышения конкурентоспособности украинских образовательных учреждений на основе анализа международного опыта. Выявлено, что результатом деятельности образовательного кластера является диффузия инновационной активности от одного субъекта производительных отношений к другому. Подчеркнуто, что кластеры могут стать основой, благодаря которой будет сформирована национальная инновационная система

    Metabolic syndrome: review

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    The psychosomatic component of the metabolic syndrome, historical aspect of the problem under study, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of pathogenesis are considered in the article. The symptomatic components of the metabolic syndrome and their interrelation are outlined, the ways of diagnosis and therapy and  directions of modern research in this field are outlined

    Pharmaceutical Market of the EAEU: Trends and Prospects of Development

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    In modern conditions, international integration in the pharmaceutical industry is becoming a necessary condition for the development of the industry. At the same time, the improvement of medical science and technology is determined by the use of innovative technologies that prevail in the market of medicines. All this determines the relevance of the study. In recent years, the pharmaceutical industry has faced serious challenges: first it was the COVID-19 pandemic, which required a significant mobilization of all scientific and production resources, operational restructuring of many processes, expansion of tools for interaction and partnership at all levels, changes in the regulatory environment, then economic restrictive measures were taken against Russia, which, although not affected drug provision, but they created considerable logistical difficulties for drug manufacturers and generated certain unrest among drug consumers.Aim. To assess the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU, identify emerging problems and outline ways to solve them.Tasks. Consider the capacity of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU; identify problems arising in the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU; to determine the prospects for the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU.Methods. Statistical analysis of data and synthesis of the results obtained for comparison purposes.Results. A study of trends in the pharmaceutical market was conducted, as a result of which generalizing conclusions were made; problems faced by the market under the influence of uncertainty and risk factors were identified; attempts were made to identify promising directions for the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU.Conclusion. The conducted research makes it possible to identify problematic issues in the development of the pharmaceutical market of the EAEU and outline ways to eliminate them

    Symptoms of Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease and the Severity of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome Are Not Related in Sleep Disorders Center Patients

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    Background: Studies suggest obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) frequently manifests in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and that there may be a causal relationship. Aim: To determine the relationship between OSAS and symptoms of GERD. Methods: Consecutive patients referred to the Sleep Disorders Center (SDC) 18 years and older with polysomnographically defined OSAS were evaluated prospectively for GERD using a validated symptoms questionnaire. The GERD and OSAS relationship was assessed by 1) determining frequency of GERD in patients with and without OSAS; 2) ascertaining the relationship between OSAS severity categories and presence of GERD; 3) examining GERD score in relation to those factors that might affect both GERD and OSAS, e.g. obesity. Results: One thousand and twenty-three SDC patients met entry citeria. Amongst participants, GERD was common (29% of women and 17% of males) and OSAS extremely common (58% of women and 80% of males). GERD score did not correlate with OSAS variables. The severity of OSAS did not influence the prevalence of GERD. Conclusion: In a large group of patients referred to a sleep disorders center, there was no relationship between OSAS and GERD symptoms. Also, there was no relationship between the severity of OSAS and the likelihood of GERD symptoms

    Improving the Sphere of Customs Administration in Russia Based on the Chinese Experience

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    The widespread use of new technologies based on digitalization has recently intensified, due to the processes associated with changes in business organization. Serious attention is paid to this direction of development by business representatives engaged in economic activities in international trade and governments of the leading economies of the world, including China and Russia. The introduction of digitalization processes in various sectors of the economy has become a conscious necessity. In order to theoretically substantiate and subsequently achieve the necessary level of development of information technologies and communications, analytical studies and testing of changes in this area are being conducted in many countries. The economy based on the introduction of digital technologies determines the vector of development of the economies of countries for the long term.Aim. Analyze the digital transformation of the Chinese economy, identify positive experience in the application of digital solutions and their impact on the simplification of customs procedures and correlate the results with Russia.Tasks. Consider technological trends in digital transformation; to study the results of the policy in carrying out the digitalization of the economy of China and Russia; to consider possible promising areas for the development of cooperation between China and Russia in the field of digital.Methods. Statistical analysis of data and synthesis of the results obtained for comparison purposes.Results. As a result of the study, the following results were obtained: a) a comparative analysis of the changes in the values of indicators on the Global Connectivity Index (GCI) of China and Russia in 2020 compared to 2015 was carried out, the reasons for the changes that occurred were substantiated; b) the dynamics of exports and imports of China, as well as data on trade turnover between China and Russia for the period from 1991 to October 2021; c) the experience of customs administration in China is considered and possible directions of its application in Russia are determined.Conclusion. The positive experience of China’s customs administration in the light of the digitalization of economic processes can be used in Russia, which can certainly improve the current situation in the field of customs administration in our country

    Relative concentration and structure of native defects in GaP

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    The native defects in the compound semiconductor GaP have been studied using a pseudopotential density functional theory method in order to determine their relative concentrations and the most stable charge states. The electronic and atomic structures are presented and the defect concentrations are estimated using calculated formation energies. Relaxation effects are taken into account fully and produce negative-U charge transfer levels for VP and PGa. The concentration of VGa is in good agreement with the results of positron annihilation experiments. The charge transfer levels presented compare qualitatively well with experiments where available. The effect of stoichiometry on the defect concentrations is also described and is shown to be considerable. The lowest formation energies are found for PGa +2 in p-type and VGa −3 in n-type GaP under P-rich conditions, and for GaP −2 in n-type GaP under Ga-rich conditions. Finally, the finite size errors arising from the use of supercells with periodic boundary conditions are examined

    The cognition-enhancing activity of E1R, a novel positive allosteric modulator of sigma-1 receptors

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    Background and Purpose Here, we describe the in vitro and in vivo effects of (4R,5S)-2-(5-methyl-2-oxo-4-phenyl-pyrrolidin-1-yl)-acetamide (E1R), a novel positive allosteric modulator of sigma-1 receptors. Experimental Approach E1R was tested for sigma receptor binding activity in a [3H](+)- pentazocine assay, in bradykinin (BK)-induced intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) assays and in an electrically stimulated rat vas deferens model. E1R's effects on cognitive function were tested using passive avoidance (PA) and Y-maze tests in mice. A selective sigma-1 receptor antagonist (NE-100), was used to study the involvement of the sigma-1 receptor in the effects of E1R. The open-field test was used to detect the effects of E1R on locomotion. Key Results Pretreatment with E1R enhanced the selective sigma-1 receptor agonist PRE-084's stimulating effect during a model study employing electrically stimulated rat vasa deferentia and an assay measuring the BK-induced [Ca2+]i increase. Pretreatment with E1R facilitated PA retention in a dose-related manner. Furthermore, E1R alleviated the scopolamine-induced cognitive impairment during the PA and Y-maze tests in mice. The in vivo and in vitro effects of E1R were blocked by treatment with the selective sigma-1 receptor antagonist NE-100. E1R did not affect locomotor activity. Conclusion and Implications E1R is a novel 4,5-disubstituted derivative of piracetam that enhances cognition and demonstrates efficacy against scopolamine-induced cholinergic dysfunction in mice. These effects are attributed to its positive modulatory action on the sigma-1 receptor and this activity may be relevant when developing new drugs for treating cognitive symptoms related to neurodegenerative diseases.publishersversionPeer reviewe

    The total neutron cross section for natural carbon in the energy range 2 to 148 keV

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    Abstract. An experimental investigations of the total neutron cross section for natural carbon were done at Kyiv Research Reactor using neutron filtered beams with energies 2, 3.5, 12, 24, 55, 59, 133 and 148 keV. The intense neutron beams formed by composite neutron filters at reactor horizontal channels had the fluxes of about 10 6 -10 7 neutron/cm 2. s at the fixed neutron energies and this enabled to measure the neutron cross sections with accuracy better than 3%. Transmission method was used in these measurements. The results are presented together with the analysis of the known previous experimental data and the evaluated nuclear data from ENDF libraries

    Inspiratory muscle rehabilitation in critically ill adults a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Rationale: Respiratory muscle weakness is common in critically ill patients; the role of targeted inspiratory muscle training (IMT) in intensive care unit rehabilitation strategies remains poorly defined. Objectives: The primary objective of the present study was to describe the range and tolerability of published methods for IMT. The secondary objectives were to determine whether IMT improves respiratory muscle strength and clinical outcomes in critically ill patients. Methods: We conducted a systematic review to identify randomized and nonrandomized studies of physical rehabilitation interventions intended to strengthen the respiratory muscles in critically ill adults. We searched the MEDLINE, Embase, HealthSTAR, CINAHL, and CENTRAL databases (inception to September Week 3, 2017) and conference proceedings (2012 to 2017). Data were independently extracted by two authors and collected on a standardized report form. Results: A total of 28 studies (N = 1,185 patients) were included. IMT was initiated during early mechanical ventilation (8 studies), after patients proved difficult to wean (14 studies), or after extubation (3 studies), and 3 other studies did not report exact timing. Threshold loading was the most common technique; 13 studies employed strength training regimens, 11 studies employed endurance training regimens, and 4 could not be classified. IMT was feasible, and there were few adverse events during IMT sessions (nine studies; median, 0%; interquartile range, 0-0%). In randomized trials (n = 20), IMT improved maximal inspiratory pressure compared with control (15 trials; mean increase, 6 cm H2O; 95% confidence interval [CI], 5-8 cm H2O; pooled relative ratio of means, 1.19; 95% CI, 1.14-1.25) and maximal expiratory pressure (4 trials; mean increase, 9 cm H2O; 95% CI, 5-14 cm H2O). IMT was associated with a shorter duration of ventilation (nine trials; mean difference, 4.1 d; 95% CI, 0.8-7.4 d) and a shorter duration of weaning (eight trials; mean difference, 2.3 d; 95% CI, 0.7-4.0 d), but confidence in these pooled estimates was low owing to methodological limitations, including substantial statistical and methodological heterogeneity. Conclusions: Most studies of IMT in critically ill patients have employed inspiratory threshold loading. IMT is feasible and well tolerated in critically ill patients and improves both inspiratory and expiratory muscle strength. The impact of IMT on clinical outcomes requires future confirmation