73 research outputs found

    Economizing in a Context of Strategizing: Governance Mode Choice in Cournot Competition

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    Abstract This paper builds on JEL classification: D21; D23; L22 Keywords: Transaction cost economics; Organization; Strategy Economizing and strategizing in Cournot competition Williamson has categorized economic approaches to strategy as either strategizing, which appeals to a market power perspective, or economizing, which is principally concerned with organizational efficiency. Of the two, Williamson (1991, p.75) "aver[s] that . . . economizing is much the more fundamental." Teece et al. (1997, p.513) echo this view by arguing that the game-theoretic strategic conflict approach "ignores competition as a process involving the development, accumulation, combination, and protection of unique skills and capabilities," which they believe is central to building a long-run competitive advantage. Collectively, * Corresponding author. Tel.: +1314-935-6046; fax: +1-314-935-6359 E-mail address: [email protected] (J.A. Nickerson) 0167-2681/99/$ -see front matter ©1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 1 6 7 -2 6 8 1 ( 9 9 ) 0 0 0 3 9 -

    Noncommutative resolutions of ADE fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds

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    In this paper we construct noncommutative resolutions of a certain class of Calabi-Yau threefolds studied by F. Cachazo, S. Katz and C. Vafa. The threefolds under consideration are fibered over a complex plane with the fibers being deformed Kleinian singularities. The construction is in terms of a noncommutative algebra introduced by V. Ginzburg, which we call the "N=1 ADE quiver algebra"

    Stars of extragalactic origin in the solar neighborhood

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    We computed the spatial velocities and the galactic orbital elements using Hipparcos data for 77 nearest main-sequence F-G-stars with published the iron, magnesium, and europium abundances determined from high dispersion spectra and with the ages estimated from theoretical isochrones. A comparison with the orbital elements of the globular clusters that are known was accreted by our Galaxy in the past reveals stars of extragalactic origin. We show that the relative elemental abundance ratios of r- and \alpha- elements in all the accreted stars differ sharply from those in the stars that are genetically associated with the Galaxy. According to current theoretical models, europium is produced mainly in low mass Type II supernovae (SNe II), while magnesium is synthesized in larger amounts in high mass SN II progenitors. Since all the old accreted stars of our sample exhibit a significant Eu overabundance relative to Mg, we conclude that the maximum masses of the SNII progenitors outside the Galaxy were much lower than those inside it are. On the other hand, only a small number of young accreted stars exhibit low negative ratios [Eu/Mg]<0[Eu/Mg] < 0. The delay of primordial star formation burst and the explosions of high mass SNe II in a relatively small part of extragalactic space can explain this situation. We provide evidence that the interstellar medium was weakly mixed at the early evolutionary stages of the Galaxy formed from a single proto-galactic cloud and that the maximum mass of the SN II progenitors increased in it with time simultaneously with the increase in mean metallicity.Comment: Accepted for 2004, Astronomy Letters, Vol. 30, No. 3, P.148-158 15 pages, 3 figure

    Optical Spectroscopy of Active Galactic Nuclei in SA57

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    The cosmological evolution of X-ray-selected and optically selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) show different behaviours interpreted in terms of two different populations. The difference is evident mainly for low luminosity AGNs (LLAGNs), many of which are lost by optical photometric surveys. We are conducting a spectroscopical study of a composite sample of AGN candidates selected in SA57 following different searching techniques, to identify low luminosity AGNs and break down the sample into different classes of objects. AGN candidates were obtained through optical variability and/or X-ray emission. Of special interest are the extended variable objects, which are expected to be galaxies hosting LLAGNs. Among the 26 classified objects a fair number (9) show typical AGN spectra. 10 objects show Narrow Emission Line Galaxy spectra, and in most of them (8/10) optical variability suggests the presence of LLAGNs.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, to appear in A&

    Generation of single-mode SU(1,1) intelligent states and an analytic approach to their quantum statistical properties

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    We discuss a scheme for generation of single-mode photon states associated with the two-photon realization of the SU(1,1) algebra. This scheme is based on the process of non-degenerate down-conversion with the signal prepared initially in the squeezed vacuum state and with a measurement of the photon number in one of the output modes. We focus on the generation and properties of single-mode SU(1,1) intelligent states which minimize the uncertainty relations for Hermitian generators of the group. Properties of the intelligent states are studied by using a ``weak'' extension of the analytic representation in the unit disk. Then we are able to obtain exact analytical expressions for expectation values describing quantum statistical properties of the SU(1,1) intelligent states. Attention is mainly devoted to the study of photon statistics and linear and quadratic squeezing.Comment: to appear in Quantum Semiclass. Opt., LaTeX, epsf style, 21 pages including 5 Postscript figures. More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    SU(2) and SU(1,1) algebra eigenstates: A unified analytic approach to coherent and intelligent states

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    We introduce the concept of algebra eigenstates which are defined for an arbitrary Lie group as eigenstates of elements of the corresponding complex Lie algebra. We show that this concept unifies different definitions of coherent states associated with a dynamical symmetry group. On the one hand, algebra eigenstates include different sets of Perelomov's generalized coherent states. On the other hand, intelligent states (which are squeezed states for a system of general symmetry) also form a subset of algebra eigenstates. We develop the general formalism and apply it to the SU(2) and SU(1,1) simple Lie groups. Complete solutions to the general eigenvalue problem are found in the both cases, by a method that employs analytic representations of the algebra eigenstates. This analytic method also enables us to obtain exact closed expressions for quantum statistical properties of an arbitrary algebra eigenstate. Important special cases such as standard coherent states and intelligent states are examined and relations between them are studied by using their analytic representations.Comment: LaTeX, 24 pages, 1 figure (compressed PostScript, available at http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/abstracts/AES.html ). More information on http://www.technion.ac.il/~brif/science.htm

    Dark Energy from structure: a status report

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    The effective evolution of an inhomogeneous universe model in any theory of gravitation may be described in terms of spatially averaged variables. In Einstein's theory, restricting attention to scalar variables, this evolution can be modeled by solutions of a set of Friedmann equations for an effective volume scale factor, with matter and backreaction source terms. The latter can be represented by an effective scalar field (`morphon field') modeling Dark Energy. The present work provides an overview over the Dark Energy debate in connection with the impact of inhomogeneities, and formulates strategies for a comprehensive quantitative evaluation of backreaction effects both in theoretical and observational cosmology. We recall the basic steps of a description of backreaction effects in relativistic cosmology that lead to refurnishing the standard cosmological equations, but also lay down a number of challenges and unresolved issues in connection with their observational interpretation. The present status of this subject is intermediate: we have a good qualitative understanding of backreaction effects pointing to a global instability of the standard model of cosmology; exact solutions and perturbative results modeling this instability lie in the right sector to explain Dark Energy from inhomogeneities. It is fair to say that, even if backreaction effects turn out to be less important than anticipated by some researchers, the concordance high-precision cosmology, the architecture of current N-body simulations, as well as standard perturbative approaches may all fall short in correctly describing the Late Universe.Comment: Invited Review for a special Gen. Rel. Grav. issue on Dark Energy, 59 pages, 2 figures; matches published versio

    Expression proteomics of UPF1 knockdown in HeLa cells reveals autoregulation of hnRNP A2/B1 mediated by alternative splicing resulting in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay

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    BACKGROUND: In addition to acting as an RNA quality control pathway, nonsense-mediated mRNA decay (NMD) plays roles in regulating normal gene expression. In particular, the extent to which alternative splicing is coupled to NMD and the roles of NMD in regulating uORF containing transcripts have been a matter of debate. RESULTS: In order to achieve a greater understanding of NMD regulated gene expression we used 2D-DiGE proteomics technology to examine the changes in protein expression induced in HeLa cells by UPF1 knockdown. QPCR based validation of the corresponding mRNAs, in response to both UPF1 knockdown and cycloheximide treatment, identified 17 bona fide NMD targets. Most of these were associated with bioinformatically predicted NMD activating features, predominantly upstream open reading frames (uORFs). Strikingly, however, the majority of transcripts up-regulated by UPF1 knockdown were either insensitive to, or even down-regulated by, cycloheximide treatment. Furthermore, the mRNA abundance of several down-regulated proteins failed to change upon UPF1 knockdown, indicating that UPF1`s role in regulating mRNA and protein abundance is more complex than previously appreciated. Among the bona fide NMD targets, we identified a highly conserved AS-NMD event within the 3` UTR of the HNRNPA2B1 gene. Overexpression of GFP tagged hnRNP A2 resulted in a decrease in endogenous hnRNP A2 and B1 mRNA with a concurrent increase in the NMD sensitive isoforms. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the large number of changes in protein expression upon UPF1 knockdown, a relatively small fraction of them can be directly attributed to the action of NMD on the corresponding mRNA. From amongst these we have identified a conserved AS-NMD event within HNRNPA2B1 that appears to mediate autoregulation of HNRNPA2B1 expression levels

    Swift UV/Optical Telescope Imaging of Star Forming Regions in M81 and Holmberg IX

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    We present Swift UV/Optical Telescope (UVOT) imaging of the galaxies M81 and Holmberg IX. We combine UVOT imaging in three near-ultraviolet (NUV) filters (uvw2: 1928 Å; uvm2: 2246 Å; uvw1: 2600 Å) with ground-based optical imaging from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to constrain the stellar populations of both galaxies. Our analysis consists of three different methods. First, we use the NUV imaging to identify UV star-forming knots and then perform spectral energy distribution (SED) modeling on the UV/optical photometry of these sources. Second, we measure surface brightness profiles of the disk of M81 in the NUV and optical. Lastly, we use SED fitting of individual pixels to map the properties of the two galaxies. In agreement with earlier studies, we find evidence for a burst in star formation in both galaxies starting ~200 Myr ago coincident with the suggested time of an M81-M82 interaction. In line with theories of its origin as a tidal dwarf, we find that the luminosity-weighted age of Holmberg IX is a few hundred million years. Both galaxies are best fit by a Milky Way dust extinction law with a prominent 2175 Å bump. In addition, we describe a stacked median filter technique for modeling the diffuse background light within a galaxy and a Markov chain method for cleaning segment maps generated by SExtractor

    Copy Number Variants Are Ovarian Cancer Risk Alleles at Known and Novel Risk Loci

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